Month: March 2018

СБУ: вислані зі США дипломати Росії на 5 років є небажаними особами в Україні

Служба безпеки України закрила в’їзд в Україну видвореним зі США 60 громадянам Росії «за причетність до діяльності спецслужб країни-агресора», повідомила 31 березня прес-служба СБУ.

«Їхня діяльність визнана несумісною зі статусом дипломата. Заборона на п’ять років стосується 48 дипломатів посольства Росії та 12 осіб з Організації Об’єднаних Націй у Нью-Йорку, яких було вислано з США 26 березня», – ідеться в повідомленні.

Українська спецслужба нагадує, що 27 березня закрила в’їзд 23 громадянам Росії, причетним до розвідувальних служб РФ, яких видворено з Великої Британії у зв’язку з отруєнням Сергія Скрипаля та його дочки.

Президент США Дональд Трамп наказав вислати «десятки» російських офіцерів розвідки через отруєння в Британії колишнього подвійного шпигуна з Росії Сергія Скрипаля, повідомила прес-служба Білого дому 26 березня.

Екс-розвідника Сергія Скрипаля та його дочку Юлію виявили 4 березня непритомними на лавці в парку Солсбері на півдні Великої Британії. Пізніше британські слідчі встановили, що їх отруїли нервово-паралітичною речовиною з серії «Новачок», яку розробили в Росії (СРСР).

14 березня прем’єр-міністр Великої Британії Тереза Мей звинуватила Росію в отруєнні Скрипаля і його дочки й оголосила про вислання 23 російських дипломатів.

Згодом до вислання дипломатів або відкликання з Росії послів вдалися понад 30 країн, які таким чином висловили солідарність із Лондоном. Україна, яка оголосила небажаними особами 13 дипломатів, є на третьому місці за кількістю таких осіб – слідом за США та Великою Британією.

Ердоган обурився діями прем’єра Косова в питанні депортації громадян Туреччини

Президент Туреччини Реджеп Тайїп Ердоган висловив обурення діями прем’єр-міністра Косова Рамуша Харадіная в справі депортації турецьких громадян. Ердоган заявив 31 березня, що він «засмучений» тим, що Харадінай звільнив міністра внутрішніх справ та його начальника розвідки за висилку цих людей із Косова.

«Моє питання до прем’єр-міністра Косова Рамуша Харадіная: за чиїми інструкціями ви вдалися до таких дій? Відколи вм стализахищати тих, хто намагався здійснити переворот у Туреччині? Як ви можете захищати цих людей?.. Ви відповісте за це!» – заявив Ердоган на з’їзді владної в Туреччині Партії справедливості та розвитку.

Раніше Косово розпочало розслідування в справі арешту та депортації шести турецьких громадян за зв’язки зі школами, пов’язаними з рухом Фетхуллах Ґюлена, якого Анкара звинувачує в організації невдалого перевороту 2016 року.

«Ми вирішили розпочати розслідування щодо всіх структур, які брали участь в арешті та депортації шести турецьких чоловіків», – заявив прем’єр-міністр Рамуш Харадінай 31 березня після засідання Ради безпеки Косова.

Харадінай 30 березня звільнив міністра внутрішніх справ і керівника спецслужби через те, що вони не поінформували його про операцію.

Туреччина заявила, що шість арештованих 29 березня є відповідальними за вербування в мережу Ґюлена та допомогу тим, хто тікає з країни після звинувачень у причетності до організації опального клірика.

Туреччина є основним партнером небагатого Косова, країни, яка оголосила про незалежність від Сербії у 2008 році. Зокрема, турецькі фірми керують єдиним міжнародним аеропортом і електричною мережею в балканській країні, а також будують дві дороги вартістю близько 2 мільярдів доларів.

Анкара звинувачує мусульманського клірика Фетхуллаха Ґюлена, що перебуває в Сполучених Штатах, в організації невдалого перевороту 15 липня 2016 року. Його організацію влада Туреччини називає терористичною. Сам Ґюлен заперечує будь-яку зв’язок із заворушеннями.

Human Rights Watch критикує владу Косова через арешти громадян Туреччини, оскільки в рідній країні ці чоловіки перебувають під загрозою катувань, вказують правозахисники.

ООН та ЄС вимагають розслідування сутичок на межі Смуги Гази та Ізраїлю

ООН і Європейський союз вимагають «незалежного та прозорого» розслідування подій на межі Ізраїлю і сектора Газа, що сталися 30 березня. У сутичках з ізраїльськими військовими загинули, за останніми даними, 16 палестинців. Палестинські лікарі заявляють про більш як тисячу поранених, у тому числі сотні людей з вогнепальними пораненнями.

Субота на палестинських територіях оголошена днем жалоби. Антиізраїльські виступи тривають як у Газі, так і на Західному березі Йордану.

Палестинці в Смузі Гази 30 березня розпочали шеститижневий протест поблизу кордону з Ізраїлем.

За словами організаторів акції, вони хочуть привернути увагу до долі палестинців, які не можуть повернутися до своїх домівок на території Ізраїлю. За кілометр від кордону з Ізраїлем протестувальники розбили намети.

Ізраїльські війська перебувають у стані підвищеної готовності вздовж кордону, побоюючись спроб масового порушення кордону.

Протест скликало палестинське угруповання «Хамас», яке керує Смугою Гази.

У Міністерстві закордонних справ Ізраїлю заявили, що протест є навмисною спробою спровокувати конфронтацію. Міністерство поклало відповідальність за будь-які можливі сутички на «Хамас».

Міністр оборони Ізраїлю Авігдор Ліберман розмістив у Twitter повідомлення арабською мовою. Він написав, що «Хамас» «грається з людськими життями», і закликав палестинців не піддаватися на провокації.

«Хамас» звинуватив владу Ізраїлю в спробах залякати палестинців.

За даними ООН, приблизно 1,3 мільйона із двох мільйонів жителів Гази є біженцями або нащадками біженців, які не можуть повернутися на територію, яка зараз є Ізраїлем.

Fox News Host Taking Leave After Mocking School Shooting Survivor

Fox News show host Laura Ingraham announced on her show late Friday that she is taking next week off, after almost a dozen advertisers dropped her show after the conservative pundit mocked a teenage survivor of the Florida school massacre on Twitter.

Eleven companies so far have pulled their ads after a pushback by Parkland student David Hogg, 17, who called for a boycott of her advertisers.

A Fox News Channel spokeswoman said Ingraham was taking a pre-planned spring vacation with her children.

Hogg took aim at the host’s show, “The Ingraham Angle,” after she taunted him on Twitter on Wednesday, accusing him of whining about being rejected by four colleges to which he had applied.

Hogg is a survivor of the February 14 mass shooting that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the Parkland suburb of Fort Lauderdale. He and other classmates have become the faces of a new youth-led movement calling for tighter restrictions on firearms.

Hogg tweeted a list of a dozen companies that advertise on “The Ingraham Angle” and urged his supporters to demand that they cancel their ads.

On Thursday, Ingraham tweeted an apology “in the spirit of Holy Week,” saying she was sorry for any hurt or upset she had caused Hogg or any of the “brave victims” of Parkland.

But her apology did not stop companies from departing.

The companies announcing that they are cancelling their ads are: Nutrish, the pet food line created by celebrity chef Rachael Ray, travel website TripAdvisor Inc, online home furnishings seller Wayfair Inc, the world’s largest packaged food company, Nestle SA, online streaming service Hulu, travel website Expedia Group Inc and online personal shopping service Stitch Fix.

According to CBS News, four other companies joined the list Friday: the home office supply store Office Depot, the dieting company Jenny Craig, the Atlantis, Paradise Island resort and Johnson & Johnson which produces pharmaceuticals as well as consumer products such as Band-Aids, Neutrogena beauty products

and Tylenol.

Hogg wrote on Twitter that an apology just to mollify advertisers was insufficient.

Ingraham’s show runs on Fox News, part of Rupert Murdoch’s Twenty-First Century Fox Inc.


Scientist, Pop Culture Icon Stephen Hawking Mourned at Cambridge Funeral

Crowds lined the streets of Cambridge, England, on Saturday for the funeral of one of the world’s most famous scientists: physicist Stephen Hawking, who died March 14 at age 76.

The scientist, confined for decades to a wheelchair and voice synthesizer because of the disease ALS, was known for his charisma, curiosity, and a crackling sense of humor. His science books and television cameos made him a pop-culture icon.

Hawking described his research as seeking “a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.”

Hawking’s funeral was held Saturday at the Cambridge University church known as Great St. Mary’s. As the funeral procession arrived, bells rang 76 times — once for each year of Hawking’s life.

In addition to Hawking’s family members, caretakers, former students, and admirers, the ceremony was attended by a number of famous faces. Among them was actor Eddie Redmayne, who played Hawking in an award-winning film biography of his life called The Theory of Everything, released in 2014.

Redmayne’s co-star, Felicity Jones, model Lily Cole, Queen guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May, and Britain’s Astronomer Royal, the Lord Rees of Ludlow (Martin Rees), were also there.

The eulogy, read by professor Faye Dowker, praised Hawking as someone “revered for his devotion as a scholar to the pursuit of knowledge.”

Hawking will be given one last high honor: his remains are to be interred in Westminster Abbey among some of Britain’s most legendary intellectuals. Hawking will take his place next to 17th-century mathematical scientist Isaac Newton and near 19th-century evolutionary scientist Charles Darwin.

Russia’s World Cup Drives Some Students to Rare Protests

Many students would be delighted to have the World Cup in town, but not Maria Cheremnova.


The 20-year-old physics student in Moscow is one of thousands campaigning against the June 14-July 15 soccer tournament, which is set to disrupt academic life across the country.


There will be a 25,000-capacity fan zone outside the main building at Russia’s prestigious Moscow State University during exam season. In other cities, exams have been brought forward and thousands of police are set to move into dorm rooms.


The Moscow fan zone – a public viewing area with a big screen, beer and music – is on prime real estate near the vast Luzhniki arena, the river and the main university building, a Stalin-era colossus that ranks among the Russian capital’s most recognizable structures.


 The building is also home to around 6,500 students. Residents say it doesn’t have great soundproofing.


“I came to university to study, not to watch football and listen to that noise,” Cheremnova said. “Imagine 25,000 people and the events at night. It’ll all be visible, with lights, a big screen, music and fans, who aren’t very quiet guys. It’s going to stop people sleeping before their exams. It’s just awful.”


 It will also mean extra strain on already struggling transport networks – the fan zone is two subway stops from Luzhniki stadium – and fans could damage a nearby nature reserve, Cheremnova claimed.

A group of Moscow State University students and recent graduates has gathered more than 4,600 signatures demanding the fan zone be moved to another location. They said more students and staff would have signed but feared retaliation from the university administration. When attempting to deliver the petition to the rector’s office, security guards blocked the way and elevator access was cut to that floor only, supposedly for repair.


Russian universities have little tradition of student protest. While they were hotbeds of activism before the Russian Revolution of 1917, in Soviet times access to a college education was closely linked to political loyalty and membership of groups like the Young Communist League.


World Cup organizers have revised earlier plans for Moscow’s fan zone to be larger and closer to the university. FIFA said “to lessen the impact of the event on students and the adjacent infrastructure of the university, it was agreed to move the stage away from the main building by several meters, to reduce the capacity to 25,000 spectators and to change access flows.”


Opposition not only in Moscow

Across Russia, the tournament has brought upheaval for students.


The Russian academic year often runs well into the summer months, and late June is usually prime time for exams.


In most of the 11 host cities, university dorms are due to turn into temporary barracks for police and National Guard troops brought in from out of town for the tournament.


Many universities have brought forward examinations, often by more than a month, to avoid the World Cup and free up dorm space for security forces.


That means semesters have been cut short with little warning, forcing students to cram more studies into less time. Cheremnova said that some Moscow State University students were told to prepare for earlier examinations, only for the decision to be reversed.

At the Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don, semesters run back-to-back since “the winter vacation was postponed until the summer period,” according to spokesman Andrei Svechnikov.


What’s angering students more than anything else is the prospect of being forced to move out of rooms they’ve paid for.


Despite official denials from the Education and Science Ministry that any students will be kicked out to make way for security forces, more than 2,800 students have signed a petition against alleged removals.


“There will be no forced eviction of students under this process,” the ministry told The Associated Press, adding that security forces will “not disrupt the learning process.”


The AP contacted 17 universities cited in local media reports as planning to evict students for the World Cup. Of those, six said no students would be forced to move, one said a small number would be required to move to other dorms, and 10 failed to reply.


In many cities, students report mixed messages from university officials over accommodation and study schedules.


Zhokhangir Mirzadzhanov, a student in the western city of Kaliningrad, said his university initially offered to buy tickets for students to leave the city and free up dorm space for the tournament but details remained unclear.


“There are a lot of simple issues that they still can’t answer,” he said. “What comes next, no one knows.”

Trump’s Talk of a Syria Pullout Nothing New

President Donald Trump’s unscripted remark this week about pulling out of Syria “very soon,” while at odds with his own policy, was not a one-off: For weeks, top advisers have been fretting about an overly hasty withdrawal as the president has increasingly told them privately he wants out, U.S. officials said.


Only two months ago, Trump’s aides thought they’d persuaded him that the U.S. needed to keep its presence in Syria open-ended – not only because the Islamic State group has yet to be entirely defeated, but also because the resulting power vacuum could be filled by other extremist groups or by Iran. Trump signed off on a major speech in January in which then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson laid out the new strategy and declared “it is vital for the United States to remain engaged in Syria.”


But by mid-February, Trump was telling his top aides in meetings that as soon as victory can be declared against IS, he wanted American troops out of Syria, said the officials. Alarm bells went off at the State Department and the Pentagon, where officials have been planning for a gradual, methodical shift from a military-led operation to a diplomatic mission to start rebuilding basic infrastructure like roads and sewers in the war-wracked country.


In one sign that Trump is serious about reversing course and withdrawing from Syria, the White House this week put on hold some $200 million in U.S. funding for stabilization projects in Syria, officials said. The money, to have been spent by the State Department for infrastructure projects like power, water and roads, had been announced by Tillerson at an aid conference last month in Kuwait.


The officials said the hold, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, is not necessarily permanent and will be discussed at senior-level inter-agency meetings next week.


The officials weren’t authorized to comment publicly and demanded anonymity.


The State Department said it continually reviews appropriate assistance levels and how best they might be utilized. And the agency said it continues to work with the international community, members of the Coalition, and our partners on the ground to provide much needed stabilization support to vulnerable areas in Syria.


“The United States is working everyday on the ground and with the international community to help stabilize those areas liberated from ISIS and identify ways to move forward with reconstruction once there has been a peaceful political transition away from [Syrian President al-Bashar] Assad,” according to a statement from the State Department.

‘Very soon’

Trump’s first public suggestion he was itching to pull out came in a news conference with visiting Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on February 23, when Trump said the U.S. was in Syria to “get rid of ISIS and go home.” On Thursday, in a domestic policy speech in Ohio, Trump went further.


“We’ll be coming out of Syria, like, very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon – very soon, we’re coming out,” Trump said.


The public declaration caught U.S. national security agencies off-guard and unsure whether Trump was formally announcing a new, unexpected change in policy. Inundated by inquiries from journalists and foreign officials, the Pentagon and State Department reached out to the White House’s National Security Council for clarification.


The White House’s ambiguous response, officials said: Trump’s words speak for themselves.


“The mission of the Department of Defense to defeat ISIS has not changed,” said Maj. Adrian Rankine-Galloway, a Pentagon spokesman.


Still, without a clear directive from the president, planning has not started for a withdrawal from Syria, officials said, and Trump has not advocated a specific timetable.


For Trump, who campaigned on an “America First” mantra, Syria is just the latest foreign arena where his impulse has been to limit the U.S. role. Like with NATO and the United Nations, Trump has called for other governments to step up and share more of the burden so that Washington doesn’t foot the bill. His administration has been crisscrossing the globe seeking financial commitments from other countries to fund reconstruction in both Syria and Iraq, but with only limited success.


Yet it’s unclear how Trump’s impulse to pull out could be affected by recent staff shake-ups on his national security team. Tillerson and former national security adviser H.R. McMaster, both advocates for keeping a U.S. presence in Syria, were recently fired, creating questions about the longevity of the plan Tillerson announced in his Stanford University speech in January. But Trump also replaced McMaster with John Bolton, a vocal advocate for U.S. intervention and aggressive use of the military overseas.


The abrupt change in the president’s thinking has drawn concern both inside and outside the United States.


Other nations that make up the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State fear that Trump’s impulse to pull out hastily would allow the notoriously resourceful IS militants to regroup, several European diplomats said. That concern has been heightened by the fact that U.S.-backed ground operations against remaining IS militants in Syria were put on hold earlier this month.

‘Serious and growing concern’

The ground operations had to be paused because Kurdish fighters who had been spearheading the campaign against IS shifted to a separate fight with Turkish forces, who began combat operations in the town of Afrin against Kurds who are considered by Ankara to be terrorists that threaten Turkey’s security.


“This is a serious and growing concern,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said this month.


Beyond just defeating IS, there are other strategic U.S. objectives that could be jeopardized by a hasty withdrawal, officials said, chiefly those related to Russia and Iran.


Israel, America’s closest Middle East ally, and other regional nations like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are deeply concerned about the influence of Iran and its allies, including the Shi’ite militant group Hezbollah, inside Syria. The U.S. military presence in Syria has been seen as a buffer against unchecked Iranian activity, and especially against Tehran’s desire to establish a contiguous land route from Iran to the Mediterranean coast in Lebanon.


An American withdrawal would also likely cede Syria to Russia, which along with Iran has been propping up Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces and would surely fill the void left behind by the U.S. That prospect has alarmed countries like France, which has historic ties to the Levant.


In calling for a withdrawal “very soon,” Trump may be overly optimistic in his assessment of how quickly the anti-IS campaign can be wrapped up, the officials said. Although the group has been driven from basically all of the territory it once controlled in Iraq and 95 percent of its former territory in Syria, the remaining five percent is becoming increasingly difficult to clear and could take many months, the officials said.


Pope Leads Good Friday Observances in Rome

Pope Francis presided over solemn Good Friday services amid tight security at Rome’s Colosseum for the Via Crucis procession. Italian police and army soldiers were on high alert, with Holy Week coinciding with a spate of arrests of suspected Islamic extremists around Italy.

Francis presided at a traditional candle-lit Way of the Cross procession around Rome’s ancient Colosseum. Some 20,000 people turned out to take part in the event with the pope on the most somber day in the Christian liturgical calendar, which commemorates the death of Jesus on the cross.

Rome authorities increased security this year with checks carried out as the faithful approached the area. Italian police carried out four raids against suspected supporters of Islamist terrorism, arresting seven people, including one man who was believed to have been planning a truck attack.

The Way of the Cross procession marks 14 events, called stations, beginning with Roman governor Pontius Pilate’s condemning Jesus to death, until his burial in a tomb. This year the meditations at each station were written by Catholic high school and college students in keeping with Francis’ decision to dedicate 2018 to addressing the hopes and concerns of young Catholics.

At the end, he delivered a meditation of his own, denouncing those who seek power, money and conflict. He prayed that the Catholic Church be always an “ark of salvation, a source of certainty and truth.”

Pope Francis also said many should feel “shame because our generations are leaving young people a world that is fractured by divisions and wars, a world devoured by selfishness where young people, children, the sick and the elderly are marginalized.”

The pope praised those in the Church who are trying to arouse “humanity’s sleeping conscience” through their work helping the poor, immigrants, and prison inmates.

Earlier, the pope presided over a solemn Passion of the Lord service in St. Peter’s Basilica which was kept open despite several pieces of plaster having come crashing down from a pillar of the church on Thursday. The damage was swiftly repaired.


Thousands of faithful filled the basilica. Francis lay prostrate in prayer on the marble pavement in front of the altar at the start of the chant-filled evening service. Later, the crucifix was carried in procession from the back of the basilica to the pope who then kissed it. The other concelebrants followed his example.

On Holy Saturday, in the evening, the pope will celebrate the solemn Easter Vigil in St. Peter’s Basilica, followed by the joyful Easter Sunday Mass marking what Christians observe as Christ’s resurrection.


Fired for Liking a Tweet on Tibet, US Worker Feels China’s Reach

In early January, Roy Jones was making $14 an hour, $5 above Nebraska’s minimum wage as a representative dealing with customers on social media for Marriott International Group, the international hotelier.

For Jones, a 49-year-old Omaha resident, it was a dream job despite the bot-generated tweets that flowed unceasingly onto what he described as the company’s Tweetdeck-like interface January 9. Sometimes there were “more than 3,000 tweets in front of me, I’m just processing them,” Jones told VOA Mandarin earlier this week.

On what Jones called a hectic shift, there was a tweet from Friends of Tibet, a pro-Tibetan independence organization, congratulating Marriott for recognizing Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan as countries.

The company, which has more than 300 hotels in China, had named the three in a survey sent to customers that asked in which country they lived and gave options including Tibet, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

A Marriott social media account “liked” the Friends’ tweet, setting off an international incident that exemplifies the challenges Western companies such as Apple, Mercedes, Delta and Zara face as they do business with China.

Now, more than two months later, Jones told VOA Mandarin he is still not sure how or what he did or even if he was the employee who actually responded to that tweet.

WATCH: Florida Senator Marco Rubio on China, Tibet and American Companies

He was, however, the employee the hotel company fired almost immediately, and since January, his case has attracted the attention of U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee and who, as chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, spoke out in February on companies bowing to Beijing.

“Every week, it seems another major international company is publicly, and in some cases, shamelessly apologizing to the P.R.C. for some sort of ‘misstep’ related to Tibet … and otherwise sensitive issues,” Rubio said.

On March 25, although not mentioning Jones by name but calling out Marriott, Rubio tweeted: “This is the long arm of China. They can get an “American” company to fire an American worker in America.”

Last week at a Washington event, former U.S. Representative Frank Wolf, a Republican from Virginia who retired from Congress in 2015, took aim at the hotelier, saying, “There is cultural genocide taking place in Tibet. … I personally will never stay at a Marriott hotel unless Mr. Jones gets his job back.”

WATCH: Former Republican Congressman Frank Wolf Calls Out Marriott

On Friday, Marriott International Group did not respond to emails and phone calls from VOA asking for comment on the Jones case.

In January, soon after the “like” was registered on Twitter, Craig Smith, president of Marriott Asia Pacific Region, said in a statement quoted in the Wall Street Journal: “We made some mistakes in China earlier this year, which shows that some employees have poor understanding or insufficient attention to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity issues. These incidents are wrong and in no way represent the position of our company.”

Placing blame

What happened to Jones floored him. 

“My job is to help customers,” Jones told VOA earlier in this week. “Now that something went wrong, they want to push the blame on me.”

He’s not sure why. 

“My job isn’t to decide whether Tibet is a country,” he told his hometown newspaper.

Within 24 hours of the January 9 “like” going out, Chinese social media exploded even though Twitter is officially banned in China.

China’s netizens objected because, according to Beijing, Tibet is part of China. Supporters of Tibetan independence contend China occupies the area illegally.

Hong Kong, a British colony that reverted to Chinese control in 1997, retains its own government even though it is a special administrative region of China.

And Beijing considers Taiwan, a self-governing island, a wayward province and seeks the island’s reunification with China.

In that one survey, Marriott had touched on two of the so-called “Three Ts” — Tibet, Taiwan and Tiananmen Square, the site of June 1989 pro-democracy protests that ended with the deaths of hundreds of people — that are particularly sensitive topics in China.

On January 11, Marriott apologized to China’s government for referring to Tibet and Taiwan as countries.

That was when Jones learned that Marriott was suspending him. As he walked to his car after his meeting with the human resources department, Jones said his cellphone alerted him to a new story about Marriott.

That’s how he learned he was fired — a report he recalls as being in the China Daily, the state-run media — said that “termination proceedings are in process.”

His official termination letter stated January 14 as his last day with Marriott. It did not give a reason for his dismissal, Jones said.

The letter included a number to call about benefits and said any of his personal belongings at the office would be sent to his home. The box arrived the day before the letter, Jones said.

‘Surreal experience’

“It’s an absolute surreal experience. I feel like I’m in some kind of spy novel,” he told VOA.

Jones continues to be puzzled by the incident. He recalls that in school he learned “that people fought wars to keep the communist narrative at bay.”

Now, he admits he’s much more educated about China than he was before he was fired and feels that Beijing is “making a big push” to take its “narrative global.”

“There’s a bunch of stuff that China’s doing to the United States, and I don’t think that everybody’s putting the pieces together,” he told VOA.

“Somebody has to stand up and say something because obviously [what happened to me] this isn’t a right thing,” Jones said. “This is a wrong thing.”

“It’s just my idea,” he said with a sigh. “I’m just a guy who got fired. I used to make $14 an hour. What do I know?”

Russian Accused of Massive US Hacking Extradited, Pleads Not Guilty

A Russian man on Friday pleaded not guilty to charges he hacked three U.S. technology companies, potentially compromising personal details of more than 100 million users, including on LinkedIn, after being extradited from the Czech Republic.

Yevgeniy Nikulin, 30, of Moscow, entered his plea in the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, after having fought his extradition following his 2016 arrest in Prague.

His case had turned into a battle over whether he should be sent to the United States or Russia, where a Moscow court had in November 2016 issued an arrest warrant for his alleged theft seven years earlier of $3,450 via a site called Webmoney.

The U.S. Department of Justice accused Nikulin of illegally accessing computers belonging to U.S.-based social media firms LinkedIn, Dropbox and Formspring in 2012, including by using the credentials of LinkedIn and Formspring employees.

LinkedIn, now owned by Microsoft Corp, has said the case was related to a breach that might have compromised information of at least 100 million users.

“Computer hacking is not just a crime, it is a direct threat to the security and privacy of Americans,” U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement.

“This is deeply troubling behavior once again emanating from Russia,” he continued. “We will not tolerate criminal cyber-attacks and will make it a priority to investigate and prosecute these crimes, regardless of the country where they originate.”

Nikulin faces nine criminal counts, including causing damage to a protected computer and aggravated identity theft.

A federal public defender representing him did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Nikulin has denied wrongdoing in comments to Czech media.

The decision by Czech Justice Minister Robert Pelikan to extradite Nikulin defied Russia, which had also sought his extradition.

Courts in the Czech Republic, a U.S. ally and part of the European Union, had said extradition to both countries was permissible, and the decision was up to Pelikan.

Prime Minister Andrej Babis has said he favored extradition to the United States, but Pelikan said President Milos Zeman, who often takes a pro-Russian stance, had urged extradition to


“It was apparent that the United States requested extradition for a suspicion of very serious criminal activity, which was not the case of the Russian request,” Pelikan told Reuters in a phone interview.

The decision was closely watched because Babis needs Zeman’s support for a new government, after his minority cabinet lost a vote of confidence last month. Zeman has promised Babis another try at installing a government.

«Укрзалізниця» збільшила кількість додаткових поїздів на Великдень майже удвічі

«Укрзалізниця» збільшила кількість додаткових поїздів на Великдень майже удвічі. В.о. голови компанії Євген Кравцов повідомив, що станом на 30 березня УЗ призначила 23 додаткові поїзди.

Як свідчать дані інфографіки, яку він оприлюднив, потяги курсуватимуть до Харкова, Львова, Ковеля, Чернівців, Хмельницького, Одеси, Києва, Ужгорода, Сум, Івано-Франківська, Запоріжжя, Костянтинівки та Дніпра.

27 березня Кравцов повідомляв про 12 додаткових поїздів на Великдень.

Цього року християни східного обряду святкують Великдень 8 квітня.

White House Readies for Annual Easter Egg Roll Monday

The White House has announced plans for the 140th annual Easter Egg Roll, which will be held on the South Lawn on Monday.

In addition to the traditional events — the Easter egg roll, an egg hunt, a state egg display and reading nook — first lady Melania Trump is adding lawn bowling as a new event this year, the White House statement released Friday said.

President Donald Trump, other family members and government officials will also be on hand.

Organizers expect nearly 30,000 people to attend the event. Tickets to the event are free, but were available only through an online lottery held earlier this year.

The event was first held in 1878, during President Rutherford B. Hayes’ administration.

Бойовики продовжують переміщувати військову техніку, використовуючи перемир’я – штаб

Підтримувані Росією бойовики продовжують переміщувати військову техніку, використовуючи режим припинення вогню, повідомив штаб української воєнної операції.

Українські військові з посиланням на дані спостерігачів заявили, що в районах населених пунктів Чистяково, Олександрівка та Круглик зафіксовані 14 танків, а біля Золотого – дев’ять БМП-1. Спостерігачі також виявили, що в місцях зберігання відведеної техніки відсутні 18 танків, дев’ять мінометів калібру 82 мм та 15 протитанкових гранат МТ-12.

«На Світлодарському напрямку зафіксовано переміщення техніки бойовиків до лінії зіткнення сторін, у кількості 14 БМП та шістьох одиниць тентових вантажівок, які рухалися з району населеного пункту Дебальцеве в бік населеного пункту Логвінове», – заявили в штабі.

Українські військові зазначили, що бойовики продовжують зосереджувати техніку та озброєння в населених пунктах.

«У східній частині населеного пункту Безіменне на приватних ділянках зафіксовано розташування декількох одиниць танків, а на території школи населеного пункту Софіївка – артилерійські системи різного калібру. У промзоні населеного пункту Кадіївка та на території ПТУ №10 Роздольного виявлені реактивні системи залпового вогню БМ-21 «Град», – додали в штабі.

Тристороння контактна група з врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі 26 березня домовилася про всеосяжне, стійке і безстрокове припинення вогню з 30 березня о 00:01 за київським часом. Це вже третя за трохи більше ніж три місяці спроба домовитися про перемир’я.

Збройний конфлікт на Донбасі триває від 2014 року після російської анексії Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують Росію у збройній підтримці сепаратистів. Кремль відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати хіба що російські «добровольці». За даними ООН, за час конфлікту загинули понад 10 тисяч людей.

Суд арештував судно-порушник із Криму – ГПУ

Суд арештував рибальське судно «Норд» із Криму, повідомила речниця генерального прокурора Лариса Сарган у Twitter з посиланням на прокуратуру Криму.  

«Продовжуємо роботу щодо затриманого судна «Норд», зокрема сьогодні судом задоволено клопотання прокуратури АР Крим, яким на це судно-порушник накладений арешт», – процитувала заяву прокуратури Сарган.

Державна прикордонна служба України заявила, що затримала 25 березня в Азовському морі корабель під прапором Росії з 10 людьми на борту, у всіх були паспорти громадян Росії, видані в Керчі (місті в анексованому Росією Криму). У ДПСУ зазначили, що судно порушило порядок виїзду з окупованої території України. Його відконвоювали до Бердянська.

Прокуратура Криму заявила, що порушила кримінальне провадження за фактом виходу рибальського судна «Норд» із закритого Києвом порту анексованого міста Керч.

Москва вимагає від Києва негайно відпустити екіпаж, заявили в МЗС Росії.

Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу ввели низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості». Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила датою початку тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією 20 лютого 2014 року.

US Steps Up Protection for Coalition Forces in Northern Syria’s Manbij

As part of the global coalition against Islamic State, the United States this week increased its special operations troops in the flashpoint town of Manbij in northern Syria.

In an email Thursday to VOA, Col. Thomas F. Veale, a U.S. military spokesperson and public affairs director for the coalition, said the recent deployment is a protection measure to ensure the safety of coalition troops in the area.

“Coalition forces are establishing a joint coordination mechanism for operations there, through the coalition’s official relationship with the Manbij Military Council,” Veale said.

Manbij, in northern Syria, has recently become another major point of disagreement between the U.S. and its NATO ally, Turkey, over the presence of the Kurdish militant group People’s Protection Units, also known as the YPG.

Turkey says the YPG is a terrorist organization, alleging the group is linked to Kurdish separatists inside Turkey, known as the PKK, which was designated a terror organization by both the U.S. and the EU. But the U.S. denies the connections between the PKK and the YPG and considers the YPG to be a key ally in the ongoing campaign against the Islamic State terror group in the region.

Turkey’s National Security Council, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a statement on Wednesday, threatened that Ankara “will take action” if the YPG fighters do not withdraw immediately from the region.

“In the meeting, it is stated that the terrorists in Manbij should be removed from the area, otherwise Turkey will not hesitate to take initiative by itself as it did in other regions,” the statement read.

The Turkish military and its allied rebels this month captured the Kurdish town of Afrin in northwest Syria from the YPG in an operation code named Operation Olive Branch, that started on January 20.  

The U.S. has said it is “deeply concerned” that the operation has displaced thousands of civilians and diverted attention from the more important task of eliminating Islamic State.

Officials of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) say a Turkish-led attack on Manbij could encourage thousands of fighters, especially those recruited from the town, to leave battlefields against Islamic State remnants in eastern Syria and move to the west to push back against the Turkish army and its allied rebels military offensive.  

Najim Muhammad, the deputy commander of the Manbij Military Council, said the U.S.-led coalition has assured them it will protect the town.

“We are cooperating with the global coalition towards the security and safety of Manbij,” Muhammad told VOA. “Our coordination is very strong.”

Muhammad said he was concerned that the Free Syrian Army rebels are emboldened by the Turkish support and are amassing forces in northwest Manbij.

The Turkish pro-government Yeni Safak newspaper Tuesday reported that a force of 12,000 militants from the Free Syrian Army “are waiting for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to initiate the operation.”

Col. Veale of the U.S. military refused to disclose the number of U.S. special operations troops recently deployed to the area, but said “the level of force protection is commensurate to the threat.”

A VOA reporter in northern Syria who visited the site said the U.S. troops are stationed mostly across the Sajur river area in northwest Manbij, bordering near the Turkey-backed Syrian fighters.  

The U.S. troops in Manbij came under direct attack by Turkish-backed rebels in August 2017. The Pentagon then said the U.S. troops returned fire but there were no casualties on either side.


Суд продовжив арешт соратника Саакашвілі Дангадзе

Печерський районний суд Києва продовжив на два місяці арешт соратника екс-президента Грузії Міхеїла Саакашвілі Северіона Дангадзе.

Новина доповнюється…

Trump, Pentagon Chief Had ‘Initial Conversation’ About Border Wall

U.S. President Donald Trump has spoken with his top defense official about using military funding to build the border wall with Mexico.

“It’s been an initial conversation,” Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Dana White said Thursday when asked if Trump had broached the subject with Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

“Remember, securing Americans and securing the nation is of paramount importance to the secretary,” White said.

This past Sunday, the president tweeted, “Because of the $700 & $716 Billion Dollars gotten to rebuild our Military, many jobs are created and our Military is again rich.”

He followed that with a second Tweet, saying, “Building a great Border Wall, with drugs (poison) and enemy combatants pouring into our Country, is all about National Defense. Build WALL through M!”

The Pentagon has not provided any details about how much military funding could be used to build the border wall, which has an estimated price tag of more than $20 billion, or what impact that would have on the U.S. military itself.  

But the defense appropriations act passed by Congress tells the Pentagon where to spend its money and a change in the budget would need Congressional approval.

“That’s a bridge too far because we don’t have those details,” the Defense Department’s White told reporters Thursday. “It’s been an initial conversation.”

“There’s no daylight between them (Mattis and Trump) with respect to making sure this military stays the most lethal in the world,” White added.


Крисіна арештували на два місяці без права застави

Дарницький районний суд Києва арештував на два місяці без можливості внесення застави Юрія Крисіна, фігуранта справи про викрадення та катування учасників Євромайдану.

Його взяли під варту до 29 травня 2018 року.

Крисін також є фігурантом справи про вбивство журналіста В’ячеслава Веремія під час подій Євромайдану.Шевченківський районний суд Києва 22 грудня 2017 року визнав його винним у хуліганстві і призначив покарання у вигляді чотирьох років позбавлення волі з випробувальним терміном два роки.

Журналіста газети «Вєсті» вбили в Києві вночі 19 лютого 2014 року. Як повідомив сайт видання, Веремій разом із колегою на автомобілі повертався після роботи на Майдані, де виконував редакційне завдання. На розі вулиць Володимирської і Великої Житомирської в Києві на таксі, в якому вони їхали, напали невідомі особи з бейсбольними битками і зброєю, в касках, камуфляжі і чорних масках. Журналіст помер у лікарні швидкої допомоги від вогнепального поранення в живіт.

Uber Avoids Legal Battle With Family of Autonomous Vehicle Victim

The family of a woman killed by an Uber Technologies Inc self-driving vehicle in Arizona has reached a settlement with the ride services company, ending a potential legal battle over the first fatality caused by an autonomous vehicle.

Cristina Perez Hesano, an attorney with the firm of Bellah Perez in Glendale, Arizona, said “the matter has been resolved” between Uber and the daughter and husband of Elaine Herzberg, 49, who died after being hit by an Uber self-driving SUV while walking across a street in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe earlier this month.

Terms of the settlement were not given. The law firm representing Herzberg’s daughter and husband, whose names were not disclosed, said they would have no further comment on the matter as they considered it resolved.

An Uber spokeswoman declined to comment.

The fallout from the accident could stall the development and testing of self-driving vehicles, designed to eventually perform far better than human drivers and to sharply reduce the number of motor vehicle fatalities that occur each year.

Uber has suspended its testing in the wake of the incident. Toyota Motor Corp and chipmaker Nvidia Corp have also suspended self-driving testing on public roads, as they and others await the results of investigations into the Tempe accident, believed to be the first death of a pedestrian struck by a self-driving vehicle.

Nvidia’s chief executive, Jensen Huang, said Uber does not use the chipmaker’s self-driving platform architecture.

Toyota North America Chief Executive Jim Lentz said the company expects to “soon” resume testing of self-driving vehicles, while warning that the ongoing risks will affect the industry’s progress.

“There will be mistakes from vehicles, from systems, and a hundred or 500 or a thousand people could lose their lives in accidents like we’ve seen in Arizona,” Lentz said Thursday at a Reuters Newsmakers event connected with the New York auto show.

“The big question for government is: How much risk are they willing to take? If you can save net 34,000 lives, are you willing to potentially have 10 or 100 or 500 or 1,000 people die?” he said. “And I think the answer to that today is they are not willing to take that risk – and that’s going to really slow down the adoption of autonomous driving.”

The March 18 fatality near downtown Tempe also presents an unprecedented liability challenge because self-driving vehicles, which are still in the development stage, involve a complex system of hardware and software often made by outside suppliers.

Herzberg was pushing a bicycle while walking across a four-lane road outside a crosswalk when she was struck. Video footage from a dash-mounted camera inside the vehicle, released by Tempe police, showed the SUV traveling along a dark street when the headlights suddenly illuminated Herzberg in front of the SUV.

Other footage showed that in the seconds before the accident, the human safety driver behind the wheel was mostly looking down, not at the road.

Аналогове телебачення в Україні почнуть вимикати 1 липня – Кабмін

Аналогове телебачення в Україні почнуть вимикати 1 липня 2018 року. Відповідне рішення ухвалив Кабінет міністрів, повідомила прес-служба уряду 29 березня.

У Кабміні повідомили, що уряд продовжив термін використання технології аналогового телемовлення «з метою недопущення порушення прав громадян на вільний доступ до інформації».

«Прийняття цього рішення забезпечить безперервність телерадіомовлення на всій території України та конституційне право громадян на безперешкодне отримання інформації», – заявили в уряді.

У грудні 2006 року Україна підписала меморандум, який передбачав повний перехід від аналогового до цифрового телерадіомовлення в країні до червня 2015 року.

Уряд неодноразово відкладав перехід на цифрове ефірне телебачення. У липні 2017 року Кабінет міністрів ухвалив рішення про поетапне відключення аналогового телевізійного мовлення до 30 березня 2018 року. Тоді в уряді заявили, що це «дасть можливість провести розгорнуту інформаційну кампанію щодо під’єднання населення до цифрових мереж і розширити покриття території України цифровим сигналом».

Sources: Mueller Team Probing Russia Contacts at Republican Convention

Investigators probing whether Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia have been questioning witnesses about events at the 2016 Republican National Convention, according to two sources familiar with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiries.

Mueller’s team has been asking about a convention-related event attended by both Russia’s U.S. ambassador and Jeff Sessions, the first U.S. senator to support Trump and now his attorney general, said one source, who requested anonymity due to the ongoing investigation.

Another issue Mueller’s team has been asking about is how and why  Republican Party platform language hostile to Russia was deleted from a section of the document related to Ukraine, said another source who also requested anonymity.

Mueller’s interest in what happened at the Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, is an indication that Trump campaign contacts and actions related to Russia remain central to the special counsel’s investigation.

Trump, who was nominated as the Republican Party candidate for the November 2016 election during the convention, has denied any collusion with Russia during the campaign. Moscow has denied U.S. intelligence agencies’ findings that it interfered in the campaign to try to tilt the election in Trump’s favor.

Investigators have asked detailed questions about conversations that Sessions, then a Trump campaign adviser, had at a convention event attended by then-Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak, said the first source, who was questioned by Mueller about the event.

The same source said Mueller’s team also has been asking whether Sessions had private discussions with Kislyak on the sidelines of a campaign speech Trump gave at Washington’s Mayflower Hotel in April 2016.

Sessions’ spokespersons have denied repeatedly that he had any private discussions with Kislyak at the Mayflower, although Sessions has admitted to speaking briefly to Kislyak at the event.

Spokespersons for Mueller and Sessions declined to comment on Mueller’s interest in Sessions’ activities at the convention and other convention-related events.

Ukraine language

The special counsel’s investigators have also interviewed attendees of the committee meetings that drafted the Republican Party platform in Cleveland.

At one committee meeting, according to people in attendance, Diana Denman, a member of the platform committee’s national security subcommittee, proposed language calling for the United States to supply “lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine’s armed forces and greater coordination with NATO on defense planning.”

But the final platform language deleted the reference to “lethal defensive weapons,” a change that made the platform less hostile to Russia, whose troops had invaded the Crimean peninsula and eastern Ukraine.

After the convention, Denman told Reuters in 2016, J.D. Gordon, a Trump foreign policy adviser, told her he was going to speak to Trump about the language on Ukraine, and that Trump’s campaign team played a direct role in softening the platform language.

The Trump campaign has denied playing any role in the weakening of the party’s position regarding Ukraine. Gordon has called Denman’s version of events “inaccurate.”

Stephen Yates, co-chair of the platform committee’s national security subcommittee, said he has “heard nothing about other members of the subcommittee being called in for questioning, and I have had no interaction with anyone working on the investigation.”

Sessions recused himself last year from the federal probe into Russian election meddling after it emerged that he had failed to say during his Senate confirmation hearing to be attorney general that he had met with Russia’s ambassador in 2016.

French Ex-Leader Sarkozy to Be Tried on Corruption, Influence Peddling Charges

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy was ordered to stand trial Thursday on charges of corruption and influence peddling.

The case focuses on phone calls Sarkozy allegedly made to a judge who was investigating claims that his 2007 presidential campaign was illegally funded.

The hard-charging conservative politician allegedly offered to help the judge get promoted in exchange for information about the investigation into his campaign. In a phone call to Judge Gilbert Azibert, then a senior judge in France’s highest court, Sarkozy allegedly offered to help him get a coveted position in neighboring Monaco. The phone call was wiretapped by police.

The latest development comes only days after an investigation was launched into claims Sarkozy accepted illegal financial donations from late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi for his successful presidential campaign 11 years ago.

Sarkozy denies any wronging and his lawyers said they would appeal the decision to prosecute him at a hearing June 25.

Sarkozy’s lawyer, Thierry Herzog, and former magistrate Azibert have also been ordered to stand trial.

Thursday’s court announcement is the second time Sarkozy has been ordered to stand trial. A judged ordered him and 13 others to trial last year to face charges of illegal financing of his 2012 presidential campaign. Sarkozy appealed that order and a decision is pending.  

Sarkozy lost his party’s primary election for the 2017 presidential campaign, and has largely stayed out of politics since.

Turkey Criticizes US Support of New ‘Syria’s Future’ Political Party

Ankara has launched new attacks and threats aimed at Washington for ongoing U.S. support of the Syrian-Kurdish militia, the YPG.  The latest verbal salvo comes as diplomatic talks between the NATO allies continue to resolve their worst crisis in bilateral relations.

The YPG is a key ally in Washington’s war against Islamic State militants, but Ankara accuses the militia of being linked to the PKK, which is waging a decades-long Kurdish insurgency within Turkey.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim slammed Washington for the recent creation of a Syrian political party dubbed “Syria’s Future,” which Yildirim claimed was nothing more than a political front for the YPG.  

“We know them well. They may be able to fool some of our allies by changing their name, but Turkey will recognize them,” Yildirim told reporters.  “The United States, which tried to hide the PKK with three-letter signs in order to form a terror corridor to siege Turkey from the south, is now making these villains set up a party in Syria,” Yildirim added.

Ankara is demanding the removal of the YPG Kurdish militia and its political wing, the PYD from the Syrian town of Manbij.  The creation of the new Syrian party is seen by Ankara as the latest example of deception by Washington, in which Kurdish forces simply rename themselves, but remain in Manbij.

Manbij is a key point of tension in U.S.-Turkish relations.  Under former U.S. president Barack Obama, American forces promised the YPG militia would withdraw from the town after ousting Islamic State.  “How trustworthy are the United States as an ally,” declared international relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul’s Bilgi University.  “Did they or did they not promise they would make YPG and PYD leave Manbij.  Did they keep their promise?  No,” added Ozel.

Adding to Ankara’s fury, U.S. forces are now deployed with the YPG in Manbij.  The town is strategically important as a junction between east and west Syria.  Analysts say U.S. forces see it as key not only preventing any re-emergence of Islamic State, but also countering growing Iranian influence.

Low on patience

But Ankara is warning its patience is running out with Washington.  “It was stated that terrorists in Manbij should be removed from the region as soon as possible, or Turkey will not abstain from taking initiative,” read a statement after Wednesday’s meeting of Turkey’s National Security Council.

Observers warn Ankara is emboldened after Turkish-led forces scored a crushing victory over the YPG in the Syrian Afrin enclave around 100 kilometers from Manbij.

“Erdogan has announced Manbij is his next target, he is no doubt going to move slowly there,” says political columnist Semih Idiz of the al-Monitor website.  “He is going to dare the Americans, either a diplomatic solution or possibly military solution.  Over the next few days there will be some hard thinking in Washington,” said Idiz.

Turkish ministers have warned U.S. forces could be targeted if they remained deployed with YPG in Manbij.  Such threats have been dismissed by U.S. generals, warning any attack on its forces would be strongly resisted.

Turkish and U.S. diplomats are engaged in seeking to resolve the looming confrontation.  Talks have added urgency now that Turkish presidential and general elections are due next year.  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government analysts are using the crisis to play to strong anti-American sentiments of its nationalist voting constituency.

“Because of the current political climate in Turkey, the tendency of the political leadership [is] to engage in highly populist discourse,” points out analyst Sinan Ulgen of Brussels-based Carnegie Europe, “…The failure in these talks may lead to an escalatory process, where Turkey would take measures, which would be responded to by the U.S.”

Ankara’s determination to end the threat posed by the PKK Kurdish insurgency is not only confined to Syria.  Baghdad has also been put on notice over the presence of PKK bases in its territory.  “It is expected from the Iraqi state to prevent terrorist group action in various locations in Iraq, especially in Sinjar and the Qandil Mountains,” read Wednesday’s National Security Council statement.

The PKK has for decades had its headquarters in Iraq’s mountainous Qandil region.  A Turkish military intervention into the Iraqi Sinjar region, where the PKK also was based, was narrowly averted after Kurdish fighters handed over the area to Iraqi forces.  “For the global politics, raw power is back, playing hard ball is in fashion, we can see in a way, Turkey has joined the others,“ observes former senior Turkish diplomat Aydin Selcen.

“Turkey, will not shy away from projecting power either in Syria or Iraq,” added Selcen.


50 Days to UK Royal Wedding — Time for the Personal Touches

The big decisions have been made: Windsor Castle is the venue, May is the month, the guests have been invited and the wedding dress has likely been chosen.

Friday marks 50 days to go until the wedding of Prince Harry, 33, and Meghan Markle, 36 — time to decide the details that will make a large royal wedding feel intimate.

That’s the view of Anna McGregor, director of the Wedding Gallery, one of Britain’s leading wedding planning agencies. Its emporium in central London offers everything from wedding gowns to sample menus to festive cufflinks shaped like top hats.

“You’ve chosen your menu, so choosing your drinks would probably start happening about now, and picking how much wine you would need is one of the more fun parts of planning the wedding, because you get to do a great wine tasting,” she said.

Her recommendation? In most cases, plan on a bottle of champagne and a bottle of wine for each guest, plus cocktails after dinner “and beer for the boys.”

This being a royal wedding, “I’m sure they’ve got a nice cellar they can pick from as well,” she added.

One big challenge still to come, she said, is the seating plan. That can be a weekslong project even for couples who need to work out seating for 10 or 15 tables.

Harry and Markle have invited about 600 people for the wedding at St. George’s Chapel and afternoon reception and then are having a more exclusive nighttime gathering for 200 of them. That’s a minimum of 60 tables if you squeeze in 10 people per table.

Some new details are emerging. The Ministry of Defense said this week  regiments and units associated with Harry’s years in the military will provide ceremonial support during the wedding and carriage procession. More than 250 members of the Armed Forces will be tasked with this role.

Their wedding cake will be a lemon elderflower concoction made by pastry chef Claire Ptak.

Kensington Palace officials have kept quiet about many of the key wedding details, including the super-secret guest list. Officials say the invitations have been sent but won’t reveal the names.

The couple has also invited 2,640 people from all walks of life to come to the grounds of Windsor Castle to watch them arrive and to see their carriage procession from a fine vantage point.

On the wedding dress front, the designer of Markle’s gown is still not known to the public, leading to a guessing game that is picking up speed. Will it be a British or American designer? The lucky fashion house that received the coveted assignment has no doubt been sworn to secrecy.

Dress fittings will likely take place inside one of the royal palaces, not at a bridal salon, where Markle could be seen by fellow shoppers and their cellphone cameras.

Regardless of what dress she chooses, McGregor expects Harry and Markle to define wedding styles for the next year — if not years to come — not just for the fashions, but for tableware, flowers and the overall look.

“She’s already a style icon,” McGregor said. “The royal family are style icons and have been for generations. So yes, it’s absolutely going to lead trends and fashions in weddings.”

Теніс: Світоліна програла латвійці українського походження у чвертьфіналі турніру в США

Українська тенісистка Еліна Світоліна програла Олені Остапенко, латвійці українського походження, у чвертьфіналі турніру Miami Open у США.

Світоліна програла обидва сети – 6:7, 6:7.

Українка є четвертою ракеткою світу, водночас Остапенко – п’ята.

У січні Світоліна стала переможницею турніру Brisbane International, а потім вийшла до чвертьфіналу Australian Open, що є найкращим її результатом на цих змаганнях.

У лютому українка перемогла на турнірі Dubai Tennis Championships в Об’єднаних Арабських Еміратах.

СБУ: механізм оформлення бойовикам документів для виїзду до ЄС заблокований

У Києві та Київській області затримали людей, які оформлювали для підтримуваних Росією бойовиків з угруповань «ДНР» та «ЛНР» документи, необхідні для виїзду до країн Європейського союзу, повідомив прес-центр СБУ. У спецслужбі зазначили, що затримали «трьох організаторів угруповання».

За даними правоохоронців, до механізму оформлення нелегального переправлення громадян до країн ЄС були причетні співробітники Державної прикордонної служби України.

«Серед замовників документів були, зокрема, учасники незаконних збройних формувань терористичних організацій «Л/ДНР», які вирішили «легалізуватись» в Європі. Ділки вклеювали фотокартки в оригінальний бланк незаконно отриманого документа із використанням неавтентичних голограм та штучним нанесенням відповідних засобів захисту паспортного документа», – заявили в СБУ.

У відомстві додали, що під час обшуків виявили обладнання та оргтехніку для виготовлення таких документів, бланки, печатки, готові фальсифіковані паспорти та інші документи з ознаками та елементами підробки, значну кількість готівки, вогнепальну зброю та понад три тисячі набоїв різного калібру.

Правоохоронці відкрили кримінальне провадження за статтею «незаконне переправлення осіб через державний кордон України».
