Month: March 2018

Israeli Monitor: Jewish Settlements Grew Under Trump Presidency

West Bank settlement construction surged during the first year of the Trump presidency, an Israeli monitoring group said Sunday, releasing data that added to Palestinian mistrust of the American administration.

Peace Now said that Israel began construction of 2,783 settlement homes in 2017. That was about 17 percent higher than the annual average since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took office in 2009.

It said that 78 percent of the new homes were in outlying settlements that would likely have to be evacuated if a Palestinian state is established. And 234 units, or 8 percent, were in tiny outposts that are not even authorized by Israel, it said.

The Palestinians and most of the international community consider Israeli settlements to be illegal and obstacles to peace. Over 600,000 settlers now live in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war and claimed by the Palestinians for their future state.

While a string of Republican and Democratic presidents have opposed settlement construction, Trump has taken a softer line. He has asked Israel to show restraint at times, but avoided the strong condemnations voiced by his predecessors. His Mideast peace team, led by his son in law Jared Kushner, is dominated by people with close ties to the settlement movement.

Peace Now said its data is collected through aerial surveys and inspections by monitors on the ground. In its report, Peace Now stopped short of blaming the jump in construction exclusively on White House policies.

Netanyahu has been a strong supporter of the settlements throughout his career, and his coalition is dominated by religious and nationalist hardliners aligned with the settlement movement and who oppose Palestinian independence. Facing a growing list of corruption investigations, Netanyahu has also appealed to his hard-line base.

“The steady pace of construction and building deep in the West Bank attest to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s steadfast abetting of the settlement enterprise,” the report said. “It is also apparent that the new U.S. presidency in 2017 had no marginal deterrent effect on these Israeli unilateral moves.”

The West Bank settler movement has issued its own data showing growth in their communities. Last month, a settler leader, using official government data, said the West Bank settler population grew 3.4 percent last year, nearly double the growth rate of Israel’s overall population, to more than 435,000 people.

For the Palestinians, the Peace Now data was another cause for mistrust of the U.S. administration just as the White House is trying to wrap up a Mideast peace initiative.

The Palestinians have severed most contacts with the White House since Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in December. The Palestinians view the move as being unfairly biased toward Israel on the most sensitive issue in the conflict, and have already rejected the U.S. peace plan before it has been made public.

Nabil Shaath, a top adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said the figures proved that Netanyahu is “not interested in peace” and is destroying hopes for a two-state solution.

“Netanyahu is continuing his settlement project, enjoying the fact that the U.S. is silent,” he said. “These numbers are very dangerous. We condemn it, and will continue working politically to stop it.”

Both Netanyahu’s office and the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

StoryCorps: Clean Streets

A New York garbage collector talks about the unexpected lessons he learned along the way and what he still misses about the job.

Ex-Catalan Leader Puigdemont Arrested in Germany

Catalonia’s ousted president Carles Puigdemont was arrested in Germany Sunday while crossing the border from Denmark, German police said.

Puigdemont’s lawyer, Jaume Alonso-Cuevillas, confirmed the arrest on Twitter, adding that Puigdemont was traveling to Belgium, where he initially fled after an arrest warrant was issued against him for his role in an independence referendum in October.

A news report (on AFP) says Puigdemont will appear before a judge in Germany on Monday as part of a process of determining if he is to be returned to Spain. Puidgmont’s detention sparked some demonstrations in Spain, according to the Associated Press.

Puigdemont “was heading to Belgium to present himself, as always, at the disposal of Belgian courts,” Alonso-Cuevillas wrote.

The arrest follows a Spanish Supreme Court decision Friday to charge 13 Catalan separatist leaders with rebellion and other crimes for their attempt to declare independence from Spain last year.

German police arrested Puigdemont in conjunction with an international arrest warrant issued by Spain. The ousted Catalan leader could face up to 25 years in Spanish prison.

Last week, the latest regional presidential candidate, Jordi Turull, was placed in custody over his role in the attempted breakaway from Spain, marking the third time Catalonia’s parliament has been unable to nominate a new president.

One of Puigdemont’s associates, former Catalonia education chief, Clara Ponsati may also face arrest after fleeing from Spain to Scotland.  News reports say her attorney has been working out arrangements for Ponsati to surrender to police.  After leaving Spain, she resumed teaching at a university in Scotland.

Catalonia has been in political limbo since December, when Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy called a special election in an effort to derail an independence movement in the region. The plan backfired when parties favoring a split with Spain won the election.

Madrid invoked special powers to take over the regional government after the Catalan administration declared independence in October.


French Bishop Pays Tribute to Police Officer Who Died in Hostage Incident

Survivors and families of victims of Friday’s terror attack in France attended a special mass to honor the four killed and three wounded, including an officer who swapped himself with a hostage in a supermarket in the southwestern town of Trebes.

The Bishop of Carcassonne and Narbonne Alain Planet celebrated mass, during which he praised the “extraordinary devotion” of Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame.

“I am here to share in people’s mourning, but also to warm myself to their profound solidarity. This event was also an opportunity to see an extraordinary act, extraordinary devotion by [Lieutenant] Colonel Arnaud Beltrame,” he said. “The whole of France has been touched by this, we were too, especially the Christian community, as he was one of ours. And at the start of this holy week, when we look at Christ take our place to save us from death, well his act takes on a whole new meaning and I’m sure he was aware of that when he did what he did.”

Planet said Friday’s events offered an opportunity to reflect on the suffering felt by countless people around the world.

After French President Emmanuel Macron said evidence suggested the gunman’s actions were considered terrorism, the Islamic State militant group’s propaganda arm claimed responsibility.

The Paris prosecutor’s office said counterterrorism authorities have assumed control of the investigation.

French authorities say two people have been arrested in connection with the shootings, including a woman who is reported to have been close to the assailant.

Islamic State extremist attacks have killed more than 200 people since 2015.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump denounced Friday’s attack in France in a message on Twitter Saturday.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the horrible attack in France yesterday, and we grieve the nation’s loss,” the president wrote, adding “We also condemn the violent actions of the attacker and anyone who would provide him support. We are with you @EmmanuelMacron!”



У світі проходить акція «Година Землі»

У суботу у світі відбувається глобальна акція «Година землі», ініціатори якої закликають на годину вимкнути світло у помешканнях, організаціях, на будівлях.

Всесвітній фонд природи (WWF) в Україні закликав українців також обійтися без світла упродовж години до 21:30 за київським часом. Мета – економія ресурсів планети.

За даними українського відділення WWF, 24 березня ввечері у темряву поринули «Золоті ворота» та монумент Батьківщина-Мати, будівлі окремих готелів та підприємств.

Раніше сьогодні світло культових об’єктів вимкнули в Австралії, Японії, Сінгапурі та Індонезії.

Акція «Година Землі» щорічно відбувається в останню суботу березня.

Bloomberg: Трамп у понеділок може вислати зі США російських дипломатів

Сполучені Штати найближчого понеділка можуть оголосити рішення про видворення декількох десятків російських дипломатів на знак солідарності з Великобританією у зв’язку зі справою про отруєння російського екс-шпигуна Сергія Скрипаля.

Як повідомило 24 березня агентство Bloomberg з посиланням на свої джерела, президент США Дональд Трамп погодився зі своїми радниками, які запропонували йому вислати дипломатів.

Згідно з повідомленням, можливі кроки Вашингтона щодо реакції на справу Скрипаля Дональд Трамп обговорював напередодні на нараді за участю посла США в Росії Джона Гантсмана, міністрів фінансів, торгівлі, юстиції та оборони, а також представників спецслужб.

США вже висилали велику групу російських дипломатів в грудні 2016 року, за часів президентства Барака Обами. Тоді причиною такого кроку було втручання російських хакерів у вибори президента США. Через декілька місяців Москва також зажадала від США істотно скоротити штат своєї дипломатичної місії в Росії.

Через бойове травмування 1 військовий загинув, 1 зазнав поранень – штаб АТО

У штабі АТО в суботу ввечері повідомили, що в одній з бригад на лінії зіткнення на Донбасі один військовослужбовець загинув, ще один зазнав поранення. За попередньою інформацією військових, це сталося внаслідок необережного поводження з боєприпасами.

«Триває з’ясування обставин інциденту», – заявили у прес-центрі штабу АТО.

Повідомляється, що травмованого військовослужбовця вже відвезли до лікувального закладу та надали необхідну медичну допомогу.

Раніше сьогодні в штабі АТО повідомляли, що в результаті бойових дій і п’яти обстрілів упродовж дня з боку підтримуваних Росією бойовиків на Донбасі ніхто з військовослужбовців ЗСУ не постраждав.



China Warns US It Will Defend Own Trade Interests

The United States has flouted trade rules with an inquiry into intellectual property and China will defend its interests, Vice Premier Liu He told U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in a telephone call on Saturday, Chinese state media reported.

The call between Mnuchin and Liu, a confidante of President Xi Jinping, was the highest-level contact between the two governments since U.S. President Donald Trump announced plans for tariffs on up to $60 billion of Chinese goods on Thursday.

The deepening rift has sent a chill through financial markets and the corporate world as investors predicted dire consequences for the global economy should trade barriers start going up.

Several U.S. chief executives attending a high-profile forum in Beijing on Saturday, including BlackRock Inc’s Larry Fink and Apple Inc’s Tim Cook, urged restraint.

In his call with Mnuchin, Liu, a Harvard-trained economist, said China still hoped both sides would remain “rational” and work together to keep trade relations stable, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

U.S. officials say an eight-month probe under the 1974 U.S. Trade Act has found that China engages in unfair trade practices by forcing American investors to turn over key technologies to Chinese firms.

However, Liu said the investigation report “violates international trade rules and is beneficial to neither Chinese interests, U.S. interests nor global interests”, Xinhua cited him as saying.

In a statement on its website, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said it had filed a request – at the direction of Trump – for consultations with China at the World Trade Organization to address “discriminatory technology licensing agreements.”

China’s commerce ministry expressed regret at the filing on Saturday, and said China had taken strong measures to protect the legal rights and interests of both domestic and foreign owners of intellectual property.

Counter moves

During a visit to Washington in early March, Liu had requested Washington set up a new economic dialogue mechanism, identify a point person on China issues, and deliver a list of demands.

The Trump administration responded by telling China to immediately shave $100 billion off its record $375 billion trade surplus with the United States. Beijing told Washington that U.S. export restrictions on some high-tech products are to blame.

“China has already prepared, and has the strength, to defend its national interests,” Liu said on Saturday.

According to an editorial by China’s state-run Global Times, it was Mnuchin who called Liu.

Firing off a warning shot, China on Friday declared plans to levy additional duties on up to $3 billion of U.S. imports in response to U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminium, imposed after a separate U.S. probe.

Zhang Zhaoxiang, senior vice president of China Minmetals Corp, said that while the state-owned mining group’s steel exports to the U.S. are tiny, the impact could come indirectly.

“China’s direct exports to the U.S. are not big. But there will be some impact due to our exports via the United States or indirect exports,” Zhang told reporters on the sidelines of the China Development Forum in Beijing on Saturday.

Global Times said Beijing was only just beginning to look at means to retaliate.

“We believe it is only part of China’s countermeasures, and soybeans and other U.S. farm products will be targeted,” the widely-read tabloid said in a Saturday editorial.

Wei Jianguo, vice chairman of Beijing-based think tank China Centre for International Economic Exchanges, told China Daily that Beijing could impose tariffs on more U.S. products, and is considering a second and even third list of targets.

Possible items include aircraft and chips, Wei, a former vice commerce minister, told the newspaper, adding that tourism could be a possible target.

Soybeans, autos, planes

The commerce ministry’s response had so far been “relatively weak,” respected former Chinese finance minister Lou Jiwei said at the forum.

“If I were in the government, I would probably hit soybeans first, then hit autos and airplanes,” said Lou, currently chairman of the National Council for Social Security Fund.

U.S. farm groups have long feared that China, which imports more than third of all U.S. soybeans, could slow purchases of agricultural products, heaping more pain on the struggling U.S. farm sector.

U.S. agricultural exports to China stood at $19.6 billion last year, with soybean shipments accounting for $12.4 billion.

Chinese penalties on U.S. soybeans will especially hurt Iowa, a state that backed Trump in the 2016 presidential elections.

Boeing jets have also been often cited as a potential target by China.

China and the U.S. had benefitted by globalization, Blackrock’s Larry Fink said at the forum.

“I believe that a dialogue and maybe some adjustments in trade and trade policy can be in order. It does not need to be done publicly; it can be done privately,” he said.

Apple’s Tim Cook called for “calm heads” amid the dispute.

The sparring has cast a spotlight on hardware makers such as Apple, which assemble the majority of their products in China for export to other countries.

Electrical goods and tech are the largest U.S. import item from China.

Some economists say higher U.S. tariffs will lead to higher costs and ultimately hurt U.S. consumers, while restrictions on Chinese investments could take away jobs in America.

“I don’t think local governments in the United States and President Trump hope to see U.S. workers losing their jobs,” Sun Yongcai, general manager at Chinese railway firm CRRS Corp, which has two U.S. production plants, said at the forum.


‘March for Our Lives’ Protests Call for Stricter Gun Laws

Thousands of people participated in “March for Our Lives” rallies in Washington and cities across the United States, drawing attention to school violence and what they see as a need for stricter gun control.

Wayne Huizenga, Who Built Fortune in Trash, Dies at 80

H. Wayne Huizenga, a college dropout who built a business empire that included Blockbuster Entertainment, AutoNation and three professional sports franchises, has died. He was 80.

Huizenga died Thursday night at his home, said Valerie Hinkell, a longtime assistant. The cause was cancer, said Bob Henninger, executive vice president of Huizenga Holdings.

Starting with a single garbage truck in 1968, Huizenga built Waste Management Inc. into a Fortune 500 company. He purchased independent sanitation engineering companies, and by the time he took the company public in 1972, he had completed the acquisition of 133 small-time haulers. By 1983, Waste Management was the largest waste disposal company in the United States.

The business model worked again with Blockbuster Video, which he started in 1985 and built into the leading movie rental chain nine years later. In 1996, he formed AutoNation and built it into a Fortune 500 company.

Sports team owner

Huizenga was founding owner of baseball’s Florida Marlins and the NHL’s Florida Panthers — expansion teams that played their first games in 1993. He bought the NFL’s Miami Dolphins and their stadium for $168 million in 1994 from the children of founder Joe Robbie but had sold all three teams by 2009.

“Wayne Huizenga was a seminal figure in the cultural history of South Florida,” current Dolphins owner Stephen Ross said in a statement. “He completely changed the landscape of the region’s sports scene. … Sports fans throughout the region owe him a debt of thanks.”

The Marlins won the 1997 World Series, and the Panthers reached the Stanley Cup Finals in 1996, but Huizenga’s beloved Dolphins never reached a Super Bowl while he owned the team.

“If I have one disappointment, the disappointment would be that we did not bring a championship home,” Huizenga said shortly after he sold the Dolphins to Ross. “It’s something we failed to do.”

Fan favorite — for a time

Huizenga earned an almost cultlike following among business investors who watched him build Blockbuster Entertainment into the leading video rental chain by snapping up competitors. He cracked Forbes’ list of the 100 richest Americans, becoming chairman of Republic Services, one of the nation’s top waste management companies, and AutoNation, the nation’s largest automotive retailer. In 2013, Forbes estimated his wealth at $2.5 billion.

For a time, Huizenga was also a favorite with South Florida sports fans, drawing cheers and autograph seekers in public. The crowd roared when he danced the hokey pokey on the field during an early Marlins game. He went on a spending spree to build a veteran team that won the World Series in the franchise’s fifth year.

But his popularity plummeted when he ordered the roster dismantled after that season. He was frustrated by poor attendance and his failure to swing a deal for a new ballpark built with taxpayer money.

Many South Florida fans never forgave him for breaking up the championship team. Huizenga drew boos when introduced at Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino’s retirement celebration in 2000 and kept a lower public profile after that.

In 2009, Huizenga said he regretted ordering the Marlins’ payroll purge.

“We lost $34 million the year we won the World Series, and I just said, ‘You know what, I’m not going to do that,’” Huizenga said. “If I had it to do over again, I’d say, ‘OK, we’ll go one more year.’”

He sold the Marlins in 1999 to John Henry, and sold the Panthers in 2001, unhappy with rising NHL player salaries and the stock price for the team’s public company.

Dolphins man

Huizenga’s first sports love was the Dolphins; he had been a season-ticket holder since their first season in 1966. But he fared better in the NFL as a businessman than as a sports fan.

He turned a nifty profit by selling the Dolphins and their stadium for $1.1 billion, nearly seven times what he paid to become sole owner. But he knew the bottom line in the NFL is championships, and his Dolphins perennially came up short.

Huizenga earned a reputation as a hands-off owner and won raves from many loyal employees, even though he made six coaching changes. He eased Pro Football Hall of Famer Don Shula into retirement in early 1996, and Jimmy Johnson, Dave Wannstedt, interim coach Jim Bates, Nick Saban, Cam Cameron and Tony Sparano followed as coach.

Johnson tweeted: “A great man, one of the nicest individuals I have ever known, Wayne Huizenga passed away. RIP.”

Garbage business

Harry Wayne Huizenga was born in the Chicago suburbs on Dec. 29, 1937, to a family of garbage haulers. He began his business career in Pompano Beach in 1962, driving a garbage truck from 2 a.m. to noon each day for $500 a month.

Huizenga was a five-time recipient of Financial World magazine’s “CEO of the Year” award, and was the Ernst & Young “2005 World Entrepreneur of the Year.”

Regarding his business acumen, Huizenga said: “You just have to be in the right place at the right time. It can only happen in America.”

In 1960, he married Joyce VanderWagon. Together they had two children, Wayne Jr. and Scott. They divorced in 1966. Wayne married his second wife, Marti Goldsby, in 1972. She died in 2017.

US President Denounces Fatal Hostage Incident in France

U.S. President Donald Trump has denounced Friday’s attack in France that claimed four lives, including that of a police officer who exchanged himself for a hostage the gunman was holding captive in a supermarket in the southwestern town of Trebes.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the horrible attack in France yesterday, and we grieve the nation’s loss,” the president posted on Twitter.

He added, “We also condemn the violent actions of the attacker and anyone who would provide him support. We are with you @EmmanuelMacron!”

Earlier Saturday, France’s interior minister said Lieutenant-Colonel Arnaud Beltrame, the police officer who exchanged himself for the hostage, had died. 

“He died for his country. France will never forget his heroism,” Interior Minister Gerard Collomb wrote Saturday on his Twitter account. 

Authorities said two people had been arrested in connection with the shootings, including a woman who was reported to have been close to the assailant.  

The gunman shot three people to death Friday during a burst of violence.

Car hijacking

First, he hijacked a car near Carcassonne, in southern France, Friday morning, killing the passenger and wounding the driver. He then drove off in the car and shot into a group of police officers who had been jogging, wounding one of them.

Next, in Trebes, near Carcassonne, he walked into the Super U supermarket where he opened fire, killing two people. He held several hostages in the supermarket, where Beltrame volunteered to trade himself for a hostage.

The gunman agreed and Beltrame kept an open line on his phone so his fellow officers could hear what was going on. When the officers heard more gunshots, they stormed the market, killing the gunman. Beltrame had been wounded.


After Macron said evidence suggested the gunman’s actions were considered terrorism, the Islamic State militant group’s propaganda arm claimed responsibility.

“The person who carried out the attack in Trebes in southern France is a soldier of the Islamic State and he carried out the operation in response to a call to target the states” of the anti-IS global coalition, the Amaq agency stated on the messaging app Telegram.

Collomb said Friday, however, that police had not considered 26-year-old suspect Redouane Lakdim, who was born in Morocco and lived in Carcassonne, a terrorist threat.

“He was known by the police for petty crimes. We had monitored him and did not think he had been radicalized,” Collomb said. He added, “He was already under surveillance when he suddenly decided to act.”

The Paris prosecutor’s office said counterterrorism authorities had assumed control of the investigation.

France has been on high alert after being hit with a series of Islamic State extremist attacks since 2015 that have killed more than 200 people.

EU Backs Britain in Russian Spy Standoff; Europe Demands Full US Tariff Exemptions

European Union leaders have given their unqualified backing to Britain over its accusation that Russia used a nerve agent to try to kill a former double agent and his daughter in Southern England earlier this month. At a two-day summit in Brussels that ended Friday, EU leaders also demanded a permanent exemption from proposed U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Henry Ridgwell reports.

Serbia Cancels Handball Match With Kosovo Over Security Concerns

Serbia has canceled a women’s World Championship qualifier handball match with Kosovo over security concerns after nationalists announced they would protest the game.

Serbia’s Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic told local media Friday he called off the match to avoid any clashes between nationalist fans and police.

In response, the European Handball Federation (EHF) said it was expelling the Serbian team from the tournament.

Match moved

The game would have been the first documented sporting encounter between Serbia and its former province, Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008. Serbia does not recognize Kosovo as a nation.

“Could we have organized for this match to go ahead? Certainly. But at what cost?” Stefanovic told the news website B92. “We are not ready to have the police beat up people for the sake of a match, which contradicts all our positions.”

The match was originally set to be played Friday in the central town of Kragujevac, but was moved to an isolated sports center in Kovilovo for security reasons. Both teams agreed the game would be played without fans or media because of the security concerns.

Fans, protesters gather

However, some Serbian fans gathered at the Kovilovo sports center Thursday evening, waving Serbian flags and singing patriotic songs. Police were deployed to the venue Friday in anticipation of the game.

Kosovo declared independence in 2008, nearly a decade after a NATO bombing campaign ended a crackdown by Serbian authorities against secessionists in Kosovo, populated mostly by ethnic Albanians.

Fearing Trade War, Some US Farmers Worry About Trump Tariffs

Randy Poskin, a soybean farmer in rural Illinois, voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. But ask him now he feels about that decision, and you get a tepid response.

“I’m not sure,” Poskin said.

Like many farmers in the Midwest, Poskin is concerned about getting caught in the middle of a trade war, as Trump ramps up economic pressure on China.

Those fears were heightened after Trump announced plans Thursday to impose tariffs on as much as $60 billion worth of Chinese imports.

“I’m fearful they will retaliate on those tariffs,” Poskin said. “Soybean exports, wheat, poultry, chicken, beef — [there are] any number of products that we export to their country that they could retaliate with.”

The announcement has unnerved many in Trump’s base of supporters in U.S. agriculture. The trade tensions have also rattled global markets, which until recently had performed strongly.

Intellectual property theft

Trump’s tariff decision was meant to punish Chinese companies that benefit from unfair access to U.S. technology.

U.S. businesses have long bristled at Beijing’s requirement that they transfer technology to Chinese companies as a condition of entering the Chinese market. U.S. businesses have also had their technology stolen through cyberattacks.

“We have a tremendous intellectual property theft situation going on,” Trump said during the signing ceremony Thursday.

Some U.S. companies in China cheered the move and suggested that concerns about a trade war were overblown.

William Zarit, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, dismissed the “hair on fire” concern that Trump’s proposed moves would hurt the global economy.

“That the U.S. is willing to risk these disruptions indicates how serious the U.S. administration finds China’s forced technology transfer, cybertheft and discriminatory industrial policies,” he said in a statement to VOA.

Zarit pointed to a recent survey suggesting members of his organization wanted the White House to “advocate more strongly for a level playing field and for reciprocal treatment to improve market access” in China.

But it’s not yet clear whether Trump’s words will translate into that kind of action. That’s in part because the president’s move on Thursday did not actually implement tariffs.

Delayed move

Instead, Trump gave the U.S. trade representative 15 days to identify specific Chinese goods that will be subject to the penalties. There will then be a 30-day window for public comment. That means any move is at least 45 days away.

Trump took a similar approach to steel and aluminum tariffs earlier this month. Although the White House initially leaked news that there would be a universal tax on all steel and aluminum imports, at least six countries and the European Union have since received exemptions.

“You have announcements with a lot of big, very aggressive, very dramatic rhetoric, but when it comes time to actually implement the policy, it’s much more toned down, much more in line with historical U.S. trade enforcement policy,” said Geoffrey Gertz of the Brookings Institution.

Such a negotiating tactic often gets Trump the “tough on trade” headlines that he desires, even while reducing the immediate risk of starting a trade war.

But there are still uncertainties. For instance, it still isn’t clear how China will respond to Trump’s protectionist measures.

China’s response

On Friday, China blasted Trump’s move but did little in the way of countermeasures.

“If somebody imposes a trade war on China, we’ll fight to the end,” Cui Tiankai, the Chinese ambassador to Washington, said on state TV.

China also released a list of potential tariffs on $3 billion worth of U.S. goods, including pork, fruit, wine, steel pipes and other products.

“China responded strong verbally but soft in actual countermeasures,” said Allan Von Mehren, a China analyst at the Copenhagen-based Danske Bank.

“This is a very measured reaction, as $3 billion is a drop in the ocean out of the $131 billion the U.S. exports to China every year,” he said.

However, China has signaled it may impose more significant measures should Trump follow through with his tariffs.

Should China retaliate further, a prime target is soybean farmers like Poskin, who are uniquely vulnerable to Chinese retaliation.

One in every three rows of U.S. soybeans is exported to China, according to the American Soybean Association.

That vulnerability is leaving Poskin to wonder whether he did the right thing in supporting Trump.

“I mean, I do like the regulation side of things, the way he’s backing things off,” Poskin said. “But just the same, these areas of trade are very important to agriculture. We can’t interrupt this.”

SpaceX і Tesla видалили сторінки в Facebook на тлі розслідування щодо використання даних

Компанії SpaceX і Tesla видалили свою офіційну сторінку в соцмережі Facebook.

Один із дописувачів у twitter у рамках акції #deletefacebook закликав це зробити засновника компаній Ілона Маска.

«Я не знав, що вона там є. Зробимо», – написав Маск.

Нині сторінки SpaceX і Tesla недоступні в соцмережі Facebook.

На тлі розслідування щодо незаконного використання персональних даних поширився хештег #deletefacebook, яким закликають закрити сторінку в соцмережі. 

Минулого тижня ЗМІ повідомили, що британська аналітична компанія Cambridge Analytica, яку звинувачують у незаконному використанні даних 50 мільйонів користувачів Facebook під час виборчої кампанії Дональда Трампа у США, могла втручатися у вибори в кількох країнах. У Великій Британії триває розслідування щодо Cambridge Analytica. 

Через звинувачення ціна акцій компанії Facebook 19 березня знизилася на майже 7%, що загалом може дорівнювати 30 мільярдам доларів.

Засновник соцмережі Facebook Марк Цукерберг заявив, що компанія проаналізує всі додатки, які мають доступ до значної кількості інформації користувачів, а також проведе повну перевірку будь-якої програми із підозрілою активністю.

Захоплення заручників у Франції: Макрон заявляє про 3 загиблих і 16 поранених

Підозрюваний у захопленні людей в заручники на півдні Франції вбив трьох громадян і поранив ще 16, повідомив президент країни Емманюель Макрон.

За його словами, нападник убив двох людей у супермаркеті у місті Треб. Перед цим підозрюваний викрав автомобіль у сусідньому місті Каркасон, тоді він застрелив ще одного чоловіка, вважає влада Франції.

Макрон повідомив, що слідчі намагаються встановити, як підозрюваний здобув зброю і коли він був радикалізований. Президент заявив, що чоловік був відомий поліції як дрібний торговець наркотиками.

Французькі правоохоронці повідомляли, що 23 березня підозрюваний шість разів вистрелив у поліцейських у сусідньому Каркасоні, внаслідок чого був поранений у плече один із правоохоронців. Його стан не вважають тяжким. Після цього, за даними поліції, підозрюваний пішов до супермаркету в Требі, де захопив заручників.

За повідомленнями ЗМІ, нападник заявляв, що належить до екстремістського угруповання «Ісламська держава».

Прем’єр-міністр Франції Едуар Філіпп заявив, що захоплення заручників у місті Треб на південному заході Франції, ймовірно, є терористичним актом.

Пізніше міністр внутрішніх справ Франції Жерар Коломб повідомив, що поліція застрелила підозрюваного.

В Україні завтра діятиме антициклон, буде сонячно – синоптик

В Україні завтра, 24 березня, діятиме антициклон, буде сонячно. 

Як повідомляє синоптик Наталка Діденко, температура вдень до 1-5 градусів тепла, але місцями може бути до 3 градусів морозу.

За її даними, у Києві на вихідних суттєвих опадів не буде. 

«Вночі підморожуватиме, будьте уважними, кому треба в дорогу саме у нічні години, дороги і тротуари можуть бути небезпечно слизькими. А вдень – насолоджуйтесь сухою погодою, приємними, хоча й маленькими «плюсами» та навіть пухнастим березневим сонцем», – написала Діденко на своїй сторінці в Facebook.

За даними Укргідрометцентру, 24 березня у південних, Кіровоградській, Дніпропетровській, Донецькій і Луганській областях хмарно з проясненнями, вночі та вранці мокрий сніг, вдень без опадів, вдень до 3 градусів тепла.

На решті території мінлива хмарність, без опадів; температура вдень 0-5 градусів тепла. 

Russian Journalist Says Zhirinovsky Groped Him

A journalist with Current Time TV has claimed that Russian nationalist leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky touched him inappropriately in 2006.

Renat Davletgildeyev made the allegation on his Facebook page and spoke about it with Timur Olevsky on Current Time TV, a Russian-language TV and digital network led by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in partnership with VOA. Zhirinovsky’s son, Duma deputy Igor Lebedev, called the accusations “nonsense.”

Iowa Inmates to Perform at New York City Opera

Inmates from an eastern Iowa prison have spent weeks learning German and perfecting inflections to make their New York City opera debut in a broadcast performance of Beethoven’s Fidelio.

Heartbeat Opera invited the Oakdale Community Choir to perform the Prisoner’s Chorus for its New York City live production in May.

Production Director Ethan Heard traveled to the medium-security prison in Coralville, Iowa, on Wednesday to record the choir, comprised of 40 inmates and 30 community members. It’s among six choirs being recorded singing for a pivotal scene.

Inmate Shane Kendrick says any humanizing depiction of inmates is good for them and the community that they’ll re-enter.

Heard tells the Iowa City Press-Citizen that the idea to reimagine Fidelio came to him when he began exploring injustice in today’s prison system.

California Storm Forces Flood Rescues but Spares Montecito

A powerful storm that swelled California rivers, flooded streets and triggered water rescues throughout the state moved on early Friday, leaving only a few stray showers in its wake.

Though the three-day storm had spared communities a repeat of the deadly debris flows following a deluge earlier this year, it dumped record rainfall in some parts and unleashed flooding that led to dramatic rescues Thursday from Los Angeles in Southern California all the way to Folsom, some 400 miles (645 kilometers) to the north.

Most flood and weather warnings were rescinded but flooding remained possible along the Middle Fork Feather River in northeastern California. Winter storm warnings were posted across the top of the state and along the Sierra Nevada for heavy snow expected from new weather systems arriving Friday and expected to last through the weekend.

Authorities lifted evacuation orders for some 30,000 people Thursday in disaster-weary Santa Barbara County, which includes Montecito, where mudslides killed 21 people and inundated hundreds of homes in January.

“We dodged a bullet when this storm did not reach its full potential and actually veered off to the north and south of us,” Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said at a news conference.

Meanwhile in San Luis Obispo County in central California, rescuers reported pulling 10 people from the Salinas River in separate incidents throughout the day Thursday. A helicopter plucked six people from the water while swimmers got the others, said Paso Robles Fire Chief Jonathan Stornetta.

“I was swimming and going from tree to tree,” Monica Johnson, among those rescued from the Salinas River, told KSBY-TV.

Johnson, her boyfriend and their dog were rescued from the river by helicopter after they got trapped on an island trying to cross it.

“The guy, I told him, `Thank you,’ the guy that grabbed me up,” she said. “He wasn’t sitting there making me feel panicking. He made me feel safe.”

Rescuers pulled a man and his dog from the Los Angeles River and in Folsom, a man had to jump from the roof of his car to a rescue boat after he got stuck in floodwaters.

Some 80 miles (129 kilometers) east of Santa Barbara, passers-by helped rescue a couple whose car had turned upside down in rushing water on a neighborhood road, according to video posted by the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department. Another video showed the moment a passer-by jumped onto the overturned SUV and broke out a back window before pulling out the driver.

Meanwhile, various problems arose in Tuolumne County, in the central part of the state

“We had a very heavy rain cell that came through and caused a great deal of havoc throughout the county,” Sheriff Jim Mele said at a news conference. “This cell was very powerful.”

One couple stranded atop a chicken coop had to be rescued after their home and cars were flooded, and a dam leak in the Sierra Nevada foothills prompted about three dozen people to evacuate. A full dam failure was averted.

Not far from the dam in the small community of Groveland, flooded streets caused minor property damage and students at two schools had to shelter in place because buses weren’t able to reach them. They were later released to their parents.

“We had basically a river going through downtown Groveland,” Mele said, adding that waters also dislodged two propane tanks from a home. The tanks hit a car and a home but no damage was reported.

Authorities began praising the storm for dropping a good dose of much-need water in the area, where drought conditions have recently gone back to extreme or severe levels.

“We’re still in a drought so this was a good rain, and we could use more of the good rain,” National Weather Service meteorologist Mark Jackson said.

The county saw between 2 to 5 inches (5 to 13 centimeters) of water in coastal areas, 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 centimeters) in foothills and mountains and 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 centimeters) in parts of the central coast.

Thousands of people fled Montecito and neighboring communities in advance of the storm, just as they had during previous rains and last year during a wildfire that became the largest in state history as it destroyed more than 1,000 buildings, mostly homes.

In Los Angeles County, authorities canceled some planned mandatory evacuations because of a projected decrease in rainfall but kept others in place because of debris flows in one canyon area stripped bare by wildfires.

A large chunk of a hillside fell away in a Los Angeles canyon that burned last year, but no one was hurt.

The storm also toppled a pine tree across one neighborhood street and a eucalyptus tree into a home in another neighborhood. No one was injured.

The storm came ashore earlier in the week as a so-called atmospheric river, a long plume of Pacific moisture that is also known as a “Pineapple Express” because of its origins near Hawaii.

Norway Proposes Bill to Ban Full-Face Veils in Education

The Norwegian government proposed on Friday a nationwide ban on the wearing of full-face veils, such as the burqa and the niqab, in universities, schools, and kindergartens.

France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria and the German state of Bavaria have all imposed restrictions on wearing full-face veils in public places.

If passes by parliament, Norway could become the first Nordic country to introduce such ban in the education sector, Finance Minister Siv Jensen said in a statement. Denmark plans to fine people who cover their face in public.

Jensen, who is also the leader of the anti-immigrant right-wing Progress Party, said the ban would send a strong signal that Norway is “an open society where we are going to see the face of each other.”

The government amended an initial proposal, first presented in June, to allow the wearing of full-face veils during breaks and staff meetings in schools and universities, but it would have to apply throughout working hours at kindergartens.

“A ban on face-covering garments will ensure open communication with children, students and newly arrived immigrants in educational situations,” Jan Tore Sanner, minister of knowledge and integration said in the statement. Sanner belongs to the center-right Conservatives.

Full and partial face veils such as burqas and niqabs divide opinion across Europe, setting advocates of religious freedom against secularists and those who argue that such garments are culturally alien or a symbol of the oppression of women.

The niqab covers everything but the eyes, while the burqa also covers the eyes with a transparent veil.

Under the Norwegian proposal, employees who broke the rule several times would risk losing their jobs, and students would face expulsion, the government said. The ban would not apply to headgear like the hijab or hats.

Local bans on wearing burqa and niqab have been already introduced in some upper secondary schools in Norway.

Norway’s minority government, a coalition of the Conservatives, the Progress Party and the centrist Liberals, said in June it was confident it would find enough support for the move in parliament. If it does, the ban would start in


Separately, Oslo police said in a report that the capital had seen the highest reported number of hate crimes last year, with 198 incidents considered, against 175 in 2016.

“The biggest increase we see among are women insulted in the category of religion, and more specifically Islam,” said the police in a statement.

Russian Nerve Agent Scientist Admits Selling Deadly Toxin to Chechen Mobsters

A chemist who helped develop the nerve agent that Britain says was used to poison former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter was investigated in the late 1990s for selling capsules of the toxin to Chechen mobsters.

Leonid Rink, who worked in a Soviet-era chemical weapons facility near the Russian town of Saratov, admitted to investigators after the killing of a Russian banker in 1995 that he sold capsules of the deadly Novichok toxin to Chechen criminals based in Moscow.

Chechen mobsters with ties to Chechnya’s pro-Moscow leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, have been prosecuted in recent years for a string of high-profile killings of opponents of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, including the 2015 slaying of leading opposition figure Boris Nemtsov.

“Yes, I understood these people planned to use the substance against people,” Rink told investigators after the 1995 poisoning of Russian banker Ivan Kivelidi, according to classified testimony published by Novaya Gazeta, an investigative newspaper.

Rink is credited with being one of the Soviet-era creators of the deadly military-grade nerve agent, and he has appeared on Russian state television commenting on the Skripal poisoning. In one interview he said Novichok was “the basis for my doctoral dissertation.” He has accused the British themselves of having poisoned Skripal, who was a Russian military intelligence officer recruited as a double agent by Britain’s MI6.

The British government blames the Kremlin for the poisoning of Skripal. But when British Prime Minister Theresa May formally leveled the accusation in a statement in the House of Commons on March 12, she offered a way out for the Kremlin, raising the possibility that Putin’s government might have “lost control of this potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it to get into the hands of others.”

May gave Russia 24 hours to explain, but the Kremlin so far has refused to offer one. It has maintained its innocence and denies any involvement in the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter in the sleepy cathedral city of Salisbury. Kremlin officials have demanded Britain hand over a sample of the nerve agent used and has accused British ministers of insulting accusations.

The Russian Foreign ministry said it “regrets” the EU28 statement issued Saturday blaming Russia for the Salisbury attack. It said the EU was “heading toward an anti-Russia campaign, instigated by London and Washington.”

Another Russian scientist who worked on the Novichok program, Vil Mirzayanov, who fled to the U.S. two decades ago, has raised doubts about the possibility of Russian authorities losing control of any stockpiles of Novichok. He has told reporters that Soviet and later Russian authorities maintained tight control of the toxin, questioning whether any Novichok could have fallen into the hands of anyone the Kremlin did not want to have it.

But the 1995 slaying of Russian banking magnate Ivan Kivelidi and his secretary, who both died from organ failure after being contaminated, suggests otherwise.

In a secret trial, Kivelidi’s business partner was convicted of his killing. Prosecutors said he had obtained the poison via intermediaries, from Rink, then an employee at the state chemical research institute known as GosNIIOKhT. Rink admitted he had supplemented his state salary by selling capsules of the nerve agent — amounting to hundreds of lethal doses to various criminals, including Chechen mobsters — but he maintained he had done so a month after Kivelidi’s poisoning.

He got off lightly and wasn’t seriously punished, though, serving just a year in jail for “misuse of state property.”

Rink’s admission to investigators of having smuggled Novichok out of the Saratov facility adds a fresh quirk to the unfolding Skripal story. But some analysts warn that the re-surfacing of the case now serves the Kremlin, worrying that it is a diversion and designed to muddy the waters.

“Isn’t the point that Novichok needs to be precisely and expertly mixed an hour before its administration to be effective,” says Edward Lucas, author of the book, The New Cold War: Putin’s Russia and the Threat to the West. “I think this is a diversion,” he told VOA.

Vil Mirzayanov suggested in an interview with VOA’s Russian Service that anyone could cook up Novichok because he posted the formula online.

Chechen assassins have been involved in a string of high-profile slayings of political and media critics of Putin in recent years, including leading opposition politician Nemtsov, who was shot dead in February 2015 near the Kremlin. But in all the cases prosecutors have failed to pursue the chain of command for the actions of the assassins, complain rights campaigners.

Five ethnic Chechens were found guilty of Nemtsov’s slaying and the gunman Zaur Dadayev, was a former member of an elite military under the command of Chechnya’s pro-Moscow president Ramzan Kadyrov. Chechens also were convicted for the 2006 shooting of investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya, a thorn in the side of the Kremlin.

The investigation of the sale of toxins lasted several years, and Rink was questioned many times between 1999 to 2006, according to court documents. He detailed how he sold toxins to people connected with crime. He worked as head of the laboratory in a branch of the State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology (GOSNIIOHT) in the closed city of Shihany, near Saratov.

“Colleagues consider him to be a professional of the highest qualification in the field of highly toxic compounds, noting that ‘specialists of this level can be counted on the fingers,’” according to Novaya Gazeta. In 1994 chemical weapons scientists warned the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) state security officials that Novichok was “synthesized and sold in an unauthorized manner.”

Rink told FSB interrogators: “When I handed over [an ampule], I naturally instructed a person about the safety measures when handling this substance. I said that the substance acts when applied to the skin of a person and when the substance gets into the body with food. I said that the signs of death would be like a heart disease.”

The Novichok chemist wasn’t alone among Russian scientists and workers in state facilities to sell dangerous substances and military hardware. In the chaos of the collapse of the Soviet Union scientists and government workers were left unpaid for weeks and months at a time.

Stockpiles were not well secured — fissile material was sold on the black market, there were were thefts of radioactive material, propelled by the deteriorating economic and security conditions in military facilities.


НАБУ: голову Деснянської РДА Києва підозрюють у декларуванні недостовірної інформації

Національне антикорупційне бюро України заявляє, що голову Деснянської районної держадміністрації Києва підозрюють у декларуванні недостовірної інформації. 

Як повідомляє прес-служба бюро, детективи повідомили про підозру чиновнику 20 березня.

У НАБУ зазначають, що «на час вчинення злочину він обіймав посаду голови Березівської райдержадміністрації Одеської області». 

За даними слідства, посадовець вніс завідомо недостовірні дані до щорічної е-декларації за 2015 рік, йдеться про відомості щодо земельної ділянки, яка перебувала в користуванні підозрюваного, а також дані про корпоративні права його дружини на суму понад 2 мільйони гривень, що раніше належали підозрюваному і були безоплатно відчужені на її користь у 2015 році. 

«Факт порушення головою РДА закону України «Про запобігання корупції» та наявність в його діях складу кримінального правопорушення, передбаченого ст. 366-1 КК України, також підтвердило Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції. Детективи НАБУ вважають, що голова РДА вдався до таких дій умисно, ймовірно, з метою приховання значної частини своїх та сімейних статків з мотивів небажання оприлюднення таких даних у відкритих джерелах», – заявляють в бюро.

Розслідування щодо керівника Деснянської РДА детективи НАБУ проводять з грудня 2016 року.

Чиновник наразі не коментував це повідомлення бюро.

НАБУ, серед іншого, розслідує кримінальні правопорушення щодо декларування недостовірної інформації і незаконного збагачення, вчинених найвищими посадовими особами, уповноваженими на виконання функцій держави або місцевого самоврядування. Підслідними НАБУ є найвищі посадові особи

US Sanctions Frenchman, Uzbek Group for Aiding Syrian Terrorists

The U.S. on Thursday imposed economic sanctions on a French chemical weapons expert and an Uzbek fighting force, claiming they were supporting terrorists in the Syrian civil war.

The State Department declared both Joe Asperman, described as “a senior chemical weapons expert” for Islamic State, and Katibat al-Imam al-Bukhari, the Uzbek group, as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.

The blacklisting freezes any assets they may have in the United States and bars Americans from any transactions with them.

The State Department said Asperman “oversaw chemical operations production within Syria for ISIS (Islamic State) and the deployment of these chemical weapons at the battlefront.”

It described Katibat al-Imam al-Bukhari as “the largest Uzbek fighting force in Syria.” The State Department said the group “has played a significant role in the fighting in northwestern Syria, fighting alongside groups including al-Nusrah Front,” al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria and already a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization.

The State Department said that last April, the Uzbek group “published a video showing armed men taking part in clashes, and in December 2015, posted a video of a training camp for children, where children are taught to handle and fire weapons.”


Трамп затвердив мита на китайські товари

Президент США Дональд Трамп підписав президентський меморандум, який може ввести мито на китайську продукцію на суму щонайменше 50 мільярдів доларів.

Трамп доручив торговельному представнику США Роберту Лайхайзеру запропонувати перелік товарів, щодо яких застосовуватимуть мита.

«Це давно опрацьовувалося», – сказав Трамп.

У меморандумі йдеться, що він буде орієнтований на імпорт Китаю тільки після консультаційного періоду, тобто зміни щодо конкретних товарів можуть бути встановлені шляхом переговорів з Китаєм.

Трамп також закликав міністра фінансів Стівена Мнучіна запропонувати нові інвестиційні обмеження для китайських компаній протягом 60 днів, щоб захистити технології, які Сполучені Штати вважають стратегічними, сказав економічний радник Білого дому Еверетт Айзенстат.

 У Білому дому зазначили, що дії є необхідним кроком для протидії «несправедливим» практикам, включаючи застосування обмежень щодо іноземної власності.

Китай заявив, що готовий відреагувати на «вимушені заходи».

Трамп також зазначив, що США готові, щонайменше тимчасово, звільнити Європейський Союз від раніше оголошених мит на сталь і алюміній.

Футбол: «Манчестер Юнайтед» розірвав контракт з Ібрагімовічем

Англійський футбольний клуб «Манчестер Юнайтед» розірвав контракт з 36-річним нападником Златаном Ібрагімовічем, повідомила прес-служба команди.

У клубі зазначили, що рішення про розірвання договору набуває чинності одразу.

Швед Ібрагімовіч став гравцем «Манчестер Юнайтед» влітку 2016 року. З того часу він взяв участь у 53 матчах команди, забивши 29 голів, повідомляє прес-служба клубу. У нинішньому сезоні через травми він зіграв лише в семи матчах, у яких забив один гол.

Раніше Ібрагімович виступав за італійські «Ювентус», «Інтер», «Мілан», іспанську «Барселону» й французький «Парі Сен-Жермен». Ставав кращим бомбардиром чемпіонатів Італії й Франції. Також є рекордсменом збірної Швеції за кількістю голів.
