Month: November 2017

Britons React Angrily to Trump’s Retweets of Anti-Muslim Videos

British lawmakers and officials have reacted angrily to President Donald Trump’s retweeting of anti-Muslim videos initially posted by a far-right British leader who has been convicted of hate speech. Trump remains unrepentant for the tweets, and the situation has escalated with members of parliament. VOA’s Jeff Custer reports from Washington.

Концерт музиканта Басти в Києві скасований

Концерт російського музиканта Василя Вакуленка (Басти) в Києві скасований, повідомив у Facebook концертний клуб Stereo Plaza, де 1 грудня мав відбутися захід.

У клубі пояснили, що концерт скасований у зв’язку із забороною в’їзду на територію України. Згідно з повідомленням, про порядок і терміни повернення вже придбаних квитків оголосять 4 грудня.

У вересні Служба безпеки України повідомила, що заборонила Вакуленку в’їзд до України на три роки за виступи в окупованому Росією Криму. 

17 червня відбувся концерт музиканта в Києві. Наступного дня був запланований його виступ в Одесі, однак захід скасували. У клубі, де мав відбутися захід, не пояснювали причин рішення.

Українська сторона неодноразово наголошувала, що іноземці, приїжджаючи до анексованого Росією Криму через закриті Україною пункти пропуску, порушують українське законодавство. Низка артистів, які виступили на анексованій території або висловилися на підтримку російської анексії Криму, втратили можливість виступати на материковій Україні.

Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила 20 лютого 2014 року початком тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією. Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу запровадили низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості».

УПЦ КП: Філарет не просив про покаяння в РПЦ

Українська православна церква Київського патріархату готова до діалогу з Російською православною церквою лише на тему визнання Москвою автокефалії Української церкви, заявив прес-секретар УПЦ КП Євстратій (Зоря). Так він відреагував на заяву РПЦ про те, що голова Української православної церкви Київського патріархату Філарет нібито направив російському патріарху Кирилу лист із проханням про прощення.

«Єдиний діалог, який патріарх і УПЦ КП хочуть і готові вести з РПЦ – діалог про визнання Москвою автокефалії Української Церкви. Ні про яке покаяння перед РПЦ чи тим більше повернення до її складу не може бути й мови», – написав Євстратій (Зоря) у Facebook.

Він додав, що 1 грудня патріарх Філарет у своїй резиденції дасть прес-конференцію.

Згодом речник УПЦ КП оприлюднив копію листа Філарета.

«Лист написаний на прохання з МП, щоби бути підставою на соборі відновити можливість молитовного єднання. На жаль цю можливість собор відкинув. Лист написаний з дипломатичним бажанням врахувати «лице» адресата, щоби він міг зберегти його. На жаль адресат не побажав врахувати нічиї інтереси, крім власних», – додав Євстратій (Зоря).

30 листопада РПЦ заявила про звернення з УПЦ КП, в якому Філарет нібито закликав про «відновити молитовне спілкування» і скасувати рішення про церковні покарання й відлучення. За повідомленням, звернення заслухали на архієрейському соборі, який відбувається в Москві.

У РПЦ додали, що для проведення подальших переговорів архієрейський собор заснував комісію, яку очолив голова синодного відділу зовнішніх церковних зв’язків митрополит Волоколамський Іларіон.

Філарет був митрополитом Київським і всієї України до 1992 року, коли він і його прихильники утворили Українську православну церкву Київського патріархату. Московський патріархат відлучив Філарета від своєї церкви і піддав анафемі як «розкольника».


Суд арештував підозрюваного в спробі дати співробітнику НАБУ 800 тисяч доларів хабара

Печерський районний суд Києва арештував на 60 діб Вадима Альперіна, якого підозрюють у спробі дати співробітнику Національного антикорупційного бюро України 800 тисяч доларів хабара.

Речниця генерального прокурора України Лариса Сарган зазначила, що підозрюваний має право внести 21 мільйон гривень застави.

24 листопада НАБУ заявляло, що громадянин пропонував хабар за припинення розслідування кримінального провадження, у якому накладено арешт на близько 450 мільйонів гривень коштів підконтрольних йому підприємств.

У НАБУ не називали імені громадянина, однак генеральний прокурор Юрій Луценко уточнював, що мова йде про «відомого одеського контрабандиста Альперіна».

House Democratic Leader Condemns Conyers Over Harassment Allegations

U.S. House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called on her colleague John Conyers, the longest-serving member of Congress, to resign over allegations of sexual harassment.

“Congressman Conyers should resign,” Pelosi said of her colleague, adding the women who spoke out against him were “brave” and deserved justice.

“As deemed, Congressman Conyers has served our Congress for more than five decades and shaped some of the most consequential legislation of the last half century.  However, zero tolerance means consequences for everyone, no matter how great the legacy, it’s not license to harass or discriminate,” she said.

House Speaker Paul Ryan also called on Representative Conyers to resign “immediately” Thursday.

Hours earlier, Conyers’ friend and political consultant Sam Riddle said that he had been admitted to a hospital in Detroit, without providing further details.

“(Conyers is under) tremendous stress due to media hounding, and political vultures and serial accusers,” The Detroit News quoted Riddle as saying. “That type of stress would affect anybody.”

The announcement came as Conyers’ former aide publicly accused him of sexual harassment, telling NBC’s today show that she was fired for rejecting her boss’s sexual advances.

Marion Brown, 61, said her former boss propositioned her for sex multiple times over more than a decade.  Brown is one of multiple women who has accused the 88-year-old Congressman of harassment, while revealing a “Hush Fund” on Capitol Hill that uses taxpayer funds to pay settlements.

Pelosi’s condemnation came a day after the House passed a bill requiring members of Congress and their staffs to undergo mandatory sexual harassment training.  

Congress also introduced legislation Wednesday that, if passed, would end the two-decade old practice of paying settlements with taxpayer money.  The Congressional Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act would require transparent disclosure of the nature of claims settled in the office of Congressional Compliance.

The latest sexual harassment charge against Conyers is one of a number that have buffeted the Washington political scene.  Democratic Senator Al Franken apologized Monday on Capitol Hill to “everyone who has counted on me to be a champion of women.”  Four women have accused Franken of initiating unwanted sexual contact in separate incidents.

Republican Representative Joe Barton has admitted he shared a nude photo of himself with an unidentified lover that circulated online.  Barton, who has served in the House for 32 years, announced Thursday he will not seek reelection in 2018.

The revelations followed allegations that Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore sexually assaulted a 14-year old girl and had sexual encounters with several young women while when he was in his 30’s.  Moore is campaigning in a special election in Alabama that will be decided on December 12.

A year ago, President Donald Trump was accused by more than a dozen women of sexual assault or improper conduct.  Many of the accusations became public when he was heard on an Access Hollywood tape boasting about kissing and groping women.  Trump and the White House have denied the allegations.


Pakistan: Talks Under Way With US to Bridge Differences on Afghan War

Pakistan says high-level discussions “away from public glare” are under way with the United States to bridge differences stemming from the new Afghan strategy U.S. President Donald Trump announced in August.

Pakistan did not agree with the U.S. policy because “there was a difference in understanding and perceptions on both sides,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Faisal Thursday, while discussing the dialogue process at his weekly news conference in Islamabad.

The policy focused on Pakistan’s alleged duplicity; receiving billions of dollars in U.S. assistance as a non-NATO ally for combating regional terrorism and covertly supporting the Taliban and the Haqqani terrorist network waging deadly attacks on Afghan and U.S.-led allied forces in Afghanistan.

Islamabad promptly rejected the accusations, saying the country is being scapegoated for U.S. military failures in stabilizing Afghanistan and defeating the Taliban.

“Pakistan and the U.S. are actively engaged in discussing the situation in Afghanistan with a view to arriving at a better understanding of each other’s positions and to devise the way forward, to promote peace and stability in Afghanistan,” Faisal said.

The spokesman also said U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will continue the interaction during a trip to Islamabad. He did not say when, but the Pentagon chief will be visiting the country on December 3, according to Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif. The Pentagon has not confirmed the date.

U.S. officials are also critical of alleged ties between the Pakistani spy agency, ISI, and the Haqqani network, whose leaders are accused of directing violence in Afghanistan from their alleged sanctuaries in Pakistan.

The top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson, on Thursday told reporters Washington is in talks with Islamabad to press the latter to cut those ties.

“This is a conversation that is going on between Washington and Islamabad at the highest levels of the U.S. government. So, I would not talk about the next steps that we will take. But you can be assured that my government, the United States, is putting pressure on Pakistan, this is diplomatic pressure, economic pressure,” Nicholson said.

The U.S. general cited a deadly truck bombing he said the Haqqani network plotted in the high-security diplomatic zone of the Afghan capital, Kabul, in May of this year. The attack left more than 150 people dead and many more wounded. Embassies of nine countries were also damaged, according to Nicholson.

“They [the Haqqanis] are not only attacking innocent Afghan people, they have also been attacking the international forces and diplomats that are here to help the Afghan people. So, all of these nations have been going back to Pakistan,” noted the general.

While testifying before a congressional committee in October, Mattis said the U.S. would try “one more time” to make the Afghan strategy work with Pakistan, “and if our best efforts fail, the president is prepared to take whatever steps are necessary.”

Pakistani officials maintain that their counterterrorism efforts have reduced the threat in the region and the country is not supporting any warring faction in Afghanistan.

Pakistan says camps set up for millions of Afghan refugees have been used as shelters by insurgents to plot attacks on both sides of the border. Islamabad does not rule out the presence of Afghan insurgents on its side.


They say unleashing a counter-militancy operation on the displaced population would amount to bringing the Afghan war to Pakistani soil at a time when the country is already fighting anti-state militants.

Critics, however, rule out a total collapse in bilateral relations over persistent tensions. They point to major ground and air lines of communications through Pakistan that have been used for years to send supplies to thousands of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.


France Invites US to Dec. 13 Summit on Boosting Fight Against W.African Militants

French President Emmanuel Macron fears Islamist militants have scored military and symbolic victories in West Africa while a regional military force has struggled to get off the ground, a French presidential source said on Thursday.

To help get the new G5 Sahel force operating effectively, he said, France has invited the United States to a summit with the five participating countries as well as the African Union and European Union in Paris next month.

Thousands of U.N. peacekeepers, French troops and U.S. military trainers and drone operators have failed so far to stem a growing wave of jihadist violence, leading world powers to pin their hopes on the new G5 Sahel force.

The G5 Sahel initiative – grouping Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger – faces an immense security challenge in a largely desert and weakly governed region and already faces questions over its financing and provision of equipment.

“Emmanuel Macron believes that it’s not going quickly enough and that the terrorists have registered military and symbolic victories, especially in Niger, and (that) it’s urgent to reverse this trend,” the French official said in Ghana where Macron was winding up a three-day Africa trip.

“The (objective) will be to accelerate the calendar for the support of the force, and the operational calendar.”

The jihadist threat hit home again last month with an attack in Niger in which eight U.S. and Nigerien troops were killed, prompting American officials to forecast that U.S. involvement in the Sahel region would deepen.

As well as the leaders of the G5 nations – all former French colonies – and the EU and African Union, the French presidential official said the United States had also been invited to the Dec. 13 summit.

The G5 force is to eventually comprise 5,000 men from seven battalions and police the region in collaboration with 4,000 French troops deployed there since Paris intervened in 2013 to beat back an insurgency in northern Mali.

It will also have to coordinate with MINUSMA, Mali’s U.N. peacekeeping mission. MINUSMA has been frequently attacked in the north where Islamists have regained ground since 2013.

A donor conference will be held in Brussels on Dec. 14 to raise funds for the Sahel force. Paris has also asked Saudi Arabia to help finance the force and representatives of the kingdom could also be in Paris on Dec. 13, the official said.

У парламенті Швеції вперше вшанували пам’ять жертв Голодомору – посольство

29 листопада в парламенті Швеції вперше вшанували пам’ять жертв Голодомору в Україні 1932-1933 років, повідомляє прес-служба посольства України в Швеції.

«Захід… був організований за безпосереднього сприяння Міжпарламентської групи дружби між Риксдагом Швеції і Верховною Радою України… Гостям заходу продемонстрували світлини з архівів Центрального державного кінофотофоноархіву України імені Пшеничного, очевидців трагічних подій в Україні в 1932-1933 роках, матеріали Українського інституту національної пам’яті», – йдеться в повідомленні.

У листопаді 2006 року Верховна Рада України визнала Голодомор 1932–1933 років геноцидом українського народу. Наразі Голодомор визнали геноцидом 24 країни світу, а ще у низці країн – органи влади їхніх окремих територіальних одиниць.

Україна з посиланням на дані науково-демографічної експертизи стверджує, що загальна кількість людських втрат від Голодомору 1932–33 років становить 3 мільйони 941 тисячу осіб, а втрати українців у частині ненароджених становлять 6 мільйонів 122 тисячі.

Підозрюваний у нападі на магазин разом із сином Попова перебуватиме під домашнім арештом – суд

Оболонський районний суд Києва обрав запобіжний захід у вигляді цілодобового домашнього арешту 15-річному хлопцеві, якого разом із сином народного депутата України Ігоря Попова Богданом підозрююють у розбійному нападі на магазин у столиці України.

Представники прокуратури просили суд про обрання йому запобіжного заходу у вигляді тримання під вартою впродовж двох місяців.

Раніше такий же запобіжний захід суд обрав і для сина депутата.

28 листопада прокуратура повідомила двом підліткам про підозру в «розбої».

DEA Targets Opioid Abuse With New Appalachian Field Office

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency is targeting opioid abuse in Appalachia by establishing a new field office in Kentucky to oversee a region ravaged by overdose deaths.

Acting DEA Administrator Robert Patterson says the new Louisville field office will have a special agent in charge to oversee investigations in Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. The agency says the new office will enhance efforts in the Appalachian mountain region and streamline drug trafficking investigations under a single office. D. Christopher Evans, an associate agent in charge in the DEA’s Detroit field office, will lead the new Louisville office.

Overdose deaths were 65 percent higher among residents in Appalachia than in the rest of the country in 2015, a recent Appalachian Regional Commission study found.

Trump Reacts to Lauer Firing With New Blast at ‘Fake News’

President Donald Trump quickly responded to the firing of “Today” show host Matt Lauer on Wednesday, saying executives at NBC and Comcast should be “fired for putting out so much Fake News.”

Trump tweeted: “Wow, Matt Lauer was just fired from NBC for ‘inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.’ But when will the top executives at NBC & Comcast be fired for putting out so much Fake News.”

He then called out the NBC News chairman, adding: “Check out Andy Lack’s past!” It was not immediately clear what that comment referred to. NBC declined to comment on Trump’s tweets.

NBC, which is owned by Philadelphia-based Comcast Corp., announced Wednesday that it had terminated Lauer after receiving a “detailed complaint” from a colleague about sexual misconduct. Lauer’s co-anchor, Savannah Guthrie, made the announcement at the top of the “Today” show.


Trump’s comment on “Fake News” was a reiteration of his long-standing grievances with mainstream news outlets that he contends have covered his presidency unfairly and inaccurately. Trump, who often judges stories he doesn’t like to be fake news, has said that he has a “running war with the media.”


The tweets seeking to undermine mainstream news outlets have been a mainstay of his first year in office and come amid tensions over a traditional White House holiday party.


CNN, which is among Trump’s favorite targets, announced Tuesday night that the network’s reporters would not be attending Friday’s White House Christmas party, an annual tradition in which reporters and administration officials can interact in a more relaxed setting.


“In light of the President’s continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests,” the network said in a statement, adding that they intended to send “a White House reporting team to the event” to report on any news. A spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment about what that meant.


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded to the news with a celebratory tweet.


“Christmas comes early! Finally, good news from (at)CNN,” she wrote Tuesday.


Trump piled on Wednesday morning: “Great, and we should boycott Fake News CNN. Dealing with them is a total waste of time!”


Over the weekend, Trump had gone after CNN International on Twitter, saying that the network was “a major source of (Fake) news” outside the U.S. and complaining that they “represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly.”


“The outside world does not see the truth from them!” he wrote.


It was an especially pointed attack on a news organization that prides itself on its international coverage and that has dozens of staffers positioned in hot spots around the globe. CNN tweeted back that “it’s not CNN’s job to represent the U.S. to the world. That’s yours. Our job is to report the news.”


Під МВС відбулися сутички між протестувальниками й правоохоронцями

Під будівлею Міністерства внутрішніх справ України в Києві відбулися сутички між протестувальниками та правоохоронцями, передає кореспондент Радіо Свобода з місця подій.

За його словами, унаслідок зіткнень затримали щонайменше двох людей, у мітингарів забрали намет. У поліції поки не коментували інформацію про затриманих.

Він додав, що близько тисячі правоохоронців перекрили перехрестя біля Міністерства внутрішніх справ й почали відтісняти протестувальників. Ті, зі свого боку, запалили димові шашки, кидали в бік поліцейських піротехнічні засоби й сніг, а також використовували нецензурну лексику.

Протестувальники вимагали звільнення добровольців, зокрема колишнього командира добровольчого батальйону «Донбас» Анатолія Виногродського, якого 27 листопада арештували за підозрою у вчиненні розбійного нападу на охоронця одного з приватних сільськогосподарських підприємств Кіровоградщини. Також мітингувальники закликали розслідувати злочини часів Євромайдану.

​У ніч на 30 листопада 2013 року, коли бійці нині розформованого спецпідрозділу «Беркут» розігнали мирну акцію протесту на Майдані в Києві, від дій міліції потерпіли 84 людини, які зазнали тілесних ушкоджень різного ступеня тяжкості.

Після цього, 1 грудня 2013 року, на вулиці Києва на віче вийшли кілька сотень тисяч людей.

US Adopts Recovery Plan for Mexican Grey Wolves

After decades of legal challenges and political battles that have pitted states against the federal government, U.S. wildlife managers on Wednesday finally adopted a plan to guide the recovery of a wolf that once roamed parts of the American Southwest and northern Mexico.


The plan sets a goal of having an average of 320 Mexican gray wolves in the wild over an eight-year period before the predator can shed its status as an endangered species. In each of the last three years, the population would have to exceed the average to ensure the species doesn’t backslide.


Officials estimate recovery could take another two decades and cost nearly $180 million.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service considered tens of thousands of public comments – from state lawmakers and business groups to independent scientists and environmentalists – as it worked to meet a court-ordered deadline to craft the recovery plan. It was a long time coming as the original guidance for restoring the wolf was adopted in 1982.


“This plan really provides us a roadmap for where we need to go to get this species recovered and delisted and get its management turned back over to the states and tribes,” Sherry Barrett, the Mexican wolf recovery coordinator, told The Associated Press in an interview.


Barrett said state wildlife officials reviewed the scientific data and the models used to calculate the best way forward for the agency as it works to bolster genetic diversity and continue building the wild population.


There are now more of the wolves roaming the Southwest than at any time since the federal government began trying to reintroduce the animals in 1998. The most recent annual survey shows at least 113 wolves spread between southwestern New Mexico and southeast Arizona.

There are about 31 wolves in the wild in Mexico, officials said.


Under the recovery plan, those numbers would be expected to grow to 145 in the U.S. and 100 in Mexico over the next five years.


Barrett said targeted releases of captive-bred wolves and translocations are necessary to make the program work.


In an effort to avoid future skirmishes with states, the plan calls for coordination with wildlife officials in New Mexico and Arizona when it comes to the timing, location and circumstances of the releases.


Environmentalists are voicing concerns, suggesting there needs to be more than 700 wolves in the wild if the population is to withstand illegal shootings, genetic issues and other challenges.


They have pushed for years for more captive wolves to be released, but ranchers and elected leaders in rural communities have pressed back because the predators sometimes attack domestic livestock and wild game.


Last year, the U.S. Interior Department’s internal watchdog said the Fish and Wildlife Service had not fulfilled its obligation to remove Mexican gray wolves that preyed on pets and cattle.


Barrett said with the new plan and other rules that give the agency flexibility in managing problem wolves, there is optimism among officials that progress can be made.


“I know that with most things having to do with wolves, there’s going to be a lot of strong opinions on both sides,” she said. “But to us, it is a big step forward for us to have something in place to start working toward and working with the public to achieve.”

Speculation Rising About Royal Title for Meghan Markle

With a royal wedding in the works, speculation is rising about the title that will be bestowed on Meghan Markle when she marries Prince Harry in the spring.

Will the American actress be a British princess? The answer is: sort of.

Markle’s future noble ranking partly depends on what titles Queen Elizabeth II gives her and Harry on their May wedding day.

Markle, 36, will not formally be known as Princess Meghan because she is not of royal birth. However, she will become Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Wales when she marries Harry, whose proper first name is Henry.

The speculation is that the queen will make Harry a duke, like his brother William, and Markle a duchess when they wed at Windsor Castle. In that case, Markle would properly be known as a duchess, not a princess.

“It’s wrong to call a royal duchess `princess’ unless she’s already a princess,” royal historian Hugo Vickers said. “But they can do what they like. I’m sure the press will call her Princess Meghan. I just hope they don’t abbreviate it to Princess Megs.”

Many royal observers think the queen will make the newlyweds the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, one of the few remaining “dukedoms” that is available.

In that case, Markle would become Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Sussex.

That is similar to what happened to Kate Middleton when she married Prince William in 2011. The queen made the couple the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The situation can become quite confusing, in part because Britain’s scrappy tabloid press helps shape how people are known.

Harry’s mother, Diana, was widely known as Princess Diana, but that was never her formal title. She was the Princess of Wales by virtue of her eventually unsuccessful marriage to Charles, the Prince of Wales.

When Diana died in a Paris car crash in 1997, Prime Minister Tony Blair told a grieving nation she had been “the people’s princess,” an unofficial designation that struck a chord.

“We always talk of Princess Diana, but that was never her title,” Majesty magazine Managing Editor Joe Little said.

Little said Markle would “technically” remain a princess by marriage — even if she becomes a duchess — because Harry will still be a prince.

“But in everyday use, it won’t be part of her title,” he said.

That could change if the queen decides at some point to upgrade Markle’s title — and Kate’s title for that matter — and officially make the two commoners “Princess Meghan” and “Princess Catherine.”

“We won’t have a Princess Meghan unless they decide it’s the 21st century and they can change the rules,” said Little. “But given that the queen is a traditionalist, I think that’s unlikely.”

Women Leaders Tackle Gender Equality at Iceland Summit

Over 400 women political leaders from around the world met in Iceland on Wednesday for an annual summit aimed at promoting gender equality inside and outside of the political sphere.


The summit sponsored by the Women Political Leaders Global Forum comes amid the sexual misconduct scandal that has rocked the world of politics, as well as the entertainment and media industries.


In Iceland, often regarded as a champion of gender equality, hundreds of women in politics have signed a pledge against sexual harassment and urged male colleagues to change their behavior.


Former Iceland president Vigdis Finnbogadottir, the world’s first elected woman president, said the brave accounts given in recent weeks would improve the work environments for women in politics.


“This will change the attitude of both women and men,” she said in a rare interview with The Associated Press on Monday. “Women will be more confident discussing with men, and men more careful.”


Finnbogadottir became the world’s first elected female president in 1980 after she defeated three male candidates. Women account for 7 percent of world heads of state now.


Globally, the average share of women in national parliaments has risen slightly and stands at 23 percent


Former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, who until recently led the United Nations Development Program, said work-related sexual misconduct of the kinds recently made public contributes to a lack of women in leadership positions.


“That kind of behavior, which is now deemed widely unacceptable, has been one of the barriers to women getting ahead,” Clark said. “Lots of sectors – parliaments, film industries and others – are having to face their past and say, ‘We are going to do it better.’”


‘We can do it!’

Clark said the conference was a rallying cry to show younger women that success is possible if they join the team and help others up that ladder.


The theme of the summit in Iceland’s capital – “We can do it!” – refers to the country’s success achieving gender equality.


Iceland has for nine years running been ranked by the World Economic Forum as having the smallest gender gap – an index measured by life expectancy, educational opportunities and other factors in addition to pay.


The World Economic Forum’s most recent index, issued this month, concluded that men’s earnings were rising faster than women’s. Under current trends, it will take 217 years for women’s incomes to match those of men, according to the forum’s report.  


Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite, who chairs the Council of Women World Leaders, said the trend was worrying.


“This shows that even with the economy recovering – and better economic development in the world overall – the pay gap is increasing instead of diminishing.”


At Wednesday’s opening ceremony, Finnbogadottir, 87, received an honorary award and addressed the large gathering of female decision-makers.


The scene was in sharp contrast to her inauguration as Iceland’s president 37 years ago, when she stood in front of a crowd dominated by men wearing tuxedos. Of the 150 officials attending the ceremony, only two were women.


“Gender equality has changed tremendously in Iceland since then but we still got some ways to go,” she said.


British Lawmakers React With Fury to Trump Tweets

British lawmakers reacted angrily Wednesday to President Donald Trump’s retweeting of anti-Muslim videos initially posted by a far-right British leader who’s been convicted of hate speech.

Several lawmakers called on Prime Minister Theresa May to cancel a “working visit” by the president scheduled for next year.

“He is no ally or friend of ours,” said Labour lawmaker David Lammy, adding that the U.S. president is not welcome in Britain.

Prime Minister May’s spokesman said Trump was “wrong” to retweet the videos. “British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which is the antithesis of the values that this country represents — decency, tolerance and respect. It is wrong for the president to have done this,” he said.

Even normally pro-Trump British politicians criticized Trump for sharing three Twitter posts by Jayda Fransen, the deputy leader of the far-right anti-immigrant group Britain First, which calls for a return of “traditional British values” and an end to “Islamization.”

Trump’s retweets came Wednesday morning with the first unverified video claiming to show Muslim migrants beating up a Dutch boy on crutches.

Moments later the president shared a second video, also initially posted by Fransen, which claimed to show a Muslim destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary.

A third post carried the message: “Islamist mob pushes teenage boy off roof and beats him to death!”

Fransen and Britain First

Fransen has had several run-ins with police for hate speech, as have other leaders of Britain First who have been accused of religious harassment and incitement. Earlier this month, Fransen was found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment after she verbally abused a Muslim woman for wearing a hijab.

Fransen was charged in September with religiously aggravated harassment along with Britain First’s leader, Paul Goldings, for the distribution of inflammatory leaflets in the southern English town of Canterbury. Fransen is awaiting trial. In December, she is due in court in Northern Ireland to face charges of using threatening and abusive language during a speech she made at an anti-terrorism protest in Belfast.

Britain First’s ideology is thought to have inspired the assassin of British lawmaker Jo Cox. Thomas Mair, Cox’s killer, shouted “Britain first” just before slaying her during the Brexit referendum campaign last year. At his trial, no formal link was found between Mair and the group Britain First, which was founded in 2011 by former members of the British National Party. The group claims to have 6,000 members and has almost two million “likes” on its Facebook page.

The murdered lawmaker’s widower, Brendan Cox, also responded Wednesday to the Trump retweets, tweeting back: “Trump has legitimized the far-right in his own country, now he’s trying to do it in ours. Spreading hatred has consequences and the president should be ashamed of himself.”

Politicians, Muslims react

Consequences were immediately apparent on the floor of the House of Commons. “I hope our government will condemn far-right retweets by Donald Trump. They are abhorrent, dangerous and a threat to our society,” said Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

As Labour lawmaker Stephen Doughty questioned government ministers on the floor of the House of Commons over the tweets, other lawmakers, including Conservatives, could be heard interjecting and calling them “absolutely disgraceful.”

Labour’s Yvette Cooper, a former government minister, urged the ruling Conservatives to condemn the “significant and serious” posts, saying, “the woman in question has already been convicted of hate crime in this country.” She added that Trump had given her a “huge platform.” Several lawmakers called for Trump’s planned 2018 invitation to visit to be withdrawn.

Among them was Chuka Umunna, an opposition lawmaker. “At some point, you’ve got to draw a line,” he said.

British Muslim groups joined the criticism of the U.S. president. A Muslim Council of Britain spokesperson said: “It is outrageous that the president of the USA is sharing anti-Muslim content from a renowned far-right extremist group in the UK. We hope our prime minister and home secretary will distance ourselves from Mr. Trump and his comments, and will reiterate the government’s abhorrence to all forms of extremism.”

Dilemma for May

While the backlash grew, Britain First supporters celebrated the presidential retweets. Fransen herself tweeted: “God bless you Trump! God bless America!”, signing off with the abbreviation OCS, meaning Onward Christian Soldiers.

Some British populists who are normally supportive of Trump question the wisdom of the retweets. Paul Joseph Watson, a Britain-based editor of the far-right conspiracy website Infowars, said: “Yeah, someone might want to tell whoever is running Trump’s Twitter account this morning that retweeting Britain First is not great optics.”

Steven Wolfe, a British lawmaker in the European Parliament, was highly critical of the president’s sharing of the Britain First videos, but said Trump should still visit Britain next year as it would provide an opportunity for “people to talk some sense to him about immigration and culture.”

For Prime Minister May, the retweets pose a dilemma. She has been critical of Trump publicly before for his tweets, notably in connection with terror attacks in Britain. But at the same time, her government is desperate to make progress in talks on a free trade deal with the U.S. to help make up for the economic impact of Brexit.

Opinion polls have consistently shown disapproval for a Trump visit. Last month, British and U.S. officials revealed that a scaled-down “working” trip was being planned for next year, most likely January, that would not include the U.S. president meeting the queen or staying at Buckingham Palace.

Shortly after his inauguration, Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit to Britain. But lawmakers from across the political spectrum criticized the invitation, including John Bercow, the Commons Speaker, who announced he would oppose Trump being allowed to make an address to the British Parliament. Amid an unprecedented backlash among lawmakers and the threat of mass protests, the trip was delayed.

Північна Корея запустила балістичну ракету – південнокорейські ЗМІ

Північна Корея запустила балістичну ракету, повідомило 28 листопада південнокорейське новинне агентство Yonhap.

Згодом Пентагон повідомив, що зафіксував «ймовірний» запуск ракети з КНДР.

Із посиланням на південнокорейського начальника Генштабу Yonhap повідомило, що ракета була запущена у «східному напрямку».

Про технічні характеристики ракети поки що немає інформації. Невідомо також, яку відстань пролетіла ракета і чи пролетіла вона над територією Японії, як інші балістичні ракети, запущені раніше цього року.

В останні тижні Пхеньян неодноразово погрожував продовженням ракетних випробувань.

Впродовж останніх місяців Пхеньян провів кілька випробувань міжконтинентальних балістичних ракет і здійснив шостий ядерний вибух, що викликало критику і занепокоєння у світі.

Тіллерсон: поліпшення відносин із Росією не буде до нормалізації ситуації в Україні

Відносини США і Росії не поліпшаться до нормалізації ситуації в Україні, заявляє держсекретар США Рекс Тіллерсон.

«Я вже говорив росіянам – ми не зможемо повернути до нормального стану наші відносини доти, поки не вирішимо ситуацію в Україні», – заявив Тіллерон, виступаючи 28 листопада у «Вілсон центрі» у Вашингтоні.

Він наголосив, що антиросійські санкції діятимуть доти, поки Москва не припинить дії, що привели до їх запровадження.

«Ми сподіваємося, що Росія вживе заходів для повного відновлення суверенітету і територіальної цілісності України і повністю виконає Мінські домовленості. Це дасть нам можливість розпочати процес відновлення нормальних відносин. Але дозвольте чітко заявити: санкції, пов’язані з Мінськоми домовленостями, зберігатимуться доти, поки Росія не припинить дії, які призвели до них», – сказав Тіллерсон.

Напередодні в інтерв’ю виданню Politico спеціальний представник США у справах України Курт Волкер заявив, що ще не бачить готовності президента Росії Володимира Путіна змінити політику щодо України й оцінив на 80% ймовірність, що конфлікт на Донбасі триватиме і наступного року.

Відносини США і Росії погіршилися через низку питань, зокрема через агресію Москви проти України і ймовірне російське втручання у президентські вибори в США 2016 року.

Сполучені Штати Америки наклали санкції на Росію у зв’язку з її ймовірним втручанням у президентські вибори 2016 року в США, а також приєдналися до інших країн Заходу в запровадженні обмежень для Москви за її агресію в Україні.

У ДСНС заявили, що повністю очистили від боєприпасів територію поблизу Калинівки

Голова Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій Микола Чечоткін заявив, що піротехніки ДСНС повністю очистили від боєприпасів територію поблизу міста Калинівка Вінницької області та прилеглих населених пунктів.

«На сьогодні роботи з очищення території від боєприпасів виконані в повному обсязі і з впевненістю можна сказати, що небезпека з територій, які були забруднені вибухонебезпечними предметами, знята», – сказав Чечоткін.

Пожежа і вибухи на складах боєприпасів біля Калинівки почалися ввечері 26 вересня. Через це з Калинівки і прилеглих сіл евакуювали понад 30 тисяч людей, були травмовані дві людини. 28 вересня майже всі евакуйовані змогли повернутися додому.

У ГПУ не виключили можливості диверсії як причини пожежі і вибухів. Військова прокуратура розслідує справу саме за цією за статтею. Прокуратура досліджує обставини пожежі і вибухів.


Report: North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile

North Korea launched an unidentified ballistic missile Tuesday.

South Korean Military officials are quoted as saying the missile flew on an eastward trajectory and that authorities are analyzing the launch in cooperation with the U.S. military.

“We detected a probable missile launch from North Korea. We will provide additional information as available,” Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Robert Manning said.

The United States is “not surprised” by the development, a U.S. intelligence official told VOA.

White House Press Secretary tweeted President Donald Trump “was briefed, while missile was still in the air, on the situation in North Korea.”

The last ballistic missile launch by North Korea was in September.  It is still unclear what type of missile was launched Tuesday.

In Japan, the Cabinet crisis team has been summoned for an emergency meeting.  Japan’s chief Cabinet secretary said Tokyo “strongly protests” the launch.

The latest North Korean launch comes as the U.S. and South Korea are preparing a five-day joint exercise called “Vigilant Ace” from December 4-8 with thousands of military personnel and more than 230 aircraft, including six F-22 Raptor fighter jets deployed to South Korea for the first time.

Pyongyang routinely condemns such military drills using belligerent language and military threats.

Pentagon correspondent Carla Babb, National Security correspondent Jeff Seldin, White House correspondent Steve Herman and Seoul correspondent Daniel Schearf contributed to this report

Board OKs Plan for LeBron James’ ‘I Promise’ School in Akron

The school board in LeBron James’ Ohio hometown has approved the plan for a public school being created in partnership with the NBA star’s foundation.


The LeBron James Family Foundation says the “I Promise” School in Akron will be geared toward educating students who are at risk of falling behind. It will have longer days and begin classes in the summer — weeks before other district schools — to encourage information retention.


It’s scheduled to open next fall for third- and fourth-graders and add more grade levels in future years.


The idea is based on the foundation’s existing “I Promise” programs that encourage struggling students to stay in school.


Supporters cheered after the Akron School Board approved the school’s plan Monday.


New York-based production company Warrior Poets says it will soon begin filming a documentary series centered on the school in partnership with LeBron James’ production company SpringHill Entertainment.



Native Americans Outraged Over Trump ‘Pocahontas’ Comments

Native Americans have taken to social media to criticize President Donald Trump for using a racial slur during a Monday White House ceremony honoring Fleming Begaye, Thomas Begay, and Peter MacDonald, three of the 13 Navajo Code Talkers still living.

“I just want to thank you because you’re very, very special people,” Trump said to the men who were recruited into the U.S. Marine Corps to transmit tactics and vital information in a language that was then incomprehensible to America’s World War II enemies.

WATCH: Trump comments to honorees

“You were here long before any of us were here — although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas. But you know what? I like you. Because you are special,” Trump continued, touching MacDonald on the shoulder.

Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye described the incident as part of an “ongoing feud” between Trump and Elizabeth Warren, over her claims to have Native American heritage during her Senate campaign.

“In this day and age, all tribal nations still battle insensitive references to our people. The prejudice that Native American people face is an unfortunate historical legacy,” Begaye said. “As Native Americans, we are proud people who have taken care of this land long before there was the United States of America and we will continue to fight for this Nation.”

Navajo Nation Council delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty cited the event as the “latest example of systemic, deep-seated ignorance” about Native Americans.

“The Navajo Code Talkers are not pawns to advance a personal grudge or promote false narratives,” Crotty said in a statement released Monday. “Such pandering dishonors the sacrifice of our national heroes.”

Dine Code Talkers secretary Debra Klecan posted on Facebook that the White House ceremony was the first time she had ever heard disparaging comments made against the Code Talkers.

“I’ve seen men and women of all ages break down in tears in honor and in awe of meeting them in person and they subsequently share their personal or family stories about how the Code Talkers affected their lives. It is too bad the president of the United States cannot do the same.”

In a personal Facebook message to Trump, Marty Thompson, whose great uncle Dennie Housteen was a Navajo Code Talker, demanded an official apology.

“There were three… Navajo Code Talkers standing and sitting with pride and dignity next to you. But, you Honor and Respect them with a…racist, derogatory comment about Pocahontas. Do you even know the true Pocahontas?” Thompson asked.

Jefferson Keel, president of the National Congress of American Indians, issued the following statement Monday:

“Today was about recognizing the remarkable courage and invaluable contributions of our Native code talkers. That’s who we honor today and everyday – the three code talkers present at the White House representing the 10 other elderly living code talkers who were unable to join them, and the hundreds of other code talkers from the Cherokee, Choctaw, Comanche, Lakota, Meskwaki, Mohawk, Navajo, Tlingit, and other tribes who served during World Wars I and II.”

Keel also called on the president to refrain from invoking Pocahontas in a way that “denigrates the legacy” of the 17th century Pamunkey woman, born Matoaka, who is credited with helping foster relations between Virginia tribes and early British colonizers.

“As a Marine Vet myself, I am keenly aware of how great a sacrifice these Navajo Marines made to the war effort,” said Ray Cook, former op/ed editor of Indian Country Today Media Network. “There is something basically wrong that a man would on one hand hand praise Native veterans and, on the other and in the same breath, denounce another person with a claimed Native background with a racial slur that is derogatory to Natives.”

Native Americans observers were quick to note that Monday’s ceremony took place beneath a portrait of Andrew Jackson, the seventh U.S. president and architect of the policy that forcibly drove thousands of Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole tribe members from their homes to the West. Along the way, thousands died of cold, disease or hunger.

And as if all this weren’t insult enough, Oglala Lakota journalist and Native Sun News Today publisher Tim Giago cited Trump’s tone of voice.

“He talked down to Peter MacDonald and the other brave Navajo as if they were children,” he told VOA, expressing fear that this may have detracted from Code Talker Peter MacDonald’s speech.

In his speech, MacDonald urged the creation of a museum commemorating the Code Talkers and preserving their stories for future generations of Americans. And he praised America’s unity and diversity.

“We have different languages, different skills, different talents, and different religion. But when our way of life is threatened, like the freedom and liberty that we all cherish, we come together as one. And when we come together as one, we are invincible.”

White House Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, responding to questions from reporters Monday, said she didn’t believe calling Warren “Pocahontas” was a slur.

“I don’t think that it is [a racial slur] and I don’t think that was the President’s intent,” Sanders said.

“Look, I think that Sen. Warren was very offensive when she lied about something specifically to advance her career.  I don’t understand why no one’s asking about that question and why that isn’t constantly covered.”

Turkish Iranian Gold Trader Pleads Guilty, Cooperates with Prosecutors

Turkish-Iranian gold trader Reza Zarrab has pleaded guilty to unspecified charges in connection with an Iran sanctions busting scheme and is cooperating with U.S. prosecutors, officials said on Tuesday.

“I can confirm that the defendant has pleaded guilty,” said Nick Biase, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

Zarrab was arrested last year and charged with conducting hundreds of millions of dollars of business transactions on behalf of the Iranian government and other Iranian entities between 2010 and 2015.

Eights others, including a former Turkish economy minister, Mehmet Zafer Caglayan, and a former deputy general manager of Halkbank, one of Turkey’s largest banks, Mehmet Atilla, have been indicted in the case.

All but Atilla remain at large. Atilla’s trial started on Monday with jury selection.

Zarrab has agreed to testify at Atilla’s trial as part of his guilty plea. Biase said Zarrab’s testimony could come as early as Tuesday.

Zarrab was released from a federal detention facility to an undisclosed location on November 8, sparking speculation he was cooperating with prosecutors in exchange for leniency.

The case has become a flashpoint in increasingly strained relations between the U.S. and Turkey. Turkish officials have called the case politically motivated and demanded Zarrab’s release.

Zarrab is alleged to have close ties to the governments of Turkey and Iran.

Sentencing has not been scheduled.

Prince Harry, Markle to Wed in May at Windsor Castle

Britain’s Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle will be married at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle in May next year, Kensington palace said Tuesday.

“Her Majesty The Queen has granted permission for the wedding to take place in the chapel. The Royal Family will pay for the wedding,” the palace said in a statement, adding that further details about the wedding would be released “in due course”.

The couple officially announced their engagement a day earlier, posing for photographs on the grounds of Kensington Palace hours after the announcement. The two were engaged in London earlier this month, according to a statement.

Markle is best-known for her work in the television drama “Suits”.

The prince and the actress made their first public appearance in September in Toronto at the Invictus Games, a sports event for wounded veterans.

WATCH: How London reacted to news of royal engagement

UK Hails New Royal Couple as Country Awaits Wedding Details

The engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle dominated newspaper front pages and morning news shows in Britain on Tuesday, as royal-watchers awaited details of the couple’s spring wedding and royal relatives offered congratulations.

The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and the American actress have announced they will marry in 2018. Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby says they have chosen a church wedding, and the palace is expected to reveal details of the venue later Tuesday.

Markle’s future sister-in-law the Duchess of Cambridge, who is married to Prince William, said she was “absolutely thrilled.”


“It’s such exciting news,” Kate said as she visited a museum in London. “It’s a really happy time for any couple and we wish them all the best and hope they enjoy this happy moment.”

Prince Charles’ wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, said she was “delighted” her stepson was marrying the U.S. actress.


“America’s loss is our gain,” she said.


Markle’s divorced status would once have barred her from marrying the prince in church. Harry’s father Prince Charles, who is heir to the British throne, married Camilla in a low-key civil ceremony in 2005 because both bride and groom were divorced.


Newspapers hailed news of the engagement as a breath of fresh air and symbol of a modernizing monarchy.


The Daily Telegraph said in an editorial: “A divorced, mixed-race Hollywood actress who attended a Roman Catholic school is to marry the son of the next king. Such a sentence could simply not have been written a generation ago.”


The Daily Mail, which devoted its first 17 pages to the engagement, said the couple would give the royal family “the injection of vigor and exuberance it so desperately needs.”


In the couple’s first joint interview Monday, 33-year-old Harry said Markle immediately fitted in with his family. He said when she visited Buckingham Palace to meet the queen, “the corgis took to her straight away.”

WATCH: How Harry met Meghan

The ex-soldier prince and the 36-year-old star of TV show “Suits” revealed that Harry proposed over a roast chicken dinner at his London home, after months in which they tried to keep their long-distance relationship out of the public eye.


Clearly happy in each other’s company, the beaming couple recounted how they met on a blind date set up by a mutual friend, and immediately clicked.


“The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that everything, all the stars were aligned, everything was just perfect,” Harry said.


“It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life. I fell into her life.”



У русі «Визволення» заявили про арешт свого активіста Литвиненка

Жовтневий суд Маріуполя заарештував на два місяці колишнього бійця батальйону ОУН, активіста руху «Визволення» Леоніда Литвиненка (позивний «Бек»), повідомляє рух на своїй сторінці у Facebook.

Про затримання Литвиненка і ще одного активіста руху «Визволення», колишнього бійця добровольчого батальйону «Донбас» Анатолія Виногродського (позивний «Гал») стало відомо 26 листопада.

Національна поліція України, не називаючи імен, заявила про затримання двох колишніх добровольців у Києві й на Житомирщині. За даними поліції, їм раніше оголосили про підозру у вчиненні розбійного нападу на охоронця одного з приватних сільськогосподарських підприємств Кіровоградщини.

У русі «Визволення» затримання назвали «викраденням».

Крім того, 26 листопада стало відомо, що ще одного активіста руху Олександра Новікова Жовтневий районний суд Маріуполя на Донеччині посадив під арешт на 60 діб без права внесення застави. Як повідомляється, його затримали 24 листопада в Києві за підозрою у викраденні і катування людини. Представники руху «Визволення» назвали цю справу сфабрикованою.

