Month: November 2017

US House Republicans, Trump Detail New Tax Plan

Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives, with the support of President Donald Trump, unveiled a vast overhaul of the country’s tax policies on Thursday, changes that would sharply cut taxes for corporations and some middle-class families.

The $1.5 trillion plan, produced by senior lawmakers after months of internal debate, would cut the corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to 20 percent, a longtime goal of Republicans looking to give American companies an edge over foreign competitors and to keep U.S. businesses from leaving for foreign locations in search of cheaper labor.

It would add the same amount to the country’s growing $20 trillion in long-term debt.

The proposal would also eliminate or trim an array of benefits that individuals have used for years to cut their tax bills, while at the same time lowering their tax rates and creating three new individual tax rates of 12, 25 and 35 percent.  But in the hours after the plan was made public, the net effect for many taxpayers was uncertain, almost assuredly dependent on each family’s specific financial circumstances.

“With this plan, we are making pro-growth reforms, so that yes, Americans can compete with the rest of the world,” said House Speaker Paul Ryan, a longtime advocate for the tax overhaul.

Trump said he wants the Republican-controlled Congress to approve the legislation by Christmas on December 25, but rancorous debates over it are expected.  The Democratic minority in Congress is largely opposed, contending that the proposal would benefit wealthy taxpayers the most at the expense of those with much less income.

A lobbying group for small businesses quickly announced its opposition over changes it said would leave “too many small businesses behind.”  Real estate interests also voiced objections to a proposal that would limit the amount of mortgage interest taxpayers could deduct from their tax bills on newly purchased homes and cap the existing deduction for local real estate taxes at $10,000, which would impact homeowners in such high-cost cities as San Francisco, New York, Boston and Washington.

Trump, after Congress failed to approve a health care policy overhaul in recent months, is without a major legislative victory during his first nine months in office. But he is hopeful Congress will adopt the tax plan.  

“We’re working to give the American people a giant tax cut for Christmas,” Trump said.  “We are giving them a big, beautiful Christmas present in the form of a tremendous tax cut.  It will be the biggest cut in the history of our country.  It’ll also be tax reform, and it’ll create jobs.”

He said the legislation would … “create tremendous prosperity for our nation.  We will provide a massive tax cut for American families, we will make the tax code simpler, and fair. It’s called simplification.”

Trump added, “We will restore our competitive edge by reducing business taxes for the first time in more than 30 years, and we will bring back trillions and trillions of dollars that’s now parked overseas so that money can be put to work rebuilding the United States of America, as opposed to rebuilding other parts of the world.”

He offered his tax remarks at the White House alongside Hock Tan, the chief executive of Broadcom Limited, who announced the semiconductor manufacturing company is relocating from Singapore to the United States, bringing back $20 billion in annual revenue to the United States.


В Азербайджані зняли звинувачення з агентства «Туран» і його директора

В Азербайджані прокурори зняли всі звинувачення проти незалежного новинного агентства «Туран» і його директора, повідомило агентство.

За цим повідомленням, Генеральна прокуратура Азербайджану поінформувала його директора Мегмана Алієва, що агентство може відновити діяльність у повному обсязі.

Алієву також сказали, що і з нього самого зняли обмеження на пересування.

Діяльність агентства «Туран» фактично припинилася у вересні після того, як агентство звинуватили в уникненні сплати податків, а його директора взяли під арешт. Через кілька тижнів звинувачення зняли, рахунки агентства розблокували, а Алієва перевели під домашній арешт. Іще через кілька днів звинувачення поновили без пояснень.

В агентстві звинувачення назвали сфабрикованими.

Правозахисники заявляли, що влада Азербайджану звинуватила незалежне агентство «Туран» у податкових порушеннях із метою тиску на нього, а справа проти Мегмана Алієва є лише останнім наразі моментом придушення критичних засобів інформації в цій країні.

Агентство «Туран» засноване 1990 року і публікує повідомлення азербайджанською, англійською і російською мовами, а також співпрацює з провідними міжнародними інформаційними агентствами. Воно критично ставиться до дій влади країни, зокрема, її президента Ільгама Алієва, який керує Азербайджаном в авторитарному стилі.

За «Світовим індексом свободи преси» 2017 року організації захисту прав журналістів «Репортери без кордонів», Азербайджан обійняв 162-е місце зі 180 досліджених країн чи територій.

Захід і правозахисні організації критикують владу Азербайджану за придушення незалежних засобів інформації, журналістів, опозиційних діячів і активістів. Президент і влада країни заперечують усі звинувачення.

Russia Takes on Mideast Diplomacy as US Retreats

 After watching for years as the United States called the shots in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin is seizing the reins of diplomacy in the Middle East, establishing footholds and striking alliances with unlikely partners.

From the battlefields of Syria to its burgeoning relationships with Iran and Turkey to its deepening ties with Saudi Arabia, Russia is stepping in to fill a void left by the United States first under the Obama administration and now in the vastly inconsistent and largely hands-off policies of Donald Trump.


Embroiled in controversy at home and loath to engaging in the strife-riddled region beyond fighting the Islamic State group, Trump has largely stayed on the sidelines of attempts to help find a political settlement for Syria’s long-running civil war. Those efforts are now led by Russia, in partnership with Iran and Turkey, organizing local cease-fires and creating “de-escalation zones” that have significantly reduced the violence in the country. Russia’s role in Syria has raised its international profile and allowed it to claim fighting terrorist groups such as the Islamic State group while it shored up President Bashar Assad’s government.  


Moscow has stood by Tehran while Trump has refused to re-certify the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers — a stance reiterated by Putin himself Thursday on a visit to Tehran. It has also reached out to Iran’s Mideast rival Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, promising weapons deals and other investments to the Sunni power house.


Bilal Saab, a senior fellow and director of the Defense and Security Program at the Middle East Institute, said that while Russia has clearly become a more influential interlocutor on Syria, there are clear limits to its overall foray into the region.


“What Russia offers is transactional, as opposed to strategic. Arms sales are no substitute for deep political rapport, which is what Washington provides, despite lingering tensions with key partners,” he said.


Still, Putin appears to be positioning himself as Mideast broker, seeking to expand his influence in a region where the U.S. remains the most dominant military actor.

Syria power broker  


Moscow’s military involvement in the Syrian war since 2015 has propped up Assad’s forces and turned the conflict in his favor, while Russian mediation earlier this year launched cease-fire talks in Astana, Kazakhstan. The talks, sponsored jointly with Iran and Turkey, have brokered local deals that have significantly reduced violence in the war-torn country.


This week, Russia announced plans to host Syrian groups and government representatives for political talks on Nov. 18 — just 10 days before a new round of U.N.-sponsored talks are to start in Geneva. The invitation has roiled Syrian opposition groups who described it as an attempt to “bypass” U.N. efforts to resolve the country’s conflict and dictate the terms of any settlement.


Russia invited over a dozen groups, a mix of government representatives and political opposition parties, including for the first time the main U.S.-backed Kurdish party now in control of northern Syria. The Syrian Kurdish PYD has previously been barred from participation in political negotiations at the Geneva Talks, at Turkey’s insistence.


The invitation by Russia has led to speculation that Russia may use the conference to broker a wider reconciliation between Assad and the Syrian Kurds under conditions that preclude long-term U.S. influence in Syria.  


“Russia is accelerating its effort to subvert the Syrian political process by establishing a new diplomatic framework that sets conditions to expel the U.S. from Northern Syria,” said an analysis by the Institute for the Study of War this week.


Badran Ciya Kurd, an adviser for the Kurdish-led self-administration who met with Russian officials ahead of the invite to Sochi, said Russia supports the Kurdish federal project while the U.S. strategy has been vague.


“It is not yet clear what their (Americans) strategy is after Raqqa, and we would like to understand,” he said, referring to the northern city liberated from Raqqa last month.  

Shared interests with Iran


While Iran promised a foreign policy that would be “neither East nor West” after its 1979 Islamic Revolution, Tehran has tilted toward Russia given its antipathy for Washington. Tehran relied on Moscow’s support to complete its Bushehr nuclear power plant in 2011 and received Russia’s S-300 surface-to-air missile system in 2016.


In that time, Russia and Iran also found themselves fighting to support the embattled Syrian president. The countries regularly coordinate on Syria and have provided overwhelming military and political aid to prop up Assad’s government and army.


On a visit to Tehran on Wednesday, Putin strongly backed Iran and its nuclear deal with world powers, saying Moscow opposed “any unilateral change” to the accord after Trump refused to re-certify it.


       Putin made the comments on a one-day trip to Tehran for trilateral talks between Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia, during which he met with both Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Gulf contracts


       Across the Gulf Arab states, the U.S. has been the guarantor of security since the 1991 Gulf War. In recent years, however, Gulf countries have increasingly looked toward making defense deals with Russia, especially after growing wary of the U.S. detente with Iran under President Barack Obama. In the last weeks alone, Russia has gone big into Saudi Arabia, which supported the Afghan mujahedeen against Soviet troops in the 1980s.


King Salman of Saudi Arabia visited Moscow last month and signed multibillion-dollar energy deals with Russia, which also agreed to sell the Iranian rival its advanced S-400 missile system, which Tehran does not possess. Other deals would include Saudi Arabia locally producing Russian anti-tank missiles, rocket launchers and automatic grenade launchers, as well as the latest version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.


King Salman’s visit marked the first by any Saudi monarch to Moscow and heralded a new era of cooperation and a thawing in a bilateral relation that has been severely strained since Russia’s military intervention in Syria on behalf of Assad.

Close cooperation with Israel


Israel and Russia maintain a close, if sometimes uneasy, relationship on regional issues — particularly when it comes to the war in neighboring Syria. In recent years, the Israeli and Russian air forces have been active in Syrian skies and have maintained, throughout the fighting, a hotline to prevent clashes between their air forces. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has also held a number of meetings and phone conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, to discuss the situation in Syria.


Still, Israeli officials are concerned about Russia’s cooperation with Iran. But they also believe that Russian and Iranian interests could diverge as both countries compete for lucrative reconstruction contracts and political influence in postwar Syria. Israeli officials believe that Russia considers Iran a potentially destabilizing force in postwar Syria, and are cautiously optimistic that Russia understands Israel’s security concerns.


“Russian and Israeli interests in Syria may not be the same but that doesn’t necessarily mean that Russia cannot play a constructive role in Syria in Israel’s view or that certain understandings can’t be reached between Russia and Israel with regard to Syria,” said Chagai Tzuriel, the director general of Israel’s Intelligence Ministry.


СБУ заявляє про затримання 2 росіян за «підривну діяльність»

Служба безпеки України заявляє, що її співробітники викрили двох громадян Росії за підозрою в підривній діяльності.

«Оперативники СБУ встановили, що один із росіян розпочав активний пошук осіб, здатних за грошову винагороду організувати акції протесту, з блокуванням транспортних магістралей. За завданням кураторів він також планував організувати фейкове «наметове містечко» під Міністерством освіти і науки, нібито на знак протесту проти прийняття нового закону «Про освіту», – заявили в СБУ 2 листопада, додавши, що завдання затриманий отримував від російської сторони.

У службі повідомили, що видворили цього громадянина Росії з України за антидержавну діяльність.

«Під час відпрацювання інших членів групи співробітники спецслужби з’ясували, що ще один громадянин Росії, котрий тимчасово проживає в Дніпропетровській області, вночі 21 жовтня 2017 року на замовлення російської сторони спалив автомобіль, який належить родині одного з народних депутатів України», – додали в СБУ.

За даними спецслужби, росіянин намагався придбати зброю й отруйні речовини, його затримали «під час підготовки до чергового злочину в столиці».

Як повідомили силовики, у затриманого вилучили бойову гранату і холодну зброю. «У районі Південного залізничного вокзалу також виявлено зроблену ним закладку з компонентами запалювання, готовими до використання. Для полегшення реалізації власних злочинних намірів іноземець використовував форму співробітника спецпідрозділу Національної поліції України», – додали в СБУ.

Імен цих громадян Росії у Службі безпеки не навели. Немає інформації і про те, коли саме відбулися затримання.

Російська сторона ситуацію не коментувала.

Від 31 жовтня поліція Києва і Київської області перейшла на посилений режим роботи. Як пояснили в поліції, таке рішення ухвалили в зв’язку зі вчиненням на території Київщини «низки тяжких злочинів із використанням зброї та вибухівки».

Крім того, 31 жовтня секретар Ради національної безпеки й оборони Олександр Турчинов заявив, що в Україні будуть посилені антитерористичний і контррозвідувальний режими через напади, що сталися останнім часом. 1 листопада Державна прикордонна служба України посилила контроль у пунктах пропуску на держкордоні, насамперед на українсько-російській ділянці.

МЗС: білоруська сторона не відповіла на ноти України про затримання Гриба

Міністерство закордонних справ Білорусі не відповіло на ноти України про обставини затримання російськими силовиками 19-річного українця Павла Гриба в Гомелі, заявляють у Міністерстві закордонних справ України.

Після отримання від Ігоря Гриба інформації про зникнення на території Білорусі його сина Павла посольство України в Білорусі 28 серпня направило в МЗС Білорусі ноту з проханням надати інформацію про обставини зникнення українця. 20 вересня в МЗС Білорусі направили ноту з проханням прискорити надання інформації про обставини затримання Гриба.

«На сьогодні посольство України в Республіці Білорусь і МЗС України не отримали відповіді або офіційного роз’яснення щодо цього питання», – йдеться у відповіді Міністерства закордонних справ України на запит агенції «Українські новини».

24 серпня 19-річний Павло Гриб виїхав до Білорусі на зустріч із дівчиною-росіянкою, з якою до того спілкувався тільки через соцмережі, після чого, за словами батька, зник. Генеральна прокуратура України відкрила провадження через зникнення українця. Пізніше стало відомо, що юнак перебуває в СІЗО в Краснодарському краї Росії, йому інкримінують вчинення злочину за статтею про тероризм.

13 вересня російські ЗМІ написали, що українець, згідно з рішенням суду в Краснодарі, заарештований до 17 жовтня. Пізніше суд термін утримання під вартою продовжили до 4 січня 2018 року.

18 вересня батько Павла Гриба з посиланням на слова українського консула, який зустрічався з юнаком у СІЗО, сказав, що в того були висипи на тілі. Батько припустив, що причиною могло стати припинення вживання ліків, які хлопцеві через хворобу необхідні щоденно.

Адвокат Павла Гриба в Україні Євгенія Закревська повідомила, що Європейський суд з прав людини зажадав від Росії доступу українських лікарів до хлопця, щоб оцінити стан його здоров’я.

23 жовтня у МЗС України повідомили, що український консул відвідав Павла Гриба у СІЗО, і додали, що стан здоров’я Гриба не покращився.

Turkey Keeps Watchful Eye on Succession of Iraqi Kurd Leadership

Ankara is anticipating who will succeed Iraqi Kurdish President Masoud Barzani, following his announcement he plans to quit. Relations between Ankara and Iraqi Kurds, once close allies, collapsed after Barzani held an independence referendum. But Ankara could be eyeing his nephew as an ideal successor.

Turkey made little secret of its pleasure at Sunday’s announcement by Iraqi Kurdish President Masoud Barzani that he is planning to step down. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Barzani for holding an independence referendum, which Ankara feared could fuel similar secessionist demands among its own restive Kurdish minority.


At his weekly news conference, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin made clear Ankara was already looking to who will lead Iraqi Kurds going forward.

“A new tableau appears when the term of office of Masoud Barzani is not extended and there will be a transfer of his duties to Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani,” Kalin said.

Nechirvan Barzani, a nephew of outgoing President Masoud Barzani, is widely seen as by Turkey as the ideal future leader. Being a regular visitor to Ankara, Nechirvan has developed close ties with Erdogan. The Iraqi Kurdish prime minister’s coolness towards the independence referendum will likely enhance his credentials in Ankara.

His close ties with Turkey reportedly extend to significant personal business investments. Analysts say he is also seen by Turkey’s political leaders as sympathetic to its calls for more help in its war against the Kurdish rebel group PKK, which is has many bases in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Former senior Turkish diplomat Aydin Selcen established Turkey’s consulate in Iraqi Kurdistan. He said while Nechirvan Barzani is viewed as the ideal new leader of Iraqi Kurdistan, Turkey is being careful not to be seen to be interfering in the succession process.

“We know that Mr. Nechirvan Barzani’s relations with Ankara are best when compared to other political figures in Iraqi Kurdistan,” he said. “So that would be seen as a welcome development [by Ankara], although judging by the statement of Mr. [Mevlut] Cavusolgu, who is the foreign minister of Turkey, the official position of Ankara is that this is the internal political affairs of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, so Ankara will not have an official reaction to this development.”

Despite Nechirvan Barzani’s close ties with Ankara, the Turkish president has refused to meet him along with the rest of the Iraqi Kurdish leadership for several months, a result of the collapse in relations between the once-close allies.

But Turkish presidential spokesman Kalin said a future request by the Iraqi Kurdish prime minister would now be considered, but will hinge on unspecified conditions being met by the Iraqi Kurds.Ankara is demanding the Iraqi Kurdish leadership annul the result of October’s referendum vote, in which 93 percent of Kurds voted in favor of independence.

New York Cop Hailed as ‘Humble Hero’ for Stopping Attacker

The young police officer who confronted and shot the truck attacker who killed eight people on a New York City bike path on Tuesday was being hailed as a hero for quick action that ended the carnage.

Officer Ryan Nash, 28, was at Stuyvesant High School in lower Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon with his partner John Hasiotis responding to a call that a student was threatening to kill himself when people told them of the pandemonium a short distance away.

The officers ran from the school and Nash spotted the suspect, Sayfullo Saipov, 29, shouting and brandishing what turned out to be a paint-ball gun and a pellet gun. Nash immediately opened fire, hitting Saipov in the abdomen and ending the attack.

“He thinks what he did was not an act of heroism. He thinks it’s why he joined the police department,” New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill told reporters, referring to Nash. “I don’t think we could have found a more humble human being.”

Nash, on the NYPD for five years, is assigned to the First Precinct in Lower Manhattan. His commander, Deputy Inspector Mark Iocco, said on Wednesday that he had spoken with Nash.

“He’s doing well under the circumstances,” Iocco wrote on Twitter. “Thank you for all the thoughtful comments.”

Speaking at the news conference alongside O’Neill and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Nash deserved all the accolades he was receiving.

“He was very humble about what he did, but what he did was extraordinary and gave people such faith and such appreciation in our police force,” de Blasio said. “He thought this was all in a day’s work and what a cop does to protect other people.”

Patrick J. Lynch, head of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, said Nash was first at the scene. He said Hasiotis pinpointed witnesses and Officers Michael Welsome and Kevin McGinn collected the gunman’s weapons and with Hasiotis secured the area.

“While we mourn the terrible loss of life and the injuries to innocent people we are proud of and grateful for the quick action of a team of police officers who responded to cries for help and took charge of a chaotic and dangerous situation.”


CIA Releases New Tranche of Materials Seized in 2011 bin Laden Raid

A computer recovered in the 2011 U.S. military operation that killed Osama bin Laden contained a video collection that included kids’ cartoons, several Hollywood movies and three documentaries about himself.

The list of the videos was included in the release Wednesday by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency of nearly 470,000 files found on the computer seized in the May 2, 2011, U.S. raid on the al-Qaida founder’s hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

It was the fourth tranche of materials, taken from the walled compound where bin Laden and his family lived, to be made public by the U.S. government since May 2015.

Materials that still have not been released are being withheld because they could harm national security, are blank, corrupted or duplicate files, are pornographic or are protected by copyright, said a CIA statement.

The copyright-protected materials include more than two dozen videos such as Antz, Cars and other animated films, the role-playing game Final Fantasy VII, and Where in the World is Osama bin Laden and two other documentaries about the al-Qaida leader, the CIA said.

“Today’s release of recovered al-Qaida letters, videos, audio files and other materials provides the opportunity for the American people to gain further insights into the plans and workings of this terrorist organization,” said CIA Director Mike Pompeo. “CIA will continue to seek opportunities to share information with the American people consistent with our obligation to protect national security.”

The materials released Wednesday are posted online in their original Arabic.

They include bin Laden’s personal journal and 18,000 document files, about 79,000 audio and image files, and more than 10,000 video files, the CIA said.

The CIA said that the materials, like those released in the past, provide insights into the origins of the differences between al-Qaida and Islamic State, disagreements within al-Qaida and its allies, and the problems al-Qaida faced at the time of bin Laden’s death.

Merit-based Versus Family-based Immigration Explained

President Donald Trump wants to abolish the U.S. diversity lottery, which he said was responsible for giving a visa to the 29-year-old Uzbek citizen suspected in Tuesday’s attack in downtown Manhattan. The diversity lottery grants visas to people from countries that have low levels of immigration to the United States. Not only is the president calling on Congress to do away with it, but he is also calling for a whole new immigration system: merit-based as opposed to family-based.

What is the difference in these two systems?

Chain migration

Currently, the United States has a policy of what critics call “chain migration” and immigration advocates call “family-based immigration.”

The U.S. immigration system is based on sponsorship. A U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident (green card holder) can sponsor relatives from his or her home country to move to the United States.

Spouses and minor children qualify as immediate relatives and do not need to wait for a visa number. For those individuals, there’s no quota, and the U.S. citizen can simply file a petition.

But for brothers, sisters and adult children, the process can be long and difficult.

“It’s extremely difficult … brothers and sisters are at the very end,” said Naomi Tsu, Southern Poverty Law Center deputy legal director. It’s especially hard if the would-be entrants live in countries where there are a lot of immigrants headed to the U.S.

“If you’re talking about sponsoring your brother from the Philippines who is here undocumented for a year, you apply, wait for six to 12 months, let’s say, for the paperwork to be approved,” Tsu said. “Wait for another 20 years for the visa to become available, and he will have to go home, or go back to the Philippines, wait in the Philippines for an additional 10 years for the [immigration] bar to expire so he can enter [the U.S.]”

Stephen Lee, immigration and administrative law professor at the University of California-Irvine, told NPR there are also instances when a relative can be excluded.

“So, for example, if that person is a terrorist, they wouldn’t be able to come to the United States whether or not they were your spouse,” Lee said.

The nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute reports that in 2015, more than 1 million permanent residents were admitted to the U.S. Of that number, 44 percent were immediate relatives of U.S. citizens, and 20 percent entered through a family-sponsored preference. Only 14 percent entered on job-based visas.

Merit-based immigration

Merit-based immigration would reward points based on high-paying job offers, past achievements, English-language ability and education. All that would be taken into account when green card applications are considered.

“It gives points for different characteristics, which are age, the salary you able to command, and how much money you are going to invest in the U.S. economy,” Tsu said.

The higher the score, the more likely an immigrant would be admitted to the United States.

“So, for example, if you get a Nobel Prize, you automatically get 20 points, and you need 30 points to be eligible to apply,” Tsu said.

This system would be similar to merit-based immigration systems used by Canada and Australia.

Pros and cons

Proponents of merit-based immigration say the current system lowers wages and discourages assimilation.

A merit-based system would help lower immigration rates and ensure that the immigrants who do come are highly skilled and less likely to need public assistance.

“For decades, the United States was operated and has operated a very low-skill immigration system, issuing record numbers of green cards to low-wage immigrants,” Trump said in August when announcing his support for the RAISE (Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy) Act.

The bill, sponsored by Senators David Perdue of Georgia and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, both Republicans, aims to cut legal immigration from 1 million to 500,000 each year, in part, by moving to a merit-based system.

“This [family-based] policy has placed substantial pressure on American workers, taxpayers and community resources,” Trump added.

But critics say the American economy also needs low-skilled workers, and a merit-based system would hurt industries that rely on them.

A merit-based system would also cost the government more because the government would have to review the applications and pay resettlement costs that are currently covered by sponsoring families.

Critics also see the merit-based system as un-American.

“Their proposal abandons the fundamental respect for family, at the heart of our faith, at the heart of who we are as Americans,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said Wednesday.

«Рух нових сил»: плануємо оскаржувати відмову ДМС у наданні Саакашвілі додаткового захисту

У партії «Рух нових сил» Міхеїла Саакашвілі заявляють, що оскаржуватимуть у суді відмову Державної міграційної служби Саакашвілі в оформленні документів для надання йому додаткового захисту. Про це Радіо Свобода повідомили у партії.

«Ми готуємо позов. Завтра зранку ми подамо скаргу. У нас, згідно з законом, є п’ять днів для оскарження», – повідомили в партії. 

Також у партії «Рух нових сил» наголосили, що 31 жовтня до Державної міграційної служби подали заяву про надання Саакашвілі додаткового захисту, а не визнання його біженцем.

Раніше сьогодні видання Е повідомило, що Державна міграційна служба відмовила Міхеїлу Саакашвілі в оформленні документів для вирішення питання про визнання біженцем або особою, яка потребує додаткового захисту. Також видання оприлюднило документи про відмову. 

24 жовтня генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко заявив, що Державна міграційна служба відмовила Міхеїлові Саакашвілі в статусі біженця, якого він домагався. За словами Луценка, до суду з оскарженням цього рішення Саакашвілі не звертався, і тепер відсутні «будь-які спеціальні обставини», що могли б унеможливити його депортацію чи екстрадицію до Грузії.

Саакашвілі у відповідь заявив, що Державна міграційна служба України не відповіла на його запит про захист і не надавала йому ніяких документів, які б оскаржували його право перебувати в Україні.

У ДМСУ на це відповіли, що через те, що наразі Саакашвілі «ігнорує питання врегулювання свого правового статусу в Україні», це «дає обґрунтовані підстави компетентним органам здійснювати процедурні заходи щодо його залишення території України виключно в межах чинного законодавства». У міграційній службі нагадали, що в розгляді заяви про надання так званого додаткового захисту від імені Саакашвілі відмовили у зв’язку з порушеннями при подачі цієї заяви: вона була не належної форми, до того ж принесли її до канцелярії Головного управління ДМС у Львівській області четверо невідомих, які не засвідчили свої особи, тоді як закон «Про біженців та осіб, які потребують додаткового або тимчасового захисту» вимагає, щоб такі заяви подавалися особисто або через законного представника.

Саакашвілі, який 10 вересня потрапив на територію України, не пройшовши прикордонного контролю, заявляв, що його представники 11 вересня подали до міграційної служби заяву про надання йому захисту. 

Проти Саакашвілі порушені чотири кримінальні справи в його рідній Грузії, яка вже тривалий час домагається від України його видачі.

Наприкінці липня президент Петро Порошенко підписав указ про припинення Саакашвілі громадянства України, за повідомленнями, через свідоме подання неправдивих відомостей при набутті українського громадянства.

Суддя пішов до нарадчої кімнати для обрання запобіжного заходу сину Авакова

Слідчий суддя Солом’янського районного суду Києва пішов до нарадчої кімнати для обрання запобіжного заходу сину міністра внутрішніх справ Арсена Авакова Олександру.

У ході засідання сторона обвинувачення заявила, що є ризики переховування Олександра Авакова від слідства, а також його впливу на свідків.

Прокуратура просить суд застосувати щодо нього арешт строком на 60 днів з можливістю внесення застави 5 мільйонів гривень.

Водночас захист стверджує, що клопотання прокуратури є необґрунтованим і не підтвердженим доказами. 

Син міністра внутрішніх справ України Арсена Авакова Олександр є фігурантом провадження щодо закупівлі МВС рюкзаків за завищеними цінами. Олександр Аваков вважає цю справу політичною.

НАБУ 31 жовтня провело обшуки в рамках розслідування можливої розтрати державних коштів при закупівлі рюкзаків Міністерством внутрішніх справ для бійців у зоні АТО, в результаті низки обшуків за підозрою в розтраті понад 14 мільйонів гривень затримали трьох людей, зокрема сина міністра внутрішніх справ України Олександра Авакова і колишнього заступника міністра внутрішніх справ Сергія Чеботаря.

МОЗ: в 5 областях України закінчилася вакцина від поліомієліту

Міністерство охорони здоров’я заявляє, що в 5 областях України закінчилася вакцина від поліомієліту.

«Зараз всі вакцини є в регіонах України, крім ін’єкційної вакцини для профілактики поліомієліту, що закінчилася в 5 регіонах через неправильно сформований запит на закупівлю цих вакцин», – йдеться у повідомленні прес-служби відомства. 

У МОЗ зауважують, що на ці вакцини зробили додаткове замовлення, однак через тривалий цикл виробництва (18-24 місяців), а також дефіцит цих вакцин на світовому ринку, їхня поставка може забрати певний час.

Проте ЮНІСЕФ поставив закупівлю цієї вакцини для України у пріоритет, додають у міністерстві. 

У серпні Міністерство охорони здоров’я України опублікувало статистику, відповідно до якої за перші три місяці 2017 року щеплення проти поліомієліту отримали 13,9% дітей віком до 1 року.

Art From Third Reich Dealer’s Trove on Show for First Time

A Swiss art museum on Wednesday showcased a new exhibit of artwork deemed “degenerate art” by the Nazis, drawn from a collection of some 1,500 works found hidden in the homes of German collector Gurlitt five years ago.

The Bern Kunstmuseum exhibit features over 200 modern art pieces confiscated in a Nazi crackdown in the late 1930s against so-called “degenerate art” — deemed inferior because they were un-German, Jewish or Communist or, in the case with impressionist and other modernist works, didn’t employ traditionally realistic forms.

But the Nazis were all too happy to sell such works to help fund their war machine.

The art on display in Bern, including Expressionist and Constructivist paintings by artists such as Otto Dix and Franz Marc, opens Thursday to the public.

It is part of parallel exhibits linked to the Gurlitt collection, which came to light in 2012. His father, Hildebrand, was a leading art dealer in the Third Reich.

The other exhibit opens on Friday in Bonn, Germany, with a focus on art looted and stolen by the Nazis — much from Jews. That show includes works from masters including Claude Monet and Albrecht Durer that were hidden from public view for decades.

Authorities stumbled onto Gurlitt’s collection five years ago while investigating a tax case. Cornelius Gurlitt had tucked away more than 1,200 works in his Munich apartment and another 250 or so in Salzburg, Austria.

A will bequeathed the works to the Bern fine arts museum, but a German government-backed foundation has worked with it to ensure that any pieces looted from Jewish owners were returned to their heirs.

Experts initially identified more than 90 works that were likely looted by the Nazis, including pictures by Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri Matisse, Edvard Munch and Rembrandt. Only four works — including a painting by Camille Pisarro — have been returned to the rightful heirs.

Analysts: Islamic State’s Global Reach Shrinking

The Islamic State terror group is trying to sell a transnational image, but its future doesn’t lie West of the Middle East, according to analysts.

The group’s claims do not match its actual operational capacity, according to researchers, but the focus by Western media and politicians of IS-inspired or directed attacks on civilians in America and Europe is obscuring the limits of the terror group’s reach.

According to the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, the future of the jihadist terror group lies mostly east of the Levant and not in Western cities as the center of the gravity of its operations shifts to the Philippines and Asia.

In an exhaustive study of attacks claimed outside Iraq and Syria from May to September for the past three years, TRAC found a disparity between IS’s worldwide propaganda campaign and actual attacks.

“IS’s highlighting of terror attacks against civilians in Western Europe, and the mainstream media’s obsession with those attacks, serves to obscure important aspects of Islamic State strategy,” said Veryan Khan, TRAC’s editorial director. The consortium’s assessment “reveals as much about Islamic State’s limitations as its aspirations,” she said.

More than half of all IS claimed attacks outside the Levant are focused on just three countries: the Philippines, Afghanistan and Egypt.

“TRAC contends that these places, which receive scant Western attention, represent the narrative of IS future territory,” the research consortium says in its report “Islamic State – Outside the Caliphate by the Numbers.”

At first glance, IS’s global reach for attacks would appear to be expanding. IS propagandists claimed 21 attacks in seven countries from May 20 to September 22, 2015. The following year for the corresponding four-month period they claimed 80 attacks in 21 countries.

The number of attack claims nearly tripled in 2017 with 222 in 21 countries, but 175 of them, account for 80 percent, occurred in just three countries, the Philippines (99 claims), Afghanistan (43 claims), and Egypt (33 claims). In the case of those three countries, just three areas in them accounted for 115 of the 222 claimed attacks, Marawi city in Philippines’ Autonomous Region of Muslim Majority, Nangahar province in Afghanistan and Egypt’s upper Sinai.

IS also appears to be unable to maintain attacks in several countries. During 2017 the group could not claim repeat attacks, either directed or inspired in 10 countries that had seen attack claims in 2015, Bangladesh went from six claims in 2016 to none in 2017; Saudi Arabia had three in 2015 but none since.

“The inability to repeat attacks in the same location summer after summer highlights the Islamic State’s lack of sustainability,” the TRAC argues.

The number-crunching by TRAC provides an alternative picture about IS’s likely future. Western media coverage focuses on claimed attacks in Europe and America, understandably as those attacks are occurring in their own backyard, but it boosts the IS threat and often fails to provide context.

In 2017, Britain topped the newcomer’s list with three high-profile claimed attacks, which received more attention in the Western media than the siege of Marawi in the Philippines, and the nearly 70 claimed attacks in the country.

Western intelligence agencies say there will be more IS-linked attacks in the West for the foreseeable future, despite the shrinking of the territory the jihadist group controls in the Levant, where it has lost all its urban strongholds and is now confined to the sparsely-inhabited border territories between Iraq and Syria.

Analysts say the so-called Caliphate was useful in the marketing of IS and attracting foreign recruits, as well as allowing the group to differentiate itself from rival al-Qaida, which opposed the setting up of an Islamic state and ridiculed the group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s self-appointment as caliph.

Now one of the only ways for the terror group to remain relevant and to try to continue to outshine its jihadist competitor al-Qaida, say French and Belgian intelligence officials, is to strike the West as frequently as it can. But officials are taking some consolation in the fact that most attacks claimed by the group in the West have been inspired, rather than directed or organized by IS.

“We may look back at the coordinated November 2015 Paris attacks and identify them as the high point in the IS threat in the West,” a senior British intelligence official told VOA.

He added, “What we have seen since are mainly low-tech, opportunistic incidents by lone wolves. That may not be any comfort to the public, but in an odd way it should be. My longer-term concern is what we can expect from al-Qaida, which is re-grouping and has the patience and depth of operatives to pull off spectacular strategic attacks.”

Catalonia – A test for EU’s Future Autonomy

Following Brexit, the German and Austrian elections, the crisis in Catalonia, and a referendum in northern Italy, new questions are arising among analysts over whether Europe could be in danger of splitting apart. VOA’s Jane Bojadzievski reports.
