Month: November 2017

Угорщина не може підтримати євроатлантичні зусилля України без скасування закону про освіту – Сійярто

Міністр закордонних справ Угорщини Пейтер Сійярто повторив тезу про «дискримінаційність» українського закону про освіту і заявив, що Будапешт не може підтримати євроатлантичні зусилля України до скасування відповідного законодавства. Про це він заявив на полях саміту в Брюсселі у п’ятницю.

«Ми не можемо цього зробити і підтримати євроатлантичні зусилля (України – ред.), адже Київ знехтував правами нацменшин і грубо порушив угоду про асоціацію між ЄС та Україною, що вступила в силу на початку вересня», –сказав Сійярто.

За його словами, якщо для України важливо інтегруватися у структури ЄС і НАТО, вона повинна виконати свої міжнародні зобов’язання, зокрема відкликати, на думку міністра Сійярто, «дискримінаційний» щодо нацменшин України закон про освіту. Лише в цьому випадку Україна знову може розраховувати на повноцінну підтримку Угорщини, наголосив угорський урядовець.

Він також зазначив, що Угорщина «не принесе в жертву закарпатських угорців на вівтарі світової політики».

Український закон «Про освіту» набув чинності 28 вересня. Норма закону щодо мови освіти, державної, викликала критику в деяких колах в Україні і за кордоном, головним чином в Угорщині.

Перехідні положення закону передбачають: «особи, які належать до корінних народів, національних меншин України і розпочали здобуття загальної середньої освіти до 1 вересня 2018 року, до 1 вересня 2020 року продовжують здобувати таку освіту відповідно до правил, які існували до набрання чинності цим законом, з поступовим збільшенням кількості навчальних предметів, що вивчаються українською мовою».

Міністр освіти України Лілія Гриневич наголошувала, що закон не позбавить меншин права на освіту рідними мовами. Вона зазначала, що закон гарантує національним меншинам вивчення їхніх мов. Проте вона додала, що представники меншин в Україні повинні вільно володіти українською, щоб досягти успіху в Україні.

Статтю 7 закону «Про освіту» (про те, що мовою освіти є державна, українська, мова), яка викликала стурбованість, надіслали на розгляд Венеціанської комісії. Лілія Гриневич заявляє, що висновки Венеціанської комісії щодо мовної статті закону про освіту можна очікувати 11 грудня.





Гриневич у НАТО про норми закону про освіту: це питання національної безпеки

Чи потрібна укромадярам «велика Угорщина»?

Освіта і мова. Чи виконував Будапешт те, що нині вимагає від Києва?

Будапешт відверто заграється – МЗС України про акцію «Самовизначення для Закарпаття»

Чи винна Україна, що закарпатські угорці погано знають українську мову?

На новорічні свята курсуватимуть 7 додаткових поїздів – «Укрзалізниця»

«Укрзалізниця» призначила сім додаткових поїздів на 47 рейсів на новорічні свята та Різдво, повідомили в прес-службі компанії.

Додаткові поїзди курсуватимуть у напрямках Київ –​ Львів, Київ – Ковель, Київ – Хмельницький, Київ – Одеса, Київ – Дніпро, Дніпро – Одеса та Одеса – Львів.

З 10 грудня «Укрзалізниця» запускає новий графік руху пасажирських поїздів на 2017-2018 роки. У зв’язку з цим, як повідомили в компанії,  почнуть курсувати нові поїзди Івано-Франківськ – Костянтинівка, Одеса – Харків, Одеса – Яремче, Одеса – Перемишль та Ужгород – Лисичанськ.

London Subway Incident

London police found no casualties Friday after investigating reports of shots fired at a busy subway station. Police initially responded as if the incident were terror-related, but later said they “have not located any trace of any suspects, evidence of shots fired or casualties.”

Прокуратура Криму при ГПУ віддала до суду справу про передачу 52 картин на окупований півострів

Прокуратура Криму при ГПУ передала до суду кримінальну справу щодо співробітників Маріупольського краєзнавчого музею, які в березні 2014 року незаконно передали в анексований Росією Крим 52 картини художників XVIII-XIX століть, повідомляє 24 листопада прес-служба відомства.

«У Жовтневий районний суд Маріуполя направлено для розгляду по суті обвинувальні акти стосовно колишнього директора КУ «Маріупольський краєзнавчий музей» і завідувача відділу фондів Художнього музею імені А.І. Куїнджі – філії КУ «Маріупольський краєзнавчий музей», – йдеться в повідомленні.

У відомстві уточнили, що кримінальне провадження проводять за статтею 367 Кримінального кодексу України (службова недбалість). Санкції статті передбачають від 2 до 5 років позбавлення волі.

Прокуратура Криму раніше повідомляла, що дії працівників Маріупольського музею заподіяли державі шкоду на понад мільйон доларів США.

Управління Національної поліції в Криму 17 серпня повідомило, що 52 картини з Музейного фонду України оголосили в державний та міждержавний розшук. Пізніше в Інтерполі запевнили, що полотна не перебувають у розшуку.

У Мінкульті Криму заявили, що картини, оголошені в розшук управлінням Нацполіції в Криму, належать Сімферопольському художньому музею, де і перебувають зараз.

Pope Decries Fomenting Fear of Migrants for Political Gain

Pope Francis is decrying those whipping up fear of migrants for political gain, and is urging people to view global migration as a peace-building opportunity and not as a threat. 

The message was issued Friday by the Vatican, in preparation for the Catholic church’s annual World Peace Day, which it marks on Jan. 1.

Without citing any nation, Francis said many countries have seen “the spread of rhetoric decrying the risks posed to national security or the high cost of welcoming new arrivals” of migrants. 

He added that those who “for what may be political reasons, foment fear of migrants instead of building peace are sowing violence, racial discrimination and xenophobia.”

Anti-migrant politics have been gaining influence in many places in Europe, including in the Vatican’s backyard in Italy.

Texas Company Reports Selling Lethal Weapons to Ukraine

A U.S. company says it has been selling lethal weapons to Ukraine since last year, ahead of an expected decision by the Trump administration on whether to provide such weapons to Ukraine.

“We started delivering our product to Ukraine last year and we are continuing deliveries up until now,” said Richard Vandiver, Chief Operating Officer at the Texas company AirTronic, USA, in an interview with VOA’s Ukrainian service.

Vandiver said the sales have been limited to short-range defensive weapons, principally Precision Shoulder Fired Rocket launchers (PSRLs), which are a redesigned and updated version of the widely deployed Soviet RPG-7 anti-tank weapon. Ukraine is engaged in a struggle against Russian-trained and funded separatists in its eastern region and fears an armored assault.

“The ability to stop armored vehicles is essential for Ukraine to protect itself,” said General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during the testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 26.

Vandiver told VOA the PSRL should be considered a defensive weapon because of its limited range.

“Obviously, PSRL is a lethal system, but it’s a defensive lethal system,” Vandiver said. “The RPG-7 has the effective range of under a thousand meters.

“As long as the weapon system stays [in government-controlled territory], it’s not an offensive weapon, but if armor starts to cross the river than I would assume that the Ukrainian defense forces would employ our systems to stop the armor.”

The U.S. Congress has approved $350 million in security aid for Ukraine in its most recent National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), including $47 million for defensive lethal weapons. The act awaits final approval in the House of Representatives before going to President Donald Trump for his signature.

Trump is reported to be considering a recommendation received from his National Security Council this week to provide lethal weaponry to Ukraine. The weapon considered most likely to be included is the shoulder-fired Javelin anti-tank missile, which features a sophisticated self-guidance system and a range more than four times greater than the PSRL.

‘De facto embargo’

Any sales of lethal weaponry to Ukraine marks a reversal of a non-binding policy implemented under the administration of former president Barack Obama.

“In the formal sense, there is no embargo on Ukraine, but you could say that there is a de facto embargo,” said Michael Carpenter, senior director of the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania. “Formally speaking, [Obama] did not make a decision on sending weapons to Ukraine, so de facto that became an embargo.”

Any such U.S. military sales must be licensed by the State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, which says it is restricted under federal regulations from commenting on commercial sales export licensing activity.

However, the department issues a list of defense articles and services that have been authorized as direct commercial sales each year. The most recent list shows that more than $26.9 million in military sales to Ukraine were authorized in 2016, with more than $17.6 million of that having been shipped.

More than $5 million of the authorized sales comprised lethal weaponry, mainly comprising firearms and ammunition. The report does not show how much of that was actually shipped.

AirTronic, US coordination

Vandiver declined to discuss exact details of the AirTronic supply contract with Ukraine, but he emphasized that the activities are conducted in “very close coordination with the U.S. Embassy, with the U.S. State Department, with the U.S. Pentagon and with the Ukrainian government.”

“It took quite a bit for us to secure authorizations that we needed, because of the sensitivity of the issue under Minsk II,” Vandiver said, adding that the lethal system is not banned by the agreement. The Minsk II agreement — brokered by Germany and France in negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko in February of 2015 — was aimed at limiting the fighting in the East of Ukraine, but has had only limited success. 

“We are very familiar with the accords that were reached in Europe under the treaties … and we abide by those,” he said. He added that AirTronic obtained an export license for the sale, “following the same application process as any defense contractor would follow.”

The Ukrainian government hopes to expand its purchases of lethal weapons from the U.S. substantially, and attaches great hope to the possibility that the White House will approve financial assistance for those purchases.

The $47 million in possible lethal aid for Ukraine included in the NDAA would allow Kyiv to obtain more powerful defensive weapons, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Valery Chaly told VOA.

“We hope that the bill [NDAA], which has been already approved by Congress, will be signed by President Trump. This would allow to unlock about $50 million in lethal defense assistance for Ukraine. The decision is with the U.S. president and then we will be talking about more powerful weapons,” Chaly said.

During his visit to Ukraine in August this year, U.S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis rejected any suggestion that the provision of such weapons may be considered provocative by Russia. “Defensive weapons are not provocative unless you are an aggressor, and clearly Ukraine is not an aggressor since it is their own territory where the fighting is happening,” Mattis said.

Still, some analysts doubt that the Trump administration is willing to abandon the self-imposed restriction on lethal arms sales to Ukraine.

“I remain a pessimist on this,” said Carpenter, director of the Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania. However, he said, “I’ve long supported providing defensive arms to Ukraine. I think this is the right thing to do. It’s the moral thing to do and also the strategic thing to do for the United States, because it would deter further Russia aggression.”

US Asks Pakistan to Arrest Freed Cleric, Charge Him with Terrorism

The United States has called on Pakistan to arrest and charge an Islamist cleric accused of masterminding the 2008 attacks on India’s financial capital.

Pakistani authorities acting on a court order Friday freed Hafiz Saeed from nearly 11 months of house arrest in the eastern city of Lahore. The detention had stemmed from the terrorism allegations against the firebrand cleric.

Washington has been offering a $10 million reward since 2012 for information leading to Saeed’s arrest and conviction.

A judicial panel hearing the cleric’s appeal against his “unlawful” detention Wednesday, however, ordered authorities to free him for lack of evidence.

In a video message released by his Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) Islamist charity, Saeed told supporters his freedom was vindication of his innocence.

“Praise be to God, it is a matter of great happiness for me that nothing has been proven against me which could be detrimental for me or for Pakistan. Thank God, we have been vindicated,” the cleric said.

U.S. State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert promptly criticized Saeed’s release, saying the U.S. was “deeply concerned.” In a statement, she went on to say the cleric leads an organization that has been responsible for the death of hundreds of innocent civilians in terrorist attacks, including a number of Americans.

“The Pakistani government should make sure that he is arrested and charged for his crimes,” the statement read.

The U.S. and the United Nations have both declared Saeed’s JuD a global terrorist organization, calling it a front for the outlawed Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) group blamed for carrying out the Mumbai carnage.

Saeed denials

Saeed has consistently denied any link to the Mumbai violence that left 166 people dead, including U.S. nationals. He has also alleged his detention was the outcome of U.S. and Indian pressure on the Pakistani government.

India blames Saeed for masterminding the Mumbai strikes and has linked resumption of normal ties with Pakistan to putting the cleric on trial. New Delhi also alleges supporters of the Pakistani cleric are assisting armed Muslim separatists in the divided Kashmir region.

Hours after his release from house arrest, the cleric addressed a massive Friday congregation of supporters at a Lahore mosque, urging that the government not engage in talks with India until the rival country withdraws its troops from Kashmir.

Saeed credited Pakistan’s independent judiciary for his freedom, saying he was put under house arrest for highlighting the Indian “atrocities” against Kashmiris.

“I want Kashmir’s freedom from India and this is my crime. I was arrested for it,” he told worshippers, who chanted, “God is Great.”

Regional tensions

Saeed’s release angered India, where a Foreign Ministry spokesman said that a “self-confessed and U.N.-proscribed terrorist was being allowed to walk free and continue with his evil agenda.”

A statement quoted Raveesh Kumar as alleging the cleric “was not only the mastermind, he was the prime organizer of the Mumbai terror attacks in which many innocent Indians and many people from other nationalities were killed.”

The foreign ministry in Islamabad, while responding to the criticism, said the country’s courts are determined to uphold rule of law and due process for all citizens of Pakistan.

“Legal processes are anchored in rule of law, not dictates of politics and posturing,” stated the ministry spokesman. He reiterated that Pakistan condemns all forms of terrorism by any individual or group.

The cleric is a major irritant in Pakistan’s traditionally uneasy relations with the U.S., and has developed as a main source of historically strained ties with India. New Delhi has linked resumption of peace talks with Islamabad to putting Saeed on trial for planning the Mumbai bloodshed.

Islamabad maintains that neither Washington nor New Delhi has offered any evidence substantiating their allegations.

Senior Pakistani officials in background interviews maintain that Pakistan has, under its international obligations, imposed travel restrictions on Saeed and frozen his assets and bank accounts. His arrest and successful prosecution in a court of law, however, would require solid evidence linking him to the Mumbai attacks, they maintain.

Saeed’s organization, meanwhile, continues to collect financial and other donations to support its charity work around Pakistan, causing a major embarrassment for the country, officials acknowledge. They say the cleric’s attempts to also associate himself with the Kashmir issue “are also not helping the cause of Kashmiris.”

The divided Kashmir region has sparked two of the three wars between India and Pakistan, and continues to be the primary source of regional tensions.

Bannon Insurgency Stresses Loyalty to Trump, Not Policy Test

Wisconsin Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson, a consultant for Fortune 500 companies, doesn’t look much like the renegade outsiders whom political strategist Steve Bannon says he’s recruiting for his war on the Republican establishment. But Nicholson has Bannon’s backing anyway, thanks to his loyalty to President Donald Trump.

As Bannon drafts his team of challengers to the old guard, the new guard is increasingly aligned not by ideology, but by its history of support for the president. Republicans who have criticized the president or been slow to embrace him are out.

One particular test for the Breitbart News chairman and former Trump White House strategist is how such Republicans reacted during the campaign to the 2005 Access Hollywood video showing Trump bragging about sexually imposing himself on women. Those who kept quiet about it or stuck with him earn Bannon’s favor now, even if it means looking the other way on some policy positions and affiliations. Nicholson, for example, has backing from wealthy free-trade advocates, an awkward policy fit with Trump’s economic nationalism.

“If you were never-Trump, refused to ever endorse the president or withdrew your endorsement following Access Hollywood weekend, don’t even bother walking through Bannon’s door,” said Bannon adviser Andy Surabian.

Bannon hopes chiefly to topple Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whom he has blamed for obstructing Trump’s agenda, especially efforts to dismantle Barack Obama’s 2010 health care law. Bannon has threatened to find a Republican primary opponent for almost every GOP senator seeking re-election in 2018.

“The United States Senate in particular has done, I think, a terrible job in supporting President Trump,” Bannon told the California Republican convention last month.

In Wisconsin, state Senator Leah Vukmir is opposing Nicholson for the GOP’s U.S. Senate nomination. In last year’s presidential campaign, she first supported Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s short campaign before shifting to Florida Senator Marco Rubio.  She helped record a pro-Trump radio ad a week before the election — perhaps too little, too late, in Bannon’s eyes.

“The voters know I have been a supporter of Donald Trump,” she told The Associated Press last month. “I’ve traveled around this state and talked to countless people who want to see the president’s agenda move and are frustrated that it’s not happening.” She hasn’t said publicly whether she supports McConnell.

Nicholson only recently swung against McConnell. He’s backed by the pro-trade Club for Growth, and in 2000, spoke to the 2000 Democratic National Convention as the national president of College Democrats.

In September, he said: “I have no issues voting for Mitch McConnell.”

But the following month, after meeting with Bannon, Nicholson publicly called for “new leadership.”

Bannon endorsements

While Surabian said Bannon is generally “looking for candidates who support the president and his America First agenda,” policy unity is not a prerequisite.

“You don’t have to be perfect,” Bannon told the California convention. “This is not a commoditized product like Procter & Gamble.”

Nor is it a free-for-all. Some positions, such as supporting a route to citizenship for immigrants in the country illegally, would be a big problem for Bannon.

Bannon thinks his nascent insurgency is already having results, thanks to the retirement announcements of two sharp critics of Trump, Republican Senators Bob Corker of Tennessee and Jeff Flake of Arizona. In Tennessee, Bannon supports Representative Marcia Blackburn, a popular conservative House member bidding for the Senate.  She has McConnell’s backing, too.

Bannon also has endorsed former Arizona state Senator Kelli Ward, who lost her 2016 primary challenge to Senator John McCain. Republican Representative Martha McSally, who never endorsed Trump, is weighing a campaign for Flake’s seat.

Bannon is also looking to unseat Republican Senator Dean Heller of Nevada, who opposed Trump last year and opposed legislation in July aimed at dismantling Obamacare.

Yet Heller’s challenger, Danny Tarkanian, has supported trade treaties, specifically the Trans Pacific Partnership. Trump pulled out of the Obama-era treaty in January, a move Bannon praised.

In Montana, Bannon is supporting the state auditor, Matt Rosendale, hardly an anti-establishment figure as the former majority leader in the Montana House. But he runs without the trail of tweets left by rival Troy Downing, who last year described Trump as “not electable” and having a “tenuous relationship with the truth.”

In West Virginia, Bannon is supporting Attorney General Patrick Morrisey over Representative Evan Jenkins, a Democrat who switched parties four years ago to run for Congress. Morrisey, however, is no Washington newcomer, having been a lawyer for a Washington lobbying firm and later a lawyer for the House Energy and Commerce Committee before he moved to West Virginia.

Hungary: Parliament Bans Camerawoman Who Kicked Migrants

Hungary’s parliament has banned a camerawoman from working on the premises after she insulted a lawmaker during an interview.

Parliament press chief Zoltan Szilagyi said Thursday in a statement that Petra Laszlo’s ban would be enforced for the rest of the current legislative period, which ends in mid-December.

In January, Laszlo was sentenced to three years’ probation for disorderly conduct after she was filmed kicking and trying to trip migrants on the border with Serbia in 2015.

Laszlo, who works for a pro-government website, could be seen on video arguing Monday with Gyorgy Szilagyi from the far-right Jobbik party.

Szilagyi said he did not want to talk to reporters from because he considered them government “propagandists.”

During the 2015 incident, Laszlo was working for N1TV, which is close to Jobbik.

Кияни вклали у реконструкцію Театру на Подолі втричі більше, ніж корпорація «Рошен» – «Схеми»

Кошти з бюджету Києва, закладені на реконструкцію Театру на Подолі із 2000-го до 2015 року з урахуванням зміни курсу долара втричі перевищують меценатський внесок корпорації «Рошен» у розмірі 174 мільйони гривень. Про це повідомляють журналісти програми «Схеми» (спільний проект Радіо Свобода та каналу «UA:Перший»). 

Журналісти проаналізували суми, які закладалися у вигляді капітальних вкладень та фінансувань реконструкції театру в програмах соціально-економічного розвитку Києва з 2000 по 2015 роки, поки корпорація «Рошен» не виступила меценатом реконструкції Театру на Подолі.

Протягом 15 років на реконструкцію театру в бюджеті закладалися різні суми. Найменше у 2014-му – 434,6 тисяч гривень, найбільше у 2006-му – 35 мільйонів. Загальна сума із 2000 до 2015 року складає 103,75 мільйона гривень. А це всього на третину менше за 174 мільйони заявленого внеску «Рошену».

З урахуванням майже щорічної зміни курсу долара протягом періоду фінансування театру з бюджету Києва, це 17,61 мільйона доларів. Саме стільки коштів заклали у програми на реконструкцію театру до появи мецената – корпорації «Рошен». І ця сума втричі вища, ніж внесок корпорації, якщо аналізувати у доларовому еквіваленті з урахуванням зміни курсу (6,8 мільйона доларів).


​Журналісти «Схем» запитали у власника корпорації «Рошен» та президента України Президента Порошенка, чому на офіційному відкритті театру він подякував лише «Рошену», проігнорувавши внесок мешканців Києва.

«Звертайтеся до «Рошену», нехай вони дадуть вам відповідь. Все просто. Я думаю, що ви маєте неточну інформацію. Перевірте, і я теж перевірю», – відповів Петро Порошенко.

Журналісти звернулися із запитом до кондитерської корпорації «Рошен». На запитання, чому на інформаційній табличці будівлі йдеться лише про кошти корпорації, витрачені на реконструкцію театру, прес-служба повідомила: «Інформація, пов’язана із зазначеною реконструкцією у період до появи мецената не стосується корпорації «Рошен».

Екс-начальник Головного управління культури та мистецтв Олександр Биструшкін зауважує, що міські бюджетні кошти не завжди освоювалися в запланованому обсязі, а влада керувала будівництвом неефективно.

«Ми хотіли його відкрити в 2007 році. І відкрили б. Тому що до літа, коли відбулись перевибори, і Черновецький зі своєю розчудесною молодою командою прийшов до влади, то там уже було на 80 відсотків збудовано. Такі господарники прийшли… Чагарники повиростали на тій недобудові», – зауважив він.

У 2011 році СБУ заявляла про розкрадання понад двох з половиною мільйонів гривень під час реконструкції. «Схеми» поцікавилися, який результат розслідування.

У СБУ повідомили: «В Головному управлінні відсутня інформація щодо стану розслідування означеної кримінальної справи та можливого притягнення будь-яких осіб до кримінальної відповідальності. Головним управлінням матеріали направлені до прокуратури Подільського району (на даний час Київська місцева прокуратура №7)». Керівник прокуратури №7 передав запит до Нацполіції. У Нацполіції повідомили, що теж не мають такого провадження.

МЗС України висловлює протест через направлення Росією 71-го «гумконвою»

Міністерство закордонних справ висловлює протест у зв‘язку з направленням Росією так званого 71-го «гуманітарного конвою». 

Як йдеться в заяві МЗС, ввезення «гумдопомоги» відбулося з порушенням норм і принципів міжнародного права, зокрема, щодо непорушності кордонів, національного законодавства України. 

У відомстві також додають, що відсутність законних підстав унеможливила передбачене українським законодавством обов’язкове оформлення «гуманітарного конвою» представниками прикордонних та митних органів України.

Росія сьогодні заявила, що надіслала на окуповану частину українського Донбасу 71-й «гумконвой». Як стверджують у міністерстві надзвичайних ситуацій Росії, колона доставить понад 500 тонн вантажів, серед яких «дитячі продуктові набори, медикаменти, медичне майно і дитячі подарунки».

Попередній «гумконвой» в’їхав в Україну 26 жовтня.

Досі жоден із попередніх таких «гуманітарних конвоїв» українських митних і прикордонних процедур не проходив, бо не відповідав ні міжнародному, ні українському законодавству. Через це українські прикордонники і митники, які чергують на російських пунктах пропуску на кордоні з окупованою частиною Донбасу «Донецьк» і «Матвеєв Курган» для можливого оформлення гуманітарної допомоги з Росії, щоразу змушені відмовлятися від такого оформлення. Дотепер українська міжвідомча група щоразу здійснювала лише візуальне спостереження без виконання контрольних функцій, Росія вводить ці конвої через кордон в односторонньому порядку. Таку поведінку Росії також критикує Захід.

Від квітня Росія вдвічі скоротила частоту введення таких конвоїв – до одного разу на місяць із двох.

Americans Celebrate Thanksgiving

Americans are celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday Thursday with parades, charity work and meals with family and friends.

Косово оголосило день незалежності Албанії національним святом

Косово оголосило день незалежності Албанії національним святом. У заяві уряду прем’єр-міністр Рамуш Харадінай заявив, що відзначення 28 листопада важливого для албанців дня є знаком «поваги історичних та культурних цінностей і гарних родинних і соціальних традицій».

На думку аналітиків, цей крок може посилити напруженість у відносинах із сусідньою Сербією, від якої Косово в односторонньому порядку оголосило незалежність в 2008 році. Белград звинуватив Албанію і Косово в прагненні створити «велику Албанію», вони це заперечили.

Чисельність населення Косова становить близько 1,8 мільйона людей – переважно етнічних албанців.

Congressional Probes Likely to Head Into 2018

Some Republicans are hoping lawmakers will soon wrap up investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election that have dragged on for most of the year. But with new details in the probe emerging almost daily, that seems unlikely.

Three congressional committees are investigating Russian interference and whether President Donald Trump’s campaign was in any way involved. The panels have obtained thousands of pages of documents from Trump’s campaign and other officials, and have done dozens of interviews.

The probes are separate from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Mueller can prosecute for criminal activity, while Congress can only lay out findings, publicize any perceived wrongdoing and pass legislation to try to keep problems from happening again. If any committee finds evidence of criminal activity, it must refer the matter to Mueller.

All three committees have focused on a June 2016 meeting that Trump campaign officials held in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer and others. They are also looking into outreach by several other Russians to the campaign, including involvement of George Papadopoulos, who pleaded guilty this month to lying to the FBI as part of Mueller’s probe. New threads continue to emerge, such as a recent revelation that Donald Trump Jr. was messaging with WikiLeaks, the website that leaked emails from top Democratic officials during the campaign.

A look at the committees that are investigating, and the status of their work when they return from their Thanksgiving break:

Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate intelligence panel, which has been the most bipartisan in its approach, has interviewed more than 100 people, including most of those attending the Trump Tower meeting. Chairman Richard Burr of North Carolina and the panel’s top Democrat, Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, have said they plan to bring in Donald Trump Jr. The president’s son was one of several Trump campaign officials in the meeting.

The committee has looked broadly at the issue of interference, and called in executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google, pushing them to take steps to prevent Russian election meddling on their platforms. Warner told The Associated Press the committee is still looking for more information from those companies, which were initially reluctant to cooperate.

Burr has said that he wants to wrap up the probe by early spring, when congressional primaries begin. While there are many areas of bipartisan agreement on the meddling, it’s unclear whether all members will agree to the final report. It’s also unclear if the report will make a strong statement on whether the Trump campaign colluded in any way with Russia.

Warner said it’s plain there were “unprecedented contacts” as Russians reached out to the Trump campaign but what’s not established is collusion.

House Intelligence Committee

In the House, Democrats hope the intelligence committee can remain focused on the Russia probe as the panel’s GOP chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, and other Republicans have launched new, separate investigations into Democrat Hillary Clinton and a uranium deal during President Barack Obama’s administration. Nunes stepped back from the Russia probe in April after criticism that he was too close to the White House, but remains chairman of the committee.

Some Republicans on the panel have grown restless with the probe, saying it has amounted to a fishing expedition and pushing for it to end. Still, the committee has continued to interview dozens of witnesses involved with the Trump campaign, among them several participants in the 2016 meeting. On Nov. 30, the panel will interview Attorney General Jeff Sessions behind closed doors. Lawmakers are interested in Sessions’ knowledge about interactions between Trump campaign aides and Russians, and also his own contacts.

The top Democrat on the panel, California Rep. Adam Schiff, told AP the committee has multiple interviews before the New Year. He said the Republican investigations into Clinton and Obama could be “an enormous time drain,” but they have not yet fully organized. He says the committee must be thorough and he doesn’t believe the Russia investigation should end soon.

Senate Judiciary Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee has also divided along partisan lines as Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the panel’s top Democrat, haven’t agreed on some interviews and subpoenas. But as in the House, the panel has proceeded anyway, conducting bipartisan, closed-door interviews with several people who were in the 2016 meeting.

The panel is showing recent signs that it is aggressively pursuing the investigation. The committee is the only one to have interviewed Trump Jr. And just before the Thanksgiving break, it sent Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a letter asking him to be more forthcoming with the committee.

Grassley has been focused on a law that requires foreign agents to register and the firing of James Comey as FBI director. Along with the other committees, Judiciary is also looking into a dossier of allegations about Trump’s own connections to Russia.

It’s not known if the panel will issue a final report, or if its probe will conclude before next year’s elections.


Russian Tech Firm Wins US Intel Prize

Amid concerns about Russian hacking and online influence, Russian technology firm NtechLab has won a prize awarded by the United States intelligence community. VOA’s Moscow Bureau visited NtechLab to ask its general director about the award, the technology, and concerns about privacy.

Smooth Sailing So Far on $7.5M Makeover of Pilgrim Ship

If you’re a fan of the Mayflower II, here’s something that will float your boat.

A year after craftsmen embarked on an ambitious effort to restore the rotting replica of the ship that carried the Pilgrims to the New World in 1620, the work “is going really great,” project manager Whit Perry says.


Britain built the vessel and sailed it to the U.S. as a gift of friendship in 1957. Usually it’s moored in Plymouth Harbor, where more than 25 million people have boarded it over the past six decades. But over the years, the elements, aquatic organisms and insects took their toll.


It’s now in dry dock at the Henry B. duPont Preservation Shipyard at Connecticut’s Mystic Seaport, getting a $7.5 million makeover in time for 2020 festivities marking the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim landing.


The Associated Press caught up with Perry, director of maritime preservation and operations at Plimoth Plantation , for a progress report.


AP: You’re 12 months into a 2-year project involving major structural repairs to America’s most beloved boat. Any unpleasant surprises?


Perry: Not really. I couldn’t be more pleased with the progress we’re making right now. We’ve had some major milestones since we began on Nov. 3, 2016. We have more than 100 new frames and floor timbers inside in the hold. Now we’re actually going to start the planking process on the outside of the ship, which is very exciting.


AP: So nothing’s bugging you? This time last year, on top of water damage and dry rot, you had beetles chewing through the bottom of the boat.


Perry: Ah, yes, the wharf borer beetle. No, that’s been a minor issue. We did find evidence of (Teredo worms). This is a mollusk that can grow up to three feet long and eats through wood. On the bottom of the keel, there’s something called a “worm shoe” — a 4-inch-thick piece of wood that runs the whole length of the ship. It lets the worms have a field day but not get into the main structure of the boat. That’s where we found evidence of worms. The ship itself is OK.


AP: The shipyard’s live webcam is pretty cool, but it’s hard to tell how many people are involved and what they’re doing. Can you tell us what we can’t see?


Perry: There are 20 people working on the Mayflower II at any one time. They’re working regular shifts, but we’re paying a little overtime so they don’t feel like they have to put down their tools if they’re in the middle of something. There are small teams working all over the ship. As we take things apart, we’re fixing anything with a question mark now, while we have the chance.


AP: Sea water actually preserves a wooden ship like this one. What happens when it’s on dry land for so long? Is that bad for a boat?


Perry: It can be. We’re very proactive in spraying the boat with salt water and an antifungal agent. As we put the ship back together, we try to keep the humidity up with misters so it doesn’t dry out too much. We also have to leave a little play on the new planking beneath the waterline so it doesn’t buckle when the ship returns to the water and the wood starts to swell. It’s not an exact science.


AP: In 2020, the eyes of the world will be on Plymouth. Sounds like you’re confident the ship will be ready?


Perry: It’s all going really great. We’re on budget and we’re on schedule. The ship will leave Mystic Seaport by late spring or early summer of 2019. And I’ve got to say, sailing the Mayflower II back to Plymouth is going to be quite a spectacle. Seeing the ship back under sail is going to be a beautiful sight.

UK Labour Party Suspends Lawmaker over Misconduct Claim

Britain’s Labour Party says it has suspended a lawmaker over an allegation of sexual misconduct.

The opposition party said Thursday that Ivan Lewis is suspended pending an investigation. It says “the Labour Party takes all allegations of sexual harassment extremely seriously.”


Earlier this month BuzzFeed News reported a woman’s allegation that Lewis had touched her leg and invited her to his house in 2010, when she was 19.


Lewis later said he had “never made non-consensual sexual comments or sexual advances to women.” But he apologized if his behavior had been “unwelcome or inappropriate.”


Several British lawmakers have resigned or been suspended from posts over claims of sexual harassment or abuse. Prime Minister Theresa May has called for an end to “abuses of power” in politics.

Розенко: в Україні зарплата жінок становить лише 80% зарплати чоловіків

В Україні заробітна плата жінок становить лише 80% зарплати чоловіків, заявив віце-прем’єр-міністр Павло Розенко під час першого Українського жіночого конгресу.

«Перше півріччя 2017 року показало нам, що середньомісячна зарплата жінок становить лише 80% середньомісячної зарплати чоловіків. Безумовно, ми бачимо певне покращення ситуації порівняно з попередніми роками, коли цей відсоток становив 70 і менше, але очевидно, що нам є над чим працювати», – сказав Розенко.

Він зазначив, що пов’язує незначний підйом рівня середньої заробітної плати жінок зі зростанням мінімальної зарплати до 3200 гривень.

«Очевидно, що цього недостатньо, адже ми чудово розуміємо, що питання оплати праці дуже тісно пов’язане в цілому із соціальним захистом родини, у тому числі із майбутнім пенсійним забезпеченням жінок», – заявив Розенко.

За даними Кабінету міністрів, в Україні зросла кількість людей, які отримують зарплату, більшу ніж мінімальну, – у грудні 2016 року частка людей, яким було нараховано зарплати менше ніж 3200 гривень, становила понад 40%, нині це тільки 20%.

Vote on Sweeping Tax Bill Expected in US Senate

With control of the U.S. Congress up for grabs next year, the Senate is days away from an expected vote on a major tax bill that Republicans say will make American corporations more competitive globally but that Democrats say will force the United States to borrow even more from China and other foreign creditors.

“For too long, we have been losing jobs to overseas competitors, in part because our businesses pay some of the highest taxes in the industrialized world,” said Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota in a statement. “This plan would make U.S. businesses more competitive, which would create jobs and increase wages for American workers.”

The Republican plan would cut the tax rates Americans pay on their income and increase deductions for children, while eliminating deductions for state and local taxes. Corporate taxes would be slashed from a maximum rate of 35 percent to 20 percent. The Senate version would also repeal an Obamacare requirement that Americans purchase health care insurance. Obamacare was the signature legislative achievement of former U.S. president Barack Obama.

Democrats point out that, while corporate tax cuts would be permanent, income tax reductions would be temporary.

“In 2021, families earning $30,000 [a year] and under are going to get clobbered by a tax hike of nearly $6 billion to pay for this handout to multinational corporations,” Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon said. “By 2027, the news is even worse. Meanwhile, the big corporations are guaranteed a tax cut across the board.”

“We should be working together to cut taxes for the middle class, not taking health care away from millions just to give tax cuts to large corporations,” said Florida Democratic Senator Bill Nelson.

House Republicans passed a tax bill last week with votes to spare, despite receiving no backing from Democrats. With a slim Senate majority, Republicans can afford just two ‘no’ votes from their caucus if U.S. President Donald Trump’s push to overhaul the federal tax system is to survive.

“I’m fairly optimistic,” said Chris Edwards, director of tax policy at the Washington-based Cato Institute. “I think it [the odds of a tax bill becoming law] is 60-40 (percent), maybe even 70-30 (percent).”

Senate Republicans want to pass their tax bill next week. The House and Senate versions would then be merged into one bill the party hopes will reach President Trump’s desk by the end of the year.

“The chances of getting something done by the end of this year are no better than 50-50 (percent),” said Stan Collender, a former House and Senate Budget Committee staffer. “Yes, the House has already passed something, but what it passed is not acceptable to the Senate. It’s not clear whether the Senate will be able to pass anything, and if it does, it’s not at all clear that what it passes will be acceptable to the House.”

“If you look at the polls, Republicans aren’t doing so well,” said Jeremy Slevin of the progressive-leaning Center for American Progress. “The tax plan is polling at 25 percent [support], which is below almost every recent piece of major legislation. Regressive tax cuts are a really tough political sell.”

While taxpayers try to make sense of the legislation, Republicans and Democrats are making contradictory claims about its impact.

“They are both talking past each other,” Edwards said. “Republicans are talking about economic growth, which will benefit everybody. It’s of benefit to everyone if the GDP grows stronger, because in the long run wages will rise and incomes will rise. The Democrats are focusing more on specific mechanics – which particular group is getting the tax cut.”

Both the House and Senate versions would boost America’s $20 trillion national debt by $1.5 trillion over 10 years. Some Republicans who have long favored cutting taxes are voicing concerns about America’s fiscal trajectory.

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake tweeted that America “must lower [the] corporate tax rate” – but has also said, “With the national debt exceeding $20 trillion, we cannot simply rely on rosy economic assumptions [to boost revenue].”

Other Republicans see tax cuts as the key to the higher economic growth rates needed to improve America’s long-term finances.

“When people have more money, that helps grow the economy,” said Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming.

The United States enacted major tax cuts during the Reagan administration and twice during the George W. Bush administration, and tax cut proposals have generally been popular with the American people.

“Nobody wants to pay more in taxes,” Collender noted.

Even so, polls do not show a groundswell of support for current Republican tax plans.

“This package does not appear to be popular in polling,” said Justin King of the Washington-based New America Foundation, adding he wonders “whether that says something about anything put forward by President Trump and the Republicans at this point, or whether the broad appeal of [the message that] ‘we’re going to cut your taxes’ is waning.”

Passing a tax bill would fulfill a major pledge by President Donald Trump and give Republican lawmakers an accomplishment to tout going into next year’s mid-term elections.

“This bill may make all the difference, whether it passes or fails, whether there is a Democratic or a Republican House of Representatives in 2019,” Collender said.

Edwards notes that U.S. tax policy can have a ripple effect around the world.

“When the United States slashed its corporate tax rate in 1986, it launched a global revolution in slashing corporate tax rates,” he said. “Big trading partners with the United States like Canada and Britain went ahead [and cut] their corporate tax rates, as well. What the United States does will have a big effect [internationally].”

Kremlin Vows to Defend Russian Oligarch Who Is Under Arrest in France

Russia said Wednesday it will make every effort to defend Russian billionaire businessman and Senator Suleiman Kerimov, who was arrested in France Monday in connection with a tax evasion case.

A  public prosecutor said in Nice Wednesday Kerimov would appear in court to be formally placed under judicial investigation, which frequently results in a trial in France.

“We will do everything in our power to protect his lawful interests,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

A French judicial source said Kerimov faces accusations of purchasing several luxury homes on the French Riviera using shell companies, which would have enabled him to reduce his tax obligations to France.

Kerimov’s arrest prompted an angry response from Russian members of parliament, who approved a resolution denouncing it as a violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

Russia’s state-run Rossiya 24 TV station cited an unnamed source as saying Kerimov had denied any guilt.

Kerimov’s family controls Polyus, Russia’s biggest gold producer. The  51-year-old Russian billionaire built Polyus during the privatizations that followed the dissolution of the Soviet Union through debt, risk and political connections.

Forbes magazine listed Kerimov as Russia’s 21st richest person with a net worth of about $6.7 billion.

Папа Римський планує відвідати Естонію, Латвію та Литву до 100-річчя їхньої незалежності від Росії

Папа Римський Франциск у 2018 році планує відвідати Естонію, Латвію та Литву до 100-річчя проголошення їхньої незалежності від Росії.

Президент Литви Даля Ґрібаускайте зазначила, що офіційно про візит папи Римського оголосять у грудні.

«Це буде величезний подарунок для Литви і, я сподіваюсь, для наших сусідів», – сказала Ґрібаускайте, додавши, що візит, ймовірно, відбудеться у вересні 2018 року.

Президент заявила, що очікує від Ватикану подробиць візиту папи найближчим часом.

Представники офісів президентів Латвії та Естонії також підтвердили ймовірний візит понтифіка до їхніх країн, передає агентство Baltic News Service.

Литва, Латвія та Естонія оголосили незалежність від Росії в 1918 році. Вони залишалися незалежними до Другої світової війни, коли Радянський Союз анексував їхні території після угоди з нацистською Німеччиною.

Деякі країни, включно з США, ніколи офіційно не визнавали анексію.

У 1990-1991 роках Литва, Латвія та Естонія знову отримали незалежність і згодом приєдналися до Європейського союзу та НАТО.

МЗС: літаки, які затримували в аеропорту Стамбула, вже вилетіли в Україну

У Міністерстві закордонних справ заявляють, що правоохоронці Туреччини завершили перевірку літаків авіакомпанії «Міжнародні авіалінії України» (МАУ) в аеропорту Стамбула на наявність вибухівки.

Як повідомляє департамент консульської служби МЗС у Twitter, літаки вже вилетіли в Україну.

За даними ЗМІ, було повідомлення про вибухівку на борту літака авіакомпанії МАУ в міжнародному аеропорту «Ататюрк» у Стамбулі, правоохоронці почали перевірку. Також з міркувань безпеки в аеропорту розпочали перевірку ще одного українського літака, який мав летіти до Києва.

Disney Star Jordan Fisher Wins ‘Dancing with the Stars’

Disney Channel star Jordan Fisher has been crowned the winner of “Dancing with the Stars” alongside partner Lindsay Arnold.

Fisher beat out violinist Lindsey Stirling and actor Frankie Muniz for the Mirrorball Trophy on the season 25 finale of the ABC reality competition Tuesday.

Fisher paid tribute to Arnold on Twitter after the announcement, writing: “There aren’t words to describe the feeling of going through BATTLE with my SISTER. Putting in all the time and effort and energy for 12 weeks, then to be rewarded for it after having the most incredible time?! Unbelievable.”

Fisher has starred in several Disney Channel series and films. He has also appeared on Broadway in “Hamilton.”

This is the first “Dancing with the Stars” title for Arnold.



Americans Get Ready for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an American holiday centered around a big meal. It’s a day to give thanks and enjoy great food and time with family. VOA’s Korean Service visited a grocery store just outside Washington to explain how people prepare for the big day. Brian Allen narrates.

Asylum Seekers Stranded on Greek Islands Face Winter Death Threat

Winter could bring death to asylum seekers stranded on crowded Greek islands with only summer tents for shelter, aid groups said on Wednesday, urging a mass relocation to the mainland.

More than 10,000 people, mostly Syrians and Iraqis fleeing years of war, have massed on the Greek islands that lie closest to Turkey, since the European Union agreed a deal with Ankara in March 2016 to shut down the route through Greece.

Authorities say the terms of the agreement prevent them from traveling to the Greek mainland until their asylum applications are processed. Those who do not qualify are deported.

But this has forced thousands to live in squalid conditions unfit for humans, the 20 aid groups said in a joint statement.

“We are in a race against time. Lives will be lost ‘again’ this winter unless people are allowed to move, in an organized and voluntary fashion, to the mainland,” said Jana Frey, who leads Greek operations for the International Rescue Committee.

Exposure to bad weather is a key risk, along with overcrowding, lack of basic services and a reliance on dangerous and impromptu measures to keep warm, the groups said.

Last year, a 66-year old woman and 6-year-old child died in Lesbos after a cooking gas canister exploded in a tent.

“Nothing can justify trapping people in these terrible conditions on the islands for another winter,” said Eva Cosse, Greece researcher at Human Rights Watch.

The government has moved 2,000 people to camps on the mainland after the groups wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras last month, but conditions for those remaining on the island have since deteriorated, they said.

Crowded camps on Lesbos, Samos, and Chios are holding two to three times more people than they should, including single women and children, the aid workers said. Some women are also sharing tents with unrelated men, further jeopardizing their safety.

“European countries and Greece should urgently work together and move asylum seekers off the islands,” said Gabriel Sakellaridis, director of Amnesty International in Greece.

On Monday, residents on Lesbos went on strike, shutting businesses, shops, municipal offices and nurseries to protest against policies that they say have turned their island into a “prison” for migrants and refugees.

About 30,000 people have arrived in Greece this year, a fraction compared to the nearly 1 million who arrived in 2015. Greek authorities in London and Athens did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Reporting by Umberto Bacchi, Editing by Lyndsay Griffiths.

Finns Want to Look for Remains of Arctic Meteorite

The remains of a blazing meteorite that lit up the dark skies of the Arctic last week are believed scattered near a lake in northern Finland, amateur Finnish astronomers said Wednesday.

The Ursa astronomical association says their calculations show the parts would have crashed in a remote area near the Norwegian and Russian borders.

The meteorite – which Norwegian scientists said gave “the glow of 100 full moons” – was seen in northern Norway and Russia’s Kola peninsula on Thursday for about five seconds.

Marko Pekkola, a scientist with Ursa, said it likely landed in the wilderness almost 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) north of Helsinki. He believed it weighted between 100 kilograms and 300 kilograms (220 pounds and 660 pounds) before it entered the atmosphere, and flew at a speed of 30 kilometers per second (18.6 miles per second) – “in the low end for meteorites.”

Pekkola said the meteorite likely broke into pieces when it entered the atmosphere, producing a blast wave that felt like an explosion. The parts are believed to be spread over an area of about 60 square kilometers (24 sq. miles).

“We don’t know many pieces are out there, it is [exceptional] to find something,” Pekkola said. “I can say that finding one or two pieces is possible.”

The group says it wants to start searching for the remains, though it hasn’t set a date yet.

In 2013, a meteorite streaked across the Russian sky and exploded over the Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb, its sonic blasts shattering countless windows and injuring about 1,100 people. Many were cut by flying glass as they flocked to windows, curious about what had produced such a blinding flash of light.

The 2013 Chelyabinsk meteorite was estimated to be about 10 tons when it entered the Earth’s atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of at least 54,000 kph (33,000 mph). It shattered into pieces about 30-50 kilometers (18-32 miles) above the ground but some meteorite chunks were found in a Russian lake.
