Month: June 2019

Key Quotes From the First Democratic Presidential Debate

The first group of 10 Democratic candidates running for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination gathered on stage in Miami, Florida for a two hour debate Wednesday.  As is typical in many debates of this kind, each candidate hoped to break through the crowded filed with a memorable phrase or lengthy quote that would resonate with both voters and political commentators.  VOA’s Richard Green has some key quotes on a variety of issues from each of the candidates.


America’s LGBTQ Community Marks 50 Years of Gay Rights Movement

Fifty years ago today (June 27, 1969),  police raided The Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York’s Greenwich Village. The violent protests that followed galvanized the gay rights movement in America. A half-century later, society’s attitudes toward the LGBTQ community has evolved, as highlighted in a groundbreaking exhibit at the Newseum in Washington, DC. For some members of the LGBTQ community, the exhibit is deeply personal. VOA’s Julie Taboh has more.

Trump in Japan for G-20 Summit, Talks With World Leaders

U.S. President Donald Trump arrived Thursday in Osaka, Japan, where he is attending a summit with other leaders from the Group of 20.

On the sidelines of the main event, Trump is scheduled to hold a number of bilateral meetings, including those with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday and Friday talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The U.S.-China talks are likely to touch on trade after a breakdown in negotiations and an escalation of tariffs by both sides.

U.S. officials said there was no fixed agenda for Trump’s meeting Putin, but acknowledged the two leaders would almost certainly discuss issues involving Ukraine, the Middle East and Venezuela.

Trump is also expected to use the G-20 sessions to convey that his administration intends to continue applying economic pressure on Iran, seeking to deny the country its important oil revenue and bring about fresh negotiations on its nuclear program.

After the summit, Trump flies to Seoul to discuss with South Korean President Moon Jae-in ways to ease tensions with North Korea.

Верховний суд визнав правомірною відмову ЦВК у реєстрації кандидата в депутати Олександра Онищенка

Верховний суд України визнав правомірною відмову ЦВК у реєстрації кандидата в народні депутати Олександра Онищенка, повідомила прес-служба суду.

«Суд дійшов висновку, що доводи позивача про порушення відповідачем вимог закону України «Про вибори народних депутатів України» під час вирішення питання про реєстрацію кандидата в народні депутати Олександра Онищенка не були підтверджені, а тому суд констатував відсутність підстав для задоволення позовних вимог», – йдеться у рішенні суду.

У суді пояснили, що ЦВК мала підстави відмовити Онищенку в реєстрації через недотримання вимог щодо кандидата в народні депутати – проживати на території України протягом останніх п’яти років.

«Оцінюючи причини відсутності позивача за межами території України, суд з’ясував, що в листі ГО «Всеукраїнська федерація кінного спорту України» немає відомостей про найменування змагань, місця і дати їх проведення, статусу позивача в цих змаганнях і підстави, на якій позивач брав у них участь», – йдеться в повідомленні.

15 червня ЦВК відмовилася реєструвати Олександра Онищенка кандидатом у депутати. 21 червня Шостий апеляційний адміністративний суд задовольнив позов Онищенка до ЦВК щодо скасування постанови від 15 червня про відмову йому в реєстрації. Але Центральна виборча комісія подала апеляцію на рішення суду.

Олександр Онищенко говорив про свій намір балотуватися у 93-му окрузі на Київщині, через який він був обраний до Верховної Ради цього скликання.

У липні 2018 року Національне антикорупційне бюро повідомляло про завершення досудового розслідування щодо Онищенка.

За версією слідства, депутат причетний до розкрадання понад 1,6 мільярда гривень з 2013 по 2016 рік. Збитки підприємству «Укргазвидобування» оцінюються в більш ніж 740 мільйонів.

У розшуку в Україні Онищенко перебуває з 2016 року.

Сам депутат каже, що перебуває в Іспанії і всі звинувачення на свою адресу відкидає.

Дострокові вибори до Верховної Ради призначені на 21 липня.

Border Crossings: Deana Martin

Deana Martin’s latest album, Swing Street is an elegant mix of jazz and blues inspired songs.  On this, her fifth album release, Deana pays tribute to three men who helped guide and encourage her performing career: Uncles Sammy Davis, Jr., Frank Sinatra and, most certainly, her Dad, Dean Martin. 

Indian PM Modi Says He Was Pained by Muslim Man’s Lynching

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Wednesday he was “pained” by the killing last week of a Muslim man who was tortured and forced to chant Hindu slogans, the latest example of rising communal violence in the secular country.

Modi has faced criticism for not speaking strongly enough against Hindu vigilantes targeting Muslims and other minorities, but called Wednesday for strong action against those guilty of the brutal attack.

“The lynching in Jharkhand has pained me. Everyone… is grieved at the loss of life of the youth, and the guilty should be given harsh punishment,” he said in the upper house of parliament.

Police in Jharkhand have so far arrested 11 men in connection with the attack — including the main accused, who was seen thrashing Tabrez Ansari in a video that went viral on social media.

Ansari, 24, had been accused by villagers of burglary. He was tied to a pole and beaten for up to 12 hours before police first detained him.

They took him to hospital, where he died Saturday.

Indian opposition parties accuse Modi of not doing enough to stop communal attacks that have increased since his nationalist Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party took power in 2014.

The party was re-elected with a resounding majority last month.

Modi said also he was saddened by the deaths from Acute Encephalitis Syndrome of over 150 children in eastern Bihar state.

“We have pressed resources to fight the encephalitis epidemic and we have to fight this together,” he said of the virus, which scientists say could be spread from a toxin found in ripening lychee fruit.

ЦВК визначила, як розташуються політичні партії у виборчому бюлетені

Центральна виборча комісія провела жеребкування щодо визначення номерів політичних партій для розміщення їхніх назв у виборчому бюлетені для голосування з позачергових виборів народних депутатів 21 липня 2019 року у загальнодержавному багатомандатному виборчому окрузі.

Політичні партії будуть розміщені у виборчому бюлетені у такій черговості:

  1. «Опозиційний блок»

  2. «Сила і честь»

  3. Всеукраїнське об’єднання «Батьківщина»

  4. «Патріот»

  5. «Сила людей»

  6. «Опозиційна платформа – За життя»

  7. «Партія зелених України»

  8. «Всеукраїнське об’єднання Факел»

  9. «Об’єднання Самопоміч»

  10. «Європейська Солідарність»

  11. «Українська стратегія Гройсмана»

  12. «Громадянська позиція»

  13. «Соціальна справедливість»

  14. «Слуга народу»

  15. «Сила права»

  16. «Радикальна партія Олега Ляшка»

  17. «Партія Шарія»

  18. «Голос»

  19. «Незалежінсть»

  20. Аграрна партія України

  21. Всеукраїнське об’єднання «Свобода»

На сьогодні ЦВК зареєструвала 841 кандидата у народні депутати України в одномандатних виборчих округах.

Дострокові вибори до Верховної Ради призначені на 21 липня.

Opposition Leader: Ethiopia, AU Join Forces in Sudan Efforts

A leading Sudanese opposition figure says the African Union and Ethiopia have joined forces in renewed efforts to mediate the crisis in Sudan and bring the ruling generals and protest leaders back to the negotiating table.
Sadek al-Mahdi, who heads the Umma party, told reporters on Wednesday that Ethiopia and the AU plan a joint proposal on how to break the impasse.
Earlier, Ethiopia and the AU tried to mediate separately in Sudan’s crisis, which erupted after the military’s ouster of longtime President Omar al-Bashir.
The Umma party is part of an alliance representing Sudanese protesters who demand the military hand over power to civilian rule.
Al-Mahdi has criticized the protesters over calls for mass demonstrations on Sunday, the anniversary of a 1989 coup that brought al-Bashir to power.

У Станиці Луганській українські військові відійшли від однієї із позицій біля КПВВ – штаб

Українські військові опівдні 26 червня відійшли з однієї з позицій перед КПВВ у Станиці Луганській, повідомили у штабі Операції об’єднаних сил.

«Станиця Луганська». Все відбувалось під наглядом представників ОБСЄ, котрі були по обидві сторони. Крім того за розведенням військ спостерігав особисто командувач Об’єднаних сил генерал-лейтенант Олександр Сирський. За його словами, це перший етап відводу сторін від околиць Станиці Луганської. По сигналу сигнальних ракет з нашої сторони та сторони бойовиків наші військові покинули визначені ОБСЄ позиції. Наразі не відомо чи відвів своїх військових противник», – йдеться в повідомленні штабу.

Згідно з повідомленням, на днях очікується приїзд представника української тристоронньої контактної групи Леоніда Кучми, щоб «продовжити роботу з розведення сторін на визначені Мінськими домовленостями рубежі».

В сепаратистському угрупованні «ЛНР» повідомили, що розведення сил у Станиці Луганській може зайняти до трьох днів.

Розвести сили в Станиці Луганській намагаються з 2016 року. 

US Protests Spying Suspect’s Treatment in Russian Jail

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow says that it has officially protested the reported mistreatment of a U.S. national who is kept in jail on spying charges.
The U.S. Embassy said in a statement on Wednesday that it has sent a note of protest to the Russian foreign ministry, asking it to investigate the allegations that Paul Whelan has been mistreated while in custody and that his safety is ensured.
Whelan, who also holds British, Irish and Canadian citizenship, was arrested in a hotel room in Moscow at the end of December and charged with espionage, which carries up to 20 years in prison.
The former U.S. Marine, who denies the charges, has publicly complained of poor conditions in prison and said his life is in danger.


Trump Ratchets Up Verbal Attacks on Iran

VOA’s Capitol Hill correspondent Michael Bowman and VOA Persian’s Afshar Sigarchi contributed to this report.

Top U.S. and Iranian officials are continuing to fire verbal warning shots at each other while insisting they want to avoid war.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday called the United States the “world’s most vicious regime” and a “source of wars, conflict and plunder.”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is seen near a “3 Khordad” system which is said to had been used to shoot down a U.S. military drone.

Days after being targeted with U.S. sanctions himself, Khamenei said, “Iranians have been wronged by oppressive sanctions but not weakened and remain powerful.”

And he characterized the United States as deceiving other nations when it engages in negotiations.

An Iranian government official was quoted Tuesday as saying that sanctions on Khamenei equal an attack on the nation while Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said in a televised address that the White House’s actions were “outrageous and idiotic.”

The Iranian president said his country does not want war with the United States but will decisively respond to any aggression.

“Whatever they want to do, I’m ready,” U.S. President Donald Trump said in the Oval Office on Tuesday.

Asked by a reporter what would be his exit strategy if war with Iran occurs, Trump replied: “You’re not going to need an exit strategy. I don’t need exit strategies.”

The U.S. president, earlier in the day, on social media warned that an attack by Tehran on “anything American” would “be met with great and overwhelming force” — adding that in some instances, “overwhelming will mean obliteration.”

In his series of Tuesday morning tweets, Trump dismissed as “very ignorant and insulting” Iran’s statement hours earlier saying it was ending the possibility of diplomatic talks with the United States.

Iran leadership doesn’t understand the words “nice” or “compassion,” they never have. Sadly, the thing they do understand is Strength and Power, and the USA is by far the most powerful Military Force in the world, with 1.5 Trillion Dollars invested over the last two years alone..

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2019

….Iran’s very ignorant and insulting statement, put out today, only shows that they do not understand reality. Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2019


Vice President Mike Pence and acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper are among the high-ranking U.S. officials making public comments that Washington does not seek war with Tehran.


Trump, meanwhile, is casting aspersions on the previous U.S. administration, again criticizing the international pact negotiated by former Secretary of State John Kerry and former President Barack Obama to restrain Iran’s nuclear weapons development.

Trump withdrew from the 2015 agreement last year, reimposing sanctions aimed at debilitating Iran’s economy to try to force it to engage in one-on-one nuclear negotiations with Washington.

The president’s latest tweets underscore a key point, according to a former National Security Council spokesman, Ned Price: “Trump tore up the Iran deal simply because it was signed by the previous administration.”

Price, also a former senior analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, tells VOA “the only foreseeable off-ramp, which appears increasingly unlikely by the day, is that Trump puts his own branding on an agreement that is substantively identical to the Iran deal” of the Obama administration.  

Price contends that national security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “don’t want a new deal. They want regime change whether or not it requires military force and leads us down the path of another catastrophic war in the Middle East.”

The Trump administration is saying it could also add sanctions targeting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Rouhani, in his speech, remarked, “You sanction the foreign minister simultaneously with a request for talks?”

FILE – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Just prior to Trump’s tweets, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Mousavi, tweeted that sanctions on Khamenei and Zarif would mean “the permanent closure of the path of diplomacy.”

On the floor of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday morning, minority leader Chuck Schumer termed the tension between Washington and Tehran “a dangerous situation,” adding, “even if the president doesn’t intend war, his erratic, inconsistent and off-the-cuff policies could lead us to bumble into war.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell defended the president and criticized opposition Democrats “afflicted by Trump derangement syndrome that they repeat Iranian talking points and advertise the absurd notion that our country, our administration, our president are somehow to blame for Tehran’s violent aggression.”

The Republican senator added, “Clearly the president wants to avoid war, hence the deliberate and judicious approach he has taken since the shootdown” last week of a U.S. Navy drone by Iran.

Head of the Revolutionary Guard’s aerospace division Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh looks at debris from what the division describes as the U.S. drone which was shot down on Thursday, in Tehran, Iran, June 21, 2019.

Trump has called the new sanctions order a “strong and proportionate” U.S. response to the downing of the unmanned U.S. military aircraft, which Washington says occurred in international airspace near the Strait of Hormuz, and Iran claims occurred over its airspace.

The U.S. leader said he imposed the sanctions because of a series of “belligerent acts” carried out by Iran, which U.S. officials say include Iran’s targeting of Norwegian and Japanese ships traversing the Strait of Hormuz with mine explosions days before the attack on the drone.

Iran has repeatedly denied it was working to develop nuclear weapons, and the U.N. nuclear watchdog charged with monitoring the 2015 agreement has certified Iran is in compliance with the terms of the deal.

As the Trump administration has increased pressure on Tehran in recent months, and as Iran has complained that the other signatories to the nuclear deal have not done enough to help it maneuver around the U.S. sanctions, Iranian officials have pledged to stop abiding by certain restrictions it had agreed to, such as the amount of highly enriched uranium it can have.

In a report published Tuesday, Reuters said three diplomats told the news agency that European powers sent a formal note or diplomatic demarche to Iran on Saturday in response to its threat to violate some parts of the nuclear deal. Reuters cited two of the diplomats as saying the note specifically warned Iran not to scale back its commitments to the 2015 accord.

“I think [Iran’s recent actions] have made it more isolated,” said Michael Pregent, a Middle East analyst at the Hudson Institute, in a Tuesday interview for VOA Persian’s News at Nine show. “They are losing friends, with Russia, China and Europe telling them: ‘Stay in the Iran nuclear deal, don’t move out of it, and don’t take these aggressive actions in the Strait of Hormuz’,” Pregent said.

Trump and Kim Exchange Letters, But Will They Meet at DMZ?

U.S. officials are finalizing plans for President Donald Trump’s visit to South Korea later this week. But White House officials are shrugging off speculation that Trump will hold another summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. From Seoul, VOA’s Bill Gallo reports even if another Trump-Kim meeting were to happen, it is not clear how it could move forward stalled nuclear talks.

Захопленим ФСБ Росії українським морякам загрожує до 6 років за ґратами – адвокат

Захопленим минулоріч ФСБ Росії біля Керченської протоки українським морякам загрожує до 6 років позбавлення волі, повідомив проекту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії адвокат Айдер Азаматов. За його словами, слідство у Москві почало висувати звинувачення в остаточній редакції українським військовим морякам.

«Слідство ознайомило нас з результатами призначеної раніше експертизи, а також висунуло звинувачення в остаточній редакції – це ч. 3 ст. 322 КК Росії (незаконне перетинання державного кордону Росії)», – розповів Азаматов.

Він зазначив, що український моряк Юрій Будзило заявив, що «звинувачення абсурдне і вину свою він не визнає».

Інший адвокат у справі українських моряків Микола Полозов уточнив, що до 9 липня слідство висуне остаточне обвинувачення всім українським морякам.

«Слідчі дії розписані до 9 липня. Поки встигли висунути трьом: Євгену Семідоцькому, Богдану Небилиці і Юрію Будзилу», – додав він.

Після цього захист і військовополонені моряки перейдуть до стадії ознайомлення з матеріалами справи.

Раніше сьогодні прес-секретар президента Росії Володимира Путіна Дмитро Пєсков заявив, що Росія і надалі не вважає інцидент з українськими кораблями біля Керченської протоки підсудним Міжнародному трибуналу з морського права ООН. Про це Пєсков заявив, відповідаючи на запитання, чи буде Москва надавати звіт на вимогу трибуналу до 25 червня.

25 травня в Гамбурзі була оголошена постанова Міжнародного трибуналу з морського права у справі захоплених Росією українських моряків. Відповідно до нього, Росію зобов’язали звільнити три українські кораблі – «Бердянськ», «Яни-Капу» і «Нікополь» – і 24 утримуваних українських моряків і повернути їх під юрисдикцію України. У Міністерстві закордонних справ Росії заявили, що цей трибунал «не має юрисдикції» розглядати справу про захоплення українських моряків. А у Кремлі заявляли, що рішення Міжнародного трибуналу в Гамбурзі не вплине на долю моряків, яку повинні вирішити російські слідство і суд.

25 листопада 2018 року в Чорному морі російські прикордонники і співробітники ФСБ Росії вчинили силове захоплення із застосуванням зброї трьох українських військових кораблів і членів їхніх екіпажів. Москва звинуватила 24 українських моряків у нібито «незаконному перетині кордону Росії».

Вірменія: суд постановив, що екс-президент Кочарян має повернутися під варту

Апеляційний суд Вірменії скасував рішення суду нижчої інстанції, який звільнив з ув’язнення колишнього президента Роберта Кочаряна і призупинив судовий розгляд щодо нього за звинуваченням у поваленні конституційного ладу.

Апеляційний суд 25 червня заявив, що задовольняє скаргу прокурорів, яку ті подали в травні після звільнення Кочаряна.

18 травня суд у Єревані оприлюднив рішення за клопотанням про звільнення колишнього президента Вірменії Роберта Кочаряна з-під варти на поруки у справі про повалення конституційного ладу під час останніх тижнів його десятирічного правління, що завершилося у квітні 2008 року.

Звинувачення висунули в рамках кримінальної справи про події 1 березня 2008 року.

Тоді після президентських виборів, на яких перемогу здобув Серж Сарґсян, відбулися акції протесту. Під час сутичок між силовиками й активістами загинули десять людей, сотні були поранені. Обставини того, як це сталося і хто віддав наказ застосувати силу проти учасників протесту, досі залишаються нез’ясованими. Президентом Вірменії на той момент був Роберт Кочарян.

Голова Спеціальної слідчої служби Сасун Хачатрян 11 вересня 2018 року заявив, що в учасників протесту стріляла армія.

«Справа 1 березня» довгий час не розслідувалася, але була відновлена після масових протестів 2018 року і приходу до влади у Вірменії Нікола Пашиняна.

Росія продовжує вважати інцидент біля Керченської протоки непідсудним трибуналу ООН – Пєсков

Прес-секретар президента Росії Володимира Путіна Дмитро Пєсков заявив, що Росія і надалі не вважає інцидент з українськими кораблями біля Керченської протоки підсудним Міжнародному трибуналу з морського права ООН. Про це Пєсков заявив російським ЗМІ, відповідаючи на питання, чи буде Москва надавати звіт на вимогу трибуналу до 25 червня.

«Цей випадок в Керченській протоці не є підсудним для цієї судової інстанції, в цьому полягає позиція Росії. Звичайно, повноваження суду просто не поширюються на цю ситуацію», – сказав Пєсков.

25 травня в Гамбурзі була оголошена постанова Міжнародного трибуналу з морського права у справі захоплених Росією українських моряків. Відповідно до нього, Росію зобов’язали звільнити три українські кораблі – «Бердянськ», «Яни-Капу» і «Нікополь» – і 24 утримуваних українських моряків і повернути їх під юрисдикцію України. У Міністерстві закордонних справ Росії заявили, що цей трибунал «не має юрисдикції» розглядати справу про захоплення українських моряків. А у Кремлі заявляли, що рішення Міжнародного трибуналу в Гамбурзі не вплине на долю моряків, яку повинні вирішити російські слідство і суд.

25 листопада 2018 року в Чорному морі російські прикордонники і співробітники ФСБ Росії вчинили силове захоплення із застосуванням зброї трьох українських військових кораблів і членів їхніх екіпажів. Москва звинуватила 24 українських моряків у нібито «незаконному перетині кордону Росії».

Kenyan Ice Hockey Team Hosts First Exhibition Tournament

A Kenyan ice hockey team, the only one in East Africa, has hosted an exhibition tournament with teams made up by foreign diplomats.  The Kenya Ice Lions hope to bring more attention to the sport and its bid to qualify for the 2022 Winter Olympics.  Sarah Kimani reports from Nairobi.

Trump to Hold at Least 8 Bilateral Side Meetings at G-20

Just a month after a state visit to Japan, U.S. President Donald Trump this week heads to the East Asian country again.
In Osaka, Trump will attend the Group of 20 leaders’ summit, during which he is scheduled to meet one-on-one on the sidelines with such fellow world leaders as Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“The president is quite comfortable his position going into the meeting” with Xi following the breakdown of U.S.-China trade talks and increased tariffs on Beijing by Washington, a senior administration official told reporters on Monday.  
U.S. officials say there is no fixed agenda for Trump’s meeting with Putin although they acknowledge issues involving Iran, Ukraine, the Middle East and Venezuela are almost certain to be discussed.

Casting a pall over the G-20 discussions will be nervousness about the deteriorating situation between Washington and Tehran. Leaders in both capitals have been reiterating they want to avoid war but have also repeatedly stated they will not hesitate to defend their interests if provoked.

Trump is to reiterate to his fellow leaders at the G-20 that the United States intends to continue to increase economic pressure on Iran, which finds itself under escalating U.S. sanctions, and eliminate all of the country’s petroleum exports.

Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga (C) inspects the G-20 leaders summit meeting venue, INTEX Osaka, in Osaka, Japan, June 22, 2019.

“I don’t think Iran is a distraction,” according to James Jay Carafano, vice president of the Heritage Foundation’s national security and foreign policy institute. “I think that’s under control. Trump should strive for a no drama G-20.”  

The G-20 itself no longer has the significance it did after the group’s first several summits late in the previous decade when it cooperated to avert a meltdown of the global economy.
Trump prefers bilateral discussions and agreements over multinational events. Administration officials, however, are attempting to counter the notion that they no longer see these types of meetings as vital, pointing to U.S. leadership on advancing 21st century economic issues
“We believe that G-20 economies need to work together to advance open, fair and market-based digital policies, including the free flow of data,” a senior administration told reporters Monday on a conference call, also stressing promotion of women’s economic empowerment.
Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and a White House adviser, is to give a keynote address on the latter topic at a G-20 side event in Osaka.
G-20 host Shinzo Abe, as prime minister of Japan, and many European participants are trying to maintain the international system and its principles.
“This is where the absence of the U.S. is really harming it,” says Heather Conley, a senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and director of its Europe program. “We’re seeing the slow death of multilateralism in many respects. It’s a death by a thousand cuts.”
While the U.S. pulls back from such groups, the world is witnessing “the Chinese using international organizations so effectively to shape agendas,” Conley, a former deputy assistant secretary of state, said.  
Trump-Xi meetings

Some analysts expect the Trump-Xi meeting in Osaka to be a repeat of their previous dinner last year in Buenos Aires, when the two leaders agreed to trade talks and tasked their trade ministers with reaching a deal within 90 days.

FILE – U.S. President Donald Trump and China’s President Xi Jinping meet business leaders at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Nov. 9, 2017.

 “I think that that is the most likely outcome, that they’re going to reach some sort of accommodation, a truce like that and push this forward,” predicts Matthew Goodman, a CSIS senior vice president and senior adviser for Asian economics.  
“It’s not going to solve the immediate problems,” contends Goodman, who previously served as director for international economics on the National Security Council staff, helping then-President Barack Obama prepare for G-20 and G-8 summits. “Even if we get a deal, it’s unlikely to solve some of the deep structural differences between us in the role of the state in the economy, the governance of technology and data.”
Much attention will also be on the Trump-Putin encounter.
“Whenever President Trump and President Putin meet there is a very strong (U.S.) domestic backlash after that meeting,” notes Conley. “In part, it’s because there’s a total lack of transparency about the topics of discussion and what the agenda is, and I think the president would have a better policy approach domestically if, again, there was clarity of what the agenda would be, that there would be people participating in that meeting – secretary of state, national security adviser and others.”  
Trump is also scheduled to hold talks in Osaka with leaders from Australia, Germany, India, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
From Japan, Trump flies to Seoul, where he will be hosted by South Korean President Moon Jae-in to discuss how to further ease tensions with North Korea.
White House officials brush off speculation Trump could meet on the Korean peninsula with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, which would be their third encounter after summits in Singapore and Hanoi. And U.S. officials are not commenting on a possible presidential visit to the Demilitarized Zone, which separates the two Koreas.

There is little pressure on Trump to make any breakthroughs during his visit to Japan and South Korea, according to Carafano.

“I think the U.S. in the driver’s seat with regards to both North Korea and China negotiations,” Carafano tells VOA. “If they come to the table now, fine. If not, fine. Trump can wait until after the 2020 election.”


US Convenes Economic Peace Conference in Bahrain

The United States is convening an economic workshop in the Persian Gulf state of Bahrain Tuesday aimed at jumpstarting the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. America’s Middle East allies are attending but the key players are not there.   

The “Peace to Prosperity” conference was initiated by U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and Mideast envoy, Jared Kushner. The aim is to revive the peace process with economic incentives, while putting aside the thorny political issues until later.

The plan offers $27 billion in aid to the Palestinians, most of which would be financed by wealthy Arab states led by Saudi Arabia. Some $23 billion would be earmarked for poorer Arab states bordering Israel, namely, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.

The Palestinian Authority is boycotting the workshop, declaring that the plan is a whitewash and dead on arrival.

“I have not seen in the document any reference to [Jewish] settlements,” said  Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh. “We have not seen in the document any reference to ending [the Israeli] occupation. This workshop is simply a political laundry for settlements and a legitimization of occupation.”

Israel is not attending the conference either, because of Arab opposition to normalizing relations before the Palestinian problem is resolved. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is prepared to give the peace plan a chance.

“We’ll hear the American proposition, hear it fairly and with openness; and I cannot understand how the Palestinians, before they even heard the plan, reject it outright. That’s not the way to proceed,” said Netanyahu.

Kushner decided on a new approach after previous U.S. administrations tried and failed to resolve the thorniest issues of the conflict: borders, Palestinian refugees, Jewish settlements and the status of Jerusalem. The Trump administration believes economic prosperity will benefit the entire region and curb extremism, but the Palestinians say they cannot be bought and that their homeland is not for sale.



Palestinians Boycott US Mideast Conference

Palestinians and their supporters have protested against a two-day conference in Bahrain, where the United States is presenting its peace plan for the Middle East. U.S. President Donald Trump has called the plan created under his son-in-law’s supervision the “deal of the century” for the Palestinians.  It is not clear if the economic plan has any chance of success without a political solution in place. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports the Palestinians have boycotted Washington ever since Trump’s administration recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017.

«Тільки живи»: в Україні запустили проект для протидії самогубствам ветеранів

В Україні почав працювати соціальний проект, спрямований на підтримку ветеранів антитерористичної операції (Операції об’єднаних сил), спрямований проти суїцидів серед військовослужбовців та ветеранів. Це спільний проект Федерації громадських організацій учасників АТО Київщини та телеканалу «1+1».

Як повідомив кореспондентові Радіо Свобода голова федерації Володимир Мостовий, завдання проекту – надати підтримку військовому та привернути увагу суспільства до проблеми суїцидів серед ветеранів.

За словами Мостового, у Київській області відсоток самогубств від загальної кількості померлих ветеранів перевищує 11%.

«Тему самогубств серед воїнів на фронті та після повернення з війни особливо не обговорюють. Самі бійці та ветерани кажуть, що на війні їм простіше, там чітко знаєш, хто твій ворог і що ти маєш робити. Повертаючись додому, воїни стикаються з байдужістю, неповагою, іноді хамським ставленням до себе. Це все впливає на їх психологічний та моральний стан, призводить до суїцидальних настроїв. Так, на Київщині у травні-червні збільшилась кількість депресивних розладів і настроїв скоїти суїцид серед ветеранів», – каже Мостовий.

Читайте також: Вибух у «ПриватБанку» в Старобільську: чому підірвав себе екс-«айдарівець»​

Військовий прокурор Анатолій Матіос повідомляв 2018 року про більш як 500 зареєстрованих випадків самогубств серед ветеранів бойових дій.

Унаслідок конфлікту на сході України з квітня 2014 року, за оцінками ООН станом на 31 грудня 2018 року, загинули від 12 тисяч 800 до 13 тисяч людей – військових і цивільних.

Понад 250 тисяч чехів вимагають відставки прем’єр-міністра – відео

Чеська антиурядова демонстрація, яка відбулася 23 червня у столиці цієї країни Празі, стала наймасовішою після Оксамитової революції у 1989 році. За підрахунками організаторів, участь у ній взяло близько 250 тисяч людей. Протестувальники вимагають відставки прем’єр-міністра Чехії Андрея Бабіша, мільярдера, якому дісталося критики від Європейської комісії через конфлікт його політичних та бізнес-інтересів. Раніше у прокуратуру країни надійшов запит від поліції Чехії з проханням розслідувати діяльність Бабіша, а також кількох членів його сім’ї та колишніх співробітників, щодо обвинувачення у шахрайстві у зв’язку з використанням субсидії від ЄС. (Відео проекту Радіо Свобода у співробітництві з «Голосом Америки» «Настоящее время»)

Аеропорт «Київ» у вересні зачиниться на ремонт

Аеропорт «Київ» імені Ігоря Сікорського у вересні зачиниться на 10 днів на ремонтні роботи. Про це повідомляє прес-служба літовища.

«На початку осені з 9:00 2 вересня до 9:00 12 вересня 2019 року аеропорт «Київ» імені Ігоря Сікорського буде закритий на прийом/випуск повітряних суден у зв’язку з проведенням поточного ремонту злітно-посадкової смуги (NOTAM A1437/19). Також буде проведено частковий ремонт руліжних доріжок №1 та №2», – мовиться у повідомленні.

Вартість робіт оцінюється в 33 мільйони гривень.

Зазначається, що на час закриття аеропорту всі авіакомпанії, які базуються в аеропорту, перенесуть свої рейси в аеропорт «Бориспіль».

Ethiopia Hunts for Plotter of Failed Coup in Amhara Region

Ethiopian security is hunting for the leader of the failed coup in the northern Amhara region where security is tight, as well as in the capital, Addis Ababa.
An internet shutdown remains in force across the country, following the assassinations of Amhara’s governor and an adviser in the regional capital, Bahir Dar, Saturday. Later in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s military chief was shot dead by his own bodyguard who also killed a visiting retired general.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that Brig. Gen. Asamnew Tsige masterminded the plot. Ethiopian officials said that Asamnew has not yet been arrested.
Ethiopian military have set up checkpoints in the capital and in the Amhara region.
Flags are flying at half-mast Monday which has been declared a day of national mourning following the four killings.



‘Unruly’ Private Life Disrupts Boris Johnson’s Bid to Lead Britain

A plate-hurling, screaming quarrel with his latest girlfriend has turned the spotlight fully on where Boris Johnson’s advisers didn’t want it — on his character and chaotic private life, which even his friends have described as “unruly.”

The altercation, recorded by neighbors in south London who phoned the police, has thrown a wrench into Johnson’s smooth-running campaign to succeed Theresa May as Britain’s prime minister, which commentators say is his race to lose.

His bid to win a leadership contest, which is now in its final stages after lawmakers whittled down in knockout ballots the succession choice to two candidates for the party’s 160,000 members to vote on by mail, has been built on avoiding television debates and dodging journalists.

Johnson has refused to answer questions about the screaming match in the apartment of his girlfriend, 31-year-old Carrie Symonds, but calls are mounting on the 55-year-old to address questions about the altercation on Friday.

Johnson ended a 25-year-long marriage, his second divorce, to move in last year with the younger Symonds, but his unruly private life has been marked by serial relationships, children fathered out of wedlock and terminated pregnancies.

The quarrel has allowed his remaining opponent in the leadership race, the country’s current and normally mild-mannered foreign minister, Jeremy Hunt, to pile on the pressure and to launch Monday an uncharacteristically personal attack on his rival, accusing him of being a “coward” by trying to avoid public scrutiny and “slink through the back door” of Downing Street.

Johnson, who was finally backed by more than half of Conservative lawmakers to be the new party leader has appeared on only one TV debate and granted a single short broadcast interview and one newspaper interview. Hunt says the public want a “fair and open contest, not one that one side is trying to rig to avoid scrutiny.”

He added: “One of the strengths of our system is that we scrutinize our politicians with more intelligent ferocity than anywhere else in the World. But in this case it just isn’t happening. Nothing could be worse for a new prime minister in these challenging times than to come to power with a fake contest.”

FILE – Britain’s Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt leaves 10 Downing Street, London, Britain, Nov. 13, 2018.

Hunt’s aides say it is especially important for May’s successor to be scrutinized closely as they will be entering Downing Street not via a general election but through a party vote with their democratic legitimacy questioned because the country as a whole would not have had any say in their selection.

Hunt says he doesn’t want to quiz Johnson, a former two-term London mayor and short-lived foreign minister, about his private life, but about his claim that he can “guarantee” Britain will leave the European Union by October 31, the latest deadline for the country’s exit from the bloc.

But while Hunt is avoiding focusing directly on Johnson’s character, some of his aides are happily fanning the flames and briefing reporters behind the scenes that the frontrunner’s highly colorful private life represents a security risk.  It could leave him vulnerable to leaks about past behavior and even open to blackmail by foreign powers, they charge.

The accusation has infuriated Johnson supporters, who say the explosive argument between Symonds and Johnson was just a normal domestic “tiff” apparently provoked by Johnson spilling red wine on a sofa. They maintain the quarrel was blown out of proportion by neighbors who are politically motivated. The police left without charging anyone.

Nonetheless, the dispute, which is depressing Johnson’s poll numbers, is contributing to a picture of a Conservative party in disarray and fearful that it is facing an existential crisis because of Brexit. It comes as pro-European Union Conservatives have started to plot a strategy to wreck a Johnson-led government, if he seeks to take Britain out of the European bloc without an exit deal approved by Brussels.

Sharp divisions between Brexiters and pro-EU lawmakers wrecked Theresa May’s prime ministership and there are growing signs that it might quickly upend Johnson’s, too, if he wins the leadership race.

Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May speaks to the media outside her official residence of 10 Downing Street in London, April 18, 2017.

May’s fate was sealed when the British House of Commons declined three times to approve a Brexit Withdrawal Agreement she negotiated with Brussels — a deal vehemently opposed by a third of her own parliamentary party on the grounds it would keep Britain subservient to EU regulations and rules and prevent it from negotiating trade deals bilaterally with non-EU countries.
Europhiles are also opposed to the deal. Several top Conservatives who want to retain close ties with the EU have warned they could join opposition parties in a non-confidence vote in the House of Commons and bring down a Johnson government.

A former Conservative attorney-general, Dominic Grieve, said: “If the new prime minister announces that he is taking the country on a magical mystery tour towards an October 31 crash-out, I don’t think that prime minister is going to survive very long.”

Even Britain’s current top finance minister, Philip Hammond, has warned the next prime minister “will not survive,” if they seek to leave the EU without a deal. He has declined publicly to rule out that he would vote with opposition parties against Johnson, if he sought a no-deal Brexit.

Britain’s fractious Conservatives are ruling as a minority government, and they rely on the support of a Northern Irish party to give them a working majority of just three in the House of Commons. A handful of Conservative standouts could trigger a chain of events leading to an early election the Conservatives are unlikely to win.

Johnson’s supporters say he remains the favorite of party activists because he has the star quality the party needs to win elections and curb both the populist threat from Nigel Farage’s new Brexit party and combat Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn.

They also claim he has the political inventiveness to break the Brexit deadlock that has turned traditional British politics upside down and might even have the ability to persuade hardline Brexiters to accept a compromise and something short of their objective to break completely with the EU.

UN: Hong Kong Should Consult Broadly on Extradition Bill

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is urging Hong Kong authorities to “consult broadly before passing or amending” an extradition bill or “any other legislation,” as protests in the autonomous territory continue.

Speaking at the opening of a three-week session of Human Right Council in Geneva, Switzerland, Michelle Bachelet also said that she continues to discuss with China issues related to Xinjiang, including allowing “unfettered access” to the western region, and other matters.

U.N. observers and activists say that about one million ethnic Uighurs and other Muslims are held in detention centers in Xinjiang. The international community has condemned China for setting up such complexes which Beijing describes as “education training centers” helping to eradicate extremism and give people new skills.

Hong Kong protesters blocked access to a Hong Kong government office building for about two hours Monday and plan another demonstration Wednesday to raise awareness among leaders attending the G-20 summit this week in Japan.

Thousands of student protesters dressed in black have been marching in Hong Kong for weeks, demanding the full withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill and the resignation of the territory’s pro-Beijing leader Carrie Lam.

Last week, Lam offered an apology for the political crisis and unrest sparked by the proposed law.

The Hong Kong protests pose the greatest challenge to Chinese President Xi Jinping since he took office in 2012. The Chinese government had supported the extradition proposal, and accused protest organizers of colluding with Western governments.

The U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said President Donald Trump plans to discuss the Hong Kong issue with Xi at the upcoming G-20 summit.


US Set to Introduce New Iran Sanctions

VOA’s national security correspondent Jeff Seldin contributed to this report.

The United States is set to introduce new sanctions against Iran on Monday, seeking to put additional pressure on the country’s economy in order to extract changes in behavior from its government.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the new measures “significant,” but declined to give specific details to reporters ahead of the official announcement.

He spoke just before embarking on a trip to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to continue the Trump administration’s effort to build a coalition of allies to counter Iran.  Pompeo met Monday with Saudi King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

“The world should know that we will continue to make sure it’s understood that this effort that we’ve engaged in to deny Iran the resources to foment terror, to build out their nuclear weapon system, to built out their missile program, we are going to deny them the resources they need to do that thereby keeping American interests and American people safe all around the world,” Pompeo said.

Iran has denied working on nuclear weapons and signed an agreement in 2015 with the United States, Britain, China, France, Russia and Germany to allay those concerns by limited its nuclear activity in exchange for sanctions relief.

But U.S.-Iran relations have deteriorated under President Donald Trump’s tenure, particularly since his decision last year to withdraw from the nuclear deal and put in place new economic sanctions.

Trump objected to the deal as being too weak and not including limits on Iran’s ballistic missile program.

US Iran sanctions

Iran has defended its missile work as legal and necessary for its defense.  And it has sought support from the remaining signatories to the 2015 agreement to provide the economic relief it desires, especially with its key oil program as the U.S. has tightened sanctions in an attempt to cut off Iranian oil exports.

Pompeo said the new sanctions Monday “will be a further effort to ensure that their capacity not only to grow their economy but to evade sanctions becomes more and more difficult, and it will be an important addition to our capacity to enforce sanctions against Iran to ultimately achieve the objective that we’ve laid out.”

Trump said in a series of tweets Saturday about the sanctions that he looks forward to the day when “sanctions come off Iran, and they become a productive and prosperous national again — The sooner the better!”

He also said in an interview with NBC’s Meet the Press that he is “not looking for war” with Iran and is willing to negotiate with its leaders without preconditions.

The comments came after a week of intense actions between the United States and Iran.

Concern about a potential armed confrontation between the two countries has been growing since U.S. officials recently blamed Tehran for mine attacks on two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, allegations Tehran denies, and Iran’s downing of of a U.S. drone.

Trump said that late Thursday he had canceled a retaliatory strike against several Iranian targets. But on Thursday, according to U.S. news accounts, Trump also approved U.S. Cyber Command attacks on an Iranian intelligence group’s computer systems used to control missile and rocket launches.  

World powers have called for calm after the incidents.
