Month: August 2017

Голова Пентагону підписав наказ щодо додаткових військових в Афганістані

Міністр оборони США Джим Маттіс підписав наказ про направлення додаткових військ до Афганістану у рамках нової стратегії, оголошеної президентом Дональдом Трампом.

31 серпня Маттіс заявив журналістам, що нові сили допоможуть афганським військовим ефективніше протистояти екстремістам.

Він додав, що наказ щодо направлення солдатів на місце несення служби ще не готовий, і що військове керівництво вирішує «специфіку» додаткових сил і їхнє місце дислокації.

Джим Маттіс також не назвав цифри додаткових сил, які поповнять американський контингент в Афганістані, хоча раніше йшлося про можливість направлення ще 4 тисяч.

30 серпня у Пентагоні заявили, що в Афганістані перебуває 11 тисяч американських військових, хоча раніше було відомо про 8 тисяч 400.

Військові США очолюють в Афганістані сили НАТО, які допомагають владі у боротьбі з угрупованням «Талібан».

На піку боротьби з талібами, США мали в Афганістані 100-тисячний військовий контингент.

UN Committee: Britain ‘Going Backwards’ on Rights of Disabled

The U.N. Committee on the rights of disabled people said on Thursday it had more concerns about Britain – due to funding cuts, restricted rights and an uncertain post-Brexit future — than any other country in its 10-year history.

The committee, which reviews states’ compliance with the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, published a 17-page report with recommendations about how Britain could do better.

“The UK is at the moment going backwards in accordance to the information that we have received,” committee member Stig Langvad told a news conference in Geneva.

Britain said it was disappointed by the report. It said it did not reflect the evidence it had provided to the committee, nor did it recognize progress that had been made.

The U.N. committee’s chairwoman Theresia Degener has described the situation in Britain as a “human catastrophe.”

“The austerity measures that they have taken – they are affecting half a million people, each disabled person is losing between 2,000 and 3,000 pounds per year, people are pushed into work situations without being recognized as vulnerable, and the evidence that we had in front of us was just overwhelming,” she said.

The most acute concern was the limitations on independent living.

“Persons with disabilities are in our view not able to choose where to live, with whom to live, and how to live,” Langvad said.

Britain was also not fulfilling its commitment to allow inclusive education, and there was a high incidence of bullying at schools. A growing number of disabled people were living in poverty.

Budgets for local authorities had not only been slashed, but they were no longer ear-marked for disabled people, another committee member, Damjan Tatic, said.

Langvad said people with disabilities should be involved in preparations for Britain’s Brexit talks with the European Union, to avoid losing protections that historically came from the EU.

“Persons with disabilities are afraid of the future since they do not know what is happening and since they do not feel that they are involved in the discussions on how to secure the rights of people with disabilities afterwards,” he said.

Britain’s government said it was a recognized world leader in disability rights, and almost 600,000 disabled people had moved into work in the last four years.

“We spend over 50 billion pounds a year to support disabled people and those with health conditions — more than ever before, and the second highest in the G7,” a government spokesperson said.

Debbie Abrahams, the opposition Labour party’s spokeswoman for Work and Pensions, said the “damning” report was a vindication of Labour’s criticism of the government’s policies.

“This confirms what Labour has been saying all along, that the lack of progress on all convention articles, including cruel changes to social security and the punitive sanctions regime, are causing real misery for sick and disabled people.”

A Labour government would incorporate the convention fully into British law, she said in a statement.

Reporting by Tom Miles, editing by Pritha Sarkar and Richard Balmforth

Huge WWII Bomb to Be Defused Close to German Gold Reserves

Frankfurt’s city center, an area including police headquarters, two hospitals, transport systems and Germany’s central bank storing $70 billion in gold reserves, will be evacuated on Sunday to allow the defusing of a 1.8-metric ton World War II bomb.

A spokesman for the German Bundesbank said, however, that “the usual security arrangements” would remain in place while experts worked to disarm the bomb, which was dropped by the British air force and was uncovered during excavation of a building site.

The Bundesbank headquarters, less than 600 meters (650 yards) from the location of the bomb, stores 1,710 metric tons of gold underground, around half the country’s reserves.

“We have never defused a bomb of this size,” bomb disposal expert Rene Bennert told Reuters, adding that it had been damaged on impact when it was dropped between 1943 and 1945. Airspace for 1.5 kilometers (nearly a mile) around the bomb site will also be closed.

Frankfurt city officials said more than 60,000 residents would be evacuated for at least 12 hours. The evacuation area will also include 20 retirement homes, the city’s opera house and the diplomatic quarter.

Bomb disposal experts will use a wrench to try to unscrew the fuses attached to the bomb. If that fails, a water jet will be used to cut the fuses away, Bennert told Reuters.

The most dangerous part of the exercise will be applying the wrench, Bennert said.

Roads and transport systems, including the underground, will be closed during the work and for at least two hours after the bomb is defused, to allow patients to be transported back to hospitals without traffic.

It is not unusual for unexploded bombs from World War II air raids to be found in German cities, but rarely are they so large and in such a sensitive position.

У Білорусі обіцяють надати інформацію про зниклого громадянина України

МЗС Білорусі викликало представника посольства України через заяву заступниці міністра закордонних справ Олени Зеркаль, яка напередодні в ефірі «5 каналу» сказала, що Мінськ належно не співпрацює щодо зниклого у Гомелі українця Павла Гриба.

«З 29 серпня за запитом посольства України правоохоронні органи Білорусі на всій території нашої країни ведуть пошук української громадянина Павла Гриба. Збірна інформація оновлюється і готується для передачі українській стороні», – заявив речник МЗС білорусі Дмитро Мирончик.

«Точно не по-партнерському за день після офіційного прохання про допомогу звинувачувати у чому-небудь країну, що без її відома була обрана місцем чи то романтичної побачення, чи то конспіративної зустрічі. Неприпустимість подібних висловлювань була доведена до радника-посланника посольства України у Білорусі Валерія Джигуна, якого викликали до МЗС нашої країни 31 серпня», – зазначив Мирончик.

Лише 31 вересня 2017 року Прикордонний комітет Білорусі визнав, що Павло Гриб дійсно перетнув кордон 24 серпня. Тим часом речник МВС Білорусі Костянтин Шалькевич заявив Радіо Свобода, що стосовно Павла Гриба «досі ніяких звернень до органів внутрішніх справ не було».

Раніше український офіцер запасу Ігор Гриб заявив, що спецслужби Росії викрали в Білорусі його сина. 24 серпня Павло Гриб виїхав до Білорусі на зустріч з дівчиною, з якою до цього спілкувався тільки через соцмережі, після чого зник.

Ігор Гриб повідомив, що син повинен був повернутися того ж дня. Коли цього не сталося, він вирушив на пошуки Павла у білоруський Гомель. Там він з’ясував, що син перебуває в розшуку російської ФСБ за статтею «теракт».

Гриб переконаний, що ФСБ виманила Павла в Гомель під виглядом зустрічі з дівчиною і провела затримання. На думку батька, причинами викрадення сина могли стати записи Павла в соцмережах, спрямовані проти агресії Росії в Україні.

Генпрокуратура України повідомила, що порушила справу щодо зникнення українця.

Del Toro’s ‘The Shape of Water’ Makes Waves in Venice

Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water is an aquatic Beauty and the Beast, a transgressive fairy tale about a young woman’s love for a scaly creature from the Amazonian depths.

Like the best fables, it’s also rooted in the real world: the story of a migrant from the south facing a hostile reception in a security-obsessed United States.

“I think that fantasy is a very political genre,” del Toro said Thursday at the Venice Film Festival, where The Shape of Water had its red-carpet world premiere. It’s one of 21 films competing for the coveted Golden Lion, the festival’s top prize.

“Fairy tales were born in times of great trouble. They were born in times of famine, pestilence and war,” he added.

Part monster movie, part noir thriller, part Hollywood musical, the film defies categorization, though Del Toro took a stab, suggesting it’s “like Douglas Sirk rewriting Pasolini’s Theorem with a fish.”

Some critics are calling it del Toro’s best film since Pan’s Labyrinth in 2006. The Daily Telegraph summed it up as “an honest-to-God B-movie blood-curdler that’s also, somehow, a shimmeringly earnest and boundlessly beautiful melodrama.” Screen International called it “exquisite … del Toro at his most poignant and sweet.”

Set in early-1960s Baltimore, the film stars Sally Hawkins as Elisa, a mute orphan who works as a cleaner at a high-security lab. She forges a bond with a captured creature who is at the center of a Cold War tug-of-war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

“It’s a movie set in 1962, but it’s a movie about today,” del Toro told reporters at a Venice news conference. “It’s about the issues we have today. When America talks about America being great again, I think they are dreaming of an America that was in gestation in `62 — an America that was futuristic, full of promise … but at the same time there was racism, sexism, classism.”

Del Toro said the creature — played with fittingly fluid movements by Doug Jones — is the only character in the film without a name, because he represents “many things to many people.”

For lonely Elisa, “it’s the first time somebody, something is looking at her, looking back the way you look back at the person you love.” For Michael Shannon’s ruthless U.S. government agent Strickland, the creature is “a dark, dirty thing that comes from the south” and must be eliminated.

“I am Mexican, and I know what it is to be looked at as `the other’ no matter what circumstances you’re in,” the director said — and the character of the creature embodied that otherness.

The film features warm performances from Octavia Spencer and Richard Jenkins as Elisa’s friends — and a mesmerizing turn from Hawkins, who creates a character of depth, passion and compassion without saying a word.

Hawkins said that when del Toro first told her about the movie, she was working on her own project about “a woman who doesn’t know she’s a mermaid.” Some of those ideas fed into the character of Elisa.

“It was just synchronistic,” she said. “It was very odd. Those things rarely happen and when they do you know it’s something special.”

The Shape of Water features del Toro’s usual rich mix of ingredients: everything from Russian spies to musical interludes. Its overriding message, the director says, is “to choose love over fear.”

“We live in times where fear and cynicism are used in a way that is very pervasive and persuasive,” del Toro said. “Our first duty when we wake up is to believe in love.

“It’s the strongest force in the universe,” he said. “The Beatles and Jesus can’t be wrong — not both of them at the same time.”

Лавров шкодує через рішення США закрити консульство Росії у Сан-Франциско

Голова МЗС Росії Сергій Лавров висловлює жаль через рішення США закрити російське консульство у Сан-Франциско. Про це він заявив 31 серпня під час телефонної розмови з державним секретарем США Рексом Тіллерсоном, яка, за інформацією російської сторони, відбулася з ініціативи американців.

«Держсекретар зателефонував спеціально, щоб повідомити, що найближчим часом буде оголошено про додаткові обмеження діяльності російських дипломатичних представництв на території США. У відповідь міністр висловив жаль через ескалацію напруження у двосторонніх відносинах, початого не нами, і вказав, що у Москві уважно вивчатимуть оголошені американцями нові заходи, після чого буде повідомлено про нашу реакцію», – заявили у МЗС Росії.

У четвер США висловили вимогу, щоб Росія до 2 серпня закрила своє консульство у Сан-Франциско і два консульських об’єкти у Вашингтоні.

За словами офіційної представниці Держдепартаменту Гізер Науерт, це зроблено у відповідь на рішення Кремля скоротити американський дипломатичний корпус у Росії.

«Ми вважаємо, що таке рішення було безпідставним і шкідливим для відносин між нашими країнами», – мовиться у заяві Науерт.

28 липня МЗС Росії оголосило про скорочення до 455 осіб персоналу американських дипломатичних місій у Росії, включаючи технічних працівників, а також про заборону працівникам посольства США користуватися дачею і складським приміщенням в Москві.

US Demands Russia Close San Francisco Consulate, Annexes

The United States has ordered Russia to close its consulate in San Francisco and two other annexes by this weekend, the State Department said Thursday.

The move was in response to a demand from Moscow that Washington reduce its diplomatic staff in Russia.

“In the spirit of parity invoked by the Russians, we are requiring the Russian Government to close its Consulate General in San Francisco, a chancery annex in Washington, D.C., and a consular annex in New York City,” State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said in a statement Thursday, adding that the deadline for the closures is September 2.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed his “regret” about the closures shortly after the announcement was made.

Thursday’s announcement marked the latest chapter in a diplomatic spat largely caused by new U.S. sanctions on Russia put in place last month.

Turkey on Diplomatic Push to Close Schools Linked to Influential Cleric

Turkey has been pressuring countries around the world to close or hand over control of schools linked to an influential Muslim cleric who was a close ally of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan before becoming his most worrisome foe.

Influential and polarizing, Fethullah Gulen has been accused of being behind a corruption probe of Erdogan’s government in 2013, which shattered their friendship. He also is accused of masterminding the July 2016 coup attempt in Turkey that left 250 people dead and 2,200 injured.

The reclusive 76-year-old cleric denies those allegations. He espouses a moderate form of Islam with an eye on political clout, and he built a financial empire in Turkey that included banks, media, construction companies and schools. He is reported to have 3 million to 6 million followers in Turkey, including high-ranking government and military officials.

The schools began expanding internationally in 1993, and at one point there were Gulen-linked schools, cultural centers or language programs in more than 100 countries. In the United States, it’s the largest group of so-called charter schools, which receive tax funds. It has about 140 schools in 28 states, taking in more than $2.1 billion from taxpayers.

While some schools include teaching Islam, others reportedly have no religious content. Generally focused on math and science, the schools have earned praise from some parents, often because the quality of education is better than is generally available in some poverty-wracked countries.

Accused of hidden agenda

In Pakistan, for instance, they provide an alternative to the madrassas that have been accused of breeding extremism. The schools also are popular among Africa’s middle class.

But they have been accused of having a hidden agenda: instilling a sense of deep loyalty among students that is part of an alleged long-term strategy of infiltrating governments, starting with Turkey, to spread a socially conservative agenda. The schools typically pursue visas for Turkish nationals — almost all men — to teach and even populate the school boards.

Gulen’s critics point to a video that surfaced in 1999 that purportedly came from a speech he gave.

“You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers,” he said in the video. “If they do something prematurely, the world will crush our heads, and Muslims will suffer everywhere… You must wait for the time when you are complete and conditions are ripe, until we can shoulder the entire world and carry it.”

Gulen has said the video was manipulated and that the only purpose of the schools is education.

In the United States, there are allegations that some Gulen schools were involved in improper contracting and ordered teachers to kick back part of their salaries to the organization. While the FBI wouldn’t say if it is investigating the schools, there have been several news reports saying they were being probed, going back to 2011.

The Gulen organization, also known as the Hizmet movement, denies those accusations.

“We are very disappointed that in a quest to consolidate power and cast aspersions on Mr. Gulen, the Erdogan regime has decided to target K-12 schools that provide education, opportunity and hope to tens of thousands of students around the world, many of whom lack access to quality education in a safe environment,” said Alp Aslandogan, executive director of the Alliance for Shared Values, a nonprofit that serves as a voice for cultural organizations affiliated with Hizmet.

“Especially in countries such as Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where violent radical groups targeted girls attending schools, these schools have been offering life-changing opportunities to both boys and girls. These schools operate completely independent of Mr. Gulen, as he has said many times, and in targeting them, Erdogan is only intensifying his cruel crackdown and robbing young girls and boys of a chance for a better life.”

Extradition demands

The Turkish government wants Gulen extradited from the United States — he has lived in a guarded compound in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania since 1999. Turkey says his Fethullah Gulen organization (FETO) is a terrorist group.

Ankara has shuttered thousands of schools, foundations and organizations linked to Gulen since the coup attempt. Turkish authorities have fired more than 100,000 government workers alleged to have ties to Gulen, and imprisoned about 50,000 people. Five hundred people, including top army generals, are on trial for Gulen links; Gulen himself is being tried in absentia.

The campaign against Gulen’s enterprises has expanded outside the country, too. On virtually every foreign trip by Erdogan, reports have emerged that he has pressed for Gulen schools to be closed or handed over to a Turkish foundation.

“These schools are one of the ways for FETO to finance its operations,” an official at the Turkish Embassy in Washington, D.C., told VOA. “They are a source of money. They can also be used as a source to recruit followers.”

The Turkish effort has resulted in the closure of schools in more than a dozen countries.

Turkey has begun denying visas to Kyrgyzstan citizens who study at schools affiliated with the Gulen movement; their families also are being denied.

Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Education and Science responded by saying the restriction was an attempt to discredit the educational institutions known as Sapat.

“Placing Sapat schools on the same footing as terrorist organizations and imposing certain sanctions on students and members of their families only on the grounds that they are studying in Sapat schools are unacceptable and the statements of Turkish officials are irresponsible,” the ministry said.

In Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, Turkish teachers and staff have been deported to Turkey, where they appeared likely to be arrested.

In February, Turkmenistan court sentenced 18 men to up to 25 years in prison — and confiscated their property — on offenses relating primarily to incitement to social, ethnic, or religious hatred and involvement in a criminal organization. Most were affiliated with Gulen schools.

Rights groups have called on the Turkmen government to free the men and quash their sentences.

“The way Turkmenistan’s courts prosecuted and tried these men bears no resemblance to justice,” said Rachel Denber, deputy Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

Ankara turning up the heat

During his visit to Albania in 2015, Erdogan asked authorities to close down the network of Turkish colleges that was the biggest private educational group in Albania. Since the failed coup, the pressure from Ankara has increased.

Several countries, including Angola and Uzbekistan, have cited unspecified “national security reasons” in shutting down Gulen schools and expelling the Turkish staff and their families.

Some countries appeared to choose closure rather than get involved in the hassles of overseeing a switch in who runs the schools.

Rwanda’s Ministry of Education ordered the Gulen-affiliated Hope Academy to close on June 2, just over two months after it had been granted permission to open. The ministry cited Turkey’s request to transfer control of the school to a Turkish foundation.

Other countries have resisted Turkey’s pressure. While accreditation was halted for one school in Georgia, at least six others remain open, with some education experts urging the country to defend its national interests because the schools have good reputations. But several schools are said to be likely transferred to the Turkish-government-owned Maarif Foundation, sources told VOA.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, some Gulen schools work with the nation’s Bosna Sema educational institutions, which employ about 500 Turks. Turkish Ambassador CIhad Erginay urged the government to close down the schools, calling Gulen’s movement a terrorist organization.

VOA’s Africa, East Asia Pacific, Eurasian, South and Central Asia divisions contributed to this report.

Heavy Rain Has Left Texas, But Not Flood Danger

As the remnants of what was once Hurricane Harvey brought heavy rain to Louisiana on Thursday, leaving flooded east Texas to start drying out but still facing danger from flooding, the town of Crosby east of Houston anticipated additional explosions after two early morning blasts at a chemical plant. 

Residents of Crosby were ordered to evacuate their homes after the explosions at the Arkema, Inc. plant emitted nine-to-12 meter flames and black smoke, resulting in the hospitalization of 15 sheriff’s deputies who inhaled the smoke. Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said 13 of the deputies had been released after receiving treatment for inhaling a “non-toxic irritant,” while the other two were “still being checked out.” 

The plumes, however, are considered hazardous by Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long. He told reporters Thursday in Washington they are considered “incredibly dangerous.”

Arkema executive Richard Rennard said at a news conference in Crosby “there is a possibility” more explosions could occur after the company and local officials agreed the best plan was to allow the plant’s extremely flammable organic peroxides to burn themselves out.

Rennard acknowledged the situation at the plant “is a very serious issue” and that the smoke “is certainly noxious.” Rennard said anyone who was exposed to the smoke could potentially suffer irritation to the eyes, lungs or skin. He urged those exposed to “call their doctor or to seek medical advice.”

Bob Royall of the Harris County Fire Marshall’s Office said authorities established a 2.4-kilometer “evacuation zone” around the plant to ensure “our citizens are safe and that our environment is protected to the best we can.”

Forecasters expected parts of Louisiana to receive 10 to 20 centimeters of rain Thursday as the storm system continued moving inland toward the states of Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky.

The National Hurricane Center said that while the risk of more rain is over for the city of Houston, “catastrophic and life-threatening flooding” will still be present there and over to Beaumont, Texas and into southwestern Louisiana for the rest of this week.

The lingering threat of floodwaters was also clear Thursday as Fort Bend County, on the southwest side of Houston, announced a mandatory evacuation for people living near a reservoir due to “imminent flooding.”

Beaumont said the flooding has caused its water system to stop working, and the city will have to wait until the water recedes before workers can make repairs. “There is no way to determine how long this will take at this time,” a statement said.

Some services resume

In Houston, where some parts of the metropolitan area saw as much as 130 centimeters of rain, city services were resuming Thursday with regular trash pickup and limited bus and rail schedules. Flights into and out of Houston’s two main airports resumed on Wednesday.

Houston’s fire department said it will go block by block, starting Thursday, to look through areas with floodwaters of at least one meter in order to make sure “no people were left behind.”

Officials in Texas have confirmed more than 30 storm-related deaths. Tens of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes and some 32,000 others forced into shelters. 

Pence visit

Vice President Mike Pence is visiting Texas on Thursday. He wrote on Twitter that President Donald Trump is sending him with the message, “We will be with you every single day to restore, recover, and rebuild.”

Pence said Wednesday the recovery process will be long and that everyone needs to do their part to help.

“When Congress reconvenes next week, the president will be calling on our nation’s lawmakers…to take immediate action to pass additional funding for federal disaster assistance for families and businesses affected by this storm.”

Pence will be accompanied several other Cabinet secretaries, including Energy Secretary and Texas native Rick Perry.

Trump visited Texas on Tuesday and plans to return on Saturday.

During an event Wednesday, the president praised emergency workers as heroes whose “courage and devotion have saved countless lives.” 

“In difficult times such as these, we see the true character of the American people,” Trump said. “Their strength, their love, and their resolve. We see friend helping friend, neighbor helping neighbor, and stranger helping stranger.” 

Estimates of the damage from the storm range into the tens of billions of dollars.

A multitude of charity efforts have raised millions of dollars from businesses, celebrities and every day people to help those who need immediate help as well as more long-term assistance in rebuilding.

The Associated Press reported rap star Bun B, a Houston native, was gathering talent for a hurricane aid concert to be televised on four national networks September 12.He is working with music manager Scooter Braun, who produced the charity concert Ariana Grande held in Manchester in June.

СБУ: російську журналістку-«пропагандистку» видворили з України на три роки

Російську журналістку Анну Курбатову депортували з України, повідомила речниця Служби безпеки України Олена Гітлянська.

«Російська пропагандистка Анна Курбатова, щодо якої ухвалено рішення про примусове видворення з України, перетнула українсько-російський кордон», – написала вона у фейсбуці.

За її повідомленням, Курбатовій заборонено в’їзд на територію України на три роки

Таке рішення ухвалили «через діяльність Курбатової, яка шкодила національним інтересам України», додала Гітлянська без дальших подробиць.

Раніше в середу речниця СБУ, повідомляючи про оформлення документів для видворення, за її словами, «російської пропагандистки», яке тривало на той час, наголосила: «Україна є правовою державою, її правоохоронні органи діють виключно в рамках чинного законодавства».

Також у середу Міністерство закордонних справ Росії назвало «цілеспрямованою провокацією, ініційованою українськими силовиками і націонал-радикалами», примусову депортацію Курбатової до Росії і її, як заявили в Москві, «викрадення в Києві» перед цим.

Із версією про «викрадення» журналістки виступив раніше в середу російський телевізійний «Перший канал», на якому вона працює, але потім виправився на «затримання».

За повідомленнями, Курбатова останніми днями подала з Києва для свого каналу кілька тенденційних репортажів, за що потрапила до бази даних Центру «Миротворець» із формулюванням «Антиукраїнська пропаганда, маніпулювання суспільно значущою інформацією, тенденційний виклад подій».

Останнім часом СБУ видворила з України вже цілу низку журналістів, головно з Росії, але й із інших країн, за «діяльність, що суперечить інтересам України». Це викликало критику деяких правозахисних і журналістських організацій – там вважають, що фактична гібридна війна проти України, ведена Росією, не є виправданням для таких методів захисту інтересів держави від дій, що фактично йдуть на користь агресорові.

US Sends Extra Fighters to Police Baltic Skies During Russian Exercise

The United States has sent a reinforced detachment of fighter planes to police the skies over NATO members Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia during a major Russian military exercise in the Baltic region next month.

The Zapad war games, set for September 14-20 in Belarus, western Russia and Russia’s exclave of Kaliningrad, have caused unease in the region, though Russia has said the large-scale exercise will rehearse a purely defensive scenario and will not be a springboard for invasion.

Seven U.S. F-15C fighters landed at Siauliai airfield this week to patrol skies over the Baltic countries, three more than normally used since the NATO policing mission was upgraded after the Crimean crisis in 2014.

The three Baltic states do not operate their own fighter aircraft and rely on their NATO allies for patrols.

“We are reinforcing the air police mission for the period [of Zapad]. And we are glad to also have additional land troops here,” Lithuanian Deputy Defense Minister Vytautas Umbrasas told reporters at Siauliai, referring to 600 extra U.S. airborne troops being deployed during Zapad in the Baltic states.

“This is very helpful in a situation like this,” he said.

Chance for training

Tod Wolters, the top U.S. Air Force commander in Europe, said fighter numbers had been increased because of “training opportunities” in Lithuania, without mentioning Russia during the news conference in Siauliai.

“The air policing mission will remain as it has been. And the purpose of the air policing mission is to protect the sovereign skies of the three Baltic nations,” said Wolters.

Moscow says almost 13,000 Russian and Belarussian servicemen will take part in Zapad, as well as around 70 planes and helicopters and 700 pieces of military hardware, including tanks, artillery and rocket systems.

Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, the U.S. Army’s top general in Europe, told Reuters last month that U.S. allies in Eastern Europe and Ukraine were worried the exercises could be a “Trojan horse” aimed at leaving behind military equipment brought into Belarus.

A Russian deputy defense minister said Tuesday that there was no truth in allegations Russia would use the exercise as a cover to invade and occupy Lithuania, Poland or Ukraine.

Suggestions that Russia posed a threat were “myths,” the deputy minister, Alexander Fomin, said.

Three U.S. exercises will be underway at the same time as Zapad, in Sweden, Poland and Ukraine, and a U.S. armored brigade has already deployed in Europe.

Крим: фігуранта «справи українських диверсантів» Захтея лишили без російського громадянства

Арештованого в окупованому Криму фігуранта «справи українських диверсантів» Андрія Захтея лишили без російського громадянства, повідомив кореспондент Радіо Свобода на півострові і підтвердила проектові Радіо Свобода, сайтові Крим.Реалії дружина арештованого Оксана Захтей.

За їхніми словами, проти Захтея ще 18 серпня була порушена ще одна кримінальна справа, цього разу за звинуваченням у незаконному отриманні російського паспорта. Таким чином, його російські документи визнані недійсними, і він залишається тільки громадянином України.

Оксана Захтей, зокрема, нагадала, що Андрій Захтей, якому, як і всім кримчанам, Росія автоматично надала громадянство після окупації півострова, навесні цього року подав заяву про вихід із російського громадянства, але тоді йому відмовили на тій підставі, що з громадянства не виходять, поки триває розгляд кримінальної справи.

11 серпня стало відомо, що Захтей визнав інкриміновану йому провину і уклав досудову угоду зі слідством.

За версією підконтрольного Москві слідства, кримчанин Андрій Захтей і арештований у тій самій справі Євген Панов із Запорізької області були у «групі диверсантів», яка пробралася з материкової частини України до Криму через озеро Сиваш, щоб здійснити «теракти на об’єктах туристичної та соціальної інфраструктури» півострова, і що в перебігу їхнього захоплення в ніч на 7 серпня 2016 року поблизу села Суворове, де, як заявлено, була схованка з речами, загинули два російські офіцери.

Федеральна служба безпеки Росії вже й раніше стверджувала, що Євген Панов і Андрій Захтей визнали провину, але тоді обвинувачені направили до прокуратури звернення, де розповіли, що «свідчення» слідство вибивало в них за допомогою тортур протягом декількох днів. Захтей працював у Криму таксистом; Панов стверджує, що намагався в’їхати на окупований півострів через пункт в’їзду-виїзду на адмінмежі з дотриманням вимог обох сторін, однак був затриманий співробітниками прикордонної служби ФСБ Росії.

Обох деякий час утримували в московському СІЗО «Лефортово», пізніше повернули з Росії до Криму.

Влада України заперечує російські звинувачення на адресу українців і називає їх «провокацією» російських спецслужб.

Venezuela to Donate $5M in Harvey Aid, Despite Cash Crunch

Venezuela has offered $5 million to victims of Hurricane Harvey in the United States despite a major economic crisis in the South American country that has left millions short of food and medicine.

Venezuela’s U.S.-based oil subsidiary Citgo, a unit of state oil company PDVSA, will cooperate with local authorities in Houston to distribute the funds, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza said on state television.

Venezuela’s socialist government has in the past given subsidized heating oil to poor Americans and sent aid to victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Venezuela’s already strained relations with the United States took a nosedive this year with Washington imposing various sanctions against President Nicolas Maduro’s cash-strapped government.

President Donald Trump went as far as to say a military intervention may be on the cards, though U.S. officials quickly rolled that idea back.

Venezuela is suffering a fourth year of brutal recession, and has been rocked by political turmoil and mass street protests against Maduro.

Harvey, now downgraded to a tropical storm, bore down on eastern Texas and Louisiana on Wednesday, bringing the kind of catastrophic downpours that paralyzed the oil hub of Houston with record rainfall and drove tens of thousands of people from their homes.


Документи щодо дисидентів психлікарні Дніпра передадуть в Інститут нацпам’яті – Супрун

Історії хвороб дисидентів і заручників КДБ, які зберігалися у дніпропетровській психіатричній лікарні, МОЗ передасть в Інститут національної пам’яті. Про це ефірі Радіо Свобода заявила виконувач обов’язки міністра охорони здоров’я України Уляна Супрун.

За її словами, це вимушений крок, оскільки приміщення лікарні перебуває в «жахливому» стані. Водночас, додала Супрун, інші документи тимчасово зберігатимуться в Міністерстві охорони здоров’я.

«Ми працюємо над тим, щоб ми пацієнтів з тієї лікарні перевезли в інші лікарні, бо умови там жахливі. У них залишався архів діловодства ще до 1991 року, хоча це мало вже бути передано в Державний архів. Щоб захистити, щоб він не був знищений, ми тимчасово його переносимо в МОЗ. Більшість документів – це звичайні історії хвороб. Ті, які мають значення, що стосуються або дисидентів, або тих, хто заарештований КДБ або МВС, – ці архіви ми передамо в Інститут національної пам’яті», – сказала вона.

В.о. міністра охорони здоров’я запевняє, що всі персональні дані будуть захищені відповідно до закону.

Радянський політв’язень, лікар-психіатр Семен Глузман висловив занепокоєння щодо долі «унікальних» документів дисидентів і в’язнів радянської системи, які до цього часу не були систематизовані. За його словами, є щонайменше 700 файлів щодо силою запроторених до психіатричної лікарні дисидентів, зокрема, Леоніда Плюща.

Pakistan: Trump’s Afghan Policy ‘Hostile and Threatening’

Pakistan’s National Assembly passed a resolution Wednesday strongly denouncing President Donald Trump’s new policy on Afghanistan and calling his and General John Nicholson’s statements on Pakistan “hostile and threatening.”

President Trump had some of the harshest words for Pakistan when he announced his new policy on Afghanistan and South Asia on August 21.

“We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they are housing the very terrorists we are fighting,” he said in a speech.

Soon after, in an interview with an Afghan TV channel, the top U.S. military commander in Kabul, General Nicholson said the U.S. is “aware of the presence” of Taliban leaders in the Pakistani cities of Quetta and Peshawar, and that they should not “sleep in peace.”

Drone strikes a concern

Many observers in the region interpreted that to be a threat of either drone strikes or unilateral military action. The U.S. has carried out drone strikes periodically on Pakistan’s territory against high value targets. Last year, Afghan Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour was taken out in a drone strike in Pakistan’s Balochistan province.  

Pakistan maintains that drone strikes on its territory are a violation of its sovereignty, but it has never shot down a U.S. drone.   

While the resolution passed Wednesday did not directly call for such an action, it called on the government to “express the determination of the people of Pakistan to protect Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Other suggested responses included postponement of visits by U.S. delegations to Pakistan and vice versa, and suspension of Ground or Air Lines of Communication, the official name for the routes used by the U.S. or NATO to take their supplies through Pakistan to Afghanistan.

Some of these steps seem to already have been implemented. A visit by Pakistan’s Defense Minister Khwaja Muhammad Asif to the U.S. was postponed after Trump’s speech, followed by the postponement of a visit by the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Alice Wells to Pakistan.

India as player

The National Assembly also objected to “attempts by the Trump administration to provide more space to India in Afghanistan,” a move Pakistan considers highly provocative.

Pakistani officials say India, a hostile neighbor to the east, wants to encircle their country by setting up a second front on the west in Afghanistan from where it could support terrorist activities or support separatist insurgencies inside Pakistan. Officials in the U.S. say Pakistan’s fears regarding India in Afghanistan are overblown.

The resolution, presented by Defense Minister Asif, also emphasized the “robust and credible command and control system” for the country’s nuclear weapons program in response to the second element of President Trump’s policy to “prevent nuclear weapons and materials from coming into the hands of terrorists.”

Pakistan’s Senate had adopted a similar resolution earlier in the day.

Finland Denies Fighter Deal with Boeing After Trump’s Comments

President Sauli Niinisto on Tuesday denied that Finland was buying new fighter jets from American planemaker Boeing, following remarks by U.S. President Donald Trump.

Finland is looking to replace its aging fleet of 62 F/A-18 Hornet jets with multirole fighter aircraft in a procurement estimated at 7-10 billion euros by 2025.

“One of the things that is happening is you’re purchasing large amounts of our great F-18 aircraft from Boeing and it’s one of the great planes, the great fighter jets,” Trump said on Monday at a news conference with his Finnish counterpart in the White House.

Niinisto, who was standing next to Trump, looked surprised but did not follow up on the comment. He later denied the deal with Boeing on his Twitter account and on Tuesday in Washington.

“It seems that on the sale side, past decisions and hopes about future decisions have mixed. … The purchase is just starting, and that is very clear here,” Niinisto told Finnish reporters.

Helsinki is expected to request that European and U.S. planemakers provide quotations for new jets in 2018, with a final decision made in the early 2020s.

A government working group has listed possible candidates as Saab’s Jas Gripen, Dassault Aviation’s Rafale, Boeing’s Super Hornet, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 and the Eurofighter, made by Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Правозахисники після депортації іспанських журналістів закликали СБУ «припинити наступ»

Організація захисту прав журналістів «Комітет захисту журналістів» зі США закликала Службу безпеки України «припинити наступ на журналістів» після депортації з Києва двох іспанських репортерів.

Як заявила координатор програм Європи і Середньої Азії «КЗЖ» Ніна Огнянова, організація закликає СБУ «припинити свій наступ на журналістів, що кидають виклик схваленій владою лінії з подразливих питань, включно з конфліктом на сході».

«Україна має скасувати заборону, під якою опинилися Антоніо Памплієга і Анхель Састре, і дозволити всім журналістам подавати свої повідомлення вільно і без страху перед переслідуванням», – мовиться в заяві.

В Україні Міністерство інформаційної політики вже закликало силові структури, зокрема СБУ, подати детальне пояснення заборони в’їзду до України двом іспанським журналістам.

Тим часом речниця СБУ Олена Гітлянська повідомила Радіо Свобода, що Служба безпеки України видворила з країни двох іспанських журналістів Антоніо Памплієгу і Мануеля Анхеля Састре і заборонила їм в’їзд до 2020 року через їхню діяльність, яка «суперечить інтересам України».

В іншій заяві речниця уточнила, що згадані репортери писали статті, в яких містилися твердження, що українські війська обстрілювали мирні міста і села, що, за її словами, неправда. Крім того, за її словами, в публікаціях цих журналістів у соціальних мережах містилися тексти «антиукраїнського змісту».

Зі схожими закликами до Києва скасувати заборону вже зверталися журналістські організації в Іспанії – у прес-асоціації Мадрида видворення журналістів назвали «спробою цензури» з боку українського «авторитарного режиму».

Обох журналістів депортували з України наприкінці минулого тижня – за їхніми повідомленнями, протримавши на летовищі близько 20 годин. За їхніми

Антоніо Хосе Памплієга Родрігес і Мануель Анхель Састре вже потрапляли під заборону на в’їзд до України у вересні 2015 року, але тоді ту заборону скасували. За словами журналістів, вони нагадували про це українським прикордонникам, але їм дали знати, що вони тепер перебувають у новому списку осіб, щодо яких накладена заборона на в’їзд.

Як мовилося в тодішньому указі президента України Петра Порошенка про введення в дію рішення Ради національної безпеки і оборони «Про застосування персональних спеціальних економічних та інших обмежувальних заходів (санкцій)» у зв’язку з агресією Росії проти України, наведені в переліку понад 400 осіб становлять «дійсну або потенційну загрозу для національних інтересів, національної безпеки, суверенітету і територіальної цілісності України». Серед кількох десятків людей із того санкційного списку, названих журналістами чи блогерами, було й кілька журналістів відомих західних видань, серед них і двоє згаданих із Іспанії. Після критики цього рішення з боку міжнародних організацій, зокрема Комітету захисту журналістів і ОБСЄ, президент закликав РНБО вилучити кількох західних журналістів зі списку. У результаті санкції тоді ж зняли з шести журналістів, серед того й із іспанських представників ЗМІ Мануеля Анхеля Састре і Антоніо Хосе Памплієги Родрігеса.

Військові повідомили про 10 випадків порушень перемир’я, втрат немає

У прес-центрі штабу української антитерористичної операції проти спільних російсько-сепаратистських сил на окупованій частині Донбасу повідомили, що обстановка в районі проведення АТО лишалася стабільною, але від півночі станом на 18-у годину противник 10 разів порушував режим припинення вогню.

За повідомленням, щоразу це був провокаційний вогонь без застосування мінометів та іншого важкого озброєння, втрат серед українських військових немає.

При цьому військові запевнили, що українські командири на лінії розмежування вживають усіх заходів для недопущення порушень режиму припинення вогню. В окремих районах також проходять заходи щодо підготовки до відведення сил та засобів на визначені ділянки, мовиться в повідомленні.

«Одночасно керівництво АТО заявляє про готовність української армії адекватно реагувати на усі наступальні дії російсько-окупаційних підрозділів та ворожі обстріли, які несуть загрозу нашим бійцям і цивільним мешканцям», – наголосили військові.

У незаконному збройному сепаратистському угрупованні «ДНР», що за підтримки Росії захопило і утримує частину Донецької області і визнане в Україні терористичними, не подавали їхніх заяв про становище на фронті за понеділок. Попередніми днями вони звинувачували в обстрілах війська українського уряду.

В аналогічному угрупованні «ЛНР» на окупованій частині Луганщини раніше у вівторок заявили, що українські силовики з початку доби чотири рази обстріляли їхні позиції.

Черговий режим припинення вогню мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

Про перемир’я в зоні конфлікту на Донбасі домовлялися вже багато разів, досі жодного разу режим припинення вогню не втримувався. При цьому сторони щоразу заперечують свою вину в порушеннях і звинувачують протилежну сторону у провокаціях.

US Attorney General: Opioid Crisis Is America’s ‘Top Lethal Issue’

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions called the opioid crisis America’s “top lethal issue” Tuesday, saying that a “comprehensive antidote” was needed to address the crisis.

Speaking from the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children national conference in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Sessions thanked the audience for their work in making the crisis’ effects on children known.

“Our country, despite the record deaths, I don’t think has fully recognized the damage this addiction nightmare is doing to us,” he said. “And as you understand this epidemic is taking a heavy toll on the most innocent and vulnerable — our children. And yet, in the national conversation about drug abuse, these children are too often forgotten.”

Sessions said that the solution has “three-pillars” — prevention, enforcement, and treatment. Sessions added that the prevention step in particular had been discussed at a meeting with top officials, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly the day before.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump vowed that the U.S. would “win” the battle against the heroin and opioid plague, but he stopped short of declaring a national emergency as his handpicked commission had recommended.

IOM: No Reports of Migrant Deaths in Mediterranean in Past 20 Days

The International Organization for Migration reports no migrants have died while crossing the Mediterranean Sea over the past 20 days. It adds migrant fatalities in general appear to be on the decline.

The central Mediterranean Sea route from Libya to Italy is much favored by African migrants who risk their lives on smugglers boats desperate to reach Europe. While this route might become a gateway to a better life for some, it also is notorious for taking the lives of many.

The International Organization for Migration reports a total of 2,410 Mediterranean Sea fatalities so far this year. IOM spokesman Leonard Doyle says it is remarkable to go without a single reported death for 20 days. He acknowledges it is very hard to know exactly why.

“The flows from Libya have diminished.  If you recall in July, there were days when 3,000 people were picked up in one weekend. You remember that. Now, we have very, very few. So, something is happening. We are not sure what is behind it all. We see somewhat of a decline of migrant flows coming in from Niger, but not enough to justify or to explain why the flows across the Mediterranean have gone down,” Doyle said.

IOM data show the number of fatalities on the Mediterranean Sea generally has declined. Just 19 deaths have been recorded across the region this month, which is a sharp drop from the 689 recorded in August 2015 and 62 the same month last year.

Doyle says no deaths for 20 days might be a cause for celebration. He warns, though, this number can easily go up as smugglers continue to prey on vulnerable migrants, risking their lives while exploiting them for profit.

Суд у Росії відмовився пом’якшити покарання братові Навального

У Росії Орловський обласний суд відмовився пом’якшити покарання Олегові Навальному, молодшому братові опозиційного діяча і борця з корупцією Олексія Навального.

Суд відхилив скаргу адвокатів на попереднє аналогічне рішення суду нижчої інстанції.

Раніше Олегові Навальному, що разом із братом був засуджений 2014 року, двічі відмовляли в умовно-достроковому звільненні, після чого його адвокати попросили суд принаймні пом’якшити покарання. Суд, проте, відмовив, заявивши, що Олег Навальний – «затятий порушник» дисциплінарних правил колонії.

Олексія Навального і його брата Олега Навального засудили в так званій справі «Ів Роше» у грудні 2014 року за звинуваченнями в нібито викраденні коштів російського відділку французької компанії косметики «Ів Роше» – яке сама компанія заперечила. Олексія Навального засудили до трьох із половиною років умовно, Олега Навального до такого ж реального терміну в колонії загального режиму.

За перші півтора року у виправній установі Олегові Навальному оголосили близько 20 дисциплінарних стягнень, його кілька разів садили до штрафного ізолятора зі значно суворішими умовами утримання.

Обидва брати відкинули звинувачення і назвали справу політично мотивованою, пов’язаною з політичною і антикорупційною діяльністю Олексія Навального. Правозахисники називають ув’язнення Олега Навального взяттям у заручники члена родини політика.

Joel Osteen’s Houston Megachurch Opens Doors as Shelter

The Houston megachurch led by televangelist Joel Osteen says it’s opened its doors to people seeking shelter as Harvey swamps the city.

Osteen had faced criticism for not using the massive Lakewood Church as a storm shelter. In a statement Monday to ABC News, Osteen said the church “never” closed its doors and was serving as a relief supply distribution center. He said it would “house people once shelters reach capacity.”

The church announced on Twitter it was receiving people who needed shelter late Tuesday morning.

The 16,000-seat former arena was the longtime home of the NBA’s Houston Rockets.

Osteen’s comment stands in contrast to a church Facebook post and a since-deleted Instagram remark by Lakewood associate pastor John Gray, who said flooded highways had made the church inaccessible.

After Violent Eviction, Rome Allows Some African Refugees to Stay

Public sentiment on unauthorized immigration continues to sour across Europe, prompting authorities to respond with decisive, sometimes violent, action.

An example occurred last week in Rome, when Italian police forcibly evicted hundreds of refugees from a building near the Piazza Indipendenza.


Police used water cannon and beat people with batons, resulting in 13 people being treated for injuries at the scene and four hospitalizations, according to Doctors Without Borders in Italy. The force was necessary, police said, to defend themselves against rocks and gas canisters hurled by the refugees.

Following an international outcry, Rome’s city council said Friday it will allow 40 refugees — mostly children, elderly and people with disabilities — to stay in the building for six months; but, hundreds of others remain homeless, and thousands of recent arrivals throughout Italy continue to struggle to integrate with the society.

Violent eviction


An evictee interviewed by VOA’s Amharic Service described the chaotic scene as police forced refugees out of the building.


“I was running with everyone, and I was in front of the men so that they wouldn’t beat them, and then two police hit me,” she said.The woman says she was beaten on her hands, back and torso as she tried to protect another evictee.


“And then they hit me on my head, and I didn’t know what was going on,” she says. “When I tried to run, I got dizzy and fell because of the spraying water.”


An estimated 800 people, mostly Eritreans and Ethiopians, were living inside the building, and most fled when authorities arrived. Several hundred people stayed outside to protest, and about 100 people, mostly women, children and those with disabilities, remained inside. They were cleared out by authorities at 6 a.m. local time the following day.


Police said those evicted were illegally squatting. Immigrants had been occupying the building since 2013.


Calls for accountability


“Italian authorities need to ask hard questions about this shocking eviction and, in particular, whether the force used by police was necessary and proportionate,” said Judith Sunderland, associate director for Human Rights Watch’s Europe and Central Asia division. “Using police in riot gear to force vulnerable people out of their homes with little warning and nowhere to go is just about the opposite of how things should be handled,” she said.


Laetitia Bader, a researcher at Human Rights Watch, said Italian courts had first ordered the eviction in December 2016, and the refugees had been warned that it would take place five days prior to the police action.


The temporary housing offered by authorities, however, was considered substandard by the refugees and far from the city center, Bader said, adding that the government has a legal responsibility to provide housing to the displaced.


“Our concern is both that the notification was very abrupt [and] that [insufficient]… accommodation has been offered to these individuals,” she told VOA. “It’s absolutely key that the government looks into and investigates the abusive police action.”


Negative sentiment


In Italy, public opinion toward refugees has grown increasingly hostile.

According to research published by Pew last September, 53 percent of Italians think diversity makes their country a worse place to live, and 77 disapprove of the EU’s handling of refugees. Sixty percent of Italians think refugees will increase domestic terrorism.


Politicians across the country have seized on this sentiment, often running on overtly anti-immigrant platforms. In June, center-right parties were decisive in local races, winning mayoral elections in 15 cities, according to The Guardian newspaper.


Italy’s burden and responsibility


Italians have seen record numbers of refugees reach their shores in recent years. At the end of 2016, Italy hosted nearly a quarter million “persons of concern,” including about 150,000 refugees and about 100,000 asylum-seekers, according to the U.N.’s refugee agency.


Despite its prominence as a point of entry into Europe, Italy hosts fewer persons of concern than both France, where more than 300,000 refugees live, and Germany, home to nearly 700,000 refugees and well over a half-million asylum seekers.


Italy has 20 million fewer people than does Germany, but hosts three times fewer persons of concern per capita.


It’s also processing far fewer asylum-seekers. In 2015 and 2016, 45 percent of asylum applications were handled in Germany, compared to 8 percent in Italy.


Within the country, some regions have been far more active in hosting refugees. Last summer, Italian newspaper La Stampa reported that just a quarter of the country’s 8,000 municipalities currently host migrants on humanitarian grounds.


In Rome, an Ethiopian woman interviewed by VOA’s Amharic Service last Friday said many of those evicted from the building are now sleeping on the streets.


She said they plan to continue protesting their treatment by Italian police. “They don’t have any respect for us. They think black people are flies and donkeys, and they are saying, ‘We don’t care if you die,'” she said.

Kardashian Women Give $500,000 to Help Harvey Victims

Kim Kardashian West and her famous siblings are donating $500,000 to help Harvey victims.

A spokeswoman for the reality star says she and her mother and sisters have given $250,000 to the Red Cross and $250,000 to the Salvation Army.

Kardashian West announced the donation on Twitter on Tuesday, saying, “Houston we are praying for you.” She used the hashtag #HoustonStrong.

They are among several stars who’ve said publicly they are helping hurricane victims. Kevin Hart on Monday announced a $25,000 donation to the Red Cross for storm victims and called on other celebrities to do the same.

European Security Organization Urges Trump to Stop Attacks on the Press

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is urging U.S. President Donald Trump to stop his attacks on the press, saying they “degrade” the essential role of the media in a democracy.

The OSCE’s media freedom representative, Harlem Desir, Monday said Trump’s comments about the media are “deeply problematic,” adding that such statements, especially those identifying the media as “the enemy of the people,” could make journalists more vulnerable to being targeted with violence.

“I urge the United States administration to refrain from delivering such attacks on the media,” said Desir in a letter addressed to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Desir highlighted remarks Trump made last week in Phoenix, Arizona in which the president accused the media of being “truly dishonest,” “fake,” “crooked,” and of making up stories and deepening divisions within the country.

Desir said the comments are “particularly worrying given the United States’ long-standing position as one of the global leaders in defending free speech and press freedoms.” He said the media play a key role in democracies to hold governments accountable and to offer a platform for diverse voices.

The Vienna-based OSCE monitors security and election issues across the group’s 57 member states, including Europe, much of central Asia, Russia and the United States.

Trump has popularized use of the term “fake news” to criticize news media and reporters that he contends treat him unfairly.

A poll released last week by Quinnipiac University found that the majority of Americans agrees with Trump: 55 percent of voters said they disapprove of the way in which the news media report on Trump, compared to 40 percent who approve.

An even larger number of voters – 62 percent – said they disapprove of Trump’s negative comments about reporters and their employers. Thirty-five percent of those surveyed said they agree with Trump on such issues.

Lawyer Says 2 Americans Serving 10 Years in Iran Lose Appeal

An Iranian-American businessman and his father, who are serving 10-year prison sentences in Iran over their ties to the U.S., have lost a court appeal, a lawyer said Monday.

Siamak Namazi and his 81-year-old father Baquer, who are among several dual nationals detained in Iran, learned Sunday that the Tehran Appeals Court denied their appeal, Washington-based lawyer Jared Genser said.

Iranian officials and state media did not immediately acknowledge the failed appeal.

The court’s decision comes as both Baquer and Siamak suffer health problems related to their incarceration at Tehran’s notorious Evin prison, which holds political detainees, Genser said. Siamak Namazi has spent much of his time in solitary confinement and “has been interrogated relentlessly, beaten and tased,” the lawyer said.

“I am deeply worried about the health of both of the Namazis, which has rapidly deteriorated,” Genser told The Associated Press.

The Namazi family fled after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The younger Namazi later traveled back several times and wrote articles calling for improved ties between Iran and the U.S., urging Iranian-Americans to act as a bridge between the rival governments.

Those efforts raised suspicions among hard-liners in Iran. In May 2015, a hard-line Iranian website called Fardanews accused him of being part of a Western effort to infiltrate Iran.

Siamak Namazi was arrested in October 2015. His father, a former UNICEF representative who served as governor of Iran’s oil-rich Khuzestan province under the U.S.-backed shah, was arrested in February 2016, apparently drawn to Iran over fears about his incarcerated son.

Iran does not recognize dual nationalities, meaning those detained cannot receive consular assistance. In most cases, dual nationals face secret charges in closed-door hearings in Iran’s Revolutionary Court, which handles cases involving alleged attempts to overthrow the government.

In October, authorities said the Namazis had been sentenced to 10 years in prison for “cooperating with the hostile American government.”

The Namazis are among a host of dual nationals and those with ties to the West held in the country after the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

Others include Chinese-American graduate student Xiyue Wang, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Iran for allegedly “infiltrating” the country while doing doctoral research on Iran’s Qajar dynasty. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian woman, was sentenced to five years in prison on allegations of planning the “soft toppling” of Iran’s government while traveling with her young daughter.

Iranian-American Robin Shahini was released on bail last year after staging a weekslong hunger strike while serving an 18-year prison sentence for “collaboration with a hostile government.” Shahini is believed to still be in Iran.

Former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who vanished in Iran in 2007 while on an unauthorized CIA mission, remains unaccounted for.

Also in an Iranian prison is Nizar Zakka, a U.S. permanent resident from Lebanon who advocates for internet freedom and has done work for the U.S. government. He was sentenced to 10 years last year on espionage-related charges.

Zakka also recently lost an appeal of his sentence, said Jason Poblete, a Washington-based lawyer representing him.

“Mr. Zakka was subjected to a Star Chamber-like proceeding by certain people in the Iranian government who are more interested in using him, and others, as political pawns in international politics,” Poblete said in a statement Monday. “It’s wrong and inhumane.”

In the wake of the 2015 atomic accord, Iran freed detained Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian and three other Iranian-Americans in exchange for pardons or charges being dropped against seven Iranians. That deal also saw the U.S. make a $400 million cash delivery to Iran.

Analysts and family members of those detained in Iran have suggested Iran wants to negotiate another, similar deal with the West. “The signal has been sent very, very clearly that this is what they want to do,” Genser said.
