Month: August 2017

Спійманий на хабарі генерал поліції, взятий під арешт, вийшов із-під варти – агентства

Начальник Департаменту поліції охорони Національної поліції України Сергій Будник, що був затриманий за одержання неправомірної вигоди і взятий судом під варту з можливістю внесення застави, вийшов зі слідчого ізолятора, повідомляють агентства з посиланням на силовиків.

Зокрема, як інформує агентство «УНІАН», речник заступника міністра юстиції Юрій Маслак повідомив, що генерал вийшов із СІЗО о 15.10.

Агентство «Українські новини», зі свого боку, з посиланням на «джерело у правоохоронних органах» пише, що Будник вніс заставу і вийшов із СІЗО близько 17.00.

Раніше в понеділок Генеральна прокуратура України повідомила, що начальникові Департаменту поліції охорони Національної поліції України, затриманому за одержання неправомірної вигоди, Печерський районний суд Києва ще 25 серпня обрав запобіжний захід у вигляді тримання під вартою з можливістю внесення застави в розмірі 128 тисяч гривень.

Минулого тижня ГПУ, Нацполіція і Служба безпеки України повідомили, що 22 серпня під час одержання 96 тисяч гривень неправомірної вигоди затримали керівника Департаменту поліції охорони генерала поліції третього рангу Сергія Будника. За тими повідомленнями, в рамках розслідування кримінального провадження правоохоронці з’ясували, що посадовець поліції, крім офіційних платежів за фізичну охорону, через посередника вимагав у киянина додатково передавати йому щомісяця неправомірну вигоду у сумі понад 80 тисяч гривень. Слідчі з’ясували, що з червня цього року посадовець отримав понад 170 тисяч гривень. 23 серпня Будникові повідомили про підозру за ч. 3 ст. 368 Кримінального кодексу України (прийняття пропозиції, обіцянки або одержання неправомірної вигоди – або у великому розмірі, або вчинене службовою особою, яка займає відповідальне становище, або за попередньою змовою групою осіб, або повторно, або поєднане з вимаганням неправомірної вигоди).

Statue of Martin Luther King Jr. Unveiled in his Hometown

The daughter of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. stood beside her father’s newly unveiled statue Monday, just a few blocks from where he grew up, handing out hugs and telling each well-wisher: “It’s about time.”

The statue paying tribute to King made its public debut Monday morning on the Georgia Capitol grounds in front of around 800 people including Gov. Nathan Deal, many other state political leaders and several members of the King family. The sculpture’s installation comes more than three years after Georgia lawmakers endorsed the project.

“Forty-nine years ago when my father was assassinated, he was the most hated man in America. Today, he is one of the most loved men in the world,” the Rev. Bernice King said of her father, who was slain in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.

A replica of the nation’s Liberty Bell tolled three times before the 8-foot (2.4-meter) bronze statue was unveiled on the 54th anniversary of King’s “I have a dream” speech at the 1963 March on Washington. The statue depicts King in mid-stride, holding a jacket and grasping a batch of papers.

Bernice King said her father gave the nation a sense of hope in a time of turmoil, and his statue can serve a similar purpose today.

Bringing the statue into reality took multiple struggles. Officials had to negotiate with King’s family for the right to use his image. Then an artist was selected for the project, only to be killed in a motorcycle accident. After a lengthy screening, sculptor Martin Dawe was chosen to replace him.

Dawe said he knew other tributes to King had been criticized and he set one goal: Make the statue look like the man.

King’s statue was erected in his Southern hometown at a time when monuments honoring Civil War Confederates are coming down in many other places across the South.

“This tribute is important and a lasting statement about the value of inclusion, the strength of our diversity and the power of grace and how it changes hearts,” Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said. “This statue comes at a time when there are many conversations about historical monuments going on nationally and within the state. When the time comes, I’m confident in the city of Atlanta that we will walk it together as we have again, again and again.”

Reed said $40 million is being invested to redevelop the Martin Luther King Jr. drive corridor to improve mobility and safety. The mayor also said a $23 million MLK Recreation and Aquatic Center will be opened in Atlanta by the end of the year.

Morehouse College professor Timothy Miller kicked off the ceremony singing Ray Charles’ song, “Georgia on My Mind.”

Військові повідомили про 10 порушень перемир’я за день

У прес-центрі штабу української антитерористичної операції проти спільних російсько-сепаратистських сил на окупованій частині Донбасу повідомили, що від початку доби протягом дня станом на 18-у годину бойовики десять разів відкривали «провокативний», як мовиться в повідомленні, вогонь по позиціях сил АТО. Два з цих випадків були з застосуванням 82-міліметрових мінометів, решта – зі стрілецької зброї, кулеметів великого калібру і гранатометів.

«Наші військові зброю не застосовували», – наголосили у прес-центрі штабу АТО.

Про можливі жертви чи втрати нічого не сказано.

У незаконних збройних сепаратистських угрупованнях «ДНР» і «ЛНР», що за підтримки Росії захопили і утримують частину Донецької і Луганської областей і визнані в Україні терористичними, не подавали їхніх заяв про становище на фронті за понеділок. Попередніми днями вони звинувачували в обстрілах війська українського уряду.

Черговий режим припинення вогню мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

Про перемир’я в зоні конфлікту на Донбасі домовлялися вже багато разів, досі жодного разу режим припинення вогню не втримувався. При цьому сторони щоразу заперечують свою вину в порушеннях і звинувачують протилежну сторону у провокаціях.

Меркель і Макрон закликали Путіна і Порошенка виконати зобов’язання про припинення вогню

Канцлер Німеччини і президент Франції закликали президентів Росії і України повністю виконати свої зобов’язання щодо дотримання режиму припинення вогню, мовиться у спільному зверненні Анґели Меркель і Емманюеля Макрона до Володимира Путіна і Петра Порошенка.

Західні учасники «нормандського формату» переговорів про врегулювання на окупованій частині українського Донбасу закликають керівників Росії і України чітко і ясно виступити на підтримку припинення вогню і забезпечити спрямування належних інструкцій про це військовим та іншим силам на місцях.

Меркель і Макрон нагадують Путіну і Порошенкові, що, незважаючи на спільну підтримку всіх чотирьох, проголошений у Тристоронній контактній групі режим припинення вогню не повністю дотримується. «Далі тривають численні порушення режиму припинення вогню, в тому числі з застосуванням важких озброєнь. Моніторингова місія ОБСЄ далі зазнає погроз своїм працівникам і обмеження свободи пересування, особливо в регіонах, що не контролюються урядом України», – мовиться у зверненні.

«Ми продовжимо стежити за ситуацією наступними днями», – попередили керівники Німеччини і Франції.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який заявила 23 серпня Тристороння контактна група за результатами телефонної розмови чотирьох керівників у «нормандському форматі» попередньої ночі і їхньої спільної заяви, мав почати діяти з 25 серпня, напередодні початку шкільного року, і стати постійним. Про перші його порушення сторони заявили вже через кілька хвилин після настання часу перемир’я.

Про перемир’я в зоні конфлікту на Донбасі домовлялися вже багато разів, досі жодного разу режим припинення вогню не втримувався. При цьому сторони щоразу заперечують свою вину в порушеннях і звинувачують протилежну сторону у провокаціях.

France Holds Migration Summit After Backtracking on Asylum Hotspots

Getting Europe’s migrant crisis under control will be in focus at a summit of Europe’s “big four” continental powers and three African nations in Paris on Monday, with French President Emmanuel Macron seeking concrete action.

The 28-nation European Union has struggled to agree on a coherent answer to the influx of migrants fleeing war, poverty and political upheaval in the Middle East and Africa, and the crisis is testing cooperation between member states.

Over the summer, Macron sought to take the initiative on managing the flow of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libya, mainly into Italy. He proposed hotspots in Africa to handle asylum requests.

The viability of such centers was questioned by European and African allies and on Monday an official from the Elysee Palace said the idea was no longer under discussion.

“The hotspots announcement was nonsense and neither Chad nor Niger were consulted beforehand,” a West African official said. “Macron is trying to make up for that mistake.”

Leaders at the meeting will seek accord on a migration action plan, notably on tackling the economic model of people traffickers. “The leaders will be presented a roadmap that outlines… what we want to do to tackle all stages of the migrant route,” the Elysee official told reporters.

‘Need to do more’

The meeting hosts the leaders of Germany, Italy and Spain as well as the leaders of Chad, Niger and Libya — all three of them transit countries for migrants. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini will also attend.

The Elysee official said the roadmap would include ideas on fighting people traffickers, asylum rights and stabilizing chaotic Libya, where thousands of migrants end up before embarking on a perilous Mediterranean sea journey to Europe.

But diplomats and analysts said they did not expect any major breakthroughs.

The crisis has put Paris and Rome at odds. Italy has accused France and other EU states of not sharing the migrant burden and has also asked the EU Commission for more budget flexibility to help it tackle the crisis.

Nearly 120,000 migrants, including refugees, have entered Europe by sea so far this year, according to the International Organization for Migration. More than 2,400 have drowned while making the dangerous odyssey, often in overcrowded dinghies run by people smugglers without enough food or water.

An Italian government official said he hoped the Paris meeting would accelerate the dispersal of EU funds that have already been promised to Libya.

“More generally, Italy and Germany have pledged funds to Libya and to other African countries to try and get control of immigration, but France and Spain need to do more.”

Germany said on Monday it had reached an agreement with Egypt to stem the flow of migrants from the Arab country to Europe.

“What is important is the joint goal of Germany and Egypt to protect people’s lives and to fight illegal immigration and the criminal smuggling of people,” German government spokesman Steffen Seibert told a news conference.

A Niger presidential source said his country, one of the world’s poorest, would be looking for more European financing to help with general security measures.

Romania: Protests Held in 6 Cities Over Judicial Changes

More than 1,000 people have participated in protests in Romania’s capital and other cities to show opposition to against proposed changes to the judicial system.

Demonstrators gathered outside government offices in Bucharest on Sunday called the ruling Social Democratic Party “the red plague” and yelled “A government of thieves and Mafioso!”


People took to the streets in half a dozen cities around the country to protest the proposals submitted by Justice Minister Tudorel Toader.


Toader recommended having the president no longer appoint the general prosecutor and the chief anti-corruption prosecutor, a main function of Romania’s presidency.


He also suggested a process to punish prosecutors and judges for erroneous rulings and prosecutions.


Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has criticized the proposal. Protesters said it would slow efforts to root out corruption.

Albania’s Prime Minister Names Smaller, Restructured Cabinet

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama has named a restructured Cabinet with a goal of increasing the country’s economic growth from 3.8 to 5 percent in four years.

Rama on Sunday told his Socialist Party leadership that his Cabinet would be reduced from 20 to 14 ministerial posts, making it “a smaller but more cooperative one.”

The new structure merges the finance ministry with the economy ministry, and the energy ministry with the transport and infrastructure ministry. A new ministerial post has been created to oversee the Albanian diaspora and to coordinate with businesses.

Most of the appointees are holdovers from the previous government, but serving in different positions. Four are new appointments. The new Cabinet preserves an equal number of women and men.

The left wing Socialists secured a second mandate in a June election, winning 74 seats in the 140-seat parliament and can run the government without allies.

The opposition Democratic party won 43 seats while the Socialist Movement for Integration Party that was in Rama’s governing coalition in the previous mandate secured 19 seats. Four other seats were won by a smaller political grouping.

The Democrats said the Cabinet picks represented “the return to power of the former communist elite” that would lead to “deepening Edi Rama’s and a small group’s private reigning.”

Rooting out corruption, fighting drug trafficking, improving pay and lowering unemployment are some of the key issues in Albania, a NATO member since 2009 that wants to launch membership negotiations with the European Union next year.

The new Cabinet will be subject to a vote when parliament convenes early next month.

13 разів позиції сил АТО зазнали обстрілу в неділю – прес-центр

«Від початку доби вже зафіксовано 13 випадків відкриття неприцільного вогню з боку російсько-окупаційних угруповань», – повідомляє прес-центру штабу української воєнної операції на Донбасі.

У повідомленні штабу мовиться, що у неділю обстановка в районі проведення АТО залишалася відносно стабільною. «Загалом супротивник істотно зменшив кількість обстрілів наших позицій і не застосовував озброєння, калібр якого перевищує 100 міліметрів».

Найбільш активні провокації бойовиків, за повідомленням штабу, були біля селища Водяне на приморському напрямку.

На донецькому напрямку ворог кілька разів бив із гранатометів і великокаліберних кулеметів по Авдіївській промзоні, а близько 16:00 випустив 3 міни калібру 82 міліметри.

Також стрілецьку зброю супротивником було застосовано неподалік від Зайцевого.

На луганському напрямку з початку доби зберігалася тиша.

Українські військові, дотримуючись мирних домовленостей, у неділю зброю не застосовували, повідомляють у штабі.

У підтримуваному Росією угрупованні «ДНР», що контролює частину території Донецької області, про обстріли останньої доби наразі не повідомляють. В угрупованні «ЛНР», що контролює частину Луганщини, звинуватили українських військових в обстрілах. Про постраждалих інформації немає.

Про новий режим тиші, який починає діяти з півночі 25 серпня напередодні початку нового навчального року, домовилися учасники Тристоронньої контактної групи зі врегулювання ситуації на Донбасі.

Про перемир’я в зоні конфлікту на Донбасі домовлялися вже багато разів, проте жодного разу режим припинення вогню не втримувався. При цьому сторони щоразу заперечують свою вину в порушеннях і звинувачують одна одну в провокаціях.


Tillerson: Trump Speaks for Himself on Values

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says President Donald Trump, who has faced criticism over his response to a recent white nationalist rally in Virginia, “speaks for himself” on his values.

Tillerson appeared on Fox News Sunday, and was asked by anchor Chris Wallace about a United Nations committee criticizing the Trump administration for its failure to condemn “racist violent events.”  

Tillerson said “we express America’s values from the State Department.  We represent the American people, we represent America’s values, our commitment to freedom, our commitment to equal treatment of people the world over and that message has never changed.”

In Trump’s reaction to the rally he denounced bigotry, but blamed “many sides” for violence that erupted in the city of Charlottesville.

Pressed by Wallace on whether he was separating himself from Trump on the matter Tillerson said, “I have spoken, I have made my own comments as to our values as well in a speech I gave to the State Department this past week.”  

In the August 18 speech Tillerson condemned racism, saying “hate is not an American value.”  He added, “We must pursue reconciliation, understanding and respect regardless of skin color, ethnicity or religious or political views.”

Last week, the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination issued an appeal to the United States to repudiate racially-motivated crimes and hate speech following the rally in Charlottesville and warned a failure to do so could spark more deadly violence.  

Tillerson’s comments on Fox News Sunday sparked a swift reaction on social media, including this Tweet from former State Department counselor and political scientist Eliot Cohen.  “I do believe that the Secretary of State just tossed the President of the United States under the bus. ”

Рятувальники у штаті Техас евакуюють потерпілих від урагану «Гарві»

Понад тисячу осіб евакуювали із затоплених від урагану районів Г’юстона (штат Техас). Національна метеорологічна служба в Г’юстоні в неділю назвала повінь «катастрофічною, безпрецедентною і такою, що загрожує  життю людей».

В інших районах штату тривають сильні зливи.

За даними Національної метеорологічної служби, в межі міста, де практично паралізована робота транспорту, запровадили  надзвичайний стан у зв’язку з природні лихом.

Внаслідок урагану «Гарві», одного з найпотужніших за останнє десятиліття шторму, що вразив узбережжя США, загинули щонайменше дві людини.

Одна людина загинула внаслідок пожежі, повідомив мер Рокпорта (штат Техас). У другому випадку загинула жінка, яка їхала затопленими вулицями Г’юстона, повідомляє поліція.

Рокпорт, містечко з населенням 24,5 тисячі людей, отримало прямий удар від урагану, дахи будинків у місті знесло вітром, пошкоджені лінії електропередач.

Представники влади Техасу повідомили 26 серпня, що через шторм майже 300 тисяч людей залишилися без електрики, численні райони залишаються залитими водою.

25 серпня ураган, якому надали 4-ту категорію, з вітром до 208 кілометрів за годину, вдарив по штату Техас. 26 серпня він ослаб до рівня тропічного шторму. 

Метеорологи попередили, що негода може тривати й наступного тижня.

Президент Дональд Трамп в неділю написав у Твіттері, що завдяки «чудовій координації» між різними відомствами вдалося врятувати тисячі людей. Він також повідомив, що має намір відвідати постраждалі райони Техасу, «як тільки така поїздка буде можливою» і не буде заважати роботі.

Попереднім штормом 4-ої категорії у США був ураган «Чарлі», який вразив штат Флориду в серпні 2004 року. «Гарві» називають найпотужнішим штормом у Техасі від 1961 року.

Jordan, Germany Said to Disagree on Status of German Troops

A Jordanian official said Sunday that Jordan is negotiating with Germany over the legal status of German troops to be stationed in the kingdom, amid reports that disagreements delayed deployment.

The German magazine Der Spiegel reported that Germany seeks immunity in Jordan for 250 soldiers who are part of the U.S.-led campaign against Islamic State group extremists. The report says Jordan balked at the demand.


The Jordanian official said talks with Germany are “subject to international diplomatic rules” and “equal mutual treatment.” He demanded anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters on the issue.


Germany’s Defense Ministry played down the report saying the negotiation process is ongoing and that “we are in fruitful talks with Jordan.”


“We already started the deployment… and are expecting to be fully operational by October,” said a spokesman for the German Defense Ministry, who spoke on condition of anonymity in line with department policy.


Germany chose Jordan after previous host Turkey prevented German lawmakers from visiting the troops there.

У ФК «Маріуполь» заявляють, що «Динамо» намагається дискредитувати приазовський клуб

У футбольному клубі «Маріуполь» (Маріуполь) заявляють, що відправили в дирекцію Української прем’єр-ліги і ФК «Динамо» (Київ) всі необхідні листи щодо майбутніх ігор на своєму стадіоні, як і витребувані київською командою офіційні листи від усіх необхідних установ щодо питань з безпекою.

«Сьогодні, 27-го серпня, в нашому місті мав відбутися матч 7-го туру Української прем’єр-ліги «Маріуполь» – «Динамо»… ФК «Динамо» не тільки не прибув на гру в Маріуполь, а й усіма силами намагається дискредитувати наш клуб», – йдеться у відкритому зверненні до «Динамо», розміщеному на офіційному сайті ФК «Маріуполь» у неділю.

У «Маріуполі» заявляють, що – відповідно до вимог Регламенту УПЛ – відправив до Дирекції Прем’єр-ліги і ФК «Динамо» факсом і на офіційний клубний e-mail всі необхідні офіційні листи щодо майбутніх ігор (молодіжних і перших команд), однак, від ФК «Динамо» вони не отримали жодного офіційного листа щодо майбутніх ігор, йдеться у зверненні.

Футбольний клуб «Динамо» (Київ) заявляє, що готовий зіграти календарний матч 7-го туру Української прем’єр-ліги у Маріуполі «після нормалізації оперативної обстановки на Маріупольському (Приморському) напрямку». Про це йдеться в листі керівництва футбольного клубу «Динамо» (Київ) до Федерації футболу України, Української прем’єр-ліги і ФК «Маріуполь», оприлюдненому раніше на сайті клубу.

«ФК «Динамо» (Київ) вкотре офіційно заявляє про готовність зіграти календарний матч 7-го туру УПЛ з ФК «Маріуполь» саме у місті Маріуполі. Це відбудеться відразу після нормалізації оперативної обстановки на Маріупольському (Приморському) напрямку і надання поточних оперативних листів від органів СБУ та ГУНП про вжиття ними усіх можливих заходів для гарантування безпеки перебування та пересування гравців та персоналу ФК «Динамо» (Київ), забезпечення безпечного прибуття і перебування уболівальників клубу в місті Маріуполь», – йдеться в тексті листа.

Як заявив президент ФФУ Андрій Павелко, проведення матчів у Маріуполі – зараз дуже важливий крок для України. «Футбол має об’єднувати, а не сварити. Матчі в Маріуполі – чудова нагода продемонструвати, що в нас єдина країна, що ми маємо сильні спецслужби та армію», – наголосив він.

Президент ФФУ також додав, що проведення попередніх матчів у Маріуполі «вже довело, що українські спецслужби та правоохоронці гідно справляються зі своїми обов’язками».

Після виходу клубу «Маріуполь» (донедавна «Іллічівець») у прем’єр-лігу українського футболу київське «Динамо» заявило, що не поїде на матчі до міста Маріуполя з міркувань безпеки.

Із такими ж заявами виступав і львівський клуб «Карпати», але він врешті зіграв у Маріуполі. Також до міста вже приїжджали на матчі й інші клуби прем’єр-ліги.

У разі неявки на матч команді зараховується технічна поразка.

New USAID Chief Visits Sudan as Sanctions Deadline Nears

U.S. President Donald Trump’s new aid chief, Mark Green, kicked off an African tour in Sudan on Sunday, where he will assess whether Khartoum has done enough to get help into conflict areas to deserve eased sanctions.

It is Green’s first trip as administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development, a job he began two weeks ago amid talk of budget cuts and a wide-reaching reorganization of the agency by the Trump administration.

He is due to visit aid projects in drought-hit zones including neighboring Ethiopia, at a time when Washington is considering an estimated 30-percent cut in the budget of the State Department and USAID.

But his priorities will also include weighing whether Washington should reform one of its main diplomatic fronts in the region – a raft of sanctions imposed first over Khartoum’s perceived support of global terrorism, later its violent suppression of rebels in Darfur.

U.S. officials have said existing limited steps to ease sanctions are meant to recognize progress in Sudan, particularly moves to reduce internal conflict and increase cooperation with Washington in the war against terrorism.

Just before leaving office, former U.S. President Barack Obama temporarily eased penalties against Sudan, suspending a trade embargo, unfreezing assets and removing financial sanctions.

In July, the Trump administration postponed for three months a decision on whether to remove the restrictions full-time — giving it an Oct. 12 deadline to make up its mind.

Part of Green’s fact-finding mission, say the officials, will be to assess whether the Khartoum government is letting aid into Darfur and other rebellious border areas, one of several conditions that needs to be met.

Speaking to U.N. representatives and other donors hours after his arrival in Khartoum, Green said his visit showed the importance of improved humanitarian access.

“This review period is not the sole reason I am here, but it is one,” he said. “I’m here to listen, learn, and gather information to take back to Washington as the administration evaluates Sudan’s progress,” he said.

Green assured donors that the United States would not walk walk away from funding the humanitarian crisis, despite the proposed budget cuts.

“The United States will not walk away from our commitment to humanitarian assistance, and we will always stand with people everywhere when disaster strikes, for that is who we are is Americans,” said Green.

Any lifting of economic penalties would be a major turnaround for the government of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who once played host to Osama bin Laden and is wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of orchestrating genocide in Darfur.

Washington has not weakened its condemnation of the tactics the Sudanese government used in Darfur — and Sudan remains on the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, alongside Iran and Syria.

But the different signals on sanctions have come at a time of seismic changes in the region — U.S. security officials have praised Khartoum’s more recent help in fighting al Qaeda and dealing with the turmoil in northern neighbor Libya.

Diplomatic calculations have also changed since South Sudan collapsed into chaos after declaring independence from Sudan in 2011.

Green, a 57-year-old former four-term Republican congressman from Wisconsin, served as U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania under President George W. Bush, and helped craft key areas of Bush’s signature AIDS program, PEPFAR.

Earlier this month, he told Reuters he needed to do more with less as he faced the prospect of budget cuts, and had to prove to Trump that development assistance could further his “America First” agenda.

German Woman Dies, Raises Death Toll to 16 in Spain Attacks

A 51-year-old German woman died Sunday from injuries suffered in the Aug. 17 vehicle attack in Barcelona, raising the overall death toll in Spain’s recent attacks to 16, health officials in Catalonia said.


The woman died in the intensive care unit of Barcelona’s Hospital del Mar, according to the regional health department.


The latest death raises the toll to 14 in the van attack in Barcelona’s popular Las Ramblas boulevard. Another man was stabbed to death in a carjacking that night as the van driver made his getaway, and another woman died in an Aug. 18 vehicle-and-knife attack in the nearby coastal town of Cambrils.


More than 120 people were wounded in the attacks. Authorities say 24 remain hospitalized, five of them in critical condition.


On Saturday, an estimated 500,000 peace marchers flooded the heart of Barcelona shouting “I’m not afraid” — a public rejection of violence following extremist attacks, Spain’s deadliest in more than a decade.


Emergency workers, taxis drivers, police and ordinary citizens who helped immediately after the Las Ramblas attack led the march. They carried a street-wide banner with black capital letters reading “No Tinc Por,” which means “I’m not afraid” in the local Catalan language.


The phrase has grown from a spontaneous civic answer to violence into a slogan that Spain’s entire political class has unanimously embraced.


Spain’s central, regional and local authorities tried to send an image of unity Saturday by walking behind the emergency workers, despite earlier criticism that national and regional authorities had not shared information about the attackers well enough with each other.


In a first for a Spanish monarch, King Felipe VI joined a public demonstration, walking in Barcelona along with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and other officials. A separate anti-violence rally was held in the northern town of Ripoll, home to many of the attackers.


Eight suspects in the attacks are dead, two are jailed under preliminary charges of terrorism and homicide and two more were freed by a judge but will remain under investigation.



Tillerson: US Will Keep Up ‘Peaceful Pressure’ on North Korea

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday the firing of three ballistic missiles by North Korea this week was a provocative act but that the United States will continue to seek a peaceful resolution.

“We do view it as a provocative act against the United States and our allies,” Tillerson said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “We’re going to continue our peaceful pressure campaign as I have described it, working with allies, working with China as well to see if we can bring the regime in Pyongyang to the negotiating table.”

IS Claims Brussels Knife Attacker is One of Their Own

The Islamic State news agency Aamaq has claimed the Brussels attacker who assaulted three soldiers with a knife as an Islamic State group soldier.

In a statement Sunday, it said he carried out the Friday evening attack in response to calls to target countries of the coalition that is fighting IS.

Belgian prosecutors have opened an attempted terrorist murder probe after attacker assaulted the soldiers while shouting “Allahu akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great.” He was shot dead by troops.

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office said the man was known to police for assault charges but had no previous terror-related offenses.  The suspect, a Belgian citizen of Somali origin, was also carrying a fake firearm and copies of the Quran.

IS often claims attacks by people who have no known link to the group.

На Донеччині поліцейські знайшли схованку з боєприпасами та вибухівкою

У Покровському районі Донецької області поліцейські виявили схрон з вибухівекою та боєприпасами. Як повідомляється на сайті Головного управління Національної поліції в Донецькій області, у суботу поліцейські отримали оперативну інформацію, що в лісосмузі поблизу селища Михайлівка можуть бути приховані вибухонебезпечні предмети.

На місці правоохоронці виявили схованку, засипану землею. У мішку було 15 протитанкових і протипіхотних мін, 16 мінних детонаторів для мінометних мін, 20 гранат із запалами, близько 6 тисяч патронів та 20 кілограмів пластиду.

На місці працюють слідчо-оперативна група Покровського відділу поліції та вибухотехніки. Поліцейські оточили та обстежують прилеглу територію.

Вживаються заходи щодо встановлення власника вибухового арсеналу.

В іспанській Барселоні відбувся антитерористичний марш

Близько 500 тисяч людей в іспанському місті Барселона взяли участь в марші на знак протесту проти смертельно небезпечних терактів, що сталися у цьому регіоні 17-18 серпня.

Як повідомила місцева влада, мирний марш відбувся в умовах посилених заходів безпеки після нападів минулого тижня, в результаті яких 15 людей загинули і понад 120 були поранені. Шестеро потерпілих залишаються в критичному стані.

Вперше в історії у марші взяв участь іспанський король Феліпе VI, продемонструвавши національну солідарність.

Учасники маршу скандували гасло: «Ми не боїмося, тому що ми знаємо – любов переможе ненависть».

17 серпня внаслідок наїзду автофургона на пішоходів у центрі іспанської Барселони загинули 13 людей, близько ста були поранені. У ніч на 18 серпня схожий напад стався у Камбрілсі за 100 кілометрів від Барселони, тут загинула одна людина, шестеро постраждали. Поліція Іспанії розглядає ці напади як теракт.

Відповідальність за напади взяло на себе екстремістське угруповання «Ісламська держава».

Білоруського опозиціонера Миколу Статкевича заарештували у Мінську

У Мінську заарештували лідера опозиційного «Білоруського національного конгресу» Миколу Статкевича. Про це повідомила у Facebook його дружина Марина Адамович.

«Миколу заарештували сьогодні (у суботу, 26 серпня – ред.) близько 12-ї години неподалік від будинку, коли він йшов на зустріч. Вже на Окрестіна (на вулиці Окрестіна в Мінську розташований ізолятор тимчасового тримання – ред.). 15 діб. Осінь близько», – написала вона.

В інтерв’ю кореспонденту білоруської редакції Радіо Свобода Марина Адамович сказала, що їй подзвонили з Ленінського РВВС і сказали, що Миколу заарештували на 5 діб. Ніяких пояснень отримати не вдалося.

Пізніше в Центрі виконання покарань дружині політика повідомили, що Статкевич відбуває 5 діб за травневим вироком Московського суду.

Марина Адамович вважає, що це «передбачувані, мерзенні дії влади, які таким чином намагаються запобігти мирним протестам».

Раніше рада «Білоруського національного конгресу» ухвалила заяву з приводу спільних білорусько-російських військових навчань «Захід-2017», запланованих на вересень цього року. 

У заяві опозиціонери висловлювали стурбованість у зв’язку з планами влади провести на території Білорусі навчання «Захід-2017». За їхніми даними, після навчань російські військові можуть залишитися в країні, а в прикордонних районах готуються бази для зберігання російської зброї на випадок війни Росії з НАТО та Україною.

Рада «Білоруського національного конгресу» закликала патріотів взяти участь в акції із запобігання можливій агресії Російської Федерації 8 вересня о 18:00 на Жовтневій площі в Мінську. 

Man in London Sword Attack Being Questioned by Police

A man who assaulted police officers with a four-foot sword outside Queen Elizabeth’s Buckingham Palace residence shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) was being questioned by counterterrorism police on Saturday.

Two unarmed officers suffered slight cuts as they detained the man, who drove at a police van on Friday evening, then took the sword from the front passenger foot-well of his car, London’s Metropolitan Police said.

It was too early to say what the man was planning to do, said Commander Dean Haydon, the head of the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command.

“We believe the man was acting alone and we are not looking for other suspects at this stage,” he said. “It is only right that we investigate this as a terrorist incident at this time.”

Europe has been on high alert following a string of militant attacks, including four this year in Britain which killed 36 people. The country’s threat level remains at severe, meaning an attack is highly likely.

No members of the royal family were present in the palace, which is a magnet for tourists in Britain’s capital in the peak August holiday weekend.

“I want to thank the officers who acted quickly and bravely to protect the public last night demonstrating the dedication and professionalism of our police,” Prime Minister Theresa May said in a message on Twitter.

Suspect from Luton

The suspect was initially arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and assault on police. He was then further arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act.

Police said they were investigating a 26-year-old man from the Luton area, an ethnically diverse town 55 km (35 miles) north of London where police have carried out investigations linked to other militant attacks, including one earlier this year on London’s Westminster Bridge.

“My partner saw a sword (…) as well as a policeman with blood on him, looking like his hand or chest was injured. The police officer had it in his hand, walking away with it,” said an unnamed witness quoted by The Times newspaper, who said tourists were running away from the scene.

“Something happened before, which is why the people ran away. I’m not sure what this was. But people were already scared and I saw the policeman pull the man from the car” the witness said.

The suspect was treated at a London hospital for minor injuries, and there were no other reported injuries.

“This is a timely reminder that the threat from terrorism in the UK remains severe,” Haydon added. “The police, together with the security services, are doing everything we can to protect the public and we already have an enhanced policing plan over the Bank Holiday weekend to keep the public safe.”

EU Ponders Tough Action Against Migrant-source Countries

The EU’s commissioner for migration says Brussels may withhold development aid and impose trade and visa restrictions on migrant-source countries in Africa and Asia to force them to take back failed asylum-seekers.

In an interview with Britain’s The Times published Saturday, Dimitris Avramopoulos said EU chiefs “are considering stopping funding of major development projects. We invested in these regions to create opportunities and keep people there.”

He said countries which failed to cooperate with repatriations could face blanket visa restrictions. Germany recently threatened to withhold visas from the ruling elites of migrant-source countries that do not accept returnees.

But Avramopoulos appeared to indicate a much broader visa embargo is now being contemplated, saying “thousands of foreigners, from diplomats and doctors to students and researchers” would be impacted by the travel restrictions now under discussion.

“The EU is not afraid to make use of leverages in trade or visa policy. Let’s be honest: it is neither good for Africa nor for Europe that so many people cross the Mediterranean,” he said.

This is the first time EU commissioners have threatened to block access to European markets in response to a long-running migration crisis that’s roiling the continent and threatening to upend traditional party politics and empower populist nationalists.

The “hard borders” approach now being considered is being condemned by humanitarian NGOs, which often embrace a “no border” ideology.

On Monday, President Emmanuel Macron of France will chair talks featuring European and African leaders in Paris in a renewed bid to thrash out a more effective strategy to stem migrant flows. African leaders are likely to argue they need more development aid.

Italy’s dilemma

The following day EU national leaders will hold one of their regular summits in which the migration issue will figure prominently.  Both Italy and Germany have national elections in coming months and Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni and Germany’s Angela Merkel will likely want to show voters they are shutting down migrant routes.

Italy will push the EU to try to replicate with Libya a deal that was struck with Turkey last year, which largely shut down the migrant route through the Balkans. But analysts say such a deal would be unworkable when it comes to Libya given the lack of an effective central authority in the northern Africa state.

The migration influx has morphed into a political crisis for Italy’s left-leaning coalition government. In municipal elections earlier this year the coalition lost ground to center-right parties such as Matteo Salvini’s Northern League, which has called for a “stop to the invasion.”

Italy’s right-wing Forza Italia party has campaigned for the denial of landing rights to NGO ships carrying migrants. And even the maverick radical Five Star Movement is moving to an anti-immigrant position, calling for a halt to any new migrants being lodged in Rome.

Gentiloni has accused fellow EU nations of “looking the other way,” and not doing enough to assist Italy with the surge in migrants crossing the Mediterranean. A burden-sharing system across the EU has failed with just a few thousand taken off Italy’s hands by other EU member states.

Libya has become the main gateway to Europe for migrants and refugees from across sub-Saharan Africa, and also from the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Syria and Bangladesh. Many are fleeing war and persecution, but most who are using Libya are seeking to escape poverty. Italy has become the main point of arrival of those rescued off the coast of Libya.

As the economic migration has grown, with only a small proportion of asylum-seekers coming from countries engulfed in war, so sentiment in Italy has shifted with Italians becoming enraged at the strain the influx is having on the country’s migrant facilities, which are now all full, and the appearance of migrants even in far-flung villages.

600,000 asylum seekers

This week, police evicted more than a hundred Eritreans and Ethiopians from an abandoned office building near Rome’s central railway station. The occupants — who had been given refugee status — complained that Italy doesn’t help asylum-seekers integrate, fails to house them and provide language classes.

In fact, the Italian authorities do, housing many in villages across the country, providing months-long language tuition and up to 45 euros a day per refugee. But many refugees bolt the system, preferring to live in large cities such as Rome, Naples, Milan and Bologna and to try their luck.

The sheer numbers — more than 600,000 asylum-seekers have entered Italy since 2014 — are overwhelming. And the assistance asylum-seekers do receive is increasingly infuriating ordinary Italians in villages migrants are sent to for temporary periods. “I don’t get that money from the government and we are struggling as well — we don’t have enough jobs for our kids and now migrant kids will be competing for the few jobs that are around,” says Anna-Maria Bianchi, a mother-of-two from a Lazio village just north of Rome.

The only good news as far as Italian authorities are concerned is that there has been a fall-off in the rate of new arrivals this August and July. Official figures show arrivals in Italy from North Africa dropped by more than 50 percent in July from a year earlier and August arrivals are down even further, according to the International Organization for Migration.

The decline is being put down to several factors — from changeable sea conditions to a heightened Libyan coastguard presence and a reduction in humanitarian rescue-refugee operations.  There are also several probes by Italian authorities, who say NGOs have been colluding with people-traffickers. 

Trump Pardon of Political Ally Arpaio Criticized

President Donald Trump spared former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio the prospect of serving jail time in granting the first pardon of his turbulent tenure, wiping away the lawman’s recent federal conviction stemming from his immigration patrols that focused on Latinos.

The White House said 85-year-old Arpaio was a “worthy candidate” for the pardon, citing his “life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration.” Trump granted the pardon less than a month after a judge found Arpaio guilty of a misdemeanor contempt-of-court charge in a trial that was prosecuted by the president’s own Justice Department.

“I appreciate what the president did,” Arpaio told The Associated Press as he celebrated the news over an Italian restaurant meal and someone in his party ordered champagne. “I have to put it out there: Pardon, no pardon — I’ll be with him as long as he’s president.”

The pardon drew a swift and harsh denunciation from an array of Latinos and political leaders, who said it amounted to presidential approval of racism by eliminating the conviction of a law officer who the courts said had used immigration patrols to racially profile Latinos. And it overturned what critics saw as a long-awaited comeuppance for a lawman who long escaped accountability for his use of headline-grabbing tactics as sheriff in Phoenix.

“Pardoning Joe Arpaio is a slap in the face to the people of Maricopa County, especially the Latino community and those he victimized as he systematically and illegally violated their civil rights,” Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton said.

The White House announced the pardon late Friday as a powerful Category 4 hurricane threatened Texas with severe flooding and on the same day Trump fleshed out the details of his ban on transgender individuals serving in the military, another move that will cheer his conservative base. The decision followed the uproar that ensued after Trump assigned blame to “both sides” participating in race-fueled clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, this month.

Trump has been plagued by poor job approval ratings, currently at 34 percent, the lowest mark ever for a president in his first year.

His decision on the former sheriff may also serve to energize supporters dispirited by the president’s dismissal a week ago of chief strategist Steve Bannon, a favorite on the far right wing of the Republican Party.

GOP leaders were mixed in reacting to the pardon. Sen. John McCain criticized the move and said it undermines Trump’s “claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.”

Republican Gov. Doug Ducey said Arpaio should be given credit for his crime-fighting efforts and allowed to “move on” and enjoy his retirement.

Arpaio earned a national reputation by taking aggressive action to arrest immigrants in the country illegally. But years of legal issues and related costs took a toll on his political power at home, and he was handily defeated by a Democrat in the 2016 election.

The loss coincided with Trump’s election, based in large part on his anti-immigrant rhetoric. Arpaio campaigned for him around the country and spoke at the Republican National Convention.

Arpaio defied court orders that he stop the patrols and has been pardoned by a president who has shown a lack of respect for judges with whom he disagrees. Trump has had harsh words about judges overseeing the case against his now-defunct Trump University and his travel ban.

“So Sheriff Joe was convicted for doing his job?” Trump asked supporters at Tuesday’s rally. “I’ll make a prediction. I think he’s going to be just fine, OK.”

Trump issued the pardon seven months after taking office, though it is not unprecedented for a president to issue a pardon in their first year in office.

George H. W. Bush granted clemency after seven months in office, said Jeffrey Crouch, a professor of politics at American University who wrote a book on presidential pardons.

Asked whether Trump sought a recommendation from the Justice Department’s pardon attorney or the deputy attorney general, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday: “I would imagine they go through the thorough and standard process.”

It is not unheard of for a president to exercise his broad power to grant pardons without formal input from the Justice Department, particularly when it involves an associate or a friend. President Bill Clinton ignited a major controversy on his final day in office with a last-minute pardon for fugitive financier Marc Rich, the ex-husband of a major Democratic fundraiser.

Former President George W. Bush set off a political backlash over his decision to commute the prison sentence of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby on a perjury and obstruction of justice case that stemmed from a CIA leak. And Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for his involvement in the Watergate scandal just days after taking over for his predecessor.

Critics say the Arpaio pardon removed the last opportunity to hold the lawman accountable for what they say is a long history of misconduct, including a 2013 civil verdict in which the sheriff’s officers were found to have racially profiled Latinos in his immigration patrols.

Arpaio was accused of prolonging the patrols for 17 months after a judge had ordered them stopped so that he could promote his immigration enforcement efforts in a bid to boost his successful 2012 re-election campaign.

Arpaio acknowledged extending the patrols, but insisted it wasn’t intentional. He blamed a former attorney for not properly explaining the importance of the court order and brushing off the conviction as a “petty crime.”

He accused then-President Barack Obama of trying to influence the 2016 sheriff’s race by announcing in court weeks before Election Day that it was willing to prosecute Arpaio. Prosecutors never filed criminal charges. They were instead recommended by the judge who presided over the profiling case, which began in the Bush administration. The judge in the profiling case was a Bush appointee as well.

Lawyers in Trump’s Justice Department prosecuted the case during a five-day trial this summer, and the judge handed down the conviction last month. Arpaio said he’ll discuss the case in more detail next week. He said he’ll remain involved in the political scene now that he’s no longer facing jail time.

“I don’t fish,” Arpaio said. “I’ll be very active.”

Hurricane Harvey Weakens Slightly After Landfall on Texas Coast

Hurricane Harvey made landfall in southeast Texas, near the small town of Rockport not far from the city of Corpus Christi, slamming the state’s Gulf Coast with strong winds and heavy rain over hundreds of miles of coastline.


Harvey is the fiercest hurricane to hit the U.S. in more than a decade – with winds of 209 kilometers per hour at the time of landfall.

The storm made landfall as a very strong category 4 hurricane, but has gradually weakened.


As Harvey approached Friday, tens of thousands of Texas residents fled inland to avoid wind and flooding from the threatening storm.

The National Hurricane Center called Harvey a “life-threatening storm,” though no casualties have been confirmed. Officials noted, however, that emergency crews could not get to many places due to high winds.

Rockport Mayor Charles “C.J.” Wax, in an interview Saturday morning with the Weather Channel, said the hurricane hit his town “right on the nose” and warned of “widespread devastation.”

He said some schools, homes and businesses had been severely damaged – some were destroyed.

By Saturday morning, almost 300,000 residents were without power due to the storm. Emergency services in the communities where Harvey made landfall are also reporting a loss of cell phone service.

Trump’s response

As Harvey began to push onto the Texas coast Friday evening U.S. President Donald Trump said he had signed a federal disaster declaration for Texas.

On Saturday, Trump said he was monitoring the hurricane from Camp David, the presidential retreat near Washington, and that city, state and federal authorities were “working great together” to respond to the storm.

He commended the head of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Brock Long, for his handling of the situation.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the hurricane will be a “major disaster” and warned residents to prepare for record flooding. The storm has dumped more than 50 centimeters of rain in some places.

The storm is predicted to move through a 600-kilometer-wide swath of the Texas coast.


Authorities say the storm surge will gradually subside Saturday, but they still warn of “potentially catastrophic” rainfall that is likely to continue for several days.

Speaking on CNN, Long said his biggest concern was that some citizens along the coast ignored warnings from officials and have chosen not to evacuate their homes.

“Storm surge has the highest potential to kill the most amount of people and cause the most damage. On top of that, we are looking at a significant inland flood event over many counties,” he said.

The mayor of the Texas Gulf Coast city of Galveston, James Yarbrough, said Friday the hurricane is expected to flood downtown streets, and the water might not recede for three or four days.

“We’ve all been through a number of these, this one’s a little different. …This one’s not going anywhere,” Yarbrough said.

The eye wall of Hurricane Harvey reaches Rockport, Texas:

Hurricanes usually weaken rapidly once they move inland, but forecasters say this storm will follow an unusual pattern — stalling over land, then probably moving back out to sea briefly and making a second drenching pass at low-lying coastal communities.

Harvey is expected to pour nearly 100 centimeters of rain over a wide area of the Texas coast during the next three days.

Brad Kieserman, vice president for disaster operations at the American Red Cross, told VOA, “I expect we are going to see major flood stage on probably every major river in the lower half of Texas.

“That is going to destroy homes, it is going to destroy businesses, it is going to render many homes to be uninhabitable. And I think you are going to see many of those rivers stay at major flood stage well past Labor Day (September 4),” Kieserman said.

The last hurricane to hit the southern portion of the Texas coast was 14 years ago. Governor Abbott ordered state emergency workers to mobilize for any necessary search-and-rescue operations.

He has preemptively declared a state of disaster in 30 counties on or near the coast to speed deployment of state resources.

US Helicopter Crashes Off Southern Coast of Yemen

A U.S. Black Hawk helicopter crashed off the coast of Yemen on Friday during a training mission and a search was under way for one U.S. service member, the U.S. military said.

U.S. Central Command said in a statement that five other service members aboard the aircraft had been rescued after the crash, which took place about 20 miles (32 km) off the southern coast of Yemen at 7 p.m. (16000 GMT).

A U.S. official told Reuters that the cause of the crash was under investigation.

“When the incident took place the helicopter was not very high above the water,” CENTCOM spokesman Colonel John Thomas said.

The United States has been carrying out air strikes against al Qaeda in Yemen, with at least 80 launched since the end of February.

A small number of ground raids using U.S. Special Operations forces have also taken place, including one in January which resulted in the death of a U.S. Navy Seal.

There have been a number of aviation mishaps involving U.S military aircraft in the past few months.

The U.S. Coast Guard recently said that it had suspended its search off Hawaii for five Army aviators missing since their Black Hawk helicopter crashed earlier this month.

In April, a Black Hawk U.S. Army helicopter crashed on a Maryland golf course, killing one crewmember and seriously injuring two others.

Last month, a military transport plane crash killing 16 service members including elite special operations forces in northern Mississippi.

NATO Says Russia Should Be Transparent About Its Military Drills

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday the alliance would closely watch Russian military exercises in western Russia and Belarus next month, urging Moscow to be transparent about the drills.

The maneuvers, the largest in years, with tanks, naval and air units operating in and around the Baltic and North Sea, have raised NATO’s concern that the official number of troops participating might be understated.

‘Watching very closely’

“We are going to be watching very closely the course of these exercises,” Stoltenberg told reporters after meeting Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo on a visit to check on the deployment of the U.S.-led alliance’s forces in the country’s east.

“All countries have the right to exercises of their armed forces, but the countries should also respect the obligation to be transparent.”

Russia has said that 13,000 troops will participate in the Sept. 14-20 drills, which under an international agreement is the limit for not requiring the presence of external observers. Western estimates have put the number of troops involved much higher.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday the drills were purely defensive and concerns about troop numbers were “inflated hype of an artificial nature” in Western media.

“We would like to emphasize that it is precisely these actions which lead to increased military tension in Europe,” the ministry said in a statement.

More meetings

Stoltenberg will meet with Polish, Turkish and Romanian foreign ministers later on Friday before visiting NATO troops in Poland’s Orzysz, about 57 kilometers (35 miles) south of Russia’s Baltic Sea enclave of Kaliningrad, where Moscow has stationed nuclear-capable missiles and an S-400 air missile defense system.

“[The NATO deployment] is a clear signal that an attack on one ally is an attack on the whole alliance,” Stoltenberg said. “The matter here is to prevent conflicts and not to provoke them.”

Man Shot in Brussels After Attacking Soldiers – State Broadcaster

A man was shot in the center of Brussels on Friday evening after attacking two soldiers with a knife, state broadcaster RTBF reported.

It was not clear whether the man had survived the shooting, RTBF said. Brussels police was not immediately available for comment.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.
