Month: July 2019

Venezuela Opposition Split by Oil-for-Food Proposal

CARACAS — A proposal to modify U.S. oil sanctions on Venezuela to allow crude exports to be bartered for food has divided the country’s opposition between those who say the move would stave off famine and those who predict President Nicolas Maduro would abuse it. 
Henri Falcon, the former governor of western Lara state, said Thursday that he wrote to the United Nations and the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs requesting such an exemption for food and medicine imports. 
Falcon attained international prominence last year when he broke a boycott to challenge Maduro in a vote many opposition parties deemed a sham. He faces an uphill battle to convince the United States and other opposition politicians of the merits of the program. 
The U.N. implemented a similar program in Iraq, another oil-dependent economy, from 1996 to 2003 to help citizens cope with U.N. sanctions after former leader Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990. 

Through early 2019, the United States was Venezuela’s largest crude importer. State oil company PDVSA got cash from the oil it sent to U.S. refiners, while it used exports to other major customers like China’s CNPC and Russia’s Rosneft to pay off debt.  
But since the Treasury Department sanctioned PDVSA as part of the Trump administration’s bid to pressure Maduro to step down amid a hyperinflationary economic collapse, PDVSA’s shipments to the United States have disappeared, and Venezuela’s crude production has fallen to around half of last year’s levels. 
That has reduced the government revenue available to import food and medicine, in short supply for years. Defenders of the sanctions argue that any oil sale proceeds are more likely to be embezzled than used to import humanitarian goods. 
Maduro remains in power despite the sanctions and a six-month campaign by Juan Guaido, the president of the opposition-controlled National Assembly, to get the South American country’s armed forces on his side. 
“While politicians are seeking to distract attention exclusively, in some cases, toward the political element — but without results, without effect — people are still dying of hunger,” Falcon said in a news conference, arguing that Venezuela was “at the doors of a famine.” 

FILE – Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido gestures as he speaks during a session of Venezuela’s National Assembly at a public square in Caracas, July 23, 2019.

‘Not viable’ 
But Guaido’s allies argue the best way to resolve the humanitarian crisis that has prompted more than 4 million to emigrate is to focus on ousting Maduro. 
Maduro long rejected offers of humanitarian aid, and recent shipments he has allowed from the Red Cross have not been enough and have been subject to insufficient controls, said Manuela Bolivar, a lawmaker from Guaido’s Popular Will party.  
“This program would not guarantee that the people would receive food because you have a structure of incentives to steal,” Bolivar said in a telephone interview. 
The U.S. Treasury on Thursday sanctioned 10 people and 13 groups involved in a food distribution program that it said had lined the pockets of Maduro and his family. 
Venezuela’s Information Ministry did not respond to a request for comment on the proposal. The government blames a U.S. “blockade” for its economic woes, though no U.S. sanctions prevent food and medicine imports. 
A senior Trump administration official said Iraq’s program was plagued by “enormous corruption” and called the proposal “not viable” in Venezuela. A U.N. investigation found that companies paid $1.8 billion in kickbacks to Iraqi officials for supply contracts. 
Still, Falcon’s Progressive Advance party has taken steps to make its case in Washington. Francisco Rodriguez, chief economist at New York-based Torino Economics and an adviser to Falcon’s 2018 campaign, spoke in favor of an oil-for-food program in front of a bipartisan congressional commission this week. 
The party has retained Canadian lobbying firm Dickens & Madson to promote its efforts, according to a July 18 filing with the U.S. Department of Justice. 
A separate July 15 filing said the lobbyist “intends to pursue Henri Falcon’s election as president of Venezuela.” 
Falcon on Thursday called that filing “false” and attributed the filing to an administrative error. He added that authorities would ensure that the program would not be plagued by corruption like Iraq’s. 

Islamic State Claims Aid Workers’ Kidnap in Northeast Nigeria

Islamic State’s West Africa branch on Thursday claimed responsibility for kidnapping six aid workers in northeast Nigeria.

International aid agency Action Against Hunger said that a staff member and five others kidnapped in Nigeria last week had appeared in a video released on Wednesday evening and that they were “apparently in a good condition of health.”

Islamic State in West Africa (ISWA), which split from Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram in 2016, claimed responsibility for the kidnap in a tweet published by the SITE monitoring group.

The group has carried out a number of attacks in the northeast over the last few months, including on military bases.

It killed a kidnapped aid worker nine months ago.

Action Against Hunger said in a statement that the people were abducted last week near the town of Damasak in northeast Nigeria, where the insurgents were active.

“Action Against Hunger strongly requests that our staff member and her companions are released,” said the agency.

The video was published by The Cable, a Nigerian news organisation, and showed a woman sitting on the floor who identifies herself as “Grace”. Five men sit around her, some with their heads bowed.

Behind them is a sheet with the logo of the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR.

“We were caught by this army called the Calipha,” she said, before asking that the Nigerian government and Action Against Hunger secure their release. “We don’t know where we are.”

Separately, the Nigerian presidency said in a statement that the government was negotiating for the release of the kidnapped aid workers.

A source told Reuters that a driver was killed during the kidnap and that all six abductees were Nigerians.

Поліція Києва відкрила провадження щодо нападу на авто Порошенка

Поліція Києва повідомила про відкриття провадження за статтею «хуліганство» з приводу інциденту біля будівлі Державного бюро розслідувань.

Близько 17:00 на авто експрезидента Петра Порошенка напали троє невідомих, коли воно тягнулося у заторі. Після сутички з охоронцями зловмисники втекли.

Колишній президент України Петро Порошенко був сьогодні на допиті у Державному бюро розслідувань.

Раніше в ДБР викликали Порошенка на допит на 17 липня. Він не прийшов, пославшись на зайнятість під час виборчої кампанії.

Прем’єр Гройсман і міністр Аваков непублічно відвідували олігарха Пінчука – «Схеми»

Прем’єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман та міністр внутрішніх справ Арсен Аваков одночасно відвідували олігарха Віктора Пінчука ввечері 14 червня. Це зафіксували журналісти програми «Схеми: корупція в деталях» (спільний проєкт Радіо Свобода та телеканалу «UA:Перший»), йдеться у розслідуванні «Пін-код до влади». 

​Як помітили журналісти, першим на територію заміського маєтку Віктора Пінчука заїхав кортеж із двох автівок, яким користується очільник МВС. На узбіччі неподалік будинку олігарха їх зустрів позашляховик, який, як правило, за спостереженнями «Схем», супроводжує кортеж Віктора Пінчука.

​У супроводі цього авто машини і заїхали на закриту територію. 

За дві години після цього до воріт маєтку Пінчука під’їхав Mersedes, яким, за даними джерел «Схем» у правоохоронних органах, користується прем’єр-міністр Володимир Гройсман.

​О 23:00 автомобіль охорони Арсена Авакова залишив територію заміського маєтку Пінчука. Їх провело авто охорони Віктора Пінчука, яке згодом повернулось.

Mersedes, яким користується сам міністр, поїхав звідси через чотири години після прибуття.

​«Автівки українських високопосадовців мають номерні знаки прикриття, тому, аби довести, що це саме Гройсман відвідував Пінчука, журналістська група дочекалась Mersedes, яким користується прем’єр-міністр, щоб провести його додому» – йдеться у розслідуванні.

О 23:37 згаданий автомобіль виїхав з території маєтку Пінчука і на великій швидкості поїхав у бік Києва, а там взяв напрямок до Печерського району міста.

Пізніше журналістів, схоже, помічає охорона прем’єра: Mersedes зупинився і чекав, поки група проїде вперед. 

​А вже на під’їзді до повороту у комплекс «Новопечерські липки», де мешкає прем’єр, цей Mersedes не повернув і проїхав повз. За півгодини журналісти помітили там авто супроводу кортежу Гройсмана.

Вже за день після неафішованого візиту до маєтку Віктора Пінчука Володимир Гройсман взяв участь у прямому ефірі одного з телеканалів олігарха. А пізніше на своїй сторінці у фейсбуці він опублікував відеоролик, де експрезидент Польщі Олександр Кваснєвський, а нині голова спостережної ради форуму YES, який в Україні щороку організовує Пінчук, схвалює дії Гройсмана як прем’єр-міністра. 

«Схеми» звернулись до голови уряду та міністра внутрішніх справ з проханням пояснити вечірній тривалий візит до заміського маєтку олігарха Пінчука. 

Відповідь вони поки не надали.

Також журналісти відправили запит Вікторові Пінчуку із запитаннями, як він пояснює візити українських політиків до заміського маєтку, в якому він мешкає, і чи вдалось про щось домовитися. Редакція чекає на відповідь.

«Будь-якому олігарху України від влади завжди потрібно тільки одне: щоб у нього все було добре, щоб він не став об’єктом на розрив. І щоб його фінансові і економічні інтереси не чіпала нова влада, – пояснює журналіст видання «Наші гроші» Юрій Ніколов. – Таким чином, Пінчук проіснував з моменту свого злету при його тесті Леонідові Кучмі, він дуже добре працював при Ющенкові, при Януковичі і при Порошенку».

«Він із такого олігарха, який має вплив на політику, перетворився на великого бізнесмена, який, тим не менше, має певний вплив на політику, але не з тим, щоб примножувати свої бізнеси, а з тим, щоб його ефективно захищати», – додав аналітик інвестиційної компанії Concorde Capital Олександр Паращій.

Раніше «Схеми» також зафіксували непублічні зустрічі лідерки «Батьківщини» Юлії Тимошенко з Віктором Пінчуком.

Віктор Пінчук – один із семи українців, які увійшли у рейтинг найбагатших людей світу за версією журналу Forbes у березні цього року. Його активи оцінюють в 1,4 мільярди доларів. 

Пінчук одружений на доньці другого президента України Леоніда Кучми за каденції якого, за спостереженнями, і була створена олігархічна система. Олігарх володіє низкою телеканалів, банком, трубоколісною компанією Interpipe, міжнародною інвестиційно-консалтинговою групою компаній EastOne Group.




Trump Congratulates Ukraine’s Zelenskiy on Parliamentary Elections

U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Ukraine’s new president Volodymyr Zelenskiy on holding parliamentary elections which Zelenskiy’s party won, and offered U.S. help to promote reforms in Ukraine, Zelenskiy’s office said on Thursday.

Zelenskiy, a television sitcom star who was elected in a landslide in May, called an early parliamentary election to replace a parliament dominated by loyalists of his predecessor.

His party won a majority of seats in the vote, held on Sunday.

Trump told Zelenskiy by phone he was confident that the new Ukrainian leadership would improve the country’s image, Zelenskiy’s office said.

Zelenskiy thanked Trump for maintaining and intensifying sanctions on Russia. The United States and European Union imposed financial sanctions in 2014 after Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula and backed a separatist uprising.

Двох фігурантів «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір» вивезли із СІЗО у Ростовській області – адвокат

Двох фігурантів другої сімферопольської «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір» Іззета Абдуллаєва і Аліма Карімова кілька днів тому вивезли з СІЗО міста Шахти Ростовської області, повідомляє проект Радіо Свобода Крим. Реалії з посиланням на об’єднання «Кримська солідарність».

За словами адвоката цих кримчан Еміля Курбедінова, їх повинні перевезти в СІЗО Сімферополя транзитом через російський Ростов-на-Дону.

«Сьогодні я відвідав Тофіка Абдулгазієва. Почувається він добре, якихось скарг особливих немає, передачки доходять. Єдине, він сказав, що Іззета Абдуллаєва і Аліма Карімова вивезли кілька днів тому з міста Шахти. Куди саме, він не знає. За інформацією від співробітників йому відомо, що днями також мають вивезти і самого Тофіка Абдулгазіева, а також Яшара Муєдінова. Причину вивезення ніхто пояснити не може, чому їх вивозять і з якою метою – їм не говорять », – розповів адвокат.

Федеральна служба виконання покарань у Ростовській області поки не коментували цю інформацію.

Співробітники ФСБ, МВС Росії і Росгвардії 27 березня провели в Криму обшуки в будинках кримськотатарських активістів, в тому числі активістів громадського об’єднання «Кримська солідарність». Всього було затримано 24-х активістів.

Обвинуваченими у цій справі проходять 25 кримських татар, 23 з яких вивезено в СІЗО Ростова-на-Дону, Таганрога і Шахт, один – Раїм Айвазов – утримується у СІЗО Сімферополя, ще один – Едем Яячіков – зник, його місцезнаходження невідоме з 27 березня.

New US Asylum Restrictions Halted

The White House on Thursday blasted a federal court action temporarily blocking the Trump administration from enforcing a directive that disqualifies a significant proportion of mostly Central American asylum-seekers who reach the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We intend to pursue all available options to address this meritless ruling and to defend this Nation’s borders,” the White House’s press secretary said in a statement.

Late Wednesday, Judge Jon Tigar of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued an injunction halting the administration’s new asylum rule, saying it fails to ensure that asylum-seekers rejected by the United States and sent to a third country, most often Mexico, would be safe there and have access to a fair asylum process.

FILE – Migrant children sleep on the floor of a shelter in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, July 17, 2019.

“The government’s own administrative record contains no evidence that the Mexican asylum regime provides a full and fair procedure for determining asylum claims,” Tigar wrote. “Rather, it affirmatively demonstrates that asylum claimants removed to Mexico are likely to be exposed to violence and abuse from third parties and government officials, denied their rights under Mexican and international law, and wrongly returned to countries from which they fled persecution.”

The judge also criticized the administration for skipping a public commentary and review period before announcing the rule last week.

The injunction halts the rule while the legality of the administration’s asylum directive is argued in pending court cases.

FILE – Migrants seeking asylum in the United States line up for a meal provided by volunteers near the international bridge in Matamoros, Mexico, April 30, 2019.

White House reaction

In response, the White House statement noted that court challenges to the rule were brought by a civil liberties and immigrant advocacy groups — not by individuals directly affected by the asylum rule.

“Yesterday evening, a single district judge in California, based on a complaint filed by a few activist groups with no legal standing, issued a nationwide injunction against a lawful and necessary rule that discourages abuse of our asylum system,” the statement said. “Congress authorized the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security to establish categorical limitations on eligibility for asylum, and this rule properly used that authority to encourage migrants to seek asylum in other countries they have traveled through before reaching the United States.”

The new rule mandated that the United States only consider asylum requests from petitioners who already were rejected for asylum in a country through which they traveled to reach America’s southern border with Mexico.

Asylum law

Challenging the rule were the Center for Constitutional Rights, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, which all welcomed Wednesday’s ruling.

“The court correctly decided that decades of U.S. asylum law prevent this administration from attempting to deny wholesale, asylum protections through this arbitrary and hasty regulation,” said Baher Azmy, legal director for the Center for Constitutional Rights. “This application of the law will also save lives of vulnerable refugees fleeing for their lives and safety.”

Earlier Wednesday, in a separate case, another federal judge declined to block the rule, saying “it’s in the greater public interest to allow the administration to carry out its immigration policy.”

Judge Timothy Kelly of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said migrant advocacy groups Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition and RAICES failed to show they would be immediately harmed by the rule. Both organizations argued the asylum rule would harm migrants fleeing dangerous situations.

Key US Base at Risk as Turkish-US Tensions Escalate

With the United States mulling sanctions over Turkey’s recent procurement of Russian missiles, Ankara is warning that America’s use of a critical military air base could be at risk.

The U.S.’s decades-long use of Incirlik Air Base is seen as not only of vital military importance, but underscores the strategic relationship between the two NATO allies.

“We are currently running the process [of retaliatory measures], whether it’s Incirlik, Kurecik [U.S. radar base in Turkey] or other issues,” Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu warned Washington this week, in the latest ratcheting up of bilateral tensions.

“If America has very negative steps toward us,” he added, “if there are sanctions or further steps, we will have answers to America.”

Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly made a similar threat over Incirlik’s use, in his meeting with President Donald Trump in June on the sidelines of the G-20 economic summit in Osaka, Japan.

FILE – President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2019.

This month’s delivery of Russia’s S-400 missile system to Turkey violates the U.S.’s Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, or CAATSA, which prohibits major purchases of Russian military equipment. Under CAATSA, Ankara could face significant financial and economic sanctions. The S-400 purchase has already resulted in Turkey’s exclusion from buying America’s latest F-35 fighter jet. U.S. officials believe Turkey’s decision to use the Russian advanced radar technology could compromise NATO’s military systems in the country. The F-35 is NATO’s newest stealth fighter jet.

Analysts say Ankara has always viewed America’s use of Incirlik as significant leverage at times of bilateral tension. As far back as the Cold War, the vast air base located close to the Syrian frontier has been vital to U.S. strategic interests. According to nuclear watchdogs, as many as 50 nuclear weapons are stored at Incirlik.

American forces continue to use Incirlik in the war against the Islamic State terror group in both Iraq and Syria, as well as being an important logistics hub. But analysts say the importance of Incirlik extends far beyond military interests.

FILE – First parts of a Russian S-400 missile defense system are unloaded from a Russian plane near Ankara, Turkey, July 12, 2019.

“The military component of Turkey’s anchorage in the West is very significant. In this regard, Incirlik has been one of the backbones of this relationship with the West,” said Galip Dalay, a visiting scholar at Department of Politics and International Relations at Oxford University. Dalay is also a research director of the Istanbul-based Middle East research group Al Sharq Forum.

“If the Incirlik use is terminated, that would definitely create further discussion, over the future of Turkey’s U.S. relationship and Turkey’s place in NATO in general,” he added. “In this regard, the symbolism of Incirlik is far more important than its military utility, although this is very important in terms of the war on terror in Syria and Iraq.”

U.S. sanctions

Ankara in the past has threatened Washington over Incirlik’s use. Onerous restrictions on its use by American planes have occasionally been imposed, but the base has remained open even at times of high diplomatic tension. Ankara again is looking to a diplomatic resolution.

“Ankara’s calculation was built on the fact that all our strategy is built around the authority of Donald Trump, and until now it has worked,” said former senior Turkish diplomat Aydin Selcen, referring to the U.S. president. “Trump can delay CAATSA sanctions; this is what the calculation is by Ankara.”

Trump has voiced his opposition to imposing sanctions on Turkey. The U.S. president has acknowledged he has developed a good working relationship with Erdogan; however, Trump is facing growing pressure from Congress with bipartisan support for the imposition of sanctions on Turkey.

If Washington were to follow through on sanctions, then America’s presence at Incirlik could be at risk. “One thing right now we’ve learned that most of the things we thought were bluffs turned out to be the case,” said Dalay.

Incirlik Air Base, Turkey

“The purchase of S-400 — many analysts in [Washington] D.C. thought this was just a negotiating tactic, but it became clear Turkey meant it. I think many things are possible. In this regard, Incirlik [closure] is a possibility if we witness further escalation if the U.S. imposes hard CAATSA sanctions. Anything is possible.”

Alternative bases 

The Pentagon, however, could be taking steps to end its dependence on Incirlik, given that Turkish-U.S. relations have been strained for many years, going back to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. The U.S. recently spent $150 million, enhancing the Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Jordan. Such measures could be a sign of a broader strategic shift.

“From what I understand, they [U.S.] are investing heavily in other bases,” said international relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul’s Kadir Has University. “And maybe no single base can fulfill the function of Incirlik, but maybe a combination of bases can substitute for Incirlik.”

“Since 1992, Turkey created a lot of resistance over the use of Incirlik,” he added. “At some point, the Americans may have started to seek alternatives and maybe now are close to finding alternatives. Which means Incirlik will no longer be the trump card that it used to be for Ankara.”

Some observers have described Incirlik as the glue that helps bind the two allies together.

“If the Americans pull out of Incirlik, then the Americans are sincere to create trouble for Turkey,” said international relations professor Huseyin Bagci of Ankara’s Middle East Technical University. “Then I would really worry for the future of this relationship.”

US Warship Sails Through Strategic Taiwan Strait 

WASHINGTON – The U.S. military said Wednesday that it sent a Navy warship through the Taiwan Strait, which separates Taiwan from China, a move likely to anger China during a period of tense relations between Washington and Beijing. 
Taiwan is among a growing number of flash points in the U.S.-China relationship, which include a trade war, U.S. sanctions and China’s increasingly muscular military posture in the South China Sea, where the United States also conducts freedom-of-navigation patrols. 
China on Wednesday warned that it is ready for war if there was any move toward Taiwan’s independence, accusing the United States of undermining global stability and denouncing its arms sales to the self-ruled island. 
The warship sent to the 112-mile-wide (180-km) Taiwan Strait was identified as the Antietam. 
“The [ship’s] transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the U.S. commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific,” Cmdr. Clay Doss, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet, said in a statement. “The U.S. Navy will continue to fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows.” 
The voyage risks further raising tensions with China but will likely be viewed by self-ruled Taiwan as a sign of support from U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration amid growing friction between Taipei and Beijing. 
The United States has no formal ties with Taiwan but is bound by law to help provide the island with the means to defend itself and is its main source of arms. 
China has been ramping up pressure to assert its sovereignty over the island, which it considers a wayward province. 

On Wednesday, Chinese Defense ministry spokesman Wu Qian told a news briefing on a defense white paper, the first like it in several years to outline the military’s strategic concerns, that China would make its greatest effort for peaceful reunification with Taiwan. 
“If there are people who dare to try to split Taiwan from the country, China’s military will be ready to go to war to firmly safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity,” he said. 
China has repeatedly sent military aircraft and ships to circle Taiwan on exercises in the past few years and worked to isolate it internationally, whittling down its few remaining diplomatic allies. 

Explorer to Search for Amelia Earhart’s Plane 

WASHINGTON — Robert Ballard, the underwater explorer who found the Titanic, has a new quest:  searching for the plane of famed aviatrix Amelia Earhart, who disappeared over the Pacific in 1937. 
National Geographic said Ballard plans to leave from Samoa on Aug. 7 to carry out the hunt with his state-of-the-art research vessel, E/V Nautilus
National Geographic said it plans to film the expedition and air a documentary about it on its television channel on Oct. 20. 
Earhart went missing while on a pioneering around-the-world flight with navigator Fred Noonan. 
Her disappearance is one of the most tantalizing mysteries in aviation lore, fascinating historians for decades and spawning books, movies and theories galore. 
The prevailing belief is that Earhart, 39, and Noonan, 44, ran out of fuel and ditched their twin-engine Lockheed Electra in the Pacific near remote Howland Island while on one of the final legs of their epic journey. 
One of the most popular theories is that Earhart and Noonan crash-landed on uninhabited Gardner Island, now known as Nikumaroro, part of the Republic of Kiribati, where she survived briefly as a castaway.  

FILE – Explorer Robert Ballard speaks at the PBS 2015 Winter TCA, Jan. 20, 2015, in Pasadena, Calif. He’ll soon launch an effort to find Amelia Earhart’s plane.

National Geographic said Ballard, who also located the remains of the German battleship Bismarck, would head from Samoa to Nikumaroro. 
It said they will use sonar to map the ocean floor and deploy remotely operated vehicles, including one that can dive as deep as 13,000 feet (3,962 meters). 
Earhart, who won fame in 1932 as the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, took off on May 20, 1937, from Oakland, Calif., hoping to become the first woman to fly around the world. 
She and Noonan vanished on July 2, 1937, after taking off from Lae, Papua New Guinea, on a challenging 2,500-mile (4,000-kilometer) flight to refuel on Howland Island, a fly speck of a U.S. territory between Australia and Hawaii. 
They never made it. 

Brazil Tries $11.2 Billion Stimulus to Spur Economy

Brazil hopes to inject $11.2 billion into its slowing economy after announcing a plan Wednesday to put some extra cash in the pockets of workers.

Workers will be allowed to withdraw up to 500 reais ($133) this year and a certain percentage in 2020 from a severance fund that employers are required to pay into.

Normally, employees can only touch the money if they lose their job, buy a home or retire.

Some cash will also be released from a social security fund.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro gestures during a ceremony to announce measures to stimulate the economy at Planalto Palace in Brasilia, July 24, 2019.

Announcing the “emergency” measure, President Jair Bolsonaro said Latin America’s biggest economy was “not doing well.”

The extra money would help some 63 million people with “debts and overdue water, electricity and gas bills,” said Bolsonaro, who came to power in January on a promise to fix the economy.

Brazilian media estimated 96 million workers would benefit.

The stimulus is expected to add 2.5 percentage points to GDP per capita during 10 years as well as create 3 million jobs.

A recent survey showed 35% of Rio de Janeiro workers planned to use the money to reduce debts.

Not everyone welcomed the government’s gesture, however, with some taking to Twitter to mock the small amount on offer.

Brazil is teetering on the edge of recession as it struggles to recover from the devastating 2015-2016 crisis that saw the economy shrink nearly 7%

The economy contracted 0.2% in the first quarter of 2019 and economists expect growth of less than 1% for the full year.

Around 13 million people are unemployed and record numbers are giving up looking for work.

It is the second time in as many years that Brazil has invited workers to take money out of the reserve, known as FGTS.

В Анкарі невідомий тяжко поранив білоруського дипломата

У Туреччині невідомий кілька разів вистрелив у радника посольства Білорусі Олександра Поганшева, повідомляє турецьке видання Hurriyet. Дипломат у тяжкому стані доставлений в лікарню.

У білоруському МЗС порталу TUT.BY підтвердили цю інформацію. За словами офіційного представника міністерства Анатолія Глаза, в співробітника посольства Білорусі стріляв «психічно неврівноважений колишній військовослужбовець».

Після нападу на дипломата чоловік застрелився.

У грудні 2016 року в Анкарі під час відкриття виставки був застрелений російський посол у Туреччині Андрій Карлов. З’ясувалося, що в російського дипломата стріляв 22-річний турецький поліцейський Мевлют Алтинташ. Нападника застрелили.

НОК: на підготовку спортсменів до Олімпіади в Токіо за два роки виділили 28 млн грн

Національний олімпійський комітет виділив понад 28 мільйонів гривень за останні два роки на підготовку українських спортсменів до Олімпійських ігор у Токіо 2020 року, повідомили Радіо Свобода у прес-службі НОК.

«З метою сприяння підготовці спортсменів до Токіо-2020 у формі іменних стипендій і в рамках програми допомоги спортсменам-переселенцям Національним олімпійським комітетом виділено близько трьох мільйонів гривень. Протягом півтора року безпосередньо до старту Олімпійських ігор у Токіо НОК виплачує щомісячні стипендії 30 провідним атлетам України. Загальний обсяг фінансування цієї програми складає 4 мільйони гривень», – пояснили в прес-службі НОК.

Крім того, майже 11 мільйонів гривень було надано як гранти для федерацій, 6,5 мільйона – на підвищення кваліфікації тренерів, 800 тисяч – на методичну олімпійську літературу.

«Для підготовки жіночих і чоловічих збірних України з баскетболу 3х3 до Ігор-2020 НОК надав 1,25 мільйона гривень. Ці кошти спрямовані на тренувальні збори, а також на участь у міжнародних змаганнях протягом 2019-2020 років», – повідомили у прес-службі НОК.

Також 130 українських спортсменів проходять поглиблене медичне обстеження в рамках програми наукового парку «Кардіо – плюс» та українського експерта Іллі Ємця.

XXXІІ літні Олімпійські ігри розпочнуться у Токіо 24 липня 2020 року. В Японії розіграють 339 комплектів нагород у 33 видах спорту (50 дисциплінах). Українські спортсмени вже здобули 32 ліцензії у кульовій стрільбі, артистичному плаванні, кінному спорті, легкій атлетиці, плаванні, стрільбі з лука та стрибках у воду.

Американська аналітична компанія Gracenote прогнозує збірній Україні 16 нагород: 7 золотих, 6 срібних та 3 бронзові. Очолять неофіційний залік за кількість медалей США – 126 нагород, з яких 51 золота. Також у п’ятірку найсильніших команд потраплять Китай, Японія, Росія та Велика Британія.

Прем’єр Італії заявляє, що Росія не має впливу на членів його уряду

Прем’єр-міністр Італії Джузеппе Конте заявляє, що його уряд ніколи не піддавався впливові з боку Росії. Він сказав про це під час виступу в Сенаті Італії щодо заяв про те, що владна ультраправа партія Італії «Ліга» намагалася отримати незаконне фінансування з Росії.

Як заявив Конте, він повністю довіряє членам свого уряду. «Немає обставин, здатних підірвати мою довіру до всіх моїх міністрів», – сказав Конте 24 липня в Сенаті.

10 липня видання Buzzfeed повідомило, що політики ультраправої партії «Ліга» віцепрем’єра, міністра внутрішніх справ Італії Маттео Сальвіні вели переговори з представниками Кремля. Журналісти Buzzfeed посилаються на аудіозапис зустрічі італійців із росіянами в Москві. Переговори нібито стосувалися оформлення поставок нафти таким чином, щоб партія отримала близько 65 мільйонів доларів.

Сальвіні заявив, що ніколи не отримував фінансування від представників Росії. «Ніколи не брав ні рубля, ні євро, ні долара, ні літра горілки у Росії», – заявив Сальвіні 10 липня.

Партія «Ліга Півночі» підтримує в Італії проросійські погляди, а сам Сальвіні раніше заявляв, що санкції Євросоюзу проти Росії «безглузді з економічних, соціальних і культурних причин». Записи розмов членів партії в Москві в «Лізі Півночі» відмовилися коментувати.

New US Asylum Restrictions Survive First Court Challenge

The Trump administration’s new asylum rule survived an initial court challenge Wednesday, keeping in place a directive that disqualifies a significant proportion of mostly Central American asylum-seekers who reach the U.S.-Mexico border.

U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly denied requests to block the rule while a pending court case goes forward, saying, “It’s in the greater public interest to allow the administration to carry out its immigration policy.” 

Announced earlier this month, the new rule bars asylum for migrants who reach the U.S. southern border without having applied for and been denied asylum in any country they passed through on their way to the United States.

FILE – A group of Central American migrants surrenders to U.S. Border Patrol Agents south of the U.S.-Mexico border fence in El Paso, Texas, March 6, 2019.

The case was brought by two immigrant rights organizations: the Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition and RAICES, or Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services. Both organizations argued the asylum rule would harm migrants fleeing dangerous situations.

Kelly, who serves on the U.S. District Court in the nation’s capital, voiced doubts that plaintiffs could demonstrate the administration exceeded its authority by issuing the asylum rule. 

The White House’s legal victory could be short-lived, as a federal judge in San Francisco was to consider a separate challenge filed by the American Civil Liberties Union later in the day.

“We’ve filed suit to stop the Trump administration from reversing our country’s legal and moral commitment to protect people fleeing danger,” the ACLU tweeted.

Trump administration officials have said the new rule is meant to ease the strain on the U.S. asylum system. 

In a recent statement, U.S. Attorney General William Barr noted a “dramatic increase in the number of aliens” arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, adding that “[o]nly a small minority of these individuals” qualify for asylum. 

US Treasury Secretary to Hold Trade Talks in China Next Week

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he will visit China next week for two days of talks to end the  year-long trade war between the world’s two largest economies.

Mnuchin said on CNBC Wednesday that he and Chinese officials will discuss “a lot of issues,” and he acknowledged later at the White House he doesn’t expect that all of them will be resolved.

The White House said in a statement the talks are “aimed at improving the trade relationship” between the two countries and will cover “a range of issues,” including the trade deficit and “forced technology transfer.”

The upcoming talks will be the first face-to-face meetings since they collapsed in May after President Donald Trump accused China of backpedaling on its commitments.

Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed in Japan last month to cease further hostile actions while the two superpowers work to revive negotiations.

The two countries have imposed tariffs on $360 billion in two-way trade, and despite the cessation of hostilities, Trump has threatened additional punishing tariffs on Chinese goods.

Mnuchin said he will be accompanied by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer when the talks get underway next Tuesday in Shanghai.

Mnuchin said follow-up talks, probably in Washington, likely will be needed before any agreements are reached.

Senior U.S. and Chinese officials have spoken by phone twice in recent weeks in an effort to jumpstart the Shanghai talks. 


Boeing Posts Biggest Loss in a Decade After 737 MAX Grounding

Boeing Co reported a nearly $3 billion quarterly loss on Wednesday, its largest in a decade, as the world’s largest planemaker struggles with the prolonged grounding of its best-selling 737 MAX jet, sending its shares down slightly in premarket trading.

Chicago-based Boeing has been unable to deliver any 737 MAX aircraft since the single-aisle plane was grounded worldwide in March after two fatal crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia killed 346 people in a span of five months.

The total cost so far of the 737 MAX crisis now exceeds $8 billion after Boeing disclosed a $4.9 billion charge last week that includes compensation the planemaker will have to pay airlines for the delayed deliveries.

The second-quarter loss was Boeing’s biggest quarterly loss in 10 years.

FILE – Investigators conducting recovery work at the scene where the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed shortly after takeoff on Sunday killing all 157 on board, near Bishoftu, south-east of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 15, 2019.

Boeing has embarked on a campaign to restore faith in its most popular jet and has pledged to remove any risk by reprogramming the software pinpointed as a common factor in both crashes as it faces pressure to convince MAX operators and
global regulators that the aircraft is safe to fly again.

“This is a defining moment for Boeing and we remain focused on our enduring values of safety, quality, and integrity in all that we do, as we work to safely return the 737 MAX to service,” Boeing Chief Executive Dennis Muilenburg said on Wednesday.

Investors on a conference call later on Wednesday morning will be eager for information on how Boeing plans to increase production, repair its image with the flying public and stem its loses, as well as more details on General Electric Co. engine delays on the 777X widebody program.

Boeing said its first flight of the 777X is now delayed until early 2020 due to the engine problems announced last month, while its current plan for a first delivery to customers in late 2020 faced significant risk.

Initially, the 777-9 was scheduled for a first flight in the fourth quarter of 2018 with delivery to the first customer in the second quarter of 2020, according to a Boeing certification plan seen by Reuters.

FILE – Grounded Boeing 737 MAX aircraft are seen parked at Boeing Field in Seattle, Washington.

The grounding of the 737 MAX has sent shockwaves through the industry and also pushed back the launch of a new Boeing aircraft, a twin-aisle jet for the middle of the market. That jetliner, known as NMA, is not just a crucial piece in Boeing’s fight with archrival Airbus in the lucrative longer-haul market but also for the eventual development of a 737 replacement, industry sources have said.

Boeing said free cash flow fell to a negative $1.01 billion in the quarter, the first full quarter of operations since the MAX was banned commercially, though that was narrower than the negative $2.09 billion analysts had expected, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.

“Although the headline numbers for 2Q look pretty grim, they are not as bad as we had been forecasting,” Vertical Research Partners analyst Robert Stallard said in a note. “So while the 777X news is a negative, Boeing’s shares may go OK today – after all, it could have been worse.”

Boeing reduced the number of single-aisle aircraft it produces monthly in the Seattle area from 52 to 42 after the second crash in Ethiopia while suspending deliveries of the aircraft to airlines, cutting off a key source of cash and hitting margins.

The lower rate means Boeing has to pay more for parts, which are priced according to the volume Boeing buys. Boeing said it was working toward building 57 of the 737s a month in 2020, and that airplanes produced during the grounding and included within inventory will be delivered over several quarters following return to service.

The company said it would issue a new 2019 outlook at a future date, as the current forecast, which was suspended in April following the two deadly crashes, does not reflect the recent charges.

Boeing’s net loss for the first full quarter of operations since 737 MAX commercial flights were halted was $2.94 billion, compared with a profit of $2.20 billion, a year earlier.

Sales slipped 35% to $15.75 billion and also came in below the average expectation of $18.55 billion, according to Refinitiv data.

Global airlines have had to cancel thousands of flights and use spare aircraft to cover routes that were previously flown with the fuel-efficient MAX, eating into their profitability.

Australia Searches for Climate-Proof Crops

Australian researchers are looking to Africa and the Middle East for drought- and heat-resistant crops as many grain farmers face another failed season.

Key farming regions in southern Queensland are forecast to miss their third winter grain crop in a row. The national crop this year is expected to be about 10 percent below the 10-year average.

Australia’s Grains Research and Development Corporation, the GRDC, is carrying out a global search for climate-proof grains. GRDC’s northern panel chairman, John Minogue, says crops in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa could be adapted to help farmers become more resilient in the face of a warming climate and less rainfall.

“We have got people in Syria, in Africa, in all of the parts of the world, which have historically had these crops grown for thousands of years,” he said. “We have a lot of investments in people on behalf of the grain growers searching the world for plants that are resistant to drought and also that are able to handle stress conditions and heat, and identifying the germplasm [genetic material] that we can then integrate into the Australian crops.”

Large areas of eastern Australia have been in drought for periods ranging from one to seven years. More than 95 percent of New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state, is officially in drought.

The national climate outlook for August to October suggests drier-than-average conditions for large parts of Australia, with higher-than-average daytime temperatures across the entire continent.

Venezuela Rejoins Regional Defense Treaty But Guaido Warns It’s No ‘Magic’ Solution

Venezuela’s National Assembly approved a law returning the OPEC nation to a regional defense treaty on Tuesday, but opposition leader Juan Guaido sought to tamp down supporters’ hopes it could lead to President Nicolas Maduro’s imminent downfall.

Opposition hardliners had been pressuring Guaido to join the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, signed in Rio de Janeiro in 1947, as a precursor to requesting a foreign military intervention to oust Maduro, a socialist who has overseen an economic collapse and is accused of human rights violations.

“The TIAR is not magic, it is not a button that we press and then tomorrow everything is resolved,” Guaido told a rally of supporters in Caracas, using the treaty’s Spanish initials. “In itself it is not the solution – it obliges us to take to the streets with greater force to exercise our majority.”

The treaty states that an attack on one of the members – which include most large Western Hemisphere countries including the United States, Brazil and Colombia – should be considered an attack on all. Venezuela and other leftist Latin American countries left the alliance between 2012 and 2013.

Venezuela plunged into a deep power struggle in January when Guaido invoked the constitution to declare a rival presidency, arguing Maduro’s May 2018 re-election was illegitimate. He has been recognized as the rightful leader by most Western countries, including the United States.

FILE – Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro takes part in a military graduation ceremony in Caracas, July 8, 2019.

Maduro, who calls Guaido a U.S. puppet seeking to oust him in a coup, remains in control of government functions six months into Guaido’s campaign. The economy and public services have continued to deteriorate in that time, and on Monday much of the country went dark in the biggest blackout since March.

That has led some Maduro opponents, such as former Caracas mayor Antonio Ledezma, to push Guaido to request foreign military intervention to oust Maduro.

U.S. officials have said a military option is “on the table” for Venezuela, but has so far focused on economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure to choke off cash flow to Maduro and try to convince top military officials to get behind Guaido.

Latin American and European countries are pushing a diplomatic solution to Venezuela’s political and economic crisis, and many have criticized the possible use of force.

Norway’s government is currently mediating negotiations between the government and the opposition in Barbados.

AP Fact Check: Trump Takes Falsehoods to Youth Audience

President Donald Trump on Tuesday told young people a number of falsehoods he’s been relating to adults for months and took a misleading swipe at the female Democratic lawmakers he’s trying to turn into foils.

A sampling of his remarks at a Turning Point USA gathering of conservative youth:

Trump, on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York: “She called our country and our people garbage. She said garbage. That’s worse than deplorable. Remember deplorable?”

The facts: Ocasio-Cortez did not label people “garbage.” She did use that term, somewhat indirectly, to describe the state of the country.

Arguing for a liberal agenda at a South by Southwest event in March, she said the U.S. shouldn’t settle for centrist policies because they would produce only marginal improvement — “10% better” than the “garbage” of where the country is now.

Trump has been assailing Ocasio-Cortez and three other liberal Democratic women of color in the House for more than a week, ever since he posted tweets saying they should “go back” to their countries, though all are U.S. citizens and all but one was born in the U.S.

Voter fraud

Trump: “And when they’re saying all of this stuff, and then those illegals get out and vote — because they vote anyway. Don’t kid yourself, those numbers in California and numerous other states, they’re rigged.  You got people voting that shouldn’t be voting. They vote many times, not just twice, not just three times. They vote — it’s like a circle. They come back, they put a new hat on. They come back, they put a new shirt. And in many cases, they don’t even do that.  You know what’s going on. It’s a rigged deal.”

The facts: Trump has produced no evidence of widespread voting fraud by people in the country illegally or by any group of people. 
He tried, but the commission he appointed on voting fraud collapsed from infighting and from the refusal of states to cooperate when tapped for reams of personal voter data, like names, partial Social Security numbers and voting histories. Studies have found only isolated cases of voter fraud in recent U.S. elections and no evidence that election results were affected. Loyola Law School professor Justin Levitt found 31 cases of impersonation fraud, for example, in about 1 billion votes cast in elections from 2000 to 2014. 
Trump has falsely claimed that 1 million fraudulent votes were cast in California and cited a Texas state government report that suggested 58,000 people in the country illegally may have cast a ballot at least once since 1996. But state elections officials subsequently acknowledged serious problems with the report, as tens of thousands on the list were actually U.S. citizens.

U.S. economy

Trump: “We have the best economy in history.”

The facts: No matter how often he repeats this claim, the economy is nowhere near the best in the country’s history.

In fact, in the late 1990s, growth topped 4% for four straight years, a level it has not reached on an annual basis under Trump. Growth reached 7.2% in 1984. The economy grew 2.9% in 2018 — the same pace it reached in 2015 under President Barack Obama — and simply hasn’t hit historically high growth rates.

The economy is now in its 121st month of growth, making it the longest expansion in history. Most of that took place under Obama.

Unemployment rate

Trump: “The best employment numbers in history.”

The facts: They are not the best ever.

The 3.7% unemployment rate in the latest report is not a record low. It’s near the lowest level in 50 years, when it was 3.5%. The U.S. also had lower rates than now in the early 1950s. And during three years of World War II, the annual rate was under 2%.

Employment numbers

Trump: “The most people working, almost 160 million, in the history of our country.”

The facts: Yes, but that’s only because of population growth.

A more relevant measure is the proportion of Americans with jobs, and that is still far below record highs.

According to Labor Department data, 60.6% of people in the United States 16 years and older were working in June. That’s below the all-time high of 64.7% in April 2000, though higher than the 59.9% when Trump was inaugurated in January 2017.

Veterans Choice

Trump, on his efforts to help veterans: “I got Choice.” 
The facts: He is not the president who “got” the Veterans Choice program, which gives veterans the option to see private doctors outside the Department of Veterans Affairs medical system at government expense. 
Obama got it. Congress approved the program in 2014, and Obama signed it into law. Trump expanded it.


Trump: “We’re paying close to 100% on NATO.”

The facts: The U.S. is not “paying close to 100%” of the price of protecting Europe.

NATO has a shared budget to which each member makes contributions based on the size of its economy. The United States, with the biggest economy, pays the biggest share, about 22%.

Four European members — Germany, France, Britain and Italy — combined pay nearly 44% of the total. The money, about $3 billion, runs NATO’s headquarters and covers certain other civilian and military costs.

Defending Europe involves far more than that fund. The primary cost of doing so would come from each member country’s military budget, as the alliance operates under a mutual defense treaty.

The U.S. is the largest military spender, but others in the alliance have armed forces, too. The notion that almost all costs would fall to the U.S. is false. In fact, NATO’s Article 5, calling for allies to act if one is attacked, has only been invoked once, and it was on behalf of the U.S., after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Russian Boxer Maxim Dadashev Dies After Fight

Russian boxer Maxim Dadashev has died from injuries sustained in a fight in Maryland, the Russian boxing federation announced Tuesday. 

“Maxim Dadashev has died in the United States following injuries sustained during his fight with Subriel Matias,” the federation said in a statement.

The 28-year-old underwent emergency brain surgery in Washington after his super-lightweight bout with Puerto Rican Matias on Friday was stopped in the 11th round by his cornerman James “Buddy” McGirt.

Dadashev, known as “Mad Max,” was unable to walk to the dressing room and was immediately hospitalized.

Doctors operated to relieve pressure from swelling on his brain.

“Right now, he’s in critical condition, but the doctor told me that he’s stable,” Dadashev’s strength and conditioning coach, Donatas Janusevicius, had told ESPN after the operation.

McGirt said after the fight he “couldn’t convince” his fighter to stop, but opted to throw in the towel when he saw him “getting hit with more and more clean shots as the fight went on.”

“One punch can change a whole guy’s life,” McGirt said.

Russian boxing chief Umar Kremlev told Russian media that Dadashev’s body would be repatriated home and that his family would receive financial aid.

Dadashev took an unbeaten 13-0 record into the 140-pound non-title fight.

Експрем’єр Косова поїхав до Гааги, щоб постати перед міжнародним судом

Рамуш Харадінай, який минулого тижня подав у відставку з посади прем’єр-міністра Косова, їде в Нідерланди, щоб в Гаазі постати перед Спеціальним судом для розгляду злочинів, скоєних в Косові під час війни 1998-99 років.

51-річний Харадінай вилетів до Гааги з аеропорту Приштини 23 липня.

Харадінай оголосив про свою відставку 19 липня.

Пояснюючи своє рішення, він послався на те, що отримав виклик як підозрюваний від суду в Гаазі і не хоче, «щоб його допитували як лідера країни».

Це вже другий випадок, коли Харадінай пішов із посади прем’єр-міністра після звинувачень із Гааги.

Читайте також: Несподівана відставка прем’єра Косова. Очікують позачергових виборів

Його перша відставка була в 2005 році, після того, як Міжнародний кримінальний трибунал ООН з питань колишньої Югославії звинуватив його у воєнних злочинах у зв’язку з тим, що він був командувачем Армії визволення Косова.

Вдруге Рамуш Харадінай був призначений прем’єр-міністром Косова у вересні 2017 року.

Міжнародний кримінальний трибунал у справах колишньої Югославії двічі звинувачував Рамуша Харадіная у масових убивствах косовських сербів і двічі він був виправданий – у квітні 2008 року і в листопаді 2012-го.

Косово проголосило незалежність від Сербії у 2008 році. Її визнає більшість країн Заходу, включно зі Сполученими Штатами, не визнали незалежності Сербія і Росія. Україна також не визнала незалежність Косова. Євросоюз намагається переконати Белград і Приштину нормалізувати відносини, проте поки що переговори не дали істотних результатів.


White House Predicts Congress Will Approve Government Financing Deal

The White House predicted Tuesday that Congress would approve a critical new agreement restoring the government’s ability to pay its bills for the next two years by suspending the country’s debt ceiling and at the same time setting annual spending limits through 2021.

“I think it’s a deal that will get through,” said White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow. “I think people are signing on. Democrats and Republicans. It isn’t everything we hoped for, but it got through the debt ceiling. That’s so important, we’re not going to default on American securities.”

The agreement reached Monday between President Donald Trump and top Republican and Democratic congressional leaders is likely to avert another partial government shutdown like the 35-day standoff that shuttered many operations late last year and into January. But contentious spending issues on specific items could still emerge in the days before 2019 budgets for government agencies expire at the end of September. 

FILE – White House chief economic advisor Larry Kudlow speaks with reporters outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, June 27, 2019.

The pact calls for $1.37 trillion in agency spending in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1 and slightly more in 2021, with more funding for the military and domestic social programs.

Both Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Washington have railed against the country’s chronic overspending. The government has not had a balanced, no-deficit budget — when tax receipts equal spending — since 2001, and there have only been five such years since the 1960s.

With the country’s current $22 trillion debt ceiling lifted for two years, the long-term debt total will continue to increase as government spending in Washington surpasses the tax revenues it collects from individuals and businesses, perhaps adding another $2 trillion over the next two years.

‘Abdication of fiscal responsibility’

Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget in Washington, called the new agreement “a total abdication of fiscal responsibility by Congress and the president.” 

“It may end up being the worst budget agreement in our nation’s history, proposed at a time when our fiscal conditions are already precarious,” she added.

FILE – Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, center, speaks during a news conference on deficit reduction at the National Press Club in Washington, Sept. 12, 2011.

According to MacGuineas, “Trump will have increased discretionary spending by as much as 22 percent over his first term, and enshrine trillion-dollar deficits into law.” She added that Congress should cancel its annual August recess and “return to the negotiating table for a better deal. If they don’t, those who support this deal should hang their heads in total shame as they bolt town. This deal would amount to nothing short of fiscal sabotage.”

Senator Ted Cruz, a conservative Texas lawmaker, also assailed the White House accord with congressional leaders, calling it “yet another missed opportunity to rein in excessive government spending.”

“This deal irresponsibly jacks up spending by $320 billion without real offsets [in spending cuts], and suspends the debt limit into 2021,” Cruz said. “Instead of finally dealing with our nearly $1 trillion deficit and $22 trillion debt, this deal just kicks the can down the road again.”

Praise for deal

Trump in the past sharply criticized big spending packages, but said on Twitter that he was pleased with the new deal.

“This was a real compromise in order to give another big victory to our Great Military and Vets!” Trump said on Twitter.

FILE – Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., left, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., walk together at the Capitol in Washington, June 20, 2019.

The two top congressional Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, said the deal “will enhance our national security and invest in middle-class priorities that advance the health, financial security and well-being of the American people.”

Kudlow said, “We were able to keep out any restrictions on our deregulation efforts, which is very important to us. Defense strength was maintained. No restrictions on border activity. So, it’s a pretty good deal under the circumstances, that’s the way I would put it.”

He described the spending increases, both for defense programs favored by Trump and Republicans, and domestic social welfare programs advanced by Democrats, as “very modest.”

“Right now jobs are booming and consumer spending is really booming,” Kudlow said, “so that bodes very well for the economy, for the prosperity cycle, and also to in the longer term get those deficits down.”

МЗС закликає міжнародне співтовариство не ігнорувати порушення прав Бекірова в Криму

Міністерство закордонних справ України закликає міжнародне співтовариство «не ігнорувати порушення прав людини» в анексованому Росією Криму.

Про це, пишучи про стан здоров’я заарештованого кримськотатарського активіста Едема Бекірова, який перебуває в медсанчастині СІЗО Сімферополя, заявила речниця українського МЗС Катерина Зеленко.

«Тривожні новини надходять з окупованого Сімферополя, де незаконно утримують кримського татарина з інвалідністю Едема Бекірова. Стан його здоров’я продовжує погіршуватися. Ми закликаємо міжнародне співтовариство не ігнорувати порушення прав людини», – написала Зеленко у твітері.

23 липня уповноважена Верховної Ради з прав людини Людмила Денісова звернулася до російського омбудсмена Тетяни Москалькової через стан здоров’я Бекірова.

Російські слідчі відмовляються його шпиталізувати, попри рішення Європейського суду з прав людини.

Бекірова в анексованому Криму обвинувачують у незаконному зберіганні боєприпасів і вибухівки. Він відкидає обвинувачення.

Жителя селища Новоолексіївка Херсонської області Едема Бекірова російські силовики затримали на в’їзді в анексований Крим вранці 12 грудня 2018 року. Відомо, що він прямував до Криму для відвідування 78-річної матері та родичів. Підконтрольний Кремлю Київський районний суд Сімферополя заарештував Бекірова.


Сутички на кордоні Таджикистану і Киргизстану: 27 людей поранені

17 громадян Киргизстану і 10 громадян Таджикистану постраждали внаслідок сутички на кордоні двох країн, повідомляють Радіо Озоді й Азаттик – Таджицька і Киргизька служби Радіо Свобода. Напередодні повідомляли про одного загиблого з таджикистанського боку.

Інцидент почався ввечері 22 липня в таджицькому селі Ворух, розташованому всередині території Киргизстану. Стрілянина почалася після того, як жителі села встановили на в’їзді флагшток, повідомляє прикордонна служба Киргизстану. За словами прикордонників, стріляли цивільні з мисливських рушниць.

Таджицька сторона стверджує, що вогонь відкрили жителі Киргизстану.

23 липня стрілянина відновилася.

Протяжність кордону Киргизстану з Таджикистаном складає 970 кілометрів, з них тільки 519 кілометрів узгоджені між двома країнами. На спірних ділянках регулярно стаються конфлікти між населенням через воду, пасовищу і землі.

Конфлікт на кордоні стався незадовго до візиту президента Киргизстану в Таджикистан, де, зокрема, буде обговорюватися ситуація з недемаркованим кордоном.

US Senate Confirms Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense

The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed Army Secretary Mark Esper to be secretary of defense, ending the longest period by far that the Pentagon has been without a permanent top official.

As voting continued, the Senate overwhelmingly backed Esper, a former lobbyist for weapons maker Raytheon Co., to be President Donald Trump’s second confirmed leader of the Pentagon.

Esper, 55, received strong bipartisan support despite some sharp questioning during his confirmation hearing by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren about his ties to Raytheon and his refusal to extend an ethics commitment he signed in 2017 to avoid decisions involving the company.

Warren, a 2020 presidential hopeful, was the only member of the Senate Armed Services Committee to voice opposition to Esper’s confirmation during the hearing.

Raytheon is the third-largest U.S. defense contractor.

There has been no confirmed defense secretary since Jim Mattis resigned in December over policy differences with Trump.

Many members of Congress from both parties have urged the Republican president to act urgently to fill the powerful position.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called on members to support Esper as he opened the Senate on Tuesday morning.

“The nominee is beyond qualified. His record of public service is beyond impressive. His commitment to serving our service members if beyond obvious. And the need for a Senate-confirmed secretary of defense is beyond urgent,” McConnell said.

An Army veteran, Esper had served as a congressional aide and a Pentagon official under Republican President George W. Bush, before working for Raytheon. He has been Army secretary since November 2017.

Trump’s previous pick to be secretary of defense, Patrick Shanahan, withdrew from consideration on June 18 after reports emerged of domestic violence in his family.

