Month: April 2019

Якщо Зеленський не зупинить захоплення Приватбанку рейдером Коломойським – це підтвердить, що він є його рабом, а 13 млн. українців – раби раба

Якщо Зеленський не зупинить захоплення Приватбанку рейдером Коломойським – це підтвердить, що він є його рабом, а 13 млн. українців – раби раба.

Колишня очільниця Національного банку України Валерія Гонтарева порадила новообраному президентові Володимиру Зеленському звернути увагу на потребу реформування судової системи і правоохоронних органів, щоби зберегти досягнення в очищенні й стабілізації українських фінансів та банківського сектору.

Валерія Гонтарева, яка зараз працює в Інституті глобальних справ у Лондонській школі економіки, каже, що вибрала саме британську столицю, щоб працювати порівняно близько до України і застосовувати свій досвід в авторитетній міжнародній академічній установі.

В інтерв’ю вона наголосила, що одне з її найважливіших рішень на посаді – націоналізація Приватбанку 2016 року – була необхідним кроком, який вважають правильним і підтримали провідні міжнародні фінансові установи.

Намагання одного з колишніх власників, Ігоря Коломойського, оскаржити націоналізацію в судах Валерія Гонтарева назвала «свавіллям» і «неподобством».

Вона вказала, що один з теперішніх радників новообраного президента Зеленського, колишній міністр фінансів Олександр Данилюк, знає, чому «Приватбанк» був під загрозою банкрутства і, що він також підтримав націоналізацію, щоб врятувати гроші українських вкладників.

«Приватбанк був одним з найважчих завдань, бо він був найбільшим банком України: 33% всіх депозитів населення, 20 мільйонів клієнтів, включаючи пенсіонерів студентів – це незахищене населення. Можна собі лише уявити, що могло б бути. Це був би економічний і фінансовий колапс в Україні», – наголосила Гонтарева.

За її словами проблему з націоналізацією має насамперед олігарх Ігор Коломойський, від якого український уряд домагається відшкодування близько 5 мільярдів доларів.

Коломойський оскаржує в українських судах, а також у суді в Лондоні, обвинувачення, що з банку були незаконно виведені багатомільярдні суми.

«Зараз, коли я подивлюся на те, що зі мною роблять наші правоохоронні органи, то можна сказати, що персонально я навіть шкодую, але професійно – ніколи», – розповідає Валерія Гонтарева про свою роботу головою Національного банку України.

Стан української фінансової системи на початку її праці 2014 року Гонтарева описує як «жах, колапс і перфектний шторм».

«А після того почалася ще й реальна війна, коли 15% нашого ВВП ми втратили і ще й 10% нашої території, – розповідає Гонтарева. – Один рік я не мала жодного вікенду і спала не більше п’яти годин на добу. То був жахливий час. Але у професійному відношенні для мене особисто це був великий прорив».

«Я вам можу сказати, що усі реформи за той час були здійснені. Ми перейшли на гнучкий валютний курс. Ми запровадили нову фінансову політику щодо інфляції. Ми розчистили банківський сектор. Ми реформували центральний банк у потужну інституцію», – сказала Валерія Гонтарева.

Тепер на її думку «на макроекономічному рівні усе гаразд», але Гонтарева вважає, що проблема у тому, що «в Україні немає верховенства закону, немає законів, ніхто їх не виконує».

Вона висловила застереження, хоч і не висловлювала конкретних порад новообраному президентові: «Це все (реформи) можна розвернути назад і це – найбільший виклик в Україні. Як це зробити, які пропозиції надати пану Зеленському, я не знаю, бо якщо цього не було зроблено досі, то мені важко сказати, що він може зробити на сьогодні».

Пане Зеленський і команда, Ви починаєте не з того боку! Не законом про мови потрібно зараз займатися, а не дати шахраю Коломойському пограбувати українців через корупційне захоплення Приватбанку!

Правда України

Russian Helicopters to Boost Venezuela’s Maduro

Russia is getting ready to set up a helicopter maintenance base in Venezuela. The move is yet another sign that Russia continues to pile economic, political and military support for the government of embattled leader Nicolas Maduro. Ricardo Marquina visited the helicopter factory where Russian officials showcased the aircraft and other equipment destined for Moscow’s allies in Venezuela. Jim Bertel narrates.

МЗС назвало видачу Росією паспортів жителям ОРДЛО юридично нікчемним рішенням

У Міністерстві закордонних справ України висловили рішучий протест через початок функціонування в Ростовській області Росії центрів видачі російських паспортів громадянам України, які проживають на тимчасово окупованих територіях Донецької і Луганської областей.

«Своїми діями Росія наочно демонструє свою абсолютну зневагу до норм і принципів міжнародного права. Свідомо обравши курс на ескалацію, Російська Федерація також фундаментально підриває Мінські домовленості, стороною яких вона є. МЗС України в черговий раз заявляє, що протиправні рішення Кремля, які мають на меті полегшити отримання громадянами України російського громадянства, є юридично нікчемними та не визнаються Україною», – йдеться у заяві на сайті МЗС.

Згідно з повідомленням, Україна звертається до міжнародних партнерів не визнавати і не приймати документи, видані Росією громадянам України, які проживають на тимчасово окупованих територіях Донбасу.

Росія: у Ростовській області відкрився центр видачі російських паспортів жителям ОРЛО

Напередодні у Ростовській області Росії відкрився центр видачі російських паспортів жителям окупованих районів Донбасу.

Указ, за яким жителі контрольованих підтримуваними Росією бойовиками районів на сході України зможуть у спрощеному порядку отримувати громадянство Росії, президент Росії Володимир Путін підписав 24 квітня. Це рішення різко розкритикувала Україна та її західні союзники.

Призначено нового посла Великобританії в Україні

Послом Великої Британії в Україні призначено Мелінда Сіммонс, повідомляє прес-служба МЗС Великобританії.

«Мелінда Сіммонс була призначена послом Її Величності в Україні і змінить Джудіт Гоф, яка буде переведена на іншу позицію дипломатичної служби. Пані Сіммонс вступить на посаду влітку 2019 року», – йдеться в повідомленні.

За даними британського МЗС, Мелінда Сіммонс має досвід роботи у Секретаріаті нацбезпеки, в департаментах міжнародного розвитку, гуманітарної допомоги, вирішення конфліктів. Сферами її професійних інтересів були регіони Африки, Близького Сходу, Європи. Останній рік, до призначення на посаду в Україні, вивчала українську мову.

Джудіт Гоф була призначена послом Великобританії в Україні у березні 2015 року.


Тисячі чехів протестували проти уряду Андрея Бабіша – фото

У понеділок 29 квітня люди по всій Чехії вийшли на вулиці, протестуючи проти призначення нового міністра юстиції Марії Бенешової, яка, як очікується, може закрити розслідування щодо корупції з боку прем’єр-міністра Андрея Бабіша.

Zelenskiy Officially Declared Winner of Presidential Election in Ukraine

Ukraine’s Central Election Commission has formally declared Volodymyr Zelenskiy the winner of the country’s presidential election, releasing final results from the April 21 runoff vote.

Commission Chairwoman Tetyana Slipachuk announced on April 30 that Zelenskiy received 13,541,528 votes, more than 73 percent, while incumbent President Petro Poroshenko received 4,522,450, less than 25 percent.

The numbers were in line with the unofficial figures released shortly after the runoff between Zelenskiy, a 41-year-old comedian with no political experience, and Poroshenko, 53, who is close to the end of a five-year term.

The turnout was 61.37 percent, Slipachuk said, adding that the commission had not received any major complaints that could put the results of the election in doubt.

The official results of the runoff were based on the protocol signed by 15 members of the commission — one member was absent at the session — and official representatives of the contenders.

Zelenskiy is expected to be inaugurated in early June.

Українці, не дамо злодію Коломойському знову вкрасти у нас гроші через повернення йому Приватбанку. Бєню в тюрму!

Міжнародний шахрай Коломойський, за яким полює ФБР, знову намагається обікрасти українців. Але ми, патріоти України, не дамо йому цього зробити. Зараз він сховав свій товстий і смердючий зад в Ізраїлі і шляхом підкупу маніпулює корумпованими українськими суддями. Пропонуємо надати йому можливість прилетіти в Україну, а тут закрити його в тюрмі назавжди і позбавити усього вкраденого! А акції Приватбанку розподілити між усіма громадянами України порівну, адже цей банк є державним, хай він стане дійсно НАРОДНИМ!

Екс-міністр економічного розвитку України в уряді Арсенія Яценюка, а нині член команди Володимира Зеленського Айварас Абромавичус каже, що західні партнери України «вкрай негативно» оцінюють ризик повернення націоналізованого «Приватбанку» колишнім власникам – Ігорю Коломойському й Геннадію Боголюбову – і якщо таке рішення буде ухвалене, воно може призвести до припинення фінансової допомоги України.

Айварас Абромавичус у штабі Зеленського розповів про загрози, пов’язані із «Приватбанком». Напередодні Окружний адмінсуд Києва ухвалив кілька рішень на користь Ігоря Коломойського, і одне з ключових – це визнання незаконною націоналізації «Приватбанку»:

«Коли є ризик повернення «Приватбанку»​ – і після цього, можливо, якихось інших банків – колишнім власникам, це означає, що президентство почнеться з доволі складної ситуації. Адже ні МВФ, ні Європейський союз, ні інші інститути й держави, які нам пропонують протягом останніх років фінансову допомогу, – ми на неї розраховуємо і в майбутньому, – вони, звісно, не будуть на це дивитися, склавши руки. Вони на це дивляться вкрай негативно».

Крім того, він застеріг, що рішення про повернення «Приватбанку» колишнім власникам – у разі, якщо воно буде ухвалене – може спричинити припинення фінансової допомоги України.

– Які можуть бути негативні наслідки?

– Наслідки – такі, що, через дії шахрая Коломойського, припиниться фінансова підтримка України.

У грудні 2016 року уряд України за пропозицією Нацбанку й акціонерів «Приватбанку», найбільшими з яких на той час були Ігор Коломойський і Геннадій Боголюбов, ухвалив рішення про націоналізацію цієї найбільшої на українському ринку фінустанови.

Банк перейшов у державну власність, на його докапіталізацію загалом держава витратила понад 155 мільярдів гривень. Як заявили в НБУ, до націоналізації «Приватбанку» завдали збитків щонайменше на 5,5 мільярдів доларів.

18 квітня цього року Окружний адміністративний суд Києва визнав незаконною націоналізацію «Приватбанку». Наступного дня цей суд скасував рішення НБУ від 13 грудня 2016 року, який визначив перелік пов’язаних з банком фізичних і юридичних осіб. 20 квітня Печерський суд Києва ухвалив рішення про розірвання договору особистої поруки бізнесмена Ігоря Коломойського по кредитах рефінансування «Приватбанку» на суму в 9,2 мільярда гривень, отриманих до його націоналізації. Згодом стало відомо, що Ігор Коломойський 19 квітня подав п’ять нових позовів до НБУ та «Приватбанку».

Правда України

US Treasury Secretary Hopes for ‘Substantial Progress’ in China Talks

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says he hopes to makes “substantial progress” in trade talks with China, as the world’s two largest economies try to reach a resolution to their trade war.

Mnuchin and Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer are leading a U.S. delegation meeting with Chinese officials this week in Beijing.

Next week, Chinese officials will travel to Washington for another round of talks.

Washington and Beijing have held several rounds of talks this year to resolve a trade war that began in 2018 when President Donald Trump imposed punitive tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese imports. He has been trying to compel Beijing to change its trade practices. China retaliated with tariff increases on $110 billion of U.S. exports.


Tariffs Take Toll on Farm Equipment Manufacturers

Their iconic blue-colored planters and grain cars are recognizable on many farms across the United States. They are also easily spotted in large displays, some stacked one on top of the other, in front of Kinze’s manufacturing hub along Interstate 80, where, inside buildings sprawling across a campus situated among Iowa’s corn and soybeans fields, the company’s employees work with one key component. 

“Steel is the lifeblood of Kinze,” says Richard Dix, a company senior director. “We’re a factory that’s essentially a weld house. We cut, burn, form, shape, cut, paint steel.”

WATCH: Kane Farabaugh’s video report

Steel now costs more, the result of a 25 percent tariff on the material imported from most countries, including China.

“When there is a tariff on steel it cuts rights to the core of our fundamental product construction,” says Dix.

In March of 2018, President Donald Trump imposed tariffs on aluminum and steel, with the goal of boosting U.S. production and related employment. 

While there has been a modest benefit to the domestic steel industry, Dix says increased costs are negatively impacting smaller manufacturing companies like Kinze.

“We see the bills that come in from our suppliers are higher based on those tariffs,” Dix explains. “Not just in steel but also in a lot of the electronics, rubber commodities and other agricultural parts we buy from China as well. Those tariffs take their effect on our cost structure, on the profitability for the family, through our employees, and now to our dealers and on to our customers.”

Those customers are mostly U.S. farmers who use some of Kinze’s products to put soybean and corn seeds into the ground. Soybean exports in particular are now subject to retaliatory tariffs imposed by the Chinese, one of the biggest export markets for U.S. farmers, which has sunk commodity prices and contributed to another year of overall declining income for U.S. farmers. 

​That means many are less likely to purchase the products Kinze makes.

“The market is substantially down,” says Dix. “The farmers don’t have that level of security they need to go out into the dealerships and buy that equipment. We get a one-two punch. We pay more for the product that comes into us and therefore on to the customer, and then we have a reciprocal situation where we can’t export what was advantageous to us.”

These are some of the concerns Dix explained to Iowa Republican Senator Joni Ernst, who participated in a roundtable discussion at Kinze along with farmers and others in Iowa impacted by tariffs. It was part of a “Tariffs Hurt the Heartland” event hosted by Kinze, and organized by the group Americans for Free Trade along with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. 

Ernst says the personal stories she gathers from these meetings go a long way in helping President Donald Trump understand the impact on her constituents.

“He has a very different negotiating style,” she told VOA. “He wants to start with the worst possible scenario, and negotiate his way to a good and fair trade deal, but again sharing those stories is very important and yes it does have an impact. I think the president does listen.”

Ernst says she is encouraged by news from the Trump administration on developments in negotiations that lead her to believe the trade dispute with China, and the related tariffs, could end soon.

“When I last spoke to [U.S. Trade Representative] Robert Lighthizer, he had indicated that the deal with China is largely done, it’s just figuring out the enforcement mechanism, and that is what the United States and China are really bartering over right now.”

But Kinze’s Richard Dix says one year under tariffs has already taken a toll on the company’s operations.

“We’re not really that big, so we can say that this impact has been a seven-figure impact for us in the last year, and that’s a substantial amount of money.”

It’s an amount that Dix says, so far, hasn’t been passed on to Kinze’s customers, or the employees.

“We have not actually had any direct layoffs that are attributable to this tariff situation, but we’re all tightening our belts.”

US Report: Iran Escalates Targeting of Non-Shiite Muslims, Other Religious Minorities

A U.S. government body that monitors global religious freedom says conditions in Iran worsened last year, with escalated government targeting of non-Shi’ite Muslims and minority Baha’is and Christians.

In its annual report published Monday, the bi-partisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said Iran merits designation as one of 16 countries of particular concern based on conditions in 2018. The State Department has made that designation for Iran every year since 1999, a move that enables the United States to impose travel restrictions and other sanctions on Iranians responsible for perceived religious freedom abuses. 

USCIRF uses its religious freedom findings to make policy recommendations to the U.S. president, State Department and Congress.

“Sadly, this year (our report) shows no progress in Iran at all between last year and this year,” USCIRF Commissioner Gary Bauer told VOA Persian at a Monday presentation of the report at the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington. “(Iran) continues to persecute various religious minorities including Muslim minorities that don’t agree with its Shi’ite regime.”

There was no immediate response to the USCIRF report in Iranian state-approved media. 

Iran is an overwhelmingly Muslim nation led by Shi’ite clerics who established the Jaafari school of Shia Islam as the state religion in the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Of the 99% of Iranians who are Muslims, U.S. government data show 90–95% are Shi’ites while 5–10% are Sunnis. 

Iran’s constitution permits the practice of four schools of Sunni Islam. But, it does not recognize Sufism, a mystical form of Islam whose adherents, known as Dervishes, are seen as a heretical minority by Iran’s ruling clerics. USCIRF’s report said hundreds of Sufis were arrested and scores were sent to solitary confinement and beaten in prison last year. 

USCIRF said Tehran also discriminated against minority Sunnis by rejecting their repeated requests to build an official mosque in the Iranian capital last year. It said several Iranian Sunni clerics were targets of violence, with a gunman killing one last July in southern Iran. 

Iran’s estimated 300,000 Bahai’s, who constitute the nation’s largest non-Muslim minority, faced ongoing arbitrary detention, harassment and imprisonment based on their religion last year, according to the report. The Iranian government does not recognize the Baha’is faith as a religion and labels its followers as heretics as well. “(Iran) continued its long-term practice of egregious economic and educational persecution of the (Baha’i) community,” USCIRF said. 

Iran recognizes Christianity, but the USCIRF report said it “drastically” escalated arrests of the nation’s almost 300,000 Christians last year. USCIRF said Iranian authorities arrested 171 Christians in 2018, most of them in the first week of December ahead of the Christmas holiday. It said Iran arrested only 16 Christians the year before. 

USCIRF said another Iran-recognized religious minority, a community of 15,000 to 20,000 Jews, faced a government-driven anti-Semitic sentiment that was less pronounced than in previous years. But, it said Iran continued to “propagate and tolerate anti-Semitism,” highlighting an Iranian presidential aide’s role in organizing an October 2018 Tehran conference that accused Jews of manipulating the global economy and exploiting the Holocaust. 

“The Iranian government regularly calls for a second Holocaust when they call for the destruction of the only Jewish state in the world,” USCIRF Commissioner Bauer told VOA Persian. 

The USCIRF report urged the U.S. government to speak out frequently at all levels about what it called “severe religious freedom abuses” in Iran; to freeze the assets of Iranian officials responsible for such abuses and bar their entry into the United States; and to press for the release of all prisoners of conscience in the country. 

“We have asked both the (Trump) administration and Congress to keep religious liberty and human rights as a central part of our dealings and negotiations with Iran,” Bauer said. 

The Trump administration has said it wants to negotiate a new deal with Iran to end an alleged nuclear weapons program and other perceived malign behaviors. But Iranian leaders have rejected any negotiations until the United States lifts all sanctions re-imposed on Tehran since Trump withdrew last year from a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers.

This article originated in VOA’s Persian Service.

Nationalist Party Enters Estonia’s Government

The father-and-son leaders of a divisive anti-immigrant party were sworn in Monday as Estonia’s interior and finance minister.


Prime Minister Juri Ratas presented his 15-member coalition Cabinet on Monday at the 101-seat Riigikogu assembly located in the picturesque Old Town of Estonia’s capital, Tallinn.


Earlier this month, Ratas, leader of the left-leaning Center Party, clinched a surprise deal with the nationalist and euroskeptic Estonian Conservative People’s Party, or EKRE, as well as with the conservative Fatherland, to create a majority coalition.


EKRE’s Mart Helme, 69, was appointed interior minister in the Cabinet, while his son Martin, 43, becomes finance minister.

EKRE’s strong rhetoric has divided Estonia ever since the party first entered parliament in 2015. The party has advocated abolishing the law recognizing same-sex civil unions, demanded changes to the country’s abortion law and fiercely opposed European Union quotas for taking in asylum-seekers.


It emerged from the election with 17.8% of votes, becoming Estonia’s third-largest party.


The three parties will have five ministerial posts each in the government. Fatherland’s Urmas Reinsalu became new foreign minister and Juri Luik from the same party continues as defense minister — a key post in this small Baltic nation that neighbors Russia.


The fact that EKRE is entering a governing coalition has caused fierce debates nationwide, with some Estonians blaming it for polarizing society.


In a curious detail, President Kersti Kaljulaid was following the new Cabinet’s inauguration ceremonies in the parliament sporting a sweater inscribed with the Estonian words “Sona on vaba,” or “Speech is free.”


That is seen as a statement on the importance of freedom of speech from the head of state following weeks of public controversy on EKRE, which has accused Estonian media of biased reporting on the party’s affairs.


In early April, Peeter Helme — nephew of Mart Helme — was appointed the new editor-in-chief of Estonia’s oldest and largest newspaper Postimees. Peeter Helme has worked with the paper earlier.


EKRE claims to defend the interests of ethnic Estonians in the former Soviet republic where some 25% of the 1.3 million inhabitants are ethnic Russians, who have traditionally opted to vote for the Center Party.


Mart Helme told an Estonian radio channel Sunday that it was “wishful thinking” that the party would tone down its strong rhetoric after assuming government power.


A total of five parties are represented in parliament, including the Reform Party that was the biggest party after the March 3 election. Its leader, Kaja Kallas, was first tasked to form a government, but she failed to get sufficient support.

Футбол: українець Зінченко претендує на звання кращого захисника в Кубку Англії

Український футболіст, гравець клубу «Манчестер Сіті» Олександр Зінченко претендує на звання кращого захисника в Кубку Англії.

У трьох іграх на позиції лівого захисника він здійснив 177 передач із точністю 92% та створив п’ять гольових моментів.

На нагороду, крім українця, претендують Міккі Деметріу («Ньюпорт»), Ешлі Янґ («Манчестер Юнайтед»), Меттью Кларк («Портсмут»), Скотт Данн («Крістал Пелас»), Мюррей Воллас («Міллволл»), Метт Доерті («Вулвергемптон»), Мігель Бритос («Вотфорд») та Шейн Даффі («Брайтон»).

18 травня у фіналі Кубку Англії «Манчестер Сіті» зіграє з «Вотфордом».

Commander of Guantanamo Bay Prison is Fired

Military officials say the commander of the task force that runs the prison at the U.S. Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has been fired for a “loss of confidence in his ability to command.”

A statement from U.S. Southern Command says Navy Rear Adm. John Ring was relieved of duty Saturday. The facility’s deputy commander, Army Brig. Gen. John Hussey, has been designated the acting commander.

The commander of Southern Command, Navy Adm. Craig Faller, relieved Ring. The statement says the change in leadership “will not interrupt the safe, humane, legal care and custody provided to the detainee population at GTMO.”

About 40 prisoners are being held at the facility. At its peak, in mid-2003, it held nearly 700.

Індонезія: щонайменше 29 людей загинули, тисячі залишили свої домівки внаслідок повені

Щонайменше 29 людей загинули внаслідок спричиненої ливнями повені в індонезійській провінції Бенгкулу. Ще принаймні 13 людей вважаються зниклими безвісти.

Близько 12 тисяч людей вимушені були покинути свої домівки через негоду, повідомив речник рятувальної служби.

Повені та зсуви є поширеними в Індонезії в періоди дощів.

За оцінками компанії Munich Re, у 2018 році стихійні лиха спричинили 10 400 смертей у всьому світі та завдали збитків на 160 мільярдів доларів США.

Socialists Set to Reign in Spain, but not Without Support

Spain’s third parliamentary election in less than four years did little to dispel uncertainty over the political future of the eurozone’s fourth largest economy.

The center-left Socialist party won re-election in Sunday’s ballot, collecting nearly 29% of votes, and will try to form a government. It would be one of only a handful of socialist governments in the European Union.

But with only 123 seats in the 350-seat Congress of Deputies, Spain’s parliament, it needs to negotiate the support of smaller rival parties to pass legislation.

“Forming a government will be far from straightforward,” Antonio Barroso, an analyst with the London-based Teneo Intelligence consultancy firm, said in a commentary Monday.

Even an alliance with the far-left, anti-austerity party United We Can wouldn’t give the Socialists the key number of 176 seats.

That means incumbent prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, will need to barter with smaller parties to enact his administration’s ambitions and stay in power for the four-year mandate.

Spain’s political landscape has fragmented in recent years, after decades in which the Socialist party and the conservative Popular Party took turns in power.

Forging cross-party alliances has proved difficult for political negotiators and has unsettled Spanish governments. In 2015, a splintered parliamentary outcome from a general election led to inconclusive negotiations and a repeat election the following year.

“The country has endured an excessive amount of instability,” La Vanguardia newspaper said in an editorial Monday. “That is never good. And it’s even worse when the European Union has the same problem, due to Brexit and the rise of populism.”

The Socialist party, which came to power last June in a minority government, gained a lot of political credit by increasing its number of seats from 84 to 123.

The center-right Citizens party, which has in many aspects been hostile to the Socialists’ political agenda, shot from 32 to 57 seats, while the Popular Party lost more than half of its parliamentary representation as it fell to 66 seats.

Adding to the parliamentary makeover, the far-right Vox party claimed 10% of the vote and 24 seats. It is the first time since the 1980s that a far-right party will sit in the national parliament.

In all, five parties got more than 20 seats.

Another unpredictable path that Sánchez could consider is to seek the support of secessionists in Catalonia.

The unflagging demands of separatists for that wealthy region’s independence brought in 2017 Spain’s worst constitutional crisis in decades, and the price of their support may be too high for Sánchez.

Amid all the party-political considerations, the new government faces the daunting task of cutting chronic unemployment and keeping the public pension system from collapse. The Spanish jobless rate in February was almost 14% — compared with an average of just under 8% for eurozone countries.

No immediate progress on forming a government is likely. Spain is due to elect regional and local governments, as well as its European Parliament deputies, in four weeks’ time in what will be another test of political strength.

Зеленський повернувся до України після вихідних у Туреччині

Новообраний президент України Володимир Зеленський повернувся до України після вихідних у Туреччині.

Турецьке агентство Anadolu пише, що Зеленський вилетів до України регулярним рейсом турецької авіакомпанії.

Зранку 26 квітня Зеленський повідомив, що полетів на вихідні на фестиваль до міста Бодрум у Туреччині. Він сказав, що їде до Туреччини лише на два дні.

Рішення поїхати до Туреччини розкритикувала частина соратників чинного президента України Петра Порошенка. Зокрема, перший заступник голови Верховної Ради України Ірина Геращенко заявила, що Порошенко протягом останніх п’ятьох років мав лише кілька днів відпустки і не мав вихідних.

У січні 2018 року Порошенка критикували після його родинної поїздки на Мальдіви, про що розповідали «Схеми» (проект Радіо Свобода та телеканал «UA: Перший»).

21 квітня відбувся другий тур виборів президента України. Згідно з даними Центральної виборчої комісії, Володимир Зеленський набирає понад 73%, чинний президент Петро Порошенко – понад 24%.

GOP Warning About Socialism not Resonating With Many Voters

In this scruffy, high-desert town encircled by prairies and potato farms, Sen. Cory Gardner drew shouts of approval last week for his message that Democrats are shoving the country toward socialism.

“That’s not what government is or what it should be,” he told about 200 Alamosa County Republicans at a barbecue fundraiser in a National Guard armory. “We have to stand up and fight. Are you going to join me in this fight?”


For Gardner and other Republicans making the same pitch, including President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the key question is whether it will attract moderate voters, not just their conservative stalwarts. Based on interviews with over three dozen Coloradans last week from Denver’s suburbs south to this town in the flat San Luis Valley, the argument has yet to take root, though the GOP has 18 months to sell it before Election Day 2020.

Few volunteered a drift toward socialism as a major worry, with health care and living costs cited far more frequently. Several said capitalism was too embedded in the U.S. to be truly threatened and Republicans were using socialism to stir unease with Democrats by raising the specter of the old, repressive Soviet Union and today’s chaotic Venezuela.


“They’re preying on fear,” said David Kraemer, 67, a financial adviser who’s not registered with a political party and lives in the Denver suburb of Westminster.

Yet when asked directly whether socialism was a concern, many expressed a wariness of injecting more government into people’s lives. Rather than naming policies that troubled them, many mentioned two self-proclaimed democratic socialists: Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, who’s seeking the Democratic presidential nomination , and freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. The comments suggested that Republicans might be tapping into unease over letting either party go too far.


“Checks and balances are what make this country so great,” said Steve Lajoie, 46, a self-employed carpenter from Denver and independent voter.


Gardner, 44, who’s expected to face a tough re-election fight next year, has been repeating his argument for months. He cites liberal Democrats’ “Medicare for All” bills for government-provided health care and a Green New Deal proposal for aggressively cutting carbon emissions.

Sanders has sponsored Medicare for All legislation that’s been embraced by many of his Democratic presidential rivals. Ocasio-Cortez is an architect of the Green New Deal, which remains a concept, not proposed legislation. Many Democrats, especially moderates, have kept their distance from both plans, divisions Republicans are happy to exploit.


Democrats reject the socialism assertion as a distraction from Trump’s unpopularity and the issues they will emphasize, especially improving health care and protecting jobs and income. They say efforts to make health care more available and combat global warming have nothing to do with limiting individuals’ rights.


Democrats note that voters gave them total control of Colorado government in November despite GOP attempts to pin the socialism label on former U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, who was elected governor. They say growing numbers of younger, urban and Hispanic residents are steadily making the state more liberal.


GOP cries of socialism are “Cold War stuff” that’s irrelevant to most voters, said Morgan Carroll, chairwoman of the Colorado Democratic Party.


“I think that probably does fire up their base, but you cannot win an election in Colorado with the Republican base alone,” Carroll said.


Republicans see a powerful argument in telling voters they need a GOP-controlled Senate for protection against Democrats who are coming after their current health insurance, their energy sector jobs and more.


“I think we’re running to be the firewall that saves the country from socialism,” McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters recently.


Republicans say the anti-socialism message will prove powerful in a state that overwhelmingly rejected a ballot initiative creating single-payer health care and where registered unaffiliated voters, often with libertarian leanings, outnumber both Democrats and Republicans.


The GOP hopes the appeal will win over suburbanites whose distaste for Trump helped Democrats capture the House in the fall. They note that public opinion polls find socialism is especially unpopular among older voters, Republicans and moderates.


Avery Jones, of Westminster, is one potential target.


“Taxes kill,” said Jones, 27. While she’s eager to improve her family’s health coverage, she sees “some merit” to checking Democrats from pushing toward universal health care because “it would just drive up taxes.”


But for every Jones, there’s a Rhett Lucero. Lucero, 40, eating lunch at the Riverwalk park that winds through the city of Pueblo, says Democrats’ efforts to expand health coverage and curb global warming make sense.


“It’s helping each other out,” said the auto body mechanic, who, like Jones, is an unaffiliated voter. “It’s putting our taxes to a real good use.”


Not all Democrats are dismissive of the socialism strategy.


Eva Henry, a commissioner of Adams County outside Denver, says her community’s blue-collar families might buy the GOP argument if they believe Democrats’ proposals would drive up taxes. “Our Democrats can vote Republican because they vote their pocketbooks,” the Democrat said.


Pueblo Mayor Nicholas Gradisar said he doubts the argument will sway many Democrats but warned, “Democrats have to be wary of it and they have to respond” by telling voters the party “will give you a fair shake.” Pueblo County, south of the economically surging corridor that runs from Boulder to Colorado Springs, leans Democratic but backed Trump in 2016.


Republicans, who’ve already cast Democrats as socialists this year with digital videos and roadside billboards, tried the theme in several states in November to little effect. It wasn’t new: Actor Ronald Reagan and GOP presidential candidate Barry Goldwater castigated Medicare as socialist in the 1960s, yet it’s now a cherished medical lifeline for millions of older Americans.


Republicans say this time will be different. But one Coloradan’s comments suggest that past GOP warnings about Democrats may haunt Republicans.


“Every time a Democrat gets elected, they say, ‘We’re going to lose our guns,'” said Marc O’Leary, 48, of Westminster. “It never happens.”


Human Library Project Works to Eliminate Prejudice, Discrimination

The saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” means you shouldn’t prejudge the value of something by its outward appearance. And that was one of the messages at a college near Washington, where some people became human books, of sorts, as they talked about how appearances can be deceiving and lead to preconceived biases. 

At an event called the Human Library Project, students at Northern Virginia Community College in Alexandria, Virginia, could check out a person — a “human” book — instead of a book in their library. 

The organizer, Patricia Cooper, said the human books are celebrating diversity by verbally sharing the stories of their lives with the students in a non-judgmental atmosphere. In this third annual event, the “collection” included a civil rights activist, NASA scientist, and an opera singer.

“The goal of the human library is to talk to people in your community who you may otherwise not speak to because you have your own prejudices, stigma or you’re afraid,” said Cooper. She hoped the discussions “in a safe and supportive environment will break down some of these barriers.”

Najeeb Baha, director of recreation and wellness at the college, knows all too well what it’s like to try to break down barriers. Because he has fair skin, reddish hair and an Arabic name, people are often surprised to learn he is from Afghanistan. Baha said he has been detained in airports by security because he doesn’t look like what people perceive as the typical Afghan. And surprisingly, he said worshippers at a Virginia mosque were also prejudiced against him for the same reason.

“My goal is to inform everybody about the things that I’ve gone through,” said Baha, as he spoke to student Angel Navia about his story. Baha told him he thinks people shouldn’t focus on skin color, judge individuals by their last name, or discriminate against persons who have an accent.

Navia shook his head in disbelief. “The struggles that come from something simple like just a name, or where you’re from, and how that dictates some aspects of your life,” he said.

Overcoming hardships

Student advisor Connie Robinson was another human book, sharing how she survived domestic abuse by her ex-husband.

“Life is 10 percent of what happens to us and 90 percent how we deal with it. That’s what I follow,” she said.

She explained that a college education helped get her out of a terrible situation so she could control her destiny.

“When I talk to students, I just want them to know that whatever they’re going through, continue to strive for their education because it is so important.”

Human book Siem Sium, an Eritrean immigrant who is also a student at the college, chatted about not judging people who are homeless. He described what it felt like to live in a homeless shelter, at one point, when his hardworking family was unable to make ends meet. But through the hardship, he shared with other students, he learned “that it is what’s inside of someone that counts,” and “the quality of a person is so much more valuable than the quality of their possessions.”

Not all the human books were affiliated with the college. Some, like Tyra Garlington, came from the local community. The optimistic inspirational speaker, who said she had suffered loss and abuse and survived cancer, told two women from Africa to take whatever comes their way and use the good, bad and scary to improve their lives.

“She inspired me to stay strong and work hard,” said Nancy Blankson from Ghana.

Brian Dailey, a human book who is an artist, spoke about his trips to 113 countries in seven years. Dailey said that during his travels, he asked people he photographed for a one-word response to a series of other words, including love, freedom and war. He discovered people in different countries often had very different reactions to the same word.

“The word war in southern Africa was considered justification, liberation, and peace,” Dailey said, adding that when he talked to people in Syrian refugee camps, “it was tears, hunger, fear, and destruction.”

But he said people in most of the countries had a similar answer when he said the word government. Most people, he said, don’t like theirs very much.

Critics Say Russia’s Adoption Law Punishes Orphans

It has been more than six years since the Russian government passed the Dima Yakovlev Law, banning U.S. citizens from adopting Russian children. The controversial measure was informally named after a Russian orphan who died of heat stroke after being left in a parked car by his American adoptive father. Critics say the law was a mere political response to U.S. sanctions on Russia. Adoptive parents and experts talked to VOA’s Igor Tsikhanenka in Moscow about how the law has changed their lives.

Eye-Candy Video of High-Flying Snow Shredders in Austria

A village with a hotel settlement camp and another where tourists outnumber residents hosted this year’s Audi Nines snow-sport competition from April 22 to 27. Participants from all over the world took to the slopes and launched through the air making champions out of some and producing this awesome video from Austria. Arash Arabasadi has more.

В Іспанії відбуваються дострокові вибори парламенту

В Іспанії відбуваються дострокові парламентські вибори. За підсумками голосування, будуть обрані 350 членів Конгресу і 208 сенаторів. Правом голосу володіють майже 37 мільйонів іспанців, з яких близько двох мільйонів проживають за межами країни. Із 9-ї ранку за місцевим часом почали працювати понад 20 тисяч виборчих дільниць, а за порядком в день виборів стежать майже 100 тисяч співробітників правоохоронних органів.

Згідно з результатами соціологічних опитувань, лідером на виборах є правляча Іспанська соціалістична робітнича партія на чолі з прем’єр-міністром Педро Санчесом. Її основний суперник – консервативна Народна партія на чолі з Пабло Касадо. До парламенту також можуть пройти центристська партія «Громадяни» і коаліція лівих політичних сил. Також особливе зацікавлення щодо цих виборів пов’язане з ростом популярності ультраправої партії «Вокс». За даними соціологів, вона може отримати до 32 мандатів.

Перед виборами опозиція звинувачувала Педро Санчеса в «заграванні» з каталонцями – глава уряду заявляв про необхідність вести діалог із регіональною владою. Цю позицію підтримують ліві. Однак «Народна партія» наполягає на обмеженні самоврядування Каталонії. За більш сувору позицію щодо цього регіону виступають і центристи з партії «Громадяни». Ультраправа «Вокс» взагалі домагається скасування автономії для каталонців.

Питання про майбутнє Каталонії може стати вирішальним при формуванні нового уряду. Оскільки, найімовірніше, жодна з партій не отримає абсолютної більшості мандатів, політичним силам доведеться створювати коаліцію, щоб призначити керівника уряду. Після виборів у 2015 році політичні сили не змогли домовитися. Через це були призначені нові вибори.

У 2016 році знову перемогла «Народна партія». Після тривалих переговорів главою уряду був затверджений Маріано Рахой. Але після корупційного скандалу минулого року йому винесли вотум недовіри, а посаду прем’єра зайняв соціаліст Педро Санчес. Однак, його уряд не зміг втриматися при владі і року – Санчес оголосив про дострокові вибори через те, що Конгрес депутатів не схвалив запропонований проект бюджету на поточний рік.

В Україні свякують Великдень: в головних церквах країни пройшли богослужіння – фоторепортаж

28 квітня в Україні відзначають свято Воскресіння Христисового. Напередодні привезли «благодатний» вогонь із Єрусалима до Києва. На території усієї України пройшли вечірні церковні служби. Фотокореспондент Радіо Свобода разом з вірянами побував у Свято-Михайлівському Золотоверхому соборі (Православна церква України), Києво-Печерській лаврі (Російська православна церква в Україні (УПЦ МП) та у Володимирському соборі, де відбулися урочисті богослужіння, присвячені Великодню.

Для реалізації політичного блоку Мінських угод в Росії мають скасувати низку указів щодо ОРДЛО – Геращенко

Путін має скасувати і указ «про незаконну паспортизацію українців» – представник України в ТКГ

Tech Helping Make Big Impact on Local Government

Local governments often try to solve problems using old technology. A U.S. Senate bill aims to fund small tech teams to help state and municipal governments update and rebuild government systems. Deana Mitchell takes a look at the impact on one program that is serving the needy.

Spaniards Head to Polls, Result Too Close to Predict

Spain heads to the polls Sunday for its most divisive and open-ended election in decades, set to result in a fragmented parliament in which the far-right will get a sizeable presence for the first time since the country’s return to democracy.

After a tense campaign dominated by emotive issues, notably national identity and gender equality, the likelihood that any coalition deal will take weeks or months to be brokered will feed into a broader mood of political uncertainty across Europe.

At least five parties from across the political spectrum have a chance of being in government and they could struggle to agree on a deal between them, meaning a repeat election is one of several possible outcomes.

A few things are clear, however, based on opinion polls and conversations with party insiders. No single party will get a majority; the Socialist party of outgoing Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez is leading the race; and there will be lawmakers from the far-right Vox party.

Beyond that, the result is too close to call.

​Third election in four years

Voting starts at 9 am (0700 GMT) and ends at 8 pm in mainland Spain for what will be the country’s third national election in four years, each of which has brought a further dislocation of the political landscape.

It is uncertain if Sanchez will manage to stay in office and how many allies he would need to gather together in order to do so.

If, in addition to far-left anti-austerity party Podemos and other small parties, Sanchez also needs the support of Catalan separatist lawmakers, talks will be long and their outcome unclear.

Opinion polls, which ended Monday, have suggested it will be harder for a right wing split between three parties — the center-right Ciudadanos, conservative People’s Party and Vox — to clinch a majority, but this scenario is within polls’ margin of error and cannot be ruled out.

​Known unknowns

With the trauma of military dictatorship under Francisco Franco, who died in 1975, still fresh in the memory for its older generation, Spain had long been seen as resistant to the wave of nationalist, populist parties spreading across much of Europe.

But this time Vox will get seats, boosted by voter discontent with traditional parties, its focus on widespread anger at Catalonia’s independence drive, and non-mainstream views that include opposing a law on gender violence it says discriminates against men.

One of several unknowns is how big an entry Vox will make in parliament’s lower house, with opinion polls having given a wide range of forecasts and struggled to pin down the party’s voter base.

The high number of undecided voters, in some surveys as many as 4 in 10, has also complicated the task of predicting the outcome, as have the intricacies of a complex electoral system under which 52 constituencies elect 350 lawmakers.

Voters in the depopulating rural heartlands, many of whom are old and may well feel little direct connection to the country’s young, male, urban political elite, are of particular importance.

They proportionally elect more lawmakers than the inhabitants of big cities, but at the same time the cut-off point for parliamentary representation there is trickier to reach, making the outcome harder to predict the more parties there are.

An opinion poll will be published at 8 p.m., and results will trickle in through the evening with almost all votes counted by midnight. In the past two elections, the 8 p.m. polls failed to give an accurate picture of the eventual outcome.

Seattle Construction Crane Falls, Kills 4, Injures 3

Four people died and three were injured when a construction crane on the new Google Seattle campus collapsed Saturday, pinning six cars underneath.

One female and three males were dead by the time firefighters arrived at the scene, Fire Chief Harold Scoggins said. He said two of the dead were crane operators and the other two were people who had been in cars.

A 25-year-old mother and her 4-month-old daughter as well as a 28-year-old man were taken to Harborview Medical Center, according to Seattle Fire spokesman Lance Garland. A fourth person also was injured and treated at the scene.

Harborview spokeswoman Susan Gregg said Saturday evening that the mother and baby would be discharged, while the man injured was in satisfactory condition.

The King County Medical Examiner’s Office said it would not release names of people who died until Monday.

“My thoughts and prayers are with those killed and injured,” Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan said on Twitter.

The crane collapsed near the intersection of Mercer Street and Fairview Avenue near Interstate 5 shortly before 3:30 p.m., Scoggins said.

With Amazon and other tech companies increasing their hiring in Seattle, the city has dozens of construction cranes building office towers and apartment buildings. As of January, there were about 60 construction cranes in Seattle, more than any other American city.

Scoggins said officials do not yet know the cause of the collapse.

Daren Konopaski, the business manager for the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302, which represents heavy-equipment operators, told The Seattle Times he understood the crane was being dismantled when heavy winds moved through the area.

“We don’t know, but that’s what seems to have happened here,” he said. “We are in the process of trying to get information.”

The National Weather Service in Seattle said a line of showers moved over Seattle just about the time the crane fell. An observation station on nearby Lake Union showed winds kicked up with gusts of up to 23 mph at 3:28 p.m., just about the time officials said the crane fell.

“It was terrifying,” witness Esther Nelson, a biotech researcher who was working in a building nearby, told the newspaper.

“The wind was blowing really strong,” she said, and added that the crane appeared to break in half. “Half of it was flying down sideways on the building,” she said. “The other half fell down on the street, crossing both lanes of traffic.”

The office building the crane fell from was badly damaged, with several of its windows smashed.

“Trudi and I join all Washingtonians in extending our deepest condolences to the family and friends of the four people who died in this afternoon’s tragic accident,” Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee said in a statement. Inslee also said he hoped for a speedy and full recovery for those injured, thanked first responders and urged people to stay clear of the accident scene.
