Month: March 2019

Росія заявляє, що її військові у Венесуелі «не є загрозою»

Москва заявляє, що прибуття російських військових у Венесуелу не є загрозою ні для кого.

«Росія не змінює баланс сил у регіоні, Росія нікому не погрожує», – сказала 28 березня речниця МЗС Росії Марія Захарова.

Перед цим військовий аташе посольства Венесуели в Москві Хосе Рафаель Торреальба Перес заявив, що присутність військових фахівців із Росії в Венесуелі «жодним чином не пов’язане з можливістю проведення військових операцій» у країні.

Він наполягає, що росіяни прибули тільки для обговорення військово-технічної співпраці.

У Вашингтоні раніше назвали появу російських військових у Венесуелі «небажаною провокацією». Президент США Дональд Трамп заявив, що Росія повинна «забратися» з Венесуели.

24 березня в столицю Венесуели Каракас прибули два літаки Міністерства оборони Росії. За інформацією ЗМІ, цими літаками до Венесуели були доставлені до сотні російських військових, у тому числі начальник генштабу Сухопутних сил, і близько 35 тонн вантажу. Тоді про цілі прибуття росіян не повідомляли.

26 березня агентство Reuters повідомило, що серед російських військових, перекинутих до Венесуели, є фахівці сил спеціального призначення, зокрема з кібербезпеки.

Захарова в той день заявила, що перебування російських фахівців у країні регулюється угодою про військово-технічне співробітництво, яке Москва і Каракас підписали в 2001 році.

У Венесуелі триває політична криза. США підтримують Хуана Гуайдо, а Росія вважає легітимним президентом Ніколаса Мадуро.

У Сімферополі заарештували ще одного із затриманих під час масових обшуків в Криму

Підконтрольний Кремлю Київський райсуд Сімферополя обрав запобіжний захід у вигляді утримання в СІЗО щодо Енвера Аметова, одного з 20 затриманих напередодні після обшуків кримських татар за підозрою в причетності до діяльності релігійної організації «Хізб ут-Тахрір», визнаної терористичною на території Росії. Як передає проект Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії, про це повідомила кримськотатарська активістка Лютфіє Зудієва.

За її словами, Аметов перебуватиме в СІЗО до 15 травня.

Сьогодні підконтрольний Кремлю суд розгляне клопотання слідства про запобіжний захід решті фігурантів другої сімферопольської «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір». Засідання проходять у закритому режимі.

28 березня в російському Ростові-на-Дону російські силовики затримали трьох активістів «Кримської солідарності» Ремзі Бекірова, Османа Аріфмеметова і Владлена Абдулкадирова, в будинках яких в Криму напередодні пройшли обшуки. Раніше суд в Сімферополі заочно заарештував Абдулкадирова до 15 травня.

Перебування кримськотатарського активіста Едема Яячікова, якого шукають після обшуків в Криму, досі невідоме.

27 березня підконтрольний Кремлю Київський райсуд Сімферополя заарештував дев’ятьох кримськотатарських активістів, затриманих раніше вранці.

Співробітники ФСБ, МВС Росії і Росгвардіі 27 березня провели в Криму обшуки в будинках кримськотатарських активістів, в тому числі активістів громадського об’єднання «Кримська солідарність». За інформацією активістів, затримали 20 осіб. Ще чотирьох розшукують російські силовики. У ФСБ Росії підтвердили проведення обшуків в Криму, проте не назвали кількості підозрюваних і їх прізвища.

Ремзі Бекірову, Різе Ізетову, Руслану Сулейманову, Фаріду Базарову і Шабану Умерову інкримінують організацію діяльності терористичної групи. Іншим – участь в діяльності терористичної організації.

Захисники заарештованих і засуджених у «справі Хізб ут-Тахрір» кримчан вважають їх переслідування мотивованим за релігійною ознакою.

Представники міжнародної ісламської політичної організації «Хізб ут-Тахрір» називають своєю місією об’єднання всіх мусульманських країн в ісламському халіфаті, але вони відкидають терористичні методи досягнення цього і кажуть, що їх несправедливо переслідують в Росії. Верховний суд Росії заборонив «Хізб ут-Тахрір» в 2003 році, включивши в список 15 «терористичних» організацій.

СБУ: інформація про українську ПВК «Вега» в Сирії є фейком від спецслужб Росії

Служба безпеки України називає недостовірною інформацію про існування української приватної військової компанії «Вега» в Сирії. Так у СБУ відреагували на розслідування групи Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT), в якому вказано, що на території Сирії з літа 2018 року діє російсько-українська приватна військова компанія (ПВК) «Вега».

«По-перше, функціонування будь-яких приватних військових компаній не передбачено законодавством України. «ТОВ «Вега Стратеджик сервісес» було дійсно зареєстровано у Миколаєві у 2011 році громадянином України Смоліним А.А., але воно не має жодного відношення до «приватних військових компаній». Сфера діяльності зазначеного ТОВ пов’язана із роботою приватних охоронних фірм і супутніх послуг. У 2013 році вказана компанія фактично припинила свою роботу в Україні після виїзду Смоліна до РФ. Водночас наявна в СБУ інформація свідчить, що її московська філія на чолі із громадянином України Джинікашвілі Д.В. на початку 2014 активно використовувалася співробітниками спецслужб РФ як структура прикриття для вербування російських найманців для участі у бойових діях в Україні», – заявляють у СБУ.

За даними спецслужби, вказані в розслідуванні CIT Смолін і Джинікашвілі залишили Україну до 2014 року і тривалий час активно співпрацюють із російською військовою розвідкою. Зокрема, за даними СБУ, Смолін з 2016 року «через підконтрольні йому російські охоронні структури займається вербуванням найманців до спецпідрозділу ГУ ГШ ЗС РФ під назвою «ПВК Вагнера».

У СБУ заявили, що «фейкове розслідування» про нібито українську ПВК «Вега» з’явилося «після низки викривальних брифінгів Служби безпеки щодо таємної діяльності і злочинів спецпідрозділу ГУ ГШ ЗС РФ під назвою «ПВК Вагнера» в Україні, Сирії, Судані та ЦАР».

CIT у своєму розслідуванні заявляє, що ПВК «Вега» діє на боці сирійського президента Башара Асада, однак на відміну від «ПВК Вагнера», яку пов’язують з «кухарем Путіна» Євгеном Пригожиним, «Вега» була помічена тільки в тренуваннях бійців, свідчень її безпосередньої участі в бойових діях немає.

Розслідувачі підсумовують, що «Вега», на відміну від «ПВК Вагнера» (існування якої офіційно заперечується), є першою «класичною» приватною військовою компанією, що діє в Сирії в інтересах сил Асада, ймовірно, з відома російського командування. При цьому питання фінансування цієї ПВК у Сирії залишається відкритим, кажуть розслідувачі.

Iceland’s WOW Air budget Carrier Collapses, Cancels all Flights

Iceland’s budget carrier WOW Air said it had ceased operations and cancelled all flights on Thursday, potentially stranding thousands of passengers.

The collapse of the troubled airline, which transports more than a third of those traveling to Iceland, comes after buyout talks with rival Icelandair collapsed earlier this week.

“All WOW Air flights have been cancelled. Passengers are advised to check available flights with other airlines,” the carrier said in a statement.

“Some airlines may offer flights at a reduced rate, so-called rescue fares, in light of the circumstances. Information on those airlines will be published, when it becomes available.”

WOW Air, founded in 2011, exploited Iceland’s location in the middle of the North Atlantic to offer a low-cost service between Europe and North America as well as tapping into a tourist boom to the volcanic island.

However it had flown into financial trouble in recent years due to heightened competition and rising fuel prices, and had been searching for an investor for months.

On Monday WOW Air said it was in talks to restructure its debt with its creditors after Icelandair ended brief negotiations over buying a stake in the no-frills airline.

WOW Air was left needing $42 million to save the company, according to the Frettabladid newspaper.

The privately-owned airline has undergone major restructuring after posting a pre-tax loss of almost $42 million for the first nine months of 2018.

It has reduced its fleet from 20 to 11 aircraft, eliminating several destinations, including those to the US, and cutting 111 full-time jobs.

A report by a governmental work group has warned that a WOW Air bankruptcy would lead to a drop in Iceland’s gross domestic product, a drop in the value of the krona and rising inflation.


DeVos Defends Plan to Eliminate Special Olympics Funding

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Wednesday defended a proposal to eliminate funding for the Special Olympics, pushing back against a storm of criticism from athletes, celebrities and politicians who rallied to support the organization.


DeVos became a target on social media after Democrats slammed her plan to remove the group’s funding as part of nearly $7 billion in budget cuts for next year. The Special Olympics received $17.6 million from the Education Department this year, roughly 10 percent of its overall revenue.


In a statement responding to criticism, DeVos said she “loves” the organization’s work and has “personally supported its mission.” But she also noted that it’s a private nonprofit that raises $100 million a year on its own. Ultimately, she argued, her agency can’t afford to continue backing it.


“There are dozens of worthy nonprofits that support students and adults with disabilities that don’t get a dime of federal grant money,” she said. “Given our current budget realities, the federal government cannot fund every worthy program, particularly ones that enjoy robust support from private donations.”


Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver on Wednesday pushed back against the proposed cut.


“This is not the old Special Olympics, it’s not my mom’s Special Olympics in some ways,” he said on MSNBC. “This is a new Special Olympics. We are actively engaged in the educational purposes that the country has articulated at the federal level.”


In a statement posted Wednesday night on its website, the organization called on “federal, state and local governments to join Special Olympics in remaining vigilant against any erosion of provisions that have made a substantial difference in the lives of people with [intellectual disabilities].”


The statement added, “U.S. Government funding for our education programming is critical to protecting and increasing access to services for people with intellectual disabilities.”


The Trump administration tried to eliminate Special Olympics funding in its previous budget proposal, too, but Congress ultimately increased funding for the group. Lawmakers indicated that the latest attempt will also fail.

“Our Department of Education appropriations bill will not cut funding for the program,” said Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., chairman of the Senate subcommittee over the education budget. Blunt said he’s a “longtime supporter” of the group and recently attended its World Games.


DeVos is expected to present her budget to Blunt’s panel Thursday, just days after being grilled over it in the House. Democrats on a House subcommittee asked DeVos how she could cut Special Olympics funding while calling for a $60 million increase in charter school funding.”

Once again, I still can’t understand why you would go after disabled children in your budget. You’ve zeroed that out. It’s appalling,” Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said at the hearing.


DeVos told the panel that her department “had to make some difficult decisions,” adding that the Special Olympics is best supported by philanthropy.


Following the hearing, Twitter was alight with comments from parents, advocates and celebrities who slammed DeVos and urged her to rethink the proposal.


Joe Haden, who plays for the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers and works as an ambassador for the Special Olympics, said he was sickened by the cut. “This is so wrong on so many Levels!” he said on Twitter.


Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, called the proposal outrageous. Kasich, who also represented Ohio in the U.S. House, said that when he was on the budget committee, “these types of programs were off limits — for good reason.”


Others opposing DeVos included Julie Foudy , former captain of the U.S. women’s soccer team, and actress Marlee Matlin , who said the benefits of the Special Olympics are “immeasurable.”


Some Special Olympics athletes joined in to support the group, including Derek “Tank” Schottle, who posted a video that had been viewed more than 140,000 times by Wednesday.


“Win or lose, we’re all winners in our hearts,” he said. “What warms peoples’ hearts is we’re all humans, just like everybody else.”


The Special Olympics’ 2017 annual report, the latest available on its website, says the group received a total of $148 million in revenue that year, including $15.5 million from federal grants.


More than three quarters of the group’s revenue comes from individual and corporate contributions and other fundraising efforts.


DeVos’ budget places the Special Olympics funding among 29 programs up for elimination in 2020, arguing that they have achieved their purpose or that they are ineffective, don’t meet national needs or are better funded from other sources.


The proposal separately calls for $13.2 billion in federal grants awarded to states for special education, the same amount that was given this year.


In her statement, DeVos said it was “shameful” that the media and members of Congress “spun up falsehoods and fully misrepresented the facts.” She drew attention to the $13.2 billion in state grants, along with an additional $226 million for grants supporting teacher training and research to help students with disabilities.


“Make no mistake,” she added, “we are focused every day on raising expectations and improving outcomes for infants and toddlers, children and youth with disabilities, and are committed to confronting and addressing anything that stands in the way of their success.”


This isn’t the first time DeVos has run afoul of disability rights advocates.


Some were stunned by a 2017 Senate hearing in which DeVos, while being questioned about a federal law supporting students with disabilities, said it was “a matter that is best left to the states.” When asked if she was familiar with the federal law, she said she “may have confused it.”


DeVos again roiled advocates last December when she rescinded Obama-era guidance meant to protect racial minorities and students with disabilities from unwarranted discipline. In making the decision, DeVos said discipline decisions should be left to teachers and schools.

Trump: FBI and DOJ to Review Smollett Case

President Donald Trump says the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice will review the case of Jussie Smollett, after Chicago police dropped charges against the television actor who was accused of falsely reporting being a target of a hate crime.

Writing on Twitter, Trump called the case “outrageous” and an “embarrassment to our Nation.” So far there has been no statement from the FBI or Justice Department on the matter.

Smollett’s attorneys announced Tuesday their client’s record had been “wiped clean.

A spokeswoman for the Cook Country prosecutor’s office said “After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.” She added that Smollett will forfeit a $10,000 bond payment.

But Chicago police as well as mayor Rahm Emanuel have spoken out angrily about the development. “This is without a doubt a whitewash of justice,” Emanuel said, complaining that the grand jury in the case heard “only a sliver” of the evidence.

Chicago police superintendent Eddie Johnson said, “”Do I think justice was served? No. What do I think justice is? I think this city is still owed an apology.”

Smollett, who is black and gay, responded publicly to the decision, thanking family, friends, and fans who supported him and vowing, “I have been truthful and consistent on every level since day one. I would not be my mother’s son if I was capable of one drop of what I have been accused of.”

Smollett reported in January that he had been sent a threatening letter and was then attacked on the street by two men he didn’t know who wrapped a rope around his neck and attempted to pour bleach on him while yelling racial and homophobic slurs. He also said they yelled, “this is MAGA country,” referring to President Donald Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

Police later said that Smollett had staged the attack himself, paying two physical trainers $3,500 to carry it out.

Smollett plays a gay character on the television show “Empire,” which is filmed in Chicago.

Xi Jinping Lures Europe With Cash, but Will EU Soften on China?

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with the leaders of France and Germany this week and signed lucrative deals in an attempt to cozy up to the European Union. Analysts say the efforts were aimed at softening restrictions on Chinese trade and investments in Europe, but it is unlikely that his trip will weaken the EU’s resolve.

Xi’s European tour included stops in Italy, Monaco and France. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker came to Paris to meet the Chinese leader.

Overall, analysts said, the visit has improved the general atmosphere of relations between the EU and China, but the European backlash and increased scrutiny of Chinese companies and their investments is not likely to change.

Billions in deals

The “EU will not be softening its posture on its core demands (fair and reciprocal economic ties, including elimination of coerced technology transfers and respect from the EU’s community-based standards) in spite of the breakout of amity and huge deals during President Xi’s swing through the continent,” said Sourabh Gupta, senior fellow at the Institute of China-America Studies in Washington.

During the visit, Xi signed 29 deals worth $2.8 billion with Italy and placed orders for 300 jets with Airbus worth $34 billion in France, the same number of Boeing planes that he bought from the U.S. during President Donald Trump’s 2017 visit to Beijing.

In turn, Italy became the first Group of Seven country to sign up for the Belt and Road Initiative despite Washington’s criticism of the BRI and China’s “vanity project.”

“The buying binge may grab the headlines but that’s mostly just water under the bridge,” Gupta said adding, “and Italy’s formal BRI entry is a nice, shiny medal that will keep Beijing attentive and incentivized to adhere to European practices.”

Xi’s motivation

What motivated Xi’s visit is the lurking danger of dual pressures from the U.S. and EU to change some of the internal systems like state subsidy and financing of Chinese companies.

Many of the issues raised by Brussels and Washington are similar, but some additional demands from Europe are adding to Beijing’s headaches.

Ana Andrade, research analyst in the Europe team of The Economist Intelligence Unit, said there is a distinct difference in the way the European Union and United States approach China.

“EU and U.S. demands on China are not fully identical. The EU is very aware of the importance of China as a trading partner,” she said adding, “the EU is not interested in decoupling from China or creating a bilateral conflict as the U.S. has done.”

China is the biggest market for European luxury goods and the biggest single-country market for Airbus.

​Competitive edge

EU’s demands for reforms in China intensified since the U.S. launched a series of aggressive trade actions raising duties on Chinese goods leading to a trade war nearly nine months ago.

“The EU’s strategy is to piggy-back on the momentum for action generated by the Trump administration’s pressure on Beijing and engage and press China to make these market-leveling (allow fair competition) and market-opening reforms,” Gupta said.

Chinese analysts argue, however, that the EU’s demands are not necessarily additional pressure on Beijing and instead that the demands dovetail with reforms the U.S. is demanding.

“If China would make a deal with the U.S. on some of the issues, I think that would not only apply to the U.S. but China would adjust its overall position to apply to all countries,” said Shen Dingli, a Shanghai based analyst of international relations. The new foreign investment law, which was approved by the Chinese legislature this month, will apply to all countries and not just the U.S., he pointed out.

Both the U.S. and EU were driven into action because of concerns that China’s government has long been giving Chinese companies a competitive leg up through subsidies, inadequate transparency, lax standards on protection of labor, environment and intellectual property.

Helping China

Ding Yuan, dean at the China Europe International Business School, does not agree with the claim that a lack of transparency in business dealings gives Chinese companies a competitive edge over their counterparts in the rest of the world.

“Lack of transparency is never an advantage. If lack of transparency was an advantage, China shouldn’t have done the economic reforms and opening, and Soviet Union should have been there still, stronger than the U.S.,” he said.

Ding believes the critics and business rivals may be working at cross-purposes. They are actually helping China to take forward its reforms agenda and consolidate its position in the industrial world, he said.

“By blaming China on the role of the state, by promoting (the idea) Chinese state intervention as the core competence or the core competitive advantage of the Chinese success story, actually we are consolidating, helping Chinese authorities to consolidate their approach,” he said.

NY County Declares Emergency Over Measles Outbreak

So far this year, more than 300 people have contracted measles in 15 states in the U.S. Almost half of those cases occurred in Rockland County, just north of New York City. 

Because of the outbreak, which has lasted nearly six months, county officials have declared a state of emergency and are banning anyone who is unvaccinated from frequenting public places.

“Anyone who is under 18 years of age and is not vaccinated against the measles will be prohibited from public places until the declaration expires in 30 days or until they receive their first shot of MMR,” said Ed Day, county executive.

WATCH: New York County Declares Emergency Over Measles

Public places include shopping malls, restaurants, buses and trains. Police will not be asking for vaccination records, but parents can face a fine of $500 and as much as six months in jail if they refuse to vaccinate their children.

The outbreak is concentrated in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.

‘Roll of the dice’

The county executive says it is a matter of getting parents to understand how dangerous measles is.

“Every new case is a roll of the dice,” Day said. “It could bring on pneumonia, encephalitis, the swelling of the brain, or cause premature birth, which can lead to complications and even death.”

And, he said, it’s a matter of keeping those who can’t get vaccinated safe.

“What about the infants who are out there with mom and dad? My newborn grandson is an infant. What about those who are pregnant and those with compromised immune systems like cancer patients and survivors? These are the people we all need to step up for,” Day said.

Vaccine rates vary

Vaccine rates in the U.S. are still high. A CDC study found that 94 percent of children in the U.S. receive the first dose of vaccines that protect against measles, mumps, rubella and other vaccine preventable diseases.

But vaccines that require boosters, including the vaccine against measles, had lower rates of coverage.

Some states allow parents who oppose vaccinating their children for religious or philosophical reasons to opt out. Vaccination rates in these states have dropped steadily. And as they have dropped, cases of measles have increased.

Vaccines proven safe

Some parents wrongly believe vaccines can cause autism in children. Study after study has shown that not to be true. Dr. Frank Esper, a pediatrician with the Cleveland Clinic, defends vaccinating children.

“These vaccines are well shown to be safe,” he said. “We have tested them. We have followed children who have received these vaccines. We know how safe they are.”

Still, some parents remain unconvinced. Rockland County is offering free measles vaccinations in an effort to end the outbreak.

Malta Armed Forces Seize Tanker Hijacked by Rescued Migrants

A Maltese special operations team Thursday boarded a tanker that had been hijacked by migrants it rescued at sea, and returned control to the captain, Malta’s armed forces said. 

The tanker was being escorted to a Maltese port, where the migrants will be turned over to police for investigation, they said. 

Authorities in Italy and Malta on Wednesday said that the migrants had hijacked the Turkish oil tanker El Hiblu 1 after it rescued them in the Mediterranean Sea, and forced the crew to put the Libya-bound vessel on a course north toward Europe.

‘Act of piracy’

Italy’s interior minister, Matteo Salvini, said the ship had rescued about 120 people and described what happened as “the first act of piracy on the high seas with migrants” as the alleged hijackers.

The ship had been heading toward Italy’s southernmost island of Lampedusa and the island of Malta when Maltese forces intercepted it. 

Maltese armed forces established communications with the captain while the ship was still 30 nautical miles off shore. The captain told Maltese armed forces he was not in control of the vessel “and that he and his crew were being forced and threatened by a number of migrants to proceed to Malta.” A patrol vessel stopped the tanker from entering Maltese waters, they said.

The special team that restored control to the captain was backed by a patrol vessel, two fast interceptor craft and a helicopter. 

There was no immediate word on the condition of El Hiblu 1’s crew.

Migrants mistreated

Humanitarian organizations say that migrants are mistreated and even tortured in Libya, and have protested protocols to return migrants rescued offshore to the lawless northern African nation. Meanwhile, both Italy and Malta have refused to open their ports to humanitarian ships that rescue migrants at sea, which has created numerous standoffs as European governments haggle over which will take them in. 

A private group that operates a rescue ship and monitors how governments treat migrants, Mediterranea, urged compassion for the group on the hijacked vessel and said it hoped European countries would act “in the name of fundamental rights, remembering that we are dealing with human beings fleeing hell.”

Mass migration to Europe has dropped sharply since 2015, when the continent received 1 million refugees and migrants from countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. The surge created a humanitarian crisis in which desperate travelers frequently drowned and leading arrival spots such as Italy and Greece struggled to house large numbers of asylum-seekers.

Along with the dangerous sea journey itself, those who attempt to cross the Mediterranean risk being stopped by Libya’s coast guard and held in Libyan detention centers that human rights groups have described as bleak places where migrants allegedly suffer routine abuse.

EU members “alert the Libyan coast guard when refugees and migrants are spotted at sea so they can be taken back to Libya, despite knowing that people there are arbitrarily detained and exposed to widespread torture, rape, killings and exploitation,” said Matteo de Bellis, an international migration researcher for Amnesty International.

European Union member countries, responding to domestic opposition to welcoming immigrants, have decided to significantly downscale an EU operation in the Mediterranean, withdrawing their ships and continuing the mission with air surveillance only.

“This shameful decision has nothing to do with the needs of people who risk their lives at sea, but everything to do with the inability of European governments to agree on a way to share responsibility for them,” de Bellis said.

Росіяни намагалися вивезти ракети до комплексу С-125 з України до Еритреї – ГПУ

Росіяни намагалися вивезти ракети до комплексу С-125 з України до Еритреї, заявив генеральний прокурор Юрій Луценко у Facebook.

«За матеріалами контррозвідки СБУ Головна військова прокуратура виявила 36 зенітних ракет «земля-повітря» 5В27Д, які входять до складу зенітного-ракетного комплексу С-125 «Печора», у повному бойовому оснащенні разом із супутнім обладнанням. Ці ракети ще в 2007 році службові особи «Рособоронекспорту» РФ за попередньою змовою зі службовими особами підприємств оборонно-промислового комплексу України пробували незаконно перемістити до країни, що перебуває під санкціями РБ ООН», – сказав Луценко.

Ці ракети передали для потреб Збройних сил України.

Суд у Грузії засудив до довічного терміну пастуха через убивство американської сім’ї

Суд у грузинському місті Горі на закритому для преси засіданні виніс вирок місцевому пастуху Малхазу Кобаурі. Йому дали довічне ув’язнення.

Напередодні суд присяжних визнав його винним у зґвалтуванні і вбивстві американки Лори Сміт, а також у вбивстві її чоловіка і чотирирічного сина.

Присяжні визнали його винним у чотирьох злочинах – зґвалтуванні, умисному вбивстві з особливою жорстокістю, умисному вбивстві двох або більше осіб і умисному вбивстві з метою приховати інший злочин.

Захист наполягає на невинуватості пастуха.

Американці Райан Сміт і Лора Сміт, які мали і грузинське громадянство протягом шести років жили в місті Марнеулі. Вони разом зі своїм 4-річним сином зникли у липні. Перед зникненням вони повідомили друзям, що йдуть у гори на два дні.

Невдовзі тіла членів сім’ї знайшли у віддаленому районі в горах.

У поліцейському звіті йшлося про те, що 44-річний Райан Сміт помер від вогнепального поранення, хлопчика також застрелили. На тілі 43-річної Лори Сміт не було слідів вбивства – імовірно, жінка впала з обриву. Однак експертиза тіла загиблої показала, що її зґвалтували.

ДПСУ не видає дозволи на виліт літаків – Слободян про Медведчука і Бойка в Москві

Питання про дозволи на виліт повітряних транспортних суден не входять до компетенції Державної прикордонної служби України, повідомив помічник голови ДПСУ, речник відомства Олег Слободян.

«Інспектори Державної прикордонної служби ухвалюють рішення про надання дозволу громадянам на перетин кордону після перевірки документів, які таке право надають. Якщо документи дійсні і стосовно даного громадянина не має обмежень в перетині кордону з боку інших правоохоронних органів – він може перетнути кордон. Що стосується дозволу на виліт повітряних транспортних суден, то це питання не в компетенції Держприкордоннслужби», – написав Слободян 27 березня у Facebook.

Так він прокоментував сьогоднішню заяву генерального прокурора Юрія Луценка, який заявив про намір відкрити кримінальне провадження про незаконний перетин кордону через поїздку народного депутата, кандидата в президенти Юрія Бойка і проросійського політика, лідера руху «Український вибір» Віктора Медведчука до Росії. За його словами, буде зареєстроване провадження про незаконний перетин кордону.

Водночас Луценко заявив, що питання з цього приводу потрібно ставити і прикордонній службі, «яка випустила цих осіб всупереч встановленому порядку».

22 березня прем’єр-міністр Росії Дмитро Медведєв прийняв у своїй резиденції в Москві кандидата в президенти України Юрія Бойка і голову політичної ради партії «Опозиційна платформа – За життя» Віктора Медведчука.

Як повідомляли російські ЗМІ, у зустрічі також взяв участь голова правління «Газпрому» Олексій Міллер. Бойко на зустрічі заявив про бажання «покращувати і відновлювати двосторонні відносини» з Росією, а Медведчук запропонував повернутися до ідеї створення в Україні газотранспортного консорціуму за участю «Газпрому».

У Службі безпеки України заявили про намір найближчим часом дати правову оцінку візиту Бойка і Медведчука до Москви.

Spain Prosecutors Target Catalan Chief in Disobedience Case

Prosecutors in Spain are bringing charges of disobedience against Catalan regional president Quim Torra after he allegedly failed to comply with orders from the country’s electoral board.

Prosecutors said in a statement Wednesday the charges relate to Torra’s alleged failure to remove eye-catching pro-independence symbols from the regional government’s headquarters in Barcelona before Spain’s April 28 general election.


The electoral board deemed the yellow ribbon symbols to be an unacceptable “tool of political propaganda.” Elected officials and public institutions are prohibited from expressing support for one particular party or ideological position during a campaign period.


Torra argued it was a matter of free speech and requested a postponement of the deadline to remove the symbols.


A judge will assess the prosecutors’ evidence before deciding whether to go to trial.



Unusual Partners Make Afghan Music

An Eastern man and a Western woman make up one of the most unusual musical groups in Washington, D.C. 

Masood Omari and Abigail Adams Greenway both play tabla, an Eastern percussion instrument, every day in Greenway’s basement outside Washington. They call this colorfully decorated studio, Tablasphere. And they call themselves Tabla for Two.

Omari introduces the instrument: “This is a goat skin and the middle part, the black here, is burnt steel, coming from the steel powder and pasted with a strong glue and put in the center. It makes a cosmic sound, you can see?”

To Greenway, every note that emerges from the tabla is a “prayer.”

“It’s mathematically perfect and very meditative,” she adds.

What is unusual is that she and Omari both play the tabla together, giving them a modern sound.

The duo plays three different kinds of music, much of which can be heard on YouTube. The first two are classical music and traditional music of Afghanistan and India. The third:

“We play new music for the New World, we call it. It’s our signature music and it is composed by Masood. It’s for two tabla players,” Greenway explains.


Greenway grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania, a manufacturing city steeped in U.S. history. Her first two names hark back to the wife of America’s second president, Abigail Adams.

“I grew up listening to classical music and American Jazz,” Greenway says. “My father was a classical violinist.”

A visual artist, Greenway moved a long way from all that when she embraced Afghan music and musical instruments. 

She first became intrigued when she was introduced to the music of India. “I heard the music and I just said this is the most amazing instrument I’ve ever heard, the tabla,” she said, adding, “They say that when the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

The pair met eight years ago in an Afghan antique and textile shop in Washington.

​“I realized that he was this amazing tabla player and I asked for lessons. I didn’t know at the time where this was going. All I knew is that I had a huge desire and a force pushing me to learn to play the instrument.” 

“When I saw her first time Abigail, she doesn’t (didn’t) understand the language of Afghanistan. (But) she understand (understood) the beat and melody, and she was very exciting (excited) to learn. She learned quickly.”


Omari fled Afghanistan when he was 15 and resettled in Islamabad. There, he studied tabla for 10 years and received his mastership before coming to the U.S. in 2002.

 “What’s really extraordinary is that Masood is singing and playing tabla at the same time,” Greenway says about her teacher. “That is exciting.”

Greenway has learned to play harmonium, also known as a pump organ, from Omari.

And here, she earns his praise: “Abigail is playing harmonium in a style no one can play like her. She is playing with her fingers. She is playing very soft, graceful and gentle.”

After devoting years to intense study and practice, the duo formed Tabla for Two. They play at embassies, museums, universities and at the Tablasphere for special invited guests.


If Greenway worried about acceptance as a woman playing Afghan music, she discovered differently.

“I am clearly an American female and I am playing their music. It’s a coming together of cultures,” she says. “When I play this music they are accepting me, the Afghan people are accepting me.”

This makes Greenway feel “like an ambassador,” which is something of Omari’s philosophy as well.

“I believe that I have an important role playing and preserving the music of my country, Afghanistan and sharing it with the world,” he says.

 “It’s just the beginning. I’ve just started learning about a place that I knew nothing about that has been so ravaged,” Greenway enthuses. 

“And I’m thrilled to show Afghanistan in a positive, beautiful light.”

Portugal Goes on Alert for Wildfires Amid Heat, Low Rainfall

Authorities in Portugal have placed the country on high alert for wildfires amid a prolonged dry spell and unseasonably high temperatures.

The government announced a civil protection alert from Wednesday through Sunday because of “a significant worsening of the wildfire risk.”


The alert means exceptional measures are being enacted, including more firefighters on standby and a ban on burning cut vegetation.


The move comes after many weeks of almost no rain. A typically dry easterly wind from Spain is also forecast to blow strongly in coming days.


Authorities say the southern Algarve region, where forested hills look down on some of Europe’s most popular vacation beaches, is especially at risk.


More than 100 people died in Portuguese wildfires in 2017. None died last year after the government took exceptional measures.



Republicans, Democrats Back to Battle Over US Health Care Law

Health care has re-emerged as a major focus of U.S. political parties with the Trump administration advocating striking down the entire Affordable Care Act and Democrats introducing legislation to strengthen the law that has been in place since 2010.

The Justice Department on Monday backed a federal court ruling declaring the entire ACA unconstitutional on the basis that without the fines for not having health insurance, which a Republican-led Congress passed last year, the mandate for having coverage should not be allowed.

That went against the administration’s earlier position that while some parts of the ACA should be struck down, not all of it should be thrown out.

Trump told reporters Tuesday he wanted alternatives to the law, which was one of the chief policies enacted under his predecessor Barack Obama.

“The Republican Party will become ‘The Party of Healthcare!'” he wrote on Twitter.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer signaled his party is happy to take on the issue, especially following the end of the special counsel investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with Trump’s campaign. Schumer said issues such as healthcare and climate change are much more important to voters.

The issue was a key part of the party’s 2018 congressional election strategy, which put Democrats back in control of the House of Representatives.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unveiled Democratic proposals she says would improve upon the existing law, while accusing Republicans of working only to “destroy the affordable health care of America’s families.”

The legislation would seek to make health insurance plans more affordable by boosting subsidies to lower-income households, provide more protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and boost outreach and enrollment efforts to help people better understand what insurance options exist for them.

The legal battle over the existing law could end up at the Supreme Court, which previously upheld the individual mandate with its financial penalties as a legal tax Congress was allowed to impose. The five justices in the majority on that case remain on the court.

Women at Vatican’s Magazine Quit Citing Male Control

The founder and all-female editorial board of the Vatican’s women’s magazine have resigned to protest what they call a campaign to discredit them and put them under the direct control of men. The editorial committee of Women Church World, a monthly supplement to the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano, claims the daily’s new editor has sabotaged the magazine after it denounced sexual abuse of nuns by the clergy. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke has more.

North Korea Spanish Embassy Raid Mystery Deepens

Spain is seeking the extradition of as many as 10 people from the United States who burst into the North Korean embassy in Madrid last month and tried to pass stolen information to the FBI.

A Spanish judge said he believes all 10 fled to the United States after the February 22 raid. He called them members of a criminal organization and accuses them of trespassing, burglary, assault, and threats. If extradited and convicted, those found guilty could face nearly 30 years in prison.

The suspects call themselves Cheollima Civil Defense and describe the group as a human rights movement working to liberate North Korea. On its website, the organization classified its Madrid action as a response to an “urgent situation.”

“We were invited into the embassy, and contrary to reports, no one was gagged or beaten. Out of respect for the host nation of Spain, no weapons were used. All occupants in the embassy were treated with dignity and necessary caution,” the group said without providing evidence.

The group’s origin remains largely a mystery, but first came to prominence following the death of Kim Jong Un’s half brother, Kim Jong Nam. Cheollima posted a video of a young man claiming to be Kim Jong Nam’s son, Kim Han Sol.

Whatever information was collected, the group allegedly then turned it over to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

“This information was shared voluntarily and on their request, not our own,” the Cheollima statement read.

An FBI statement neither confirmed nor denied the existence of an investigation in the matter, but noted it had a good working relationship with Spanish law enforcement.

On Tuesday, the State Department’s deputy spokesperson said Washington was not involved with the incident and “would always call for the protection of embassies belonging to any diplomatic mission throughout the world.”

As stories of the raid began appearing in media outlets across the globe, speculation arose over who may have coordinated the raid and if a foreign government played any role.

According to Cheollima, “There were no other governments involved with or aware of our activity until after the event.”

Seoul’s unification ministry said it had no information on the incident and could not confirm or provide any details about the February 22 event.

A goal for a free North Korea

On March 1, the 100th anniversary of the Korean independence movement, Cheollima Civil Defense released a statement on its website, declaring itself “Free Joseon.”

“WE DECLARE ON THIS DAY the establishment of Free Joseon, a provisional government preparing the foundations for a future nation built upon respect for principles of human rights and humanitarianism, holding sacred a manifest dignity for every woman, man, and child,” the website read. 

The statement went on to add, “We declare this entity the sole legitimate representative of the Korean people of the north.”

“We rise against the criminal incumbents of the north, who have perpetuated vast crimes against humanity for decades. We dedicate ourselves completely to the abolition of this great evil, a stain on the very soul of humanity,” the organizations’ website said.

In its declaration, Cheollima called on like-minded individuals to “join our revolution” and those in North Korea to “defy your oppressors.”

It also offered a warning to those engaging with Pyongyang, “To those who would continue to legitimize and empower this regime: History will remember where you stood when you were offered this choice.”

Shrouded in mystery

After Cheollima posted the video of Kim Han Sol, there’s been significant interest in determining who the group’s members are. Domestic and international journalists have repeatedly made inquiries, but they have gone unanswered. 

The group explains, “Even beyond its borders, it (North Korea) will use assassinations, terrorism, and even weapons of mass destruction, to destroy any who might oppose or challenge their monopoly on power. We respectfully and sincerely ask that you do not enable or make it easier for the regime’s death squads, who have already committed and continue to commit countless crimes against humanity, to threaten or harm our members and their families,” the group said in a statement on its website. 

The statement added, “The identification of even a single member could lead to the identities of others. Several of us have already escaped their attempts on our lives and that of our families. Many of our compatriots and their relatives have not been as fortunate. And any left surviving in concentration camps would surely face execution if the identities of their family members as dissidents were made known.”

While the group is distancing itself from the media at this juncture, it also says it wants to have a “positive partnership with the media” and will do so when it feels safe.

Журналіста Гайворонського в Криму затримали «через наркотики»

Ялтинського журналіста Євгена Гайворонського в анексованому Росією Криму затримали «через наркотики», повідомили проекту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії знайомі журналіста на умовах анонімності. Що конкретно йому закидають, наразі уточнити не вдалося.

«Він мені подзвонив пару годин тому. І дуже коротко сказав: «У мене є один дзвінок. Затримали. Закидають наркотики». Я, природно, спитала, які. Він сказав: «Анабіоїди. О 15:00 у мене суд (за місцевим часом – ред.). Усе. У міському суді Ялти», – розповіла знайома Гайворонського.

Про затримання журналіста стало відомо 26 березня.

Офіційного підтвердження цієї інформації на даний момент немає.

Раніше севастопольський інформаційний сайт «Примечания» оголосив, що припинив співпрацю з Гайворонським після його «проукраїнських висловлювань» і коментарів, які «не відображають позицію редакції».

Сам журналіст заявляв, що сайт припинив із ним співпрацю через позицію з питання анексії Криму, критики на адресу президента Росії Володимира Путіна і призначеної кремлем влади півострова.

На початку цього місяця російські силовики провели обшук вдома у журналіста. У нього вилучили документи, електронну техніку, телефон, комп’ютер.

Євген Гайворонський народився в Донецьку, навчався на журфаку місцевого вишу і займався в місті журналістською діяльністю. В Ялті він живе кілька років. Працював прес-секретарем у місцевій проросійській громадській організації «Народное единство», активісти якої в березні 2014 роки збирали підписи за проведення «референдуму» про приєднання півострова до Росії. Потім Гайворонський редагував проросійський «Євразійський журнал». На цій посаді він хвалив президента Росії Володимира Путіна під час перегляду його щорічного послання, яке транслювалося на набережній Ялти.

Деякий час Гайворонський був кореспондентом кримської редакції російського видання «Комсомольська правда». Після звільнення з неї почав співпрацювати з севастопольським виданням «Примечания», яке називають опозиційним за критику місцевої влади.

Unlikely Candidate Gaining Traction in US 2020 Race

Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg is riding in the back of a rented minivan to his last event of the day in South Carolina, munching on cold french fries and critiquing his stage performance so far.

The enthusiastic crowds of hundreds who’ve packed his first two stops have been much larger than the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and his team expected. It’s “wonderful,” he says, but the cheering and prolonged applause are messing with his delivery. Sometimes he neglects to pause, and his next words are drowned out. Other times people start clapping when he doesn’t expect it.

“I need to relearn the timing of my stump speech,” Buttigieg says. “I’ve been used to a format where I go in, there’s 50 people, I do my little spiel and then we have some Q&A and hopefully they walk away impressed. Now every one of these things we put on the calendar as a meet and greet is turning out to be a rally.”

Buttigieg, a veteran and Rhodes scholar, was the longest of long shots when he announced a presidential exploratory committee in January. No mayor has ever been elected president, much less one from a community of roughly 100,000 people in the middle of America, and Buttigieg is barely old enough to be eligible for the job.

But his underdog bid is gaining momentum, and the clean-cut guy known to most people as “Mayor Pete” can feel it. Now he has to figure out how to turn one of the first surprises of the nascent race for the Democratic nomination into a full-fledged presidential campaign — and one that isn’t remembered as a mere quirk.

“The buzz helps,” Buttigieg says. “But you want to make sure that you have enough substance and enough organization that any kind of flavor-of-the-month period is something you can outlive.”

Besides the crowds and the cheering, Buttigieg has seen increasing national media attention, from Fox News to MSNBC and his second appearance on ABC’s “The View.” After a breakout performance in a CNN town hall earlier this month, Buttigieg’s team says he raised roughly $600,000 from 22,000 donors in just over 24 hours. He has now received enough individual contributions to qualify for a spot on the Democratic debate stage this summer.

But there’s still plenty of work to do, starting with raising money and hiring staff. Buttigieg said his goal early on was to raise $1 million by the end of the first quarter on March 31, adding, “We’re definitely there.” He’s fairly confident they’ll have the funds needed for a healthy operation, at least in the early stages. But he also wants to “show well” when all candidates’ first-quarter totals become public — the first time this cycle that campaigns are required to file campaign finance reports.

“I think we benefit from the fact that it’s graded on a curve,” Buttigieg said. “No one is expecting us to raise as though I were a senator from Florida or from a big city. But we’ve got to show that we can compete at this level.”

Buttigieg also plans to double the size of his roughly 20-person team in the new few weeks, in preparation for an official campaign launch. He doesn’t have an advance team – those campaign staffers who coordinate events on-site before the candidate arrives, hang campaign signs and ensure someone is capturing emails and phone numbers for every person who walks in the door.

Volunteers and local Democratic officials handled most of those duties during Buttigieg’s swing Saturday through South Carolina, site of the South’s first primary. Instead of professionally printed banners, someone hung poster boards with messages handwritten in black marker urging attendees to tweet photos and video using several different hashtags and Twitter handles. When Buttigieg took questions from the crowd in Rock Hill, there were no microphones for people in the audience, forcing him to ask a woman at the back of the gymnasium to shout her question — twice — so he could hear.

None of that seemed to bother voters. After his event in Columbia, Christina Goodwin, 32, called Buttigieg “exciting” and said he’d moved into her top three list, along with Sens. Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand, despite her misgivings about supporting another white man for president in 2020.

Goodwin, like other voters, said she’s been picking up bits of intriguing information about Buttigieg through social media that have piqued her interest. That he learned to speak Norwegian, for instance, so he could read more books by a Norwegian author, Erlend Loe. Buttigieg, who speaks seven languages, demonstrated some of his language skills when a Norwegian media crew showed up to ask questions after the Columbia event. (He also speaks French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Dari and Maltese, the language of his father’s home country.)

Buttigieg also plays piano and has been known to join local performers on stage in South Bend — video of which sometimes pops up on social media. When he was applying to his alma mater, Harvard, he won the Profiles in Courage essay contest with a piece about an independent then-congressman from Vermont whom he admired: Bernie Sanders. They would speak years later, when the senator called in 2017 to encourage him to drop out of the race for Democratic National Committee chairman, which Buttigieg later did.

Buttigieg believes he’s gaining support because people are looking for something different and a more hopeful message to combat President Donald Trump.

The openly gay former lieutenant in the Navy Reserve uses his stump speech to talk about how political decisions have shaped his life, and how much is at stake in 2020.

He recalls writing a letter to his family before he deployed to Afghanistan in 2014 so they could read it if he didn’t return. He also talks about his marriage to his husband, which “exists by the grace of a single vote on the U.S. Supreme Court” – a line that generated some of his biggest applause during his trip through South Carolina.

Friends Catherine Paquin, 36, and Jonah Burrell, 37, attended Buttigieg’s stop in Greenville wearing “Mayor Pete 2020” T-shirts they bought off

Burrell, who is gay, said it’s “really cool” to have an openly gay man in the race, but it’s not the main reason he’s supporting Buttigieg.

“That calm demeanor, the way he speaks is smart,” Burrell said. “You can tell he thinks about all his answers. He’s done his research.”

And those doubters who say Buttigieg doesn’t stand a chance?

“I think they underestimate him,” Paquin said.

Wrapping up his remarks in Greenville, Buttigieg noted that’s happening less these days than it did a few months ago, when hardly anyone knew his name.

“I don’t know whether we can pull this off, but I’m feeling pretty good about it,” he said.

У березні зросли пенсії майже 9 мільйонів українців – міністр

У березні зросли пенсії майже дев’ятьох мільйонів українців, повідомив міністр соціальної політики України Андрій Рева. Майже 2,2 мільйона пенсіонерів отримали одноразову доплату.

За його словами, мінімальне зростання пенсій – 100 гривень. Разом з тим збільшення на понад 1000 гривень отримали 2,45 мільйона пенсіонерів.

Індексація пенсій в Україні стартувала 1 березня. За даними Пенсійного фонду, кошти на підвищення пенсій вдалося отримати від розмитнення автівок на єврономерах. Одноразові пенсійні виплати розміром 2410 гривень отримують пенсіонери, які мають великий трудовий стаж, але пенсію нижчу за 1700 гривень.

Кількість пенсіонерів в Україні на 1 січня 2019 року становила майже 11,5 мільйонів.

МОЗ: в Україні близько 100 тисяч людей страждають від епілепсії

Близько 100 тисяч людей в Україні страждають від епілепсії, хронічного розладу мозкової діяльності, що характерний нападами у вигляді судом, повідомляє Міністерство охорони здоров’я.

«Правильна перша допомога людині з епілепсією під час нападу: перевернути людину на бік і покласти щось м’яке під голову, щоб уникнути травми», – повідомили у МОЗ.

У відомстві додали, що під час нападу людині з епілепсією не треба нічого класти до рота чи  намагатися зупинити напад  – він має пройти сам.

За даними Міністерства охорони здоров’я, нині у світі діагноз «епілепсія» мають близько 50 мільйонів людей.

26 березня – День обізнаності про епілепсію.

NASA Cancels First All-Women Spacewalk Due to Lack of Small Spacesuits

What should have been a giant leap for womankind has turned into a stumble on the path to equality after U.S. space agency NASA canceled the first all-female spacewalk due to a lack of a spacesuit in the right size.

Anne McClain and Christina Koch had been due to step into history books in a spacewalk Friday, during the final week of Women’s History Month.

But McClain will now give up her place on the mission to her male colleague Nick Hague, NASA announced late Monday.

“Mission managers decided to adjust the assignments, due in part to spacesuit availability on the station,” NASA said in a statement.

“McClain learned during her first spacewalk that a medium-size hard upper torso — essentially the shirt of the spacesuit — fits her best. Because only one medium-size torso can be made ready by Friday, March 29, Koch will wear it.”

Nearly 60 years after the first human blasted off into space, less than 11 percent of the 500 plus people who have traveled to space have been women, and spacewalk teams have either been all-male or male-female.

McClain and Koch were both part of the 2013 NASA class that was 50 percent women.

NASA said the decision to change the plan was made in consultation with McClain after a spacewalk last week.

“Anne trained in M and L and thought she could use a large but decided after Friday’s spacewalk a medium fits better,” wrote spokeswoman Stephanie Schierholz on Twitter.

“In this case, it’s easier (and faster!) to change spacewalkers than reconfigure the spacesuit.”

The NASA announcement was met with disappointment and anger by many following the much-anticipated mission on social media, with some arguing an all-female spacewalk was overdue.

Others said they were sad that a milestone moment on women’s space exploration had been deferred, but safety came first.

“I’m super disappointed about the all-woman spacewalk not happening as scheduled this Friday but I’m also super supportive of astronauts having the authority to say ‘I would be safer using a different piece of equipment’,” wrote Emily Lakdawalla, a senior editor at the U.S. nonprofit The Planetary Society.

“An all-woman spacewalk WILL eventually happen.”

Upcoming Local Elections in Turkey a Test for Pro-Kurdish Party

With local elections in Turkey set for this coming Sunday (3/31), the vote is seen as a crucial test for the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party, or HDP, in the country’s predominantly Kurdish southeast. Most of the HDP’s mayors and parliamentary deputies are in jail, accused of supporting a Kurdish insurgency. Still, as Dorian Jones reports from Diyarbakir, the largest city in Turkey’s Kurdish region, HDP candidates are running for office.

Why US Workers Are Stressed & Ready to Quit

Sixty-three percent of American workers are stressed and ready to quit, and poor communication is a leading cause of their frustration, according to a survey commissioned by Dynamic Signal, a California-based company that sells mobile-first communications platforms to companies.

Eighty percent of U.S. employees report feeling stressed because of ineffective company communication, which is a 30 percent increase from a year ago.

The survey involved 1,001 respondents who answered questions online between January 31 and February 12.

Among the most frustrated workers are the 80 million hourly employees who rarely have access to a work email. These non-desk workers include people employed in retail stores, hotels, restaurants, bars, production facilities, warehouses and hospitals, as well as delivery drivers.

Deskless employees are four times more likely to agree that their company communicates more effectively with office employees than it does with them.

“I think companies are doing same job they’ve done forever, but expectations of their employees has evolved,” says Russ Fradin, Dynamic Signal’s CEO. “Because whether it’s your bank account balance or your Tinder match or your sports score … that’s all basically pushed to you immediately, so that makes the frustration when you hear about something you needed to know for your job an hour later, three days later or two weeks later, I think probably that much more frustrating.”

In addition, the survey finds that workers spend up to two hours of each workweek looking for information they need to perform their daily tasks.

Other studies also reflect growing dissatisfaction with internal communications at work. A 2017 Gallup Poll found just 13 percent of employers found company communications to be effective.

And Staffbase, another company that produces mobile apps for internal employee communications, says that 74 percent of U.S. employees feel they are “missing out on company news and information.”

Using posters in the break room or on the factory floor, or newsletters and magazines to communicate with employees might have been effective before the advent of smartphones. But now that the vast majority of Americans – 77 percent – own a smartphone, companies like Fradin’s, as well as the Harvard Business Review, are making the case for using mobile apps to improve employee communications.

That would allow employees to receive information about schedules, pay stubs, company announcements and benefits directly to a mobile device, even if they don’t have a company email.

“It’s really just about bringing the types of tools around your mobile phone that everyone is used to in their day-to-day life, into the workforce,” Fradin says. “There is a way that folks are used to receiving all of their information and workplaces have not kept up with that.”

Improving internal communications can boost the bottom line. Companies with higher employee engagement retain more workers and bring in higher profits, according to Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace report.

Airbus Wins China Order for 300 Jets as Xi Visits France

Airbus signed a deal worth tens of billions of dollars on Monday to sell 300 aircraft to China as part of a trade package coinciding with a visit to Europe by Chinese President Xi Jinping and matching a China record held by rival Boeing.

The deal between Airbus and China’s state buying agency, China Aviation Supplies Holding Company, which regularly coordinates headline-grabbing deals during diplomatic visits, will include 290 A320-family jets and 10 A350 wide-body jets.

French officials said the deal was worth some 30 billion euros at catalogue prices. Planemakers usually grant significant discounts.

The larger-than-expected order, which matches an order for 300 Boeing planes when U.S. Donald Trump visited Beijing in 2017, follows a year-long vacuum of purchases in which China failed to place significant orders amid global trade tensions.

It also comes as the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX has left uncertainty over Boeing’s immediate hopes for a major jet order as the result of any warming of U.S.-China trade ties.

There was no evidence of any direct connection between the Airbus deal and Sino-U.S. tensions or Boeing fleet problems, but China watchers say Beijing has a history of sending diplomatic signals or playing off suppliers through state aircraft deals.

“The conclusion of a big (aviation) contract … is an important step forward and an excellent signal in the current context,” French President Emmanuel Macron said in a joint address with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

The United States and China are edging towards a possible deal to ease a months-long tariff row and a deal involving as many as 200-300 Boeing jets had until recently been expected as part of the possible rapprochement.

Long-term relationship

China was also the first to ground the newest version of Boeing’s workhorse 737 model earlier this month following a deadly Ethiopian Airlines crash, touching off a series of regulatory actions worldwide.

Asked if negotiations had accelerated as a result of the Boeing grounding or other issues, Airbus planemaking chief and designated chief executive Guillaume Faury told reporters, “This is a long-term relationship with our Chinese partners that evolves over time; it is a strong sign of confidence.”

China has become a key hunting ground for Airbus and its leading rival Boeing, thanks to surging travel demand.

But whether Airbus or Boeing is involved, analysts say diplomatic deals frequently contain a mixture of new demand, repeats of older orders and credits against future deals, meaning the immediate impact is not always clear.

The outlook has also been complicated by Beijing’s desire to grow its own industrial champions and, more recently for Boeing, the U.S.-China trade war.

French President Macron unexpectedly failed to clinch an Airbus order for 184 planes during a trip to China in early 2018 and the two sides have been working to salvage it.

Industry sources have said the year’s delay in Airbus negotiations, as well as a buying freeze during the U.S. tariff row, created latent demand for jets to feed China’s growth.
