Month: January 2018

Storm Disrupts Traffic at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport

A storm disrupted air traffic at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport on Wednesday, with many flights canceled or delayed.

Airlines canceled 176 out of a total of more than 1,200 incoming and outgoing flights on Wednesday morning, a spokesman for the Dutch national airport said.

That number was expected to rise, as the storm would grow stronger during the day, with wind gusts reaching speeds of up to 120 kph (75 mph).

Flights that were not canceled faced an average delay of about an hour, the airport said.

Schiphol is Europe’s third busiest airport in number of total passengers per year, after London Heathrow and Paris Charles de Gaulle.

Agencies: Russian Military Helicopter Crashes in Syria, Two Dead

A Russian military MI-24 helicopter crashed in Syria on Dec. 31 due to a technical fault, killing both pilots, Russian news agencies cited the Ministry of Defence as saying on Wednesday.

The helicopter crashed en route to the Hama air base, RIA news said, citing the ministry.

Windstorm Battering France Hits Electricity Supplies

France’s national electricity provider says a violent windstorm has left some 200,000 households without electricity across the country, including 30,000 in the Paris region.

The windstorm, Eleanor, battered northern France Wednesday with winds reaching over 140 kilometers per hour. Photos of destroyed cars, collapsed scaffolding and uprooted trees have appeared across social media.

Some 2,000 agents have been deployed to reconnect the energy supplies in the 49 French departments that have been placed on high alert.

Winds of up to 117 km/h also battered Paris’ biggest airport Charles de Gaulle. Paris’ airport authority said that flights have been disrupted with slight delays stemming from precautions being taken to safely get travelers into aircraft.

Президент Болгарії ветував антикорупційний закон

Президент Болгарії Румен Радев ветував схвалений парламентом антикорупційний закон. Голова держави заявив, що закон недостатньо суворий для ефективної боротьби з корупцією.

Президент наголосив, що пропонований закон не забезпечує захист тих громадян, які відкрито виступають проти корупціонерів. На думку Радева, це заохочує організовану злочинність до залякування людей і розправ над тими, хто викриває порушників закону.

Парламент Болгарії теоретично може подолати вето президента і, розглянувши знову положення закону, залишити його без змін, повідомляє агентство Associoated Press.

З 1 січня до Болгарії на півроку перейшло місце голови Європейського союзу, що об’єднує 28 держав. Цю роль по черзі виконує кожен член спільноти.

Болгарія, балканська країна з населенням понад сім мільйонів людей, приєдналася до Євросоюзу в 2007 році, але залишається серед найбідніших європейських країн з найбільш високим рівнем корупції. Європейські партнери неодноразово піддавали Софію критиці за нездатність подолати корумпованість влади і бізнесу та реформувати судову систему.

Шість країн офіційно стали непостійними членами Ради безпеки ООН

Шість країн 2 січня офіційно стали непостійними членами Ради безпеки ООН. До організації долучилися Нідерланди, Польща, Кувейт, Перу, Кот-д’Івуар і Екваторіальна Гвінея.

Ці країни обрані Генеральною асамблеєю. Нідерланди будуть членом Ради безпеки протягом року, оскільки вони поділяють термін повноважень з Італією, яка працювала в організації у 2017-му. Усі інші країни стали членами Ради безпеки на два роки.

Кайрат Умаров, представник Казахстану, який вперше головує в Раді безпеки ООН, під час вітальної церемонії заявив членам ради, що «миру і безпеки складно досягнути».

«Ви маєте реальний шанс зробити різницю», – сказав посол Казахстану, який очолюватиме ООН протягом одного місяця.

До складу Ради безпеки ООН входять 15 членів. З них – п’ять постійних: Китай, Франція, Росія, Велика Британія та США. Вони мають право вето. Непостійними членами в Раді безпеки наразі є Казахстан, Швеція, Болівія та Ефіопія.

31 грудня 2017 року добіг кінця термін повноважень України, Єгипту, Японії, Сенегалу, Італії та Уругваю.

Mistrust Remains 2 Years After Flint Water Crisis

Every day after work, Ariana Hawk drives to a water distribution center in Flint, Michigan, where the city provides free bottled water to its residents.

Hawk’s 4-year-old son, Sincere Smith, became the poster child for Flint’s water crisis when his face, pocked by lead-poisoning scars, appeared on the cover of Time Magazine in 2016.

His mother says she still only uses bottled water when she bathes her five children and prepares food. She continues this practice even though the state of Michigan has declared the water is safe to drink, but only if filtered because not all of the lead-affected pipes have been replaced.

“Governor Snyder say that we need to use that filter because our water is safe,” Hawk says. “Our water is not safe.”

Two years after a state of emergency was declared because of lead-poisoned water, many in Flint, like Hawk, still don’t believe the water is safe.

“Some people do not trust regardless of what scientific data shows,” says Sheryl Thompson of the Flint Department of Health and Human Services.

“I even had my pipes redone,” says Flint resident Clades Beal, “but the water is still looking the same.”

Pregnant women and people younger than 21 who drank Flint water are now eligible for special health care coverage paid for by the government. So far, there is no way to reverse the effects of lead poisoning.

“In children, we are worried about decreased IQ points, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as well as other cognitive impairment,” says Nathaniel DeNicola, MD of George Washington University. “For children, there is not really a way to reverse those effects, but with proper diet, nutrition, counseling, decrease of the exposures, you can help to not make that adverse effects as impactful.”

And while Flint residents continue to receive help, including bags of food, the government works on replacing lead pipes, which was made possible by a settlement from a $97 million lawsuit brought the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“Right now we are in the implementation of the settlement, of the agreement,” says Dimple Chaudhary of the Natural Resources Defense Council. “We were able to get this great agreement. Again recognizing that there is still so much to do in Flint but this piece of it is a good step forward.”

“The state who in my opinion is liable and really should step up so we can get this mass construction,” says Eric Mays, a Flint City councilman. “It should be a national infrastructure project.”

Meanwhile, Flint residents continue their daily battle for clean water.

“That is not fair to the citizens,” Hawk says. “That is not fair to these kids.”

US, Britain and Norway Warn South Sudan Parties Over Cease-fire Violations

The United States, Britain and Norway have called on parties in South Sudan’s conflict to stop violating a cease-fire signed last month, their heads of mission in the capital Juba said on Tuesday.

The deal aimed to end a four-year war between the government of President Salva Kiir and rebels in which tens of thousands of people have been killed.

But since the signing of the deal in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, there have been several reported violations for which both sides have been blamed.

The United States, Britain and Norway form a group that supported the 2005 accord leading to the independence of South Sudan from Sudan. They have threatened to impose individual or group sanctions for those violating the cease-fire.

“We call on all signatories, and the field commanders who answer to them, to immediately end all military operations,” the three Western countries said in a statement.

They added that field commanders and their political bosses would be held accountable for violating the cease-fire and impeding humanitarian assistance.

The ceasefire is also designed to allow humanitarian groups access to civilians caught in the fighting and revive a 2015 peace deal that collapsed in 2016 after heavy fighting erupted in Juba.

Rebel attack

On Tuesday, a spokesman for a faction now allied with the government said rebels had attacked their positions on December 31.

He said one of the attackers was killed and two were captured alive in the incident.

The cease-fire was meant to be followed by talks on a revised power-sharing arrangement leading to a new date for polls.

The war in South Sudan, the world’s youngest country, was triggered by Kiir’s decision in 2013 to sack his deputy, Riek Machar. It has been fought largely along ethnic lines between forces loyal to Kiir, an ethnic Dinka, and Machar, who is Nuer.

The war has forced a third of the 12 million-strong population to flee their homes.

On Monday, the U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) said it was investigating an allegation by one of the rebel groups that Kenyan security forces unlawfully deported one of their senior members from Kakuma refugee camp over the weekend.

Rebel spokesman Lam Paul Gabriel said the deportation from Kenya was a violation of the cease-fire.

Spokesmen for the Kenya police and the foreign affairs ministry told Reuters on Tuesday they were not aware of the incident.

South Sudan’s presidential spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny told Reuters the Juba government had no link to any missing citizens in Kenya.

Прикордонники не пропустили до Криму російського співака – ДПСУ

Українські прикордонники не пропустили до анексованого Криму російського співака Євгена Кемеровського, повідомила проекту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії начальниця прес-служби Бердянського прикордонного загону Державної прикордонної служби України Неля Доценко.

Вона зазначила, що прикордонники не пропустили Кемеровського на півострів з материкової частини України через відсутність у нього спецдозволу, який видають в органах Державної міграційної служби. Доценко зазначила, що такий документ іноземці та люди без громадянства повинні мати для перетину адміністративного кордону з півостровом.

Крим.Реалії з посиланням на джерело на КПВВ «Чонгар» пише, що російський співак при проходженні прикордонного контролю згадав, що має нерухомість на території Криму і тому має намір отримати спецдозвіл для перетину адмінкордону.

Публічних коментарів самого Кемеровського з цього приводу немає.

Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію й анексію Криму незаконними й засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу запровадили низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості». Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила датою початку тимчасової окупації Криму й Севастополя Росією 20 лютого 2014 року.

Deadly, Bone-chilling Cold Grips Wide Swath of US

Bone-chilling cold gripped much of the U.S. as 2018 began, breaking century-old records and leading to several deaths that authorities attributed to exposure to the dangerously low temperatures.


The National Weather Service issued wind chill advisories and freeze warnings Tuesday covering a vast area from South Texas to Canada and from Montana through New England. Authorities opened warming shelters in the South as temperatures dipped notably close to zero degrees Fahrenheit (-17.7 degrees Celsius) in Alabama and Georgia.

The bitter cold wave enveloped much of the Midwest on Monday, yet that didn’t deter hundreds of people from ringing in the New Year by jumping into Lake Michigan. Throngs of people took part in the Polar Plunge in Milwaukee, despite sub-freezing temperatures and a warning of potential hypothermia from the local fire chief. Organizers canceled a similar event on the Chicago lakefront, after the temperature there dipped below zero and thick white steam rose from the lake. Organizers said the arctic blast made jumping into the lake too dangerous. An annual New Year’s Day water ski show on Pigeon Lake in western Michigan was canceled for the first time since the event was launched in 1980 because the water was frozen solid.


Temperatures plunged below zero elsewhere in the Midwest, including in Aberdeen, South Dakota, where the mercury dropped to a record-breaking minus 32 (-35.5 Celsius). The city’s previous New Year’s Day record had stood for 99 years.


In Nebraska, temperatures hit 15 below zero (-26 Celsius) before midnight Sunday in Omaha, breaking a record low dating to 1884. Omaha officials cited the forecast in postponing the 18th annual New Year’s Eve Fireworks Spectacular that draws around 30,000 people.


It was colder in Des Moines, Iowa, where city officials closed a downtown outdoor ice skating plaza and said it wouldn’t reopen until the city emerged from sub-zero temperatures. The temperature hit 20 below zero (-29 Celsius) early Monday, with the wind chill dipping to negative 31 degrees (-35 Celsius).

 The weather service said temperatures in Indianapolis early Tuesday tied a record low of minus 12 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 24 degrees Celsius) for January 2 set in 1887. Indianapolis Public Schools canceled classes for Tuesday on all its campuses due to the predicted sub-zero temperatures. Students had been scheduled to return from winter break.


In northeastern Montana, the wind chill readings dipped as low as minus 58 (-50 Celsius). And in Duluth, Minnesota, a city known for its bitter cold winters, the wind chill dipped to 36 below zero (-38 Celsius).


Plunging overnight temperatures in Texas brought rare snow flurries as far south as Austin, and accidents racked up on icy roads across the state. In the central Texas city of Abilene, the local police chief said more than three dozen vehicle crashes were reported in 24 hours.


It’s even cold in the Deep South, as temperatures plummeted early Tuesday to 14 (-10 Celsius) in Atlanta and 26 (-3 Celsius) as far south as New Orleans. Temperatures fell to 8 (-13 Celsius) degrees near Cullman, Alabama, and 20 degrees (-6.5 Celsius) in Mobile, Alabama. Georgia saw one of its coldest temperatures of the winter: 2 degrees (-16.5 Celsius) shortly before dawn at a U.S. Forest Service weather station at Toccoa, Georgia. Warming shelters were opened across the South as freeze watches and warnings blanketed the region, including hard freeze warnings for much of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

The cold is blamed in at least nine deaths in the past week. Most recently, police in St. Louis said a homeless man found dead inside a trash bin Monday evening apparently froze to death as the temperature dropped to negative 6 degrees (-21 Celsius). Sheriff’s officials in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, said a 27-year-old woman whose body was found Monday evening on the shore of Lake Winnebago likely died of exposure.


The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office said two men whose bodies were found Sunday showed signs of hypothermia. Police believe the cold weather also may have been a factor in the death of a man in Bismarck, North Dakota, whose body was found near a river.


У Дніпрі з нагоди дня народження Бандери влаштували марш і флешмоб з виконання гімну ОУН

У Дніпрі 1 січня відбувся марш, приурочений до дня народження Степана Бандери. Близько 400 учасників, представників громадських організацій під синьо-жовтими та червоно-чорними прапорами зі смолоскипами в руках пройшли центральною частиною міста від облдержадміністрації до мерії.

В акції взяла участь як молодь, так і літні люди. Учасники акції йшли під звуки барабана, співали гімн України та українські пісні, а також скандували гасла «Слава Україні! Героям слава!», «Бандера, Шухевич – герої України!» тощо.

У руках вони тримали плакати з написами «Ніхто не зупинить ідею, час якої настав» та «Діди воювали». Біля будівлі міської ради учасники акції запалили фаєри й влаштували флешмоб з виконання гімну ОУН.

За словами активістів, Степан Бандера є символом української нації. «Ті, хто за українську перемогу, мають бути завжди єдині, підтримувати один одного і не доводити до розбрату. Бандера, на жаль, не прийде, Бандера порядок не наведе. Це маємо зробити ми під його прапором», – зазначив один із учасників маршу, активіст організації «С14» Андрій Куліш.

Захід супроводжувала поліція, але в дії активістів не втручалась.

2016 року активісти ВО «Свобода» встановили пам’ятний знак Бандері на в’їзді до Дніпра, пізніше його демонтували невідомі.

Степан Бандера народився 1 січня 1909 року в селі Старий Угринів Калуського району на Івано – Франківщині. Загинув 15 жовтня 1959 року у Мюнхені від рук агента КДБ Богдана Сташинського.

Активісти вимагають знайти вбивць юристки Ноздровської

Понад 100 активістів станом на вечір 1 січня збираються прийти у вівторок, 2 січня, до управління поліції Київської області з вимогою знайти убивць юристки Ірини Ноздровської. Про акцію протесту її ініціатори домовляються у мережі Facebook.

«Завтра, 02.01.2017 року збираємося біля обласного управління поліції Київської області за адресою: вулиця Володимирська, 15, з вимогою залучити всі сили до пошуку вбивці чи вбивць Ірини Ноздровської, а також з вимогою надати охорону доньці Ірини Анастасії, оскільки їй також неодноразово погрожували. Вбивці мають бути покарані», – ідеться на сторінці акції.

На Київщині 1 січня знайшли мертвою юристку Ірину Ноздровську, повідомила поліція Київської області. «38-річну жительку села Демидів Вишгородського району, яка зникла три дні тому, сьогодні виявили бездиханною у місцевій річці», – заявили в поліції.

Правоохоронці додали, що тіло загиблої направлять на проведення судово-медичної експертизи. У поліції зазначили, що за фактом умисного вбивства відкрили кримінальне провадження.

Ноздровська займалася справою про загибель своєї сестри, яку 30 вересня 2015 року збив автомобіль. У вбивстві обвинувачують Дмитра Россошанського. 27 грудня юристка повідомляла, що Апеляційний суд Київської області відправив справу щодо Россошанського на новий судовий розгляд.

Під час смолоскипової ходи на честь Бандери в Києві порушень порядку не було – поліція

Поліція Києва заявляє, що смолоскипова хода до дня народження лідера Організації українських націоналістів Степана Бандери завершилася, порушень порядку правоохоронці не зафіксували.

У поліції зазначили, що в колоні, яка йшла від парка Шевченка до майдану Незалежності, було близько 1 тисячі людей.

Смолоскипову ходу в Києві організували представники «Національного корпусу», всеукраїнського об’єднання «Свобода» та «Правого сектору».

Один із лідерів українського націоналістичного руху першої половини ХХ століття Степан Бандера народився 1 січня 1909 року на території теперішньої Івано-Франківської області. Вбитий 15 жовтня 1959 року в Мюнхені.

У МВС України повідомляли, що з нагоди річниці народження Бандери 1 січня 2018 року у 20 регіонах держави заплановані 54 масові заходи за участю понад 8 400 осіб.

US VP Pence’s Planned Visit to Israel up in the Air Again

Israel’s Foreign Ministry on Monday said an expected visit by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence appears to have been postponed again.


Spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon said the visit, which had been expected to take place the week of Jan. 14, is not on the ministry’s schedule for January.


“The visit is not included in our provision of scheduled visits of high-level dignitaries in January,” he said.


He gave no reason for the apparent delay and said it was still possible that Pence could decide to come. But he said there was no new date for an expected visit.

Pence had been scheduled to visit Israel last month but called off the trip at late notice and said he would come instead in January.

The official reason for the delay was the Senate tax vote. But it also followed region-wide uproar over President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.


The Palestinians, who seek Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem as their capital, canceled a planned meeting with Pence to protest Trump’s decision. Leading Muslim and Christian clerics in neighboring Egypt also said they would refuse to meet with Pence during a planned stop in Cairo.


There was no immediate White House comment.



2 Die from Fireworks in Germany, No Repeat of Mass Groping

Two people have died from fireworks injuries during New Year celebrations in Germany, but the country avoided a repeat of the mass groping in Cologne in 2016 amid heightened security and efforts to protect women from sexual harassment.

In the Brandenburg region outside Berlin, police said Monday that a 35-year-old man died after igniting fireworks, and a 19-year-old suffered fatal head injuries after he set off a homemade device.


Multiple fireworks injuries also were reported across the country.

Police in Cologne said there were seven cases of sexual harassment, while Berlin police reported 13 and seven arrests as several hundred thousand people celebrated at the city’s Brandenburg Gate.

Police sought to prevent a repeat of New Year 2016 in Cologne, when hundreds of women were groped and robbed, mostly by groups of migrants. There were also concerns about possible terror attacks in the wake of the attack on Dec. 19, 2016 in which an asylum seeker drove a truck into a Berlin Christmas market and killed 12 people.

Police barred large bags from barricaded-off pedestrian party areas in Berlin and Frankfurt.


Other fireworks incidents included serious eye injuries to a 14-year-old girl after fireworks were thrown at a group of people in the town of Triptis in the Thuringia region in the east, the dpa news agency reported.


Hand surgeons at Berlin’s trauma hospital worked continuously in three operating rooms through the night treating 21 people, including five with amputation injuries, dpa reported.

Six officers in Berlin suffered temporary hearing loss when a firework was thrown at them during the arrest of a suspect. The 22-year-old man was believed to have thrown a firecracker that blew a hole in a police car’s rear windshield.


Police said they also arrested a 16-year-old girl after she repeatedly threw fireworks at police and confiscated 44 illegal pyrotechnic devices they found in her possession.


Police in Leipzig turned water cannon on a group of up to 50 disorderly people who threw firecrackers at them.

Storm Cuts Power to 65,000 Households in Western France

Winter storm Carmen has cut power to about 65,000 households in western France and is moving south, power grid company Enedis said on Monday.

Earlier on Monday, some 40,000 households in the Brittany region experienced power cuts but 30,000 have now been reconnected said Enedis, which has mobilized 1,500 staff to restore fix power lines.

Enedis, a unit of French state-controlled utility EDF, said in a statement the storm was now moving to the regions of Poitou-Charente, Pays de Loire and Aquitaine.

Weather service Meteo France kept the French Atlantic coast areas south of Brittany on orange alert, but downgraded the threat level in most other areas of western France.

Winds with speeds of up to 140 kilometers per hour battered the country’s Atlantic coast in mid-afternoon but no serious damage was reported.

Major power cuts or blackouts are rare in France, which produces three quarters of its power with nuclear energy.

In July 2015, some 830,000 households temporarily lost power in western France after exceptionally warm weather damaged transformers.





Pope on 2018: Forget Life’s Useless Baggage, Work for Peace

Pope Francis on Monday recommended jettisoning life’s “useless baggage” in 2018, including what he called “empty chatter” and banal consumerism, and focusing instead on building a peaceful and welcoming world, particularly for refugees and migrants.

Francis offered his reflections on paring down non-essentials as he celebrated New Year’s Day Mass Monday in St. Peter’s Basilica and later greeted some 40,000 people in St. Peter’s Square.

His advice included setting aside a moment of silence daily to be with God. Doing so would help “keep our freedom from being corroded by the banality of consumerism, the blare of commercials, the stream of empty words and the overpowering waves of empty chatter and loud shouting,” Francis said.


“At the beginning of the year, we too, as Christians on our pilgrim way, feel the need to set out anew from the center, to leave behind the burdens of the past and to start over from the things that really matter,” he said.


The Catholic church designates Jan. 1 as World Peace Day, and in his comments after Mass to the crowd in the square outside the basilica, Francis noted that this year’s focus of the day was the search for peace by migrants and refugees.


“I desire, yet again, to speak for these our brothers and sisters who invoke for their future a horizon of peace,” Francis said. “For this peace, which is the right of everyone, many of them are willing to risk their life in a voyage that is in the great majority of cases long and dangerous, willing to face hardships and suffering,” the pontiff said.


In the past few years, hundreds of thousands of migrants have crossed the Mediterranean from northern Africa in human traffickers’ unseaworthy boats, desperate to reach European shores. The pope’s foreign travels in 2017 included a voyage to Myanmar and Bangladesh, where the suffering of minority Rohingya Muslims, who have fled from the first country to take refuge in the second, was a central concern of his pilgrimage.


Francis in his appeal Monday said of refugees and migrants: “Let us not extinguish the hope in their hearts. Let us not suffocate their expectations for peace.” He called for all to make commitments “to assure the refugees, the migrants, everyone, a future of peace.”


The pope then prayed that people “work in this new year with generosity to realize a world that is more united and welcoming.”




California Begins Recreational Marijuana Sales

More than two decades after California became the first U.S. state to legalize medical marijuana use, on January first it becomes the final West Coast state to legalize pot for recreational purposes — a move approved by California voters in November 2016, in a referendum known as Prop 64.

While this is good news for cannabis enthusiasts, those with visions of unencumbered marijuana use in the California sunshine will find that reality is not quite so cut-and-dried — meaning, simple — referring to the processing of tobacco leaves.

Most importantly, while seven U.S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana use, the U.S. federal government still considers it a controlled substance, classified with heroin and LSD as illegal drugs. Elsewhere, 29 states have legalized medical marijuana, and Maine and Massachusetts are set to legalize recreational pot in 2018.

Federal versus state law

Former White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters in February 2017 that the Department of Justice may be looking into legal marijuana use in the future.

“When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming around so many states… the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people,” Spicer said.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, an opponent of legalized pot, said in November that he is taking a close look at federal enforcement of anti-drug laws that include marijuana. “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” he said at a Senate hearing in 2016.

Federal and state laws come more into play in California, which has several U.S. Border Patrol checkpoints, at which federal agents, mainly searching for illegal immigrants, are also empowered to seize pot stashes and prosecute the owners.

The Associated Press quotes Ronald Vitiello, acting deputy commissioner of the federal Customs and Border Protection agency, as calling drug seizures at border checkpoints an “ancillary effect”of enforcing immigration laws.

In addition to 34 permanent checkpoints along the U.S. border with Mexico, Border Patrol operates more than 100 “tactical” stops that may appear or disappear as needed, as far as 161 kilometers inside the U.S. border.

AP reports that people found with pot at those checkpoints are typically photographed and fingerprinted, and their stashes seized. The report says those people often aren’t charged with a crime, however, because pot possession in small amounts is considered a low-priority offense.

The checkpoints are legal. Border Patrol agents say they help catch illegal immigrants who have made it past the U.S. border and might disappear into a large city; and the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that agents can question people at checkpoints even if they have no reason to believe anyone inside the car is in the country illegally.

Bureau of Cannabis Control

Meanwhile, California has created its own Bureau of Cannabis Control to regulate the growing and sale of cannabis.

Bureau spokesman Alex Traverso told the Los Angeles Times that about eight enforcement officers will be in place by January 1.

The bureau has issued fewer than 200 temporary business licenses so far, although cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco are expected later to issue their own local licenses, which will be required to get a state permit. Only a few dozen retail outlets are expected to be up and running by January 1.

Many localities inside California have not yet approved recreational pot use — and some may choose not to do so at all. Cannabis Control did not start issuing licenses to sell recreational cannabis until mid-December, so many applications are still in the works.

San Diego, San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley and Eureka are among the towns where pot stores can open on January 1.

Still proponents of legalized pot say bringing the drug out into the open makes it possible to tax sales of cannabis — which lawmakers hope will result in $1 billion a year in new tax revenue for the state. The money will come from a 15 percent state excise tax on every cannabis purchase. Local governments can place additional taxes on top of that — or they can ban pot shops entirely, if they choose.

Daniel Yi, a spokesman for the L.A.-area dispensary Med Men, says he expects an eighth of an ounce of pot to go for about $35 when two Med Men shops begin selling to recreational users on January 2. He told Reuters news agency that three other locations will probably not begin selling to recreational users for a few more weeks.

Keeping out of trouble

Further moves to keep control on the industry include guidelines for retailers, and age and use limits for consumers.

Pot sales will be restricted to people who are age 21 or older, but anyone visiting the state who is of age may buy and consume marijuana at legal outlets. Prop 64 specifically prohibits marketing of pot products to minors.

Pot shops cannot be within 180 meters (600 feet) of a school and they must maintain 24-hour surveillance. They also cannot open before 6 a.m. and must close by 10 p.m.

California anti-smoking laws make it illegal to smoke pot in places where regular tobacco smoking is banned. Employers may still subject employees to drug tests to ensure a drug-free workplace.

Drivers are being warned not to drive after using pot. While it is harder to measure a person’s intoxication level after smoking pot than it is after alcohol consumption, Hound Labs of Oakland is developing what it says is a “marijuana breathalyzer” for cops and employers to gauge whether a person has been using while driving or on the job.

L.A. County Sheriff Jim McDonnell says he worries about people getting behind the wheel while high.

“The public’s perception is that weed is innocuous, that this is something they did 40 years ago and it is no big deal,” he told the Los Angeles Times. “Well, today’s marijuana is not yesterday’s marijuana. The active ingredient, THC, is so much higher today than back 40 years ago.”

As for food products containing THC, Californians will be able to consume them in any public place where food is normally consumed. The publishers of Mother Jones magazine say at least one of their readers wrote in to ask if there will be cannabis ice cream — and the answer, they say, is yes. Medical marijuana users have been consuming it for years. But there’s a catch: the amount of THC allowable in such items is limited to 10 milligrams per serving.

One other effect of the new pot law is that it will reduce penalties on people who have been convicted for pot crimes in the past. In addition to making pot more available, the law that legalized it, known as Prop 64, also makes pot crimes once viewed as felonies into lower-level misdemeanors. That means some people currently in California jails for selling or possessing pot could see their sentences reduced.

Flowers and Sunshine Greet Thousands for 129th Rose Parade

The roses are ready, and the skies will be blue in Southern California on New Year’s Day.

Only a few clouds are expected in Pasadena as the city celebrates the 129th Rose Parade, and temperatures are expected to reach a high of the mid-70s.

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to line a street to watch floats decked out with hundreds of thousands of flowers.

It has rained on the Rose Parade only once in the past 67 years — that was in 2006 — and it has never been canceled because of weather.

Actor Gary Sinise is this year’s grand marshal.

Spectators started lining the 3.5-mile (5.6-kilometer) route on Sunday, many of them camping overnight to watch the floats that will start drifting by in the morning.
