Month: December 2017

Порошенко доручив забезпечити звільнених полонених медичною та логістичною допомогою – Геращенко

Президент України Петро Порошенко доручив забезпечити утримуваних бойовиками на Донбасі полонених, яких планують обміняти 27 грудня, медичною та логістичною допомогою, повідомила представниця України в гуманітарній підгрупі Тристоронньої контактної групи з урегулювання конфлікту на Донбасі Ірина Геращенко після наради в Адміністрації президента.

«Президент України щойно дав доручення, що, по-перше, усі заручники, які будуть звільнені 27 грудня, повинні пройти медичну і психологічну реабілітацію у лікарнях, які раніше лікували депутатів, міністрів, але тепер їх двері будуть відкриті для наших в’язнів. Також президент доручив Міністерству оборони зробити все для того, щоб наші хлопці та жінки, які будуть звільнені, були доставлені до своїх родин», – сказала Геращенко.

Вона додала, що всі технічні та логістичні моменти обговорені, і залишається, щоб підтримувані Росією бойовики виконали досягнуті домовленості.

25 грудня Геращенко повідомила, що обмін полоненими за формулою «306 (сепаратистів – ред.) на 74 (військових і цивільних, включених до списку на обмін Україною – ред.)» відбудеться 27 грудня.

Протягом останніх 1,5 року процес звільнення заручників був заблокований, нині вкотре на переговорах в Мінську порушили це питання, очікується, що до кінця року обмін заручниками відбудеться.

Представник України у гуманітарній підгрупі, кум російського президента Володимира Путіна Віктор Медведчук раніше заявляв, що контактна група обговорювала обмін заручниками за формулою «306 на 74». Диспропорцію між кількістю осіб, яку мають звільнити Україна і бойовики, він пояснив тим, що раніше ОРДЛО звільняли більше, ніж Україна, і тепер «баланс має виправитися».

8 грудня Ірина Геращенко повідомила, що на окупованій території Донбасу утримуються 168 заручників. Вона підтвердила, що українська сторона сподівається домогтися звільнення 74 із них до Нового року.

Штаб: бойовики таки зірвали перемир’я – 25 грудня ввечері обстріляли позиції ЗСУ біля Павлополя

Штаб української воєнної операції на Донбасі заявляє, що 25 грудня підтримувані Росією бойовики таки зірвали «різдвяне» перемир’я і обстріляли ввечері позиції ЗСУ біля Павлополя на Донеччині.

«Сьогодні близько 19:00 бойовики грубо порушили Мінські домовленості, застосувавши по оборонних укріпленнях сил АТО у районі Павлополя 120-міліметрові міномети. П’ять мін у бік українських позицій окупанти випустили з тимчасово окупованого населеного пункту Соснівське», – повідомили у прес-центрі штабу АТО на сторінці у Facebook.

Від початку доби і до 18-ї години понеділка, коли відзначається Різдво за григоріанським календарем, українські військові повідомляли про відсутність обстрілів на Донбасі.

Порушення перемир’я ввечері у штабі АТО назвали «зацікавленістю» бойовиків у подальшому загостренні конфлікту та небажанні дотримуватися режиму припинення вогню.

Сайти сепаратистського угруповання «ДНР» пишуть, що українські військові ввечері понеділка з позицій в районі Павлополя випустили вісім мін 82-міліметрового калібру, обстрілявши село Соснівське Новоазовського району.

Черговий режим припинення вогню, про який 20 грудня в Мінську оголосила Тристороння контактна група, мав діяти з півночі 23 грудня на час різдвяних і новорічних свят. Він мав змінити так зване «шкільне перемир’я», яке сотні разів порушувалося сторонами збройного конфлікту на Донбасі.


Мутко призупинив діяльність на посаді голови Російського футбольного союзу

Віце-прем’єр-міністр Росії Віталій Мутко призупинив діяльність на посаді голови Російського футбольного союзу.

«Я звернувся до виконкому і прийняв рішення. У нас така норма – якщо президент не може виконати обов’язки, він повинен їх скласти. Щоб РФС спокійно працював, я попросив призупинити достроково виконання моїх зобов’язань на строк до шести місяців. Я нікуди не йду, мій мандат буде діяти», – сказав Мутко.

Він додав, що повернеться на посаду після шести місяців, «може бути, раніше».

Виконувати обов’язки голови Російського футбольного союзу буде генеральний директор цієї організації Олександр Алаєв.

Мутко був головою РФС з 2005 до 2009 року. У вересні 2015-го він повернувся на посаду. Раніше ЗМІ повідомляли, що Мутко піде з посту очільника Російського футбольного союзу у зв’язку з тиском з боку Міжнародної федерації футболу (ФІФА) на тлі допінгового скандалу.

Виконком Міжнародного олімпійського комітету 5 грудня відсторонив збірну Росії від участі в зимовій Олімпіаді-2018 в Південній Кореї. У МОК на підставі двох розслідувань визнали доведеним фактом, що влада Росії на державному рівні організувала систему застосування допінгу в спорті.

За рішенням виконкому МОК також дискваліфікований Олімпійський комітет Росії. Колишній міністр спорту, віце-прем’єр уряду Росії Віталій Мутко довічно позбавлений права бути присутнім на Олімпіадах.

4 Killed in Moscow When Bus Crashes into Underground Passage

Russian authorities say a bus careened off a road and onto steps leading into an underground passageway in Moscow, killing at least four people and leaving 13 others injured.


Moscow police said passengers and pedestrians were among those killed in Monday’s crash. Police immediately ruled out a possibility of it being an attack, saying that they suspect a mechanical fault or that the driver lost control of the vehicle. Police were questioning the driver.


Photos taken at the scene show the bus on the steps leading into the underground passageway.


Russian news agencies reporting from the scene quoted Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin as saying that he has ordered all city buses to be checked in the aftermath of the crash.


Navalny Calls for Presidential Election Boycott After Being Barred as Candidate

Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny is calling for a boycott of the country’s next presidential ballot after election officials barred him from running.

Russia’s Central Election Commission (CEC) voted Monday to bar Navalny from running in the March 2018 presidential election because of his conviction on criminal charges that the anti-corruption blogger and his followers say were politically motivated.

The commission’s decision came a day after Navalny declared he had collected the required number of endorsements nationwide to become a presidential candidate.

Following Monday’s CEC decision, Navalny released a video calling on his supporters to boycott the presidential vote.

“We understood that this [the CEC decision] was possible, and we have a clear and precise plan… We are declaring a ‘voters’ strike’, in as much as the procedure in which we are being urged to participate is not an election,” he said.

Navalny said his team would now campaign against participating in the presidential election, saying to cast a ballot would be “to vote for deception and corruption.”

President Vladimir Putin announced earlier this month that he will run in the March 18 election, and it is widely assumed he will win a fourth term as Russian head of state

Gloomy Christmas in Bethlehem in Wake of Trump’s Declaration

Christians around the world are celebrating Christmas. But in the Holy Land, Israeli-Palestinian tensions have put a damper on festivities.

Bells at the Church of the Nativity summoned the faithful to celebrate Christmas at the traditional birthplace of Jesus in the West Bank town of Bethlehem. But turnout was sparse in the wake of three weeks of Palestinian protests against U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

WATCH: Trump’s Declaration Overshadows Christmas in Bethlehem

Palestinian Michael Kumsiyeh sat in his empty souvenir shop in Manger Square and put the blame squarely on Trump.

“He makes a problem. He doesn’t make any solution. He doesn’t find any solution for the problem,” said Kumsiyeh.

Café owner Hader Kanaan said customers are few and far between.

“This Christmas this year is very sad. No celebration. Nobody happy. Bad situation. Everything [is] bad,” he said.

Some tourists cancelled their trips to Bethlehem, but others were not deterred.

“I wasn’t afraid to come. I’m not afraid being here at all. I’m pleased to see the security,” said Gail Perkins, who came from Los Angeles in the United States.

She said there no better place to be on Christmas than Bethlehem.

“It kind of makes the biblical stories that I’ve known all my life come alive because I can see the countryside, hear the language and smell the food,” she said.

Many pilgrims waited a lifetime to visit Bethlehem, but the Palestinians who live here are still waiting for better times.

IN PICTURES: Christmas Celebrations Around the World




Christmas Celebrations Around the World

Pope Francis calls for “peace for Jerusalem” and “mutual trust” on the Korean peninsula as he focused on the suffering of children in conflicts across the world, in his traditional Christmas Day address “Urbi et Orbi” (“To the City and to the World”) from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.

2017 Marked a Sea Change in Attitudes Toward Sexual Misconduct

Doug Jones was a little speechless at first. Then he thanked the various voters who elected him the first Democratic senator from Alabama in 25 years.

“I have always believed that the people of Alabama have more in common than to divide us.” His stunning victory was a fallout from a barrage of sexual harassment allegations that shook the country in late 2017.

His Republican opponent, Roy Moore, campaigned while denying at least nine allegations of sexual misconduct, some involving women when they were teenagers. Accuser Beverly Young says she was terrified at the time.

“I thought he was going to rape me,” she said.

Despite an endorsement from President Donald Trump, and Moore’s insistence that the “allegations are completely false … malicious,” Moore lost.

​Opening the floodgates

By the end of 2017, more than 60 prominent men were suspended, fired or forced to resign from their highly visible jobs because of allegations of sexual harassment and even assault against women, some occurring years ago. More than 100 stand accused of sexual harassment or misconduct. The trend began in October when movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, was exposed as an alleged serial predator of young actresses who wanted to be stars.

Louisette Geiss says her heart raced as he told her “he could get me a three-picture deal, but that I had to watch him masturbate.” By December, more than 80 women had accused Weinstein of sexual harassment.

He admitted, “I got to get help, guys,” as he left for an Arizona rehabilitation facility. He stayed for a week. His business, the Weinstein Company, co-founded with his brother, is in jeopardy, plagued by lawsuits from women who claim the company knew about and hid his harassment.

WATCH: Dozens Shamed in Sexual Harassment Charges in 2017

The Weinstein effect

The public accusations against Harvey Weinstein emboldened other women to tell their stories. Suddenly, other high-profile men began to fall in what would be known as the “Weinstein Effect.”

Melissa Silverstein writes the blog “Women and Hollywood.” She says the outpouring of accusations proves that women are “reacting that our rights are being rolled back and we are tired of it.”

The “Weinstein Effect” hit others in Hollywood, including House of Cards star Kevin Spacey, accused of sexual harassment of a teenaged boy. Netflix suspended its filming of the show’s last season, then announced it would resume without Spacey as the main character.

In other media, NBC fired its Today show host of 20 years, Matt Lauer, after accusations of inappropriate sexual behavior on the job. CBS suspended its morning anchor, Charlie Rose, for similar allegations.

Comedian Louis C.K. is accused by five women of sexual misconduct for actions including stripping and masturbating in front of them. Louisiana Celebrity Chef John Besh, who’s known for the country’s southern food trend, stepped down after several dozen women claimed harassment and that his restaurant atmosphere allowed it to thrive.

In music, Russell Simmons, co-founder of the hip-hop music label Def Jam Recordings, and James Levine, the conductor of the Metropolitan Opera, face sexual assault allegations.

​More political fallout

Moore was not the only politician accused of improper behavior. A radio news anchor accused U.S. Senator Al Franken of groping her while she slept on a military plane headed home from a USO tour. Leeann Tweeden posted the photo as part of an essay she wrote about the 2006 incident. Tweeden also accused Franken of forcibly kissing her. 

“He just smashed his lips against my face,” she said in the news conference, “and he stuck his tongue in my mouth so fast.”

More complaints would come forward, and Franken announced in December he would step down: “I will be resigning as a member of the United States Senate.” Franken’s last day in office will be Jan. 2.

In late December, a group of Democratic senators used Franken’s resignation as a reason to demand President Donald Trump resign. They cited at least 15 women who have accused the president of improper conduct. Trump was elected U.S. president more than a year ago, despite the public accusations.

​#MeToo rally, Time award

The shift in attitudes against sexual harassment triggered a social media campaign. #MeToo became the rallying cry for women worldwide. Women posted the hashtag on Twitter and Facebook to acknowledge publicly their experiences and to demonstrate the extent of the problem.

Time magazine named “The Silence Breakers” as its “Person of the Year” for 2017. The issue is dedicated to those who have accused powerful figures of sexual misconduct, calling them the “voices that launched a movement.”

A Time magazine survey shows that 82 percent think women are more likely to speak out about harassment since the Weinstein allegations.

By the end of 2017, the movement changed the nation’s mores, as men and women better understood the definition of sexual harassment and no longer ignored it.

Єгипет: поліція вбила 9 підозрюваних у нападі на Синайському півострові

Дев’ятеро людей, підозрюваних у належності до угруповання, що вчиняло напад на Синайському півострові, були вбиті поліцією під час рейду на північному сході Єгипту. Про це повідомило міністерство внутрішніх справ цієї країни у неділю, 24 грудня.

Угруповання, що розміщувалось в провінції Шаркія, було задіяна у нападі на пости безпеки та військовий апарат у Північному Синаї, де загинули багато співробітників силових відомств Єгипту, йдетьсяв повідомленні.

Окрім того, за даними міністерства, члени цього угроповання також підозрюються у плануванні інших нападів на життєво важливу інфраструктуру регіону.

Під час рейду, як повідомляється, поліція виявила автомат та боєприпаси.

Сили безпеки в Каїрі також затримали дев’ять людей і захопили зброю та вибухові пристрої, повідомляє міністерство.

Напали на єгипетські сили безпеки почастішали після того, як у 2013-му році армія скинула президента Мохаммада Мурсі. Повстання з боку афільованої групи угруповання «Ісламська держава», розташованої на Північному Синаї, стало причиною загибелі сотень поліцейських, солдатів, а також цивільних осіб.

Стартував четвертий зимовий марафон написання листів «в’язням Кремля» – LetMyPeopleGo

Традиційний зимовий марафон написання листів ув’язненим Кремля в рамках кампанії LetMyPeopleGo стартував учетверте, повідомляє проект Радіо Свобода «Крим.Реалії». Як зазначають організатори, представники ініціативи «Євромайдан SOS», акція покликана «подарувати ув’язненим трохи тепла напередодні Різдва й Нового року».

«Зимові свята в холодних російських в’язницях зустрічатимуть понад 60 громадян України. Вони ув’язнені за сфабрикованими справами на загальний термін близько 200 років. Серед них – студенти, багатодітні батьки, люди з важкими захворюваннями, лідери кримськотатарського народу, правозахисники, художники та журналісти. Для них листи з волі – це ковток свободи, зв’язок із зовнішнім світом і величезна моральна підтримка. Листи нагадують їм, що про них не забувають, що за їхнє звільнення борються, їх чекають на свободі», – кажуть правозахисники.

Організатори розповідають, як оформити листа, аби той пройшов тюремну цензуру.

«Необхідно писати російською мовою, дотримуватися політичної нейтральності, вказувати на конверті рік народження, повне ім’я, по батькові та прізвище адресата, вкласти до конверта чисті аркуші паперу, марку й конверт, якщо ви сподіваєтеся на відповідь», – зауважують активісти.

Перелік ув’язнених й адреси в’язниць можна знайти на сайті кампанії LetMyPeopleGo.

Кампанія LetMyPeopleGo була ініційована «Євромайдан SOS» для захисту всіх ув’язнених із політичних мотивів громадян України в Росії й анексованому Криму. Кампанія має на меті домогтися звільнення всіх людей зі списку LetMyPeopleGo і контролює дотримання прав людини заручників Кремля, серед яких – свобода від катувань, право на вільний доступ до адвоката, надання медичної допомоги тощо.

За даними Федеральної служби виконання покарань Росії, станом на грудень 2017 року в колоніях перебувають до півмільйона людей.

Серед цих ув’язнених, згідно з даними правозахисного центру «Меморіал», – 117 осіб, які були засуджені за політичними мотивами.



Spain Tries to Turn Back Growing Migrant Tide

Spain is trying to turn back a growing wave of African migrants who seek to enter the country through its southern coast or its small enclaves in North Africa.

About 800 migrants rushed the border fence in the enclave of Ceuta on Friday. At least 30 managed to climb over the seven-meter-high fence according to Spanish police, who turned back hundreds more with help from Moroccan riot police.

Ceuta and another city along the Moroccan coast, Melilla, have been Spanish possessions since the 1500s.

Earlier in the week, the Spanish coast guard rescued about 60 migrants trying to cross the narrow sea strait that separates Spain from Africa in flimsy rubber boats.

The number of immigrants reaching Spain, most of them from sub-Saharan African countries, tripled from 9,000 last year to 27,000 in 2017, according to Spanish Interior Minister Juan Zoido, who has said that controlling illegal immigration is one of his government’s “top priorities.”

The influx remains well below that of Italy’s, which has received over 100,000 immigrants this year.

But Spain is preparing for more scenes like the one in Ceuta.The United Nations refugee agency says African immigration routes are increasingly shifting away from Libya, the African country closest to Italy, and into Algeria and Morocco, which are are closest to Spain. Incidents of abuse and enslavement inflicted by Libya-based human traffickers are causing the change.

Spain enhanced border protection recently by placing concertina wire atop the fences that surround the 15 kilometer perimeters of Ceuta and Melilla. Heat-sensitive thermal cameras monitor movement along the fences at night, when most border crossings take place.

Often, Spanish police also direct heavily-armed Moroccan teams to points where they detect groups of aliens massing near the fence.

Despite these defenses, large groups have managed to jump, cut or crash through barriers on at least three occasions this year.

“This is starting to look like the U.S. border with Mexico,” a senior Spanish security official told VOA.

Once on Spanish soil, African migrants apply for European Union passes that give them the right to travel anywhere in Europe. The passes usually take just three or four months to process. Immigrants from Guinea and Cameroon, interviewed by VOA at a temporary detention center in Ceuta, say they are headed for France.

Spanish Interior Minister Zoido recently criticized NGOs that offer legal aid to new arrivals for ignoring security concerns.

Most of the migrants come from from Islamic-majority countries, and Spain fears terrorist attacks by Islamic State and other militant groups. Authorities in Ceuta this year rounded up two cells linked to IS that were allegedly preparing attacks.

A Spanish Civil Guard general, Franciso Espiosa, was recently appointed to head an EU military task force that will operate in Africa’s Sahel region, in hopes of stemming the immigrant tide. Espiosa is in charge of activities that range from training local gendarmes to direct missions against human trafficking rings and suspected terror cells.

Порошенко привітав вірян із Різдвом за григоріанським календарем

Президент України Петро Порошенко вийшов з вітальним зверненням до вірян, які святкують Різдво за григоріанським календарем – 25 грудня.

«Вперше як державне свято ми відзначаємо Різдво Христове за григоріанським календарем – разом із більшістю усього християнського світу, спільно із Європою. Верховна Рада ухвалила, а я підписав Закон, і віднині 25 грудня – вихідний день. Але ми жодним чином не зазіхаємо на давню добру традицію святкувати Різдво 7 січня, шануємо її та поважаємо. Обирати собі календар – це є особисте право кожного, а от завдання держави – гарантувати таке право і дати можливість вибору», – заявив президент.

За словами Порошенка, особисто він має намір святкувати двічі.

«Україна – унікальна в своїй віротерпимості й повазі до релігійних почуттів. Ми – це православні, греко-католики, римо-католики. Ми – ціле різнобарв’я протестантських церков. Ми – мусульмани та іудеї. Ми всі разом – українці», – наголосив політик.

Вперше цього року 25 грудня Різдво за новим стилем є вихідним днем. Свято у цей день відзначають в Україні, зокрема, приблизно 11 тисяч релігійних католицьких і протестантських громад, які святкують Різдво за григоріанським календарем – 25 грудня. 

Опівночі в храмах пройдуть святкові меси. Наймасовіша – в соборі Святого Петра у Ватикані. Її проведе папа Римський Франциск. Він звернеться з традиційним різдвяним посланням. У багатьох країнах християни сьогодні дотримуються суворого посту. День завершиться різдвяною вечерею і подарунками.





Більшість українців масово відзначатиме Різдво 25 грудня вже за два-три роки – Момрик​

В Україні відтепер буде «два Різдва»?

Порошенко підписав закон про оголошення вихідним 25 грудня

Микола Леонтович – українець, який подарував світові «маленьке музичне диво»

Пісня Jingle Bells українською набрала мільйон переглядів на YouTube

Trump Sends Christmas Greetings to US Troops Abroad

President Donald Trump is sending Christmas greetings to U.S. troops stationed around the world.


From the Florida estate where Trump is spending the holidays, he spoke by video hook-up on Christmas Eve to members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard, stationed in Qatar, Kuwait and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


Trump told the troops that Americans are thankful for them and their families. He says they’re “the greatest people on earth.”


He offered renewed praise to the Coast Guard for saving thousands of lives during a series of deadly U.S. hurricanes.


Trump told the troops that “every American heart” is thankful for them and is asking God to watch over them and their families.



Navalny Says He’s Now an ‘Official Candidate’ to Run For Russian President

Russian anticorruption activist and opposition politician Aleksei Navalny says he has gathered enough endorsements to run in the country’s next presidential election as his supporters organized rallies in 20 cities across Russia to secure the signatures.

An outspoken Kremlin critic, Navalny is barred from running in the March 18, 2018, election because of a criminal conviction that he says is politically motivated. Navalny could run if the conviction is canceled or if he gets a special dispensation.

Navalny spoke at the Moscow rally on December 24, branding Russian President Vladimir Putin a “bad president.”

Some 800 Navalny supporters gathered for the formal endorsement meeting under a giant marquee on a snow-covered riverside in Moscow. The endorsement was observed by officials from the Central Election Commission attended the gathering.

Similar events took place in 19 other cities, including Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Perm, Omsk, and Krasnoyarsk.

Navalny has said that according to the law, he needed 500 nominations in each of 20 cities across the country.

He later tweeted that he had secured the signatures, saying: “I have become an official candidate nominated by activist groups of voters. Many thanks to those who have taken part in this campaign in all corners of our country. You are the best.”

Navalny also wrote on Twitter that he would file the papers with the Election Commission later in the day.

Police stopped a van carrying 11 opposition activists who were on their way to take part in pro-Navalny rallies in Volgograd, opposition supporter Arsentiy Gundarev said. He said police seized the activists’ passports and other documents.

More than 700 Navalny supporters cast their ballots in Novosibirsk on December 24 to nominate the anticorruption crusader to run in the March 2018 presidential election.

Navalny had also given his backing to an event in Moscow on December 24 organized by Ilya Yashin, an activist and ally of late opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who is also a local legislator in Moscow.

Yashin had dubbed the event a “Day of Free Elections” festival, which he planned to hold in Moscow’s Lermontov Park. On December 20, the Moscow City Court banned the rally, a move Human Rights Watch said is an example of the Kremlin’s crackdown on the opposition.

Yashin tweeted on December 24 that “the atmosphere is getting tense here. There are police at the entrance of my house. Several officers entered the house.”

The rallies coincide with the anniversary of a mass protest in Moscow sparked by what the opposition and others claimed were fraudulent State Duma elections in 2011.

Yashin said on Facebook that he considers the ban “politically motivated and illegal.”

He had argued earlier that as a legislator he did not need the city’s approval to hold the event, which he qualified was a “festival” and not a “demonstration.”

Political rallies in Russia require approval from the authorities.

Navalny supporters hold up red ballot cards in St. Petersburg on December 24.

“The refusal by Moscow authorities to sign off on the planned December 24 rally in support of fair elections is yet another example of how Russian officials use formal pretexts to ban events by the political or civic opposition,” said Tanya Lokshina, the head of the Moscow branch of Human Rights Watch.

“In spring and summer this year, government critics in numerous cities across Russia held peaceful anticorruption protests that authorities refused to authorize, and police detentions were massive and arbitrary.

“In fact, in the first six months of 2017 alone, the number of people administratively punished by Russian authorities for supposedly violating the country’s regulations on public gatherings was 2 1/2 times higher than throughout 2016,” Lokshina explained to RFE/RL in an e-mail.

Yashin had spelled out earlier on his Facebook page why he was organizing the event.

“We will tell people about their electoral rights, which are guaranteed by the constitution. We will organize the registration of people who are prepared to work as monitors. We will put up a stage, invite musicians, and give out souvenirs dedicated to free elections,” Yashin wrote.

Throwing his backing behind the event, Navalny commented on his blog that December 24 was a “beautiful date” to hold a rally, writing, “We will remember December 24, 2011.”

Navalny posted pictures of the tens of thousands who demonstrated in Moscow on that day in 2011. Those protests culminated on May 6, 2012, on the eve of Putin’s inauguration for a third term as Russian president, when hundreds of people were arrested on Moscow’s Bolotnaya Square while demonstrating.

Speaking to RFE/RL’s Russian Service on December 4, Navalny ally Vladimir Milov said it is wrong to expect Navalny’s campaign will give up if or when he is officially barred from running.

“That will only be the start of it,” Milov said, claiming they will dispute the decision in court and “fight for Navalny’s registration until March 18,” the scheduled date of the election, and beyond.

Navalny published his full election platform last week, focusing on fighting corruption and channeling more money into education and health care. He calls for a windfall tax on oligarchs and huge cuts to Russia’s bloated bureaucracy.

Putin announced his decision to run for a fourth term on December 6. His high approval ratings and control over the levers of power make his victory a foregone conclusion in Russia, where government critics say election campaigns and results are manipulated by the authorities.

Analysts say Putin is eager to score a strong win in a vote with a high turnout in order to make his mandate as strong as possible in what could be his final six-year term, as the constitution bars presidents from serving more than two consecutive terms.

UNHCR Calls for Urgent Transfer of Refugees to Mainland Greece

The U.N. refugee agency is urging Greek authorities to speedily transfer thousands of refugees and migrants living under grim conditions on Greek islands to the mainland where they can receive better care.

The agency acknowledges that about 6,000 asylum seekers have been moved to the mainland since mid-October. But, it notes, that still leaves some 10,000 living in crammed, sub-standard conditions in government-run facilities on the islands of Lesvos, Chios and Samos.

The agency says people must urgently be transferred to the mainland as winter begins to bite. UNHCR spokeswoman, Cecile Pouilly, says time is of the essence. She says many people will suffer as accommodations on the islands are inadequate to deal with the winter cold.

“Tension in the reception centers and on the islands have been mounting since the summer when the number of arrivals began rising,” she said. “In some cases, local authorities have opposed efforts to introduce improvements inside the reception centers.”

The UNHCR reports nearly 20,000 people have reached the Greek Aegean islands since July. More than 70 percent of all arrivals this year are Syrian, Iraqi or Afghan. It says four out of 10 are children.

Pouilly tells VOA the European Union’s plan for relocating refugees to different member states appears to have stalled.

“You are right pointing out the fact that there is a need for fair relocation,” she said. “And, we have been calling for a mechanism within the EU to be able to deal with emergency situations and to help states that receive most arrivals. In this particular case, with Greece and Italy.”

Meanwhile, Pouilly says the UNHCR welcomes the support of mayors of towns and cities of its accommodation scheme on the Greek mainland. She says she hopes the agency’s goal of moving 22,000 asylum seekers into these places by the end of the year will be met.




American Suspected of Fighting for IS Must Have Attorney, Judge Rules

A federal judge ruled Saturday that the U.S. military must provide legal counsel to an American citizen who was picked up months ago on the Syrian battlefield and accused of fighting with Islamic State militants.

The unidentified American, who has not been charged, surrendered to U.S.-backed fighters in Syria around Sept. 12 and is being held in Iraq as an unlawful enemy combatant.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a court petition challenging his detention and asking to act on his behalf to provide him access to legal counsel.

American detained

Late last month, the U.S. government acknowledged that it has detained an American citizen accused of fighting with IS for months without fulfilling his request to see a lawyer. Responding to a court order, the government said the man picked up on the Syrian battlefield indicated he was willing to talk to FBI agents but “felt he should have an attorney present.”

In her ruling, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan denied the Defense Department’s motion to dismiss the matter and ordered the military to let the ACLU “immediate and unmonitored access to the detainee” so that it can determine whether he wants the ACLU to represent him. The judge also ordered the Defense Department not to transfer the detainee until the ACLU tells the court of the detainee’s wishes.

“This is a landmark ruling that rejects the Trump administration’s unprecedented attempt to block an American citizen from challenging his executive imprisonment,” said Jonathan Hafetz, senior staff attorney for the ACLU. “Ensuring citizens detained by the government have access to a lawyer and a court is essential to preserving the Constitution and the rule of law in America.”

What to do with detainee

Kathryn Wyer, an attorney in the Justice Department’s civil division, earlier told the court that the U.S. military was working “diligently” on the matter, but had not yet decided what to do with the detainee. Wyer cited case law stating the executive branch should be given a reasonable period of time to determine a detained individual’s status.

The government said that during questioning that FBI special agents advised the detainee of his right to remain silent even though he might have spoken earlier to other interrogators. That was an apparent reference to intelligence agents who are believed to have questioned the detainee first. The government said the detainee also was advised of his right to an attorney.

But the government also acknowledged that the detainee said he “understood his rights and said he was willing to talk to the agents, but also stated that since he was in a new phase (of questioning), he felt he should have an attorney present.”

Manila Signals Focus on Economic Buildup, Downplays Tensions on Sea

In his newly unveiled National Security Strategy, U.S. President Donald Trump vows to “ensure the balance of power remains in America’s favor in key regions of the world.” 

The Indo-Pacific led the list of “key regions” identified by the White House, followed by Europe and the Middle East. How Washington will accomplish this strategic goal is being closely watched, as China, identified as a rival, shows no sign of lessening its interest in a region that is witnessing dramatic power shifts.

“The Trump administration’s new National Security Strategy is remarkably critical of China,” but “they have yet to explain how this approach will apply to and be implemented in the South China Sea,” two American scholars recently wrote, referring to a contentious issue considered reflective of American and Chinese strategic intentions.

While power politics unfolds, at least one country in the region appears willing to downplay territorial disputes, for now, in favor of strengthening its economic muscle.

​‘No new construction’ in South China Sea

In a year-end speech, Jose Manuel G. Romualdez, the Philippines’ ambassador to the U.S., focused the audience’s attention on his country’s economic growth, citing “a massive redevelopment of the country’s physical infrastructure” as a top priority for the Filipino government, led by Rodrigo Duterte.

Asked if the urgency concerning the South China Sea has receded, Romualdez gave a qualified yes: The situation has “calmed down in the sense that we’re now working with China on how to resolve the issues,” he told VOA. “There’s no new construction going on; if that’s how you describe ‘calm down,’ that’s what it is.”

His government, he says, is talking with China both bilaterally and through the regional platform facilitated by ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with 10 member states.

Earlier, China’s construction of artificial islands in the South China Sea, where several Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines, contest sovereignty, was widely criticized as acts that deliberately changed the status quo.

China insists that the vast majority of the waters comprising the South China Sea has belonged to China since time immemorial.

​Worries of China’s global investments

Since Duterte became president of the Philippines in June 2016, bilateral discussions between Manila and Beijing appear to be leaning toward trade and investments, and away from competing sovereignty claims.

China is now seen as bankrolling much of the Philippines’ ambitious infrastructure projects, and Washington has taken notice.

“China is investing billions of dollars in infrastructure across the globe,” the newly unveiled National Security Strategy pointed out.

To Washington, this could be worrisome. 

“China and Russia target their investments in the developing world to expand influence and gain competitive advantages against the United States,” the security strategy asserted.

Romualdez, the Philippines envoy, defended his country’s broadening approach: “With a view in diversifying our markets, we have strengthened our economic development and relationships with other major trading partners,” he said.

​China and Japan ‘competing with each other’

Romualdez singled out agreements signed between his country and Japan, another regional power, to illustrate this multipronged approach, part and parcel of the Philippines’ “independent foreign policy” put forth by President Duterte.

Tokyo has agreed to fund a subway system in Manila as well as flood mitigation projects, he added.

Japan and China are “competing with each other” to be the No. 1 investor in the Philippines, Romualdez later told VOA.

“We would like to see more from the United States; they’re our allies and our friends,” he added.

While Manila’s chief diplomat in Washington spoke of multilateral ties through the lens of economics and investments, scholars are less hesitant to point out the inherent strategic factor.

In a paper published on the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ (CSIS) website dedicated to issues surrounding the South China Sea, a researcher at the Philippines’ National Defense College describes the current Filipino government’s approach as “less ground-breaking” but “more of a return to the hedging strategy habitually employed by many countries in Southeast Asia.”

Manila’s strategic partnership with Tokyo, in Mico A. Galang’s opinion, “forms a crucial component to the hedging approach.”

US must compete for positive relationships

Manila’s overtures to Beijing and Tokyo aside, U.S.-Philippines relations remain important to both, said Hank Hendrickson, a former U.S. diplomat and current executive director of the US-Philippines Society.

“A strategic partnership with the Philippines has been integral to America’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific region,” Hendrickson told VOA. “From a Southeast Asian perspective, the United States continues to play a stabilizing role as the balancer of choice.’”

The former diplomat says he is also encouraged by continued high-level engagement between Washington and Manila under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) and Bilateral Strategic Dialogue (BSD). In addition, he points to both sides’ willingness to explore a potential free trade agreement following the Trump-Duterte meeting in Manila as among “concrete and positive measures” which, in his opinion, should encourage greater trade and investment between the U.S. and the Philippines.

The newly unveiled National Security Strategy indicates that Washington is waking up to an increasingly complex and competitive global environment.

“Today, the United States must compete for positive relationships around the world,” the document said.

Перешкод для пересування Яценюка по лінії Інтерполу немає – поліція

Генеральний секретаріат Інтерполу скасував розшуковий циркуляр щодо екс-прем’єр-міністра України Арсенія Яценюка за запитом Росії, повідомили в суботу у прес-службі Національної поліції України.

«При розгляді останнього звернення Російської Федерації щодо оголошення Арсенія Яценюка в розшук по лінії Інтерполу за начебто скоєні ним у Чечні злочини Генеральний секретаріат Інтерполу в Ліоні протягом короткого часу розібрався у цій ситуації, визнав це звернення Росії необґрунтованим і скасував розшуковий циркуляр росіян», – йдеться в повідомленні.

Як наголосили у Нацполіції, жодних офіційних перешкод для пересування екс-прем’єр-міністра України Арсенія Яценюка по всьому світу за ініціативи чи каналами Інтерполу не існує.

Раніше сьогодні стало відомо, що колишнього прем’єр-міністра України Арсенія Яценюка, який прилетів у швейцарську Женеву з дочкою, затримали для перевірки на вимогу Росії під час проходження паспортного контролю. Втім, як повідомила його речниця Ольга Лаппо, після 10-хвилинної перевірки політика відпустили.

У Слідчому комітеті Росії заявляють, що мають докази участі Арсенія Яценюка в бойових зіткненнях в Чечні в 1994-95 роках і мають намір добиватися притягнення екс-прем’єра України до кримінальної відповідальності.

Російські слідчі звинувачують екс-прем’єра, зокрема за статтями «участь у збройній групі (банді)», «умисне вбивство за обтяжливих обставин».

У вересні 2015 року голова Слідчого комітету Росії Олександр Бастрикін заявив про нібито участь українського прем’єра Арсенія Яценюка у бойових діях у Чечні наприкінці 1994-го й на початку 1995 року. (У той час 20-річний Яценюк був студентом юридичного факультету Чернівецького університету). Сам Яценюк назвав цю заяву «клінічним діагнозом російської влади».

У вересні Яценюк оголосив про початок процесу проти Росії у Європейському суді з прав людини.






Росія: КПРФ висунула кандидатом в президенти директора радгоспу імені Леніна

Кандидатом від КПРФ на майбутніх президентських виборах у Росії став директор підмосковного радгоспу імені Леніна» Павло Грудінін. Під час таємного голосування його кандидатуру 23 грудня підтримала більшість делегатів партії.

Лідер КПРФ Геннадій Зюганов, який сам відмовився від висунення своєї кандидатури, очолить передвиборний штаб.

Грудінін не входить в КПРФ, але неодноразово називав себе прихильником ідей партії. До 2010 року Грудінін був членом партії «Єдина Росія».

Комуністи посіли друге місце після правлячої партії «Єдина Росія», яка підтримує Володимира Путіна, на парламентських виборах в 2016 році. Але вони набрали тоді тільки 19 відсотків голосів.

Крім того, 23 грудня «Єдина Росія» пообіцяла свою повну підтримку Володимиру Путіну, який, як очікується, переможе на майбутніх виборах. Виступаючи на з’їзді «Єдиної Росії», Путін пообіцяв запропонувати більше стимулів для бізнесу, боротися з корупцією і давати більше коштів на систему охорони здоров’я і освіту.

Партія «Громадянська ініціатива» сьогодні також офіційно висунула журналістку і телеведучу Ксенію Собчак своїм кандидатом на виборах.

Вибори президента Росії заплановані на 18 березня.

Центр лікування тяжких травм хребта для бійців АТО відкрили на Рівненщині

Центр лікування та реабілітації наслідків нейротравм на 50 ліжок відкрили сьогодні на базі Рівненського обласного госпіталю інвалідів війни у селищі Клевань. Як повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода, пацієнти, які потребують тривалого лікування та відновлення, перебуватимуть у центрі до півроку. Їх обслуговуватимуть 40 медиків.

Рішення про те, який саме лікувальний заклад прийматиме на довготривалу реабілітацію спинальних хворих, Міністерство охорони здоров’я ухвалило після консультацій із самими бійцями, волонтерами та рідними поранених.

Центр отримав сучасну діагностичну апаратуру, тренажери, було проведено ремонт і переобладнання терапевтичного корпусу.

Як зазначила в.о.міністра охорони здоров’я України Уляна Супрун, з усіх комунальних реабілітаційних центрів в Україні, саме Клеванський визнаний найкращим.

«Тут все організовано для того, щоб пацієнт міг пройти повну реабілітацію, зокрема, проживати в котеджах з рідними. Але коли вони виїжджають з цього чудового центру, то потрапляють до міста, де немає доступності для таких людей. Ми повинні вдосконалити будинки, вулиці, транспорт, тротуари, щоб вони мали фізичний доступ до всіх благ», – сказала Супрун.

З 2014 року у Клеванському госпіталі вже пройшли лікування близько двох тисяч поранених на Донбасі захисників. Близько сорока мали тяжкі черепно-мозкові травми й ушкодження хребта.

З 26 грудня центр прийматиме нових пацієнтів.

Germany, France Urge End to Renewed Fighting in East Ukraine

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron are urging both sides in eastern Ukraine to live up to cease-fire agreements amid a recent upswing in clashes between Russia-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces.


The statement comes a day after U.S. officials said they would begin sending lethal weapons, including anti-tank missiles, to equip Ukrainian troops.


Merkel and Macron issued a joint statement Saturday urging combatants to observe the Minsk agreements aimed at defusing the conflict. Those provisions include the withdrawal of heavy weapons such as tanks and rocket launchers from the front-line area and an exchange of prisoners.


The two leaders also urged the return of Russian military officers to a joint coordination center that plays a role in monitoring the cease-fire. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Merkel discussed the issue Thursday. Putin said the Russian move had been prompted by “restrictions and provocations” by Ukrainian authorities that made it hard for Russian officers to perform their duties.


Merkel and Macron said in their statement that “there is no alternative to an exclusively peaceful solution to the conflict.”


Fighting between Ukrainian troops and Russia-backed separatists has killed more than 10,000 people since April 2014.


Merkel and Macron did not comment in their statement on the U.S. decision to supply weapons to Ukraine.


Russia Says About 10,000 IS Militants Now in Afghanistan

Russia has estimated there are about 10,000 Islamic State militants in Afghanistan and their number is growing because fighters fleeing Syria and Iraq also are heading to the war-ravaged country.

Russian media on Saturday quoted Zamir Kabulov, Russia’s special presidential envoy for Afghanistan, as saying Moscow is particularly worried about an increasing foothold of Daesh militants in northern Afghan provinces bordering Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Daesh is the Arabic acronym for IS.

“Russia was among the first to be sounding the alarms in connection with the emergence of Daesh in Afghanistan…. Daesh has significantly increased its power in the country recently. According to our estimates, the number of militants exceeds 10,000 and continues to grow, particularly due to new fighters arriving from Syria and Iraq,” Kabulov told the Sputnik news agency.

The Russian envoy alleged helicopters “without identifying insignia” are transferring fighters and delivering “Western [military] equipment” to the Afghan branch of the terrorist group.

He added that Moscow repeatedly has raised the issue with the United Nations and NATO, but has not yet received “a clear response” from them.

Kabulov says the situation in the Afghan provinces of Jowzjan and Sar-e-Pol are of particular concern because locals also have spotted Algerian and French fighters in the IS ranks. He went on to assert that the terrorist group aims to extend its influence to Russia’s southern regions and its partner nations in Central Asia.

“We are regularly asking our NATO partners, who are in fact controlling the airspace over Afghanistan, about this issue, but we have not heard any reasonable answer yet,” Kabulov insisted.

Officials at NATO’s Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan, which consists mostly of U.S. troops, blame Moscow for supporting and arming the Taliban, which has been waging a deadly insurgency to topple the U.S.-backed Afghan government.

Afghan officials are dismissing concerns IS loyalists have established a stronghold in the country, and they are playing down the threat posed by the terrorist group. Defense Ministry spokesman Dawlat Waziri told reporters earlier this week sustained security operations backed by U.S. airstrikes have in the past nine months killed about 1,600 Daesh fighters, including senior commanders.

IS began its extremists operations in eastern Afghanistan in early 2015, and at its peak had roughly 3,000 fighters, according to U.S. military estimates.   

U.S. officials maintain counter-IS operations being conducted in partnership with local forces have since put persistent pressure on the terrorist group, significantly reducing its territory and eliminating one third of its fighters in the country.  


Putin Vows to Modernize Russia as Challengers Prepare for Race

President Vladimir Putin has presented his vision for modernizing Russia, while some of his challengers in next March’s presidential vote have been formally nominated for the race.

Putin is running as an independent candidate, keeping a distance from the top Kremlin party, United Russia, which has been dogged by corruption allegations against some of its top members.


Despite that, Putin showed up Saturday at United Russia’s congress, speaking about his future goals. He pledged to offer broader incentives for business, fight corruption and pour extra resources into the underfunded health care and education system.


With his approval ratings topping 80 percent, Putin is set to easily win the March 18 vote. Ksenia Sobchak, a star TV host, was formally nominated for the race Saturday following a few other contenders.

US Holiday Travel Numbers Up

Americans are traveling in record numbers this season, according to the American Automobile Association’s (AAA) annual estimate, which forecasts more than 107 million will travel by road, rail or air between now and the start of 2018.

Despite higher gas prices, travel volume is expected to be 3.1 percent higher than last year’s holiday season, the association said.

AAA said this season marks the ninth consecutive year of rising year-end holiday travel in the United States. Since 2005, it said, holiday travel has grown by 21.6 million, an increase of 25 percent.

The majority of travelers, 97.4 million, will make their way to their destinations by road, while 6.4 million people are expected to fly to see family and friends or to take holiday vacations. Only 3.6 million are expected to take to trains, buses or cruise ships for the holiday.

Apparently, not all holiday travelers are making family visits.

AAA said, for the second year in a row, the top destinations for holiday travel are Orlando, Florida, and Anaheim, California – the homes of theme parks Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

Sunny destinations also make up the next seven entries on the top 10 destinations: Cancun, Mexico; Hawaii, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and several locations in Florida. The only non-beach destination on the list? No. 10, New York City.


Ukraine Grateful, Russia Critical of US Providing Lethal Weapons to Kyiv

Ukraine’s president thanked the United States Saturday for its decision to provide lethal weapons to the country, while diplomats in Russia warned that the move would only cause more bloodshed.

The angry response from Moscow comes a day after the U.S. announced it will provide Ukraine with lethal weapons, in an effort to help the country with its fight against Russian-backed separatists in the eastern part of the country.   

“Today, the United States clearly pushes [Ukrainian authorities] toward new bloodshed,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said, adding that “American weapons can lead to new victims” in the neighboring country.

Kyiv, however, responded to the move with gratitude, thanking President Donald Trump for his “leadership” and insisting the weapons are not for offensive purposes.

“American weapons in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers are not for offensive [purposes], but for stronger rebuff of the aggressor, protection of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, as well as for effective self-defense. It is also a trans-Atlantic vaccination against the Russian virus of aggression,” Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Facebook in English.

The U.S. State Department said in a statement Friday that the decision to provide Ukraine with “enhanced defensive capabilities” is in keeping with the “effort to help Ukraine build its long-term defense capacity, to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

The statement added that the “U.S. assistance is entirely defensive in nature.”

An ABC-TV news report issued before the announcement said the “The total defense package of $47 million includes the sale of 210 anti-tank missiles and 35 launchers.”  The State Department did not confirm that those weapons would be among those supplied.

U.S. President Donald Trump has called for better relations with Moscow, but this deal would likely threaten that plan.

Earlier this month, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned Russia that the stand-off over Ukraine was the single most important obstacle to warmer ties between the two countries.

Rocket’s Arc Across California Sky Stops Traffic

A reused SpaceX rocket carried 10 satellites into orbit from California on Friday, leaving behind a trail of mystery and wonder as it soared into space.

The Falcon 9 booster lifted off from coastal Vandenberg Air Force Base, carrying the latest batch of satellites for Iridium Communications.

The launch in the setting sun created a shining, billowing streak that was widely seen throughout Southern California and as far away as Phoenix.

Calls came in to TV stations as far afield as San Diego, more than 200 miles south of the launch site.

Cars stopped on freeways in Los Angeles so drivers and passengers could take pictures and video.

The Los Angeles Fire Department issued an advisory that the “mysterious light in the sky” was from the rocket launch.

Jimmy Golen, a sports writer for The Associated Press in Boston who was in Southern California for the holidays, said he and other tourists saw the long, glowing contrail while touring Warner Bros. studio in the Los Angeles suburb of Burbank.

“People were wondering if it had something to do with movies, or TV or a UFO,” he said. “It was very cool.”

The same rocket carried Iridium satellites into orbit in June. That time, the first stage landed on a floating platform in the Pacific Ocean. This time, the rocket was allowed to plunge into the sea.

It was the 18th and final launch of 2017 for SpaceX, which has contracted to replace Iridium’s system with 75 updated satellites. SpaceX has made four launches and expects to make several more to complete the job by mid-2018.

The satellites also carry payloads for global real-time aircraft tracking and a ship-tracking service.
