Month: January 2017

Senate Approves Haley as US Ambassador to UN

The Senate has voted decisively to approve President Donald Trump’s pick for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.


Senators easily confirmed South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for the post, 96-4, despite her lack of foreign policy experience.


Sen. Bob Corker, the Republican chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, calls Haley a proven leader who will be a “fierce advocate” at the U.N. for American interests.


The committee’s top Democrat, Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, says he’s encouraged by Haley’s commitment not to hastily cut back on the money the U.S. contributes to the U.N. The United States pays 22 percent of the body’s regular operating budget.


Sen. Chris Coons opposed Haley. The Delaware Democrat says she didn’t convince him that she’ll serve effectively in the job.

Trump Administration Orders EPA Contract Freeze, Media Blackout

The Trump administration has instituted what it described as a temporary media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants, part of a broader communications clampdown within the executive branch.

Emails sent to EPA staff since President Donald Trump’s inauguration Friday and reviewed by The Associated Press detailed specific prohibitions banning press releases, blog updates or posts to the agency’s social media accounts.

The Trump administration has also ordered what it called a temporary suspension of all new business activities at the department, including issuing task orders or work assignments to EPA contractors. The orders were expected to have a significant and immediate impact on EPA activities nationwide.

Similar orders barring external communications have been issued in recent days by the Trump administration at other federal agencies, including the Agriculture and Interior departments.

Staffers in EPA’s public affairs office are instructed to forward all inquiries from reporters to the Office of Administration and Resources Management.

Screening of media requests

“Incoming media requests will be carefully screened,” one directive said. “Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press.”

A review of EPA websites and social media accounts, which typically include numerous new posts each day, showed no new activity since Friday.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Tuesday that he had no information on the blackout. He said aides were looking into the circumstances.

Doug Ericksen, the communications director for Trump’s transition team at EPA, said he expected the communications ban to be lifted by the end of this week.

“We’re just trying to get a handle on everything and make sure what goes out reflects the priorities of the new administration,” Ericksen said.

Beyond what was stated in the internal email, Ericksen clarified that the freeze on EPA contracts and grants wouldn’t apply to pollution cleanup efforts or infrastructure construction.

Officials at state and local agencies that rely on EPA for funding said they had received no information from EPA about the freeze.

“We are actively seeking additional information so we can understand the impact of this action on our ability to administer critical programs,” said Alan Matheson, executive director of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality.

The executive director for the advocacy group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, Jeff Ruch, said the orders go beyond what has occurred in prior presidential transitions.

‘Dark cloud of Mordor’

“We’re watching the dark cloud of Mordor extend over federal service,” Ruch said Tuesday, referring to the evil kingdom in the epic fantasy “The Lord of the Rings.”

Ruch noted that key posts at EPA had not yet been filled with Republican appointees, including Trump’s nominee for EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt. That means the new senior personnel are not yet in place to make key decisions.

Environmentalists said the orders were having a chilling effect on EPA staff, many of whom were suffering from low morale. Trump and Pruitt have both been frequent critics of the agency and have questioned the validity of climate science showing that the Earth is warming and man-made carbon emissions are to blame.

Liz Perera, climate policy director for the Sierra Club, said Trump’s move to freeze all EPA communications and contracts should be “a major red flag for all Americans.”

“EPA was created to ensure that all Americans can enjoy clean air to breathe, clean water to drink and have their health protected from environmental and climate threats,” Perera said.

Some staff at the Agriculture Department also received orders not to release any documents to the public.

“This includes, but is not limited to, news releases, photos, fact sheets, news feeds and social media content,” read an email to staff at the agency’s Agricultural Research Service, which was obtained by the AP.

ARS spokesman Christopher Bentley said the ban would not include scientific publications released through peer-reviewed professional journals.

“As the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s chief scientific in-house research agency, ARS values and is committed to maintaining the free flow of information between our scientists and the American public as we strive to find solutions to agricultural problems affecting America,” Bentley said, according to a statement.

It was not immediately clear whether similar instructions were given to others within the department.

Park Service retweets

The AP reported over the weekend that staff at the Interior Department were temporarily ordered to stop making posts to its Twitter account. The prohibition came after the official account of the National Park Service, a bureau of the department, retweeted a pair of posts to its 315,000 followers that seemed to be a swipe at Trump on his initial day in office. The first was a photo that compared the crowd gathered on the National Mall for Trump with the much larger gathering that stood in the same spot eight years earlier for President Barack Obama’s swearing-in.

Trump later falsely claimed that more than 1 million people attended his inauguration, which Spicer insisted was the most watched in history.

У Словаччині відкрили восьмий міні-штаб розгортання сил НАТО на Сході Європи

У столиці Словаччини Братиславі урочисто відкрили Підрозділ інтеграції сил НАТО (NFIU) – останній із загалом восьми таких нинішніх міні-штабів у країнах Східної Європи, що мають на меті готувати заходи розгортання сил швидкого реагування НАТО в регіоні в разі необхідності.

«Сигнал ясний: НАТО є тут, у Словаччині. Ми віддані захистові вашої країни і вашого народу від будь-якої загрози чи акту агресії», – заявив на церемонії відкриття помічник генерального секретаря НАТО з питань громадської дипломатії Таджан Ілдем.

У штабі працюватиме 41 військовий – 21 зі Словаччини і 20 за ротацією з інших країн НАТО. Повністю цей центр має запрацювати в червні.

Союз НАТО, відповідно до рішень свого саміту у Вельсі у вересні 2014 року, у відповідь на новітню агресивність Росії ухвалив низку заходів для підвищення своєї бойової готовності, серед яких було створення нових Сил швидкого реагування і Сил високої готовності, а також низки міні-штабів у країнах Східної Європи, що мають займатися підготовкою для можливої дії цих та інших сил НАТО.

Ці Підрозділи інтеграції сил НАТО вже працюють в Естонії, Латвії, Литві, Польщі, Румунії й Болгарії, такі ж центри в Угорщині і Словаччині приєднаються до них найближчими місяцями. Також у НАТО розглядають можливість створити й дальші такі підрозділи.

Moody’s Urges Washington to Manage Entitlement Spending

Moody’s Investors Service said Tuesday that U.S. decisions on taxing and spending would have a larger than usual impact on the nation’s credit profile in the near future.

The analysis said President Donald Trump’s plans to cut taxes and spend more on infrastructure might increase the deficit. The combination of deficits over years is what makes up the national debt. Moody’s says federal debt is equal to about 77 percent of gross domestic product, which is the sum of all goods and services a nation produces.

In a report published Tuesday, Moody’s said unresolved problems with the cost of Social Security and other entitlement spending could push debt upward significantly and leave officials with less room to maneuver than in the past.

Rating agencies examine the financial health of companies and countries that issue bonds, so that lenders can assess the risk that they will not be repaid. Another rating agency, Standard and Poor’s, cut the U.S. credit rating in 2011 when political bickering pushed the nation to the brink of default.  

Moody’s said the high level of debt comes at a time when interest rates are expected to rise, which will boost interest costs and make it more difficult for the government to cope with the next financial downturn. The report said Trump inherited 2 percent annual economic growth, a “healthy” economy and a “modest” budget deficit from his predecessor, Barack Obama.  

In the November election, slow wage growth was one of the voters’ major concerns. A blog post from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said U.S. wages grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate last year, about double the rate during the worst of the financial crisis a few years ago.

A Fed expert said wages would probably grow at a slightly higher pace this year, but would grow faster if companies and officials could find a way to boost worker productivity, which has been lagging.

У Дніпрі справу щодо розстрілу поліцейських передали до суду

У Дніпрі кримінальні провадження, розпочаті за фактом убивства двох патрульних поліцейських та замаху на вбивство водія маршрутного таксі, передано до суду – інформацію про це підтвердили в обласному управлінні поліції.

За даними відомства, суд ухвалив рішення про подовження запобіжного заходу для підозрюваного ще на два місяці тримання під вартою.

Під час судового засідання підозрюваний заявив клопотання про розгляд справи судом присяжних. Письмове повідомлення про підозру у злочинах чоловікові вже вручене.

У листопаді суд у Дніпрі вже продовжував термін тримання під вартою Олександра Пугачова, якого підозрюють у розстрілі двох патрульних поліцейських у Дніпрі, на два місяці. Раніше рішенням Шевченківського районного суду Дніпра йому було обрано запобіжний захід у вигляді арешту на термін у два місяці.

25 вересня 2016 року у Дніпрі водій авта, якого зупинили поліцейські, почав чинити опір і стріляти у правоохоронців. Внаслідок цього загинули патрульні: 27-річний Артем Кутушев і 36-річна Ольга Макаренко.

Підозрюваним, як заявила поліція, виявився вже розшукуваний правоохоронцями через скоєні раніше тяжкі злочини Олександр Пугачов, колишній боєць колишньої роти патрульної служби поліції особливого призначення «Торнадо».

Нападник перед втечею теж зазнав поранення. Після затримання його прооперували в одній із лікарень Дніпра й перевели до спецзакладу для тримання під вартою.

ПАРЄ закликала Росію звільнити переслідуваних українців і не порушувати права ЗМІ на окупованих територіях

Парламентська асамблея Ради Європи ухвалила резолюцію «Напади проти журналістів і свободи ЗМІ в Європі», що містить низку закликів до Росії стосовно переслідуваних Москвою українців.

ПАРЄ, зокрема, закликала владу Росії без зволікань передати правоохоронним органам України українського кінорежисера Олега Сенцова, викраденого з Криму й засудженого в Росії до 20 років позбавлення волі.

Асамблея також у зв’язку з закриттям російською владою в незаконно окупованому й анексованому українському Криму кримськотатарського телеканалу ATR та інших кримськотатарських ЗМІ висловила занепокоєння становищем свободи ЗМІ в окупованому Росією Криму і закликала владу Росії дотримуватися свободи висловлювання й інформації також на територіях, де-факто контрольованих Росією поза межами цієї держави на порушення резолюції Генеральної асамблеї ООН про територіальну цілісність України.

Крім того, в ПАРЄ повторили й занепокоєння станом свободи ЗМІ і безпеки журналістів у східних частинах України, що досі де-факто перебувають під контролем сепаратистських озброєних сил, підтримуваних Росією.

Парламентська асамблея Ради Європи висловила занепокоєння і станом свободи ЗМІ в самій Росії і закликала російську владу зняти кримінальні звинувачення в «сепаратизмі» тощо з українських журналістів Анни Андрієвської, Наталії Кокоріної й Миколи Семени за їхні повідомлення про незаконну окупацію і анексію Кримського півострова Росією.

Також Росію закликано звільнити Романа Сущенка, кореспондента агентства «Укрінформ» у Франції, затриманого в Москві за звинуваченнями у «шпигунстві» з 30 вересня 2016 року.

ПАРЄ закликала владу Росії також вчинити вплив на войовничі сепаратистські сили на сході України, щоб домогтися можливості для журналістів безпечно працювати на тій території.

Україну ж у резолюції закликано належно розслідувати досі не викрите вбивство Павла Шеремета, журналіста, який загинув унаслідок вибуху авта в Києві 20 липня 2016 року.

Інші пункти резолюції стосуються низки інших країн-членів Ради Європи, в першу чергу Туреччини, а також Азербайджану й Угорщини.

Автором резолюції є доповідач із питань свободи ЗМІ і безпеки журналістів Володимир Ар’єв, народний депутат України (фракція «Блок Петра Порошенка»), голова постійної делегації України в Парламентській асамблеї Ради Європи.

White House: Trump Would Not Stop Investigations into Russian Contacts

At his first White House briefing Monday, new Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked about U.S. intelligence agencies investigating contacts between people close to President Donald Trump and members of the Russian government.  

Asked if Trump would stop those investigations now that he is in charge of the federal government, Spicer told reporters, “[Trump] He has not made any indication that he will stop any investigation of any sort.”

The Central Intelligence Agency, the FBI, the National Security Agency and the Treasury Department have assembled a task force to investigate alleged increased Russian espionage and other activities, including Kremlin-ordered cyber attacks to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. During the campaign, investigators collected communications between people close to then-Republican nominee Trump and surrogates of the Russian government.

Two calls between Flynn, Kislyak

The Wall Street Journal was the first to report that U.S. intelligence agents were also looking into the content of calls between Trump’s newly sworn-in National Security Advisor, retired General Michael Flynn, and the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak.  Reports say Flynn called Kislyak in late December, around the same time the Obama administration announced sanctions against Russia in retaliation for its alleged use of cyber attacks to interfere in the elections.

U.S. intelligence officials have concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the cyber attacks into Democratic National Committee emails to discredit Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Spicer told reporters Monday there had only been two calls between Flynn and the Russian ambassador, and they focused on four subjects: setting up a phone call between Trump and Russian President Putin, exchanging holiday pleasantries, Flynn expressing his condolences for those killed in a Russian plane crash, and the possibilities of Russia and the U.S. working together to combat Islamic State.

Former counterterrorism official Malcom Nance told VOA that Trump needs to answer questions about his relationship with Russia raised by U.S. intelligence reports and by Trump’s strong public support for Putin and many of his foreign policy views.

Question about airstrikes

In Monday’s briefing, Spicer answered questions on a wide range of topics. Asked about a Russian report that the U.S. and Russia are conducting joint airstrikes in Syria, Spicer referred the reporter to the Pentagon for an answer.

But he added, “I think if there’s a way we can combat ISIS with any country, whether it’s Russia or anyone else, and we have a shared national interest in that, sure, we’ll take it.”

A Pentagon spokesman denied the Russian reports, saying: “The Department of Defense is not coordinating airstrikes with the Russian military in Syria.”

Senate Confirms Trump’s CIA Pick, Advances Secretary of State Nominee

The U.S. Senate continued Monday to fill President Trump’s national security team by confirming his pick for CIA director, Republican Congressman Mike Pompeo, and advancing his nominee for secretary of state, oil executive Rex Tillerson.

Confirmed by an overwhelming vote of 66-32, Pompeo joins Defense Secretary John Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly in the fledgling Trump administration. (Two senators were not present to vote.)

Senators of both parties cited Pompeo’s service on the House Intelligence Committee as a reason to back his nomination.

“I can’t think of a member of Congress that has traveled more around the world, spent more time at the CIA, understanding the ins and outs of what they do, of how they do it, of why it’s important to the American people and to the security of this country than Mike Pompeo,” said Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “He’s well versed on intelligence community operations, capabilities and authorities.”

“While Congressman Pompeo and I disagree on many issues, I believe he can be an effective leader at the CIA,” said Democratic Senator Mark Warner of Virginia. “He has convinced me that he will follow the law banning torture [of terror suspects].”

Pompeo had criticized the Obama administration for ending so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques.” But at his confirmation hearing last week, he promised to follow U.S. law on the treatment of detainees.

Tillerson, meanwhile, received the backing of all Republicans and no Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where Republicans have a one-seat majority. His nomination now goes to the full Senate for a final confirmation vote, likely later this week.

Tillerson’s tenure as CEO of ExxonMobil proved to be a partisan point of disagreement as to whether he is a good choice to be America’s top diplomat.

“He’s managed the world’s eighth largest company by revenue with over 75,000 employees,” said the committee’s chairman, Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican. “Diplomacy has been a critical component of his positions in the past, and he has shown himself to be an exceptionally able and successful negotiator who has maintained deep relationships around the world.”

Democrats, by contrast, found Tillerson’s CEO mindset troubling.

“He sounded like a business person rather than a person who wanted to be secretary of state,” said Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland, the committee’s top Democrat. “I did not see that commitment to be the advocate, globally, for human rights and good governance that I would like to see in the secretary of state.”

Suspense about the committee vote evaporated earlier in the day when Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, the lone Republican who had expressed significant doubts about Tillerson, announced he would back the nominee.

“My concern was that Mr. Tillerson would pursue a foreign policy of deal making at the expense of traditional alliances and at the expense of human rights and of democracy,” Rubio said. “I believe that all presidents, especially a new one, are entitled to a significant amount of deference on their Cabinet appointments.”

Democrats expressed consternation about Tillerson’s responses to questions about Russia’s activities on the world stage during his confirmation hearing earlier this month.

“At a time when Russia’s continuing aggression around the world and interference in our election must be at the top of America’s diplomatic agenda and a chief concern to our secretary of state, it is incredibly troublesome that Mr. Tillerson [told the committee that he] and President Trump had not even discussed the specifics of their Russia policy,” said Democrat Robert Menendez of New Jersey.

Republicans wanted to confirm Pompeo last Friday after Trump was sworn in as president. But Democrats demanded floor time to debate the nomination, causing the vote to be postponed.

Republicans are cautioning against delays in allowing Trump to complete his national security team.

“Our country continues to face incredible threats,” said Senator John Cornyn of Texas. “And they are not hitting the pause button. It’s possible that some of our foes could try to test the resolve of President Trump and his new Cabinet during this period of transition, where everybody recognizes this is a period of vulnerability for the United States.”

2 Republican Senators Propose Letting States Keep Obamacare

Two Republican U.S. senators are proposing a bill that would allow states that like the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, to keep it instead of taking whatever replacement President Donald Trump and the Republicans come up with.

“Republicans think that if you like your insurance, you should keep it. And we mean it,” Louisiana’s Bill Cassidy said Monday. “So California and New York, you love Obamacare? You can keep it.”

Cassidy is co-sponsoring the bill with Maine’s Susan Collins, who insists Obamacare must not be tossed out until a clearly spelled out replacement is ready.

Collins said Monday that Trump’s executive order aimed at “minimizing the economic burden” of Obamacare is “very confusing.” She says it is difficult to understand what it means or what impact it will have on the health insurance plan.

Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer has dismissed the Cassidy-Collins plan as an “empty facade.”

“It is nearly impossible to keep the benefits of the Affordable Care Act without keeping the whole thing,” he said.

The Affordable Care Act was former President Barack Obama’s signature achievement of his eight years in office. It assures coverage for every American so they will not face financial ruin in case of a serious illness.

Trump campaigned on repealing and replacing it, calling it a “disaster.” He said it is too expensive and puts too big of a burden on small businesses.

Paris Tests Driverless Bus Service to Fight Pollution, Congestion

Paris on Monday launched its first driverless electric shuttle bus service, aiming to curb congestion and pollution that many Parisians blame for coughing, eye irritation and runny noses.

Sensors and cameras tell the EZ10 bus when to stop and start, how fast to go and in which direction.

The 130-meter (142-yard) test route links Gare de Lyon and Austerlitz train stations, two of the city’s busy transport hubs on either side of the Seine River. Other routes will be introduced this year, the city authority said in a statement.

Lyon in central France has also been testing a driverless bus service.

Separately on Monday, Paris introduced a color-coded sticker scheme to cut down the number of cars in the city center.

Перший день переговорів щодо Сирії завершився без проривів

Перший день дводенних переговорів із метою зміцнити нетривке перемир’я в Сирії завершився у столиці Казахстану Астані без проривів, хоча після нього учасники висловлювали обережний оптимізм.

Після переговорів, у яких через посередників, але без прямих зустрічей узяли участь делегації сирійської опозиції і владного режиму Сирії, спеціальний представник на них президента Росії Олександр Лаврентьєв повідомив, що в деяких випадках «кипіння пристрастей було досить значне», але обидві сирійські сторони утрималися від «різких дій» стосовно одна одної.

За його словами, прикінцеву заяву за підсумками переговорів мають остаточно узгодити вже у вівторок.

На початку переговорів очікування сирійських сторін були цілком різні. Голова владної делегації Башар аль-Джаафарі заявив, що метою переговорів є відокремити ті опозиційні групи, що зацікавлені в «політичному прогресі», від пов’язаних із ісламістськими угрупованнями «Ісламська держава» чи «Аль-Каїда», яких оголошене перемир’я не стосується. Речник опозиції Мухаммад Аллуш, зі свого боку, заявив, що перемир’я має стати лише першим кроком до політичного врегулювання, що мусить передбачати «відхід від влади президента Башара аль-Асада і всієї владної кліки», а також вихід із Сирії військ Ірану і підтримуваних Іраном шиїтських ополчень.

Посередниками в переговорах виступили Туреччина, Росія й Іран, за ними спостерігають спеціальний представник ООН у справах Сирії Стаффан де Містура і посол США в Казахстані Джордж Крол.

У США відкинули твердження Росії про «скоординований удар» по ісламістах у Сирії

У США відкинули повідомлення з Росії, ніби американські військові надали російським координати для російського повітряного удару по бойовиках екстремістського угруповання «Ісламська держава» в Сирії й ніби цей удар був спільним американсько-російським.

Як заявили в Пентагоні, Міністерство оборони США не координує повітряних ударів у Сирії з російськими військовими.

Речник Пентагону Ерік Пейгон повідомив Радіо Свобода електронним листом, що Міноборони США підтримує з російськими військовими в Сирії контакти виключно для гарантування безпеки екіпажів своїх літаків і для відвернення конфліктів між операціями коаліції під проводом США і Росії в Сирії.

Інший речник Пентагону Ейдріян Ранкін-Ґалловей заявив Радіо Свобода, що США не надавали російським військовим у Сирії ніяких координат цілей для ударів, і також не було ніяких спільних повітряних ударів коаліції з Росією.

Раніше в понеділок Міністерство оборони Росії стверджувало, що в неділю командування російської авіагрупи на авіабазі Хмеймім у Сирії отримало від американської сторони «прямою лінією» координати цілей «Ісламської держави» біля міста Аль-Баб у провінції Алеппо, після чого два російські літаки і два літаки коаліції здійснили по цих об’єктах ісламістів повітряні удари, і внаслідок цієї спільної операції були знищені склади, техніка й особовий склад бойовиків.

Valls Faces Harder-Core Hamon in France’s Socialist Runoff

Center-leaning Manuel Valls will face more liberal Benoit Hamon in a runoff January 29 when French left-wing voters will choose their candidate to confront conservative and nationalist rivals in the April-May presidential election.

Hamon, a former education minister, won more than 36 percent of the vote, with former prime minister Valls trailing at 31 percent, according to nearly complete results from polling stations.

A defiant Valls, 54, told his supporters the Socialist primary runoff would be “a clear choice between unachievable promises and a credible left.”

Hamon, 49, said he offered hope to a party ailing after five years under President Francois Hollande beset by economic sluggishness and mass protests.

With Europe shifting to the right and the deeply unpopular Hollande ruling himself out, the competition is expected to be tough for the Socialist nominee in the race for the two-round presidential election on April 23 and May 7.

The far-right National Front party of Marine Le Pen, running against conservative former prime minister Francois Fillon, and 39-year-old former economy minister Emmanuel Macron, is generally expected to dominate the first round, reflecting a wider populist backlash in Europe and the U.S., where President Donald Trump took office Friday.

Україна і США відзначили 25-річчя дипломатичних відносин

На честь 25-ї річниці дипломатичних відносин між Україною та США в Національній філармонії в Києві пройшов концерт всесвітньо відомого кларнетиста Дейвіда Кракауера, який має українське коріння. Музикант відомий своїм віртуозним виконанням клезмерської музики, класики, джазу і авангарду.

Під час заходу у філармонії були присутні українські політики та дипломати, а також посли інших іноземних країн. Посол США в Україні Марі Йованович висловила сподівання, що у майбутньому відносини між Україною та Америкою будуть лише розвиватися.

«Двадцять п’ять років американці та українці вкладати свої сили і душу в те, щоб наші відносини були таким ж теплими, як і на початку. Окрім святкування цієї дати, нам також слід думати про те, де ми разом будемо наступні двадцять п’ять років», – сказала Марі Йованович на святковому концерті.

Водночас віце-прем’єр-міністр України з питань євроінтеграції Іванна Климпуш-Цинцадзе наголосила на тому, що США залишаються важливим партнером для України, особливо у питанні протистояння російської агресії.

«Ми розуміємо, що зараз США допомагають нам захищати нашу територіальну цілісність, суверенітет та незалежність. Але разом тим ми розуміємо, що це є внеском не лише в майбутнє України – це є внеском у майбутнє Європи і в майбутнє всього світу. Тому ми дуже сподіваємося, що ця політика буде такою ж послідовною надалі. Для нас відносини зі США є надією на те, що ми не залишимося віч-на-віч із агресором і що ми так само будемо мати надійне плече, з яким будемо боротися за наше справжнє вільне майбутнє», – сказала Іванна Климпуш-Цинцадзе.

Посольство США відкрилося в Україні 23 січня 1992 року, спершу у приміщенні колишнього райкому Комуністичної партії. Повірником у справах США став Джон Ґундерсен. Перший посол США в Україні Роман Попадюк уперше підняв офіційний прапор над посольством США в Києві влітку 1992 року.

Britain’s Leader Faces Difficult Balancing Act When Meeting Trump

Britain’s power since 1945 has depended on hugging the United States as hard as it can — the trans-Atlantic partnership between Washington and London has magnified Britain’s global clout.

The country’s politicians and press fret when there’s any perceived chill. Comparisons are made inevitably to the strength of the “special relationship” that ideological allies Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan had.

Since then, the special relationship has had ups and downs, although there was a strong partnership between Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George W. Bush.

Following Bill Clinton’s election in 1992, there were reports he was angry with Britain’s ruling Conservatives and Prime Minister John Major for allegedly trying to help the Republicans during the presidential race.

The Clinton-Major relationship never warmed and many in Britain was felt the government’s clout in Washington diminished.  

On Friday in Washington, British Prime Minister Theresa May will become the first foreign leader to meet with U.S. President Donald Trump since the inauguration.

Brexit concerns

Brexit, or Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, is just two years away and for all the outward confidence of British officialdom, and talk of how Global Britain will be a huge success, there is alarm. A Britain standing alone will be weakened economically and its global political strength potentially much diminished outside the EU.

The British are eager for a trade deal with the United States to help improve post-Brexit economic prospects. Trump has promised to deliver, but it is not clear how quickly a trade deal can move through Congress.

The British are desperate also to ensure they are seen as America’s indispensable partner for the foreseeable future. “The United States is the only game in town for us,” a British official told VOA.

A former British intelligence official said, “The Trump team realizes it needs a good international friend.  I think you will see them turning to three countries in particular: Australia, India and most of all Britain,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Britain remains committed to NATO, seeing it as the bedrock of Western security. During the presidential campaign and since his election, Trump has questioned the military alliance’s relevance, recently dubbing it “obsolete.”

Trump is unpopular in Britain, and May’s ruling Conservative Party is wary of him, worried that a close association could tarnish them.

Trump-Farage relationship

Conservative wariness has grown because of the ties developing between the Trump team and Nigel Farage, a key figure in last year’s Brexit referendum campaign and a founding member of Britain’s United Kingdom Independence Party, which remains a threat to the Conservatives.

On Thursday night at a lavish Washington inauguration party attended by Farage and other Brexiters, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, a key Trump ally, said Farage would be an informal adviser to Trump about Britain.

“I don’t want to speak for the president, but I know that the president has a great deal of trust in Nigel Farage, and I think he is going to turn to him as an adviser and there would be none better,” Bryant said.  He added “There’s an opportunity for him to work directly with the president; we call it ‘close but unofficial.’”

Downing Street fears Farage’s influence will be stronger with Trump than May’s.

Another complexity for May, say British officials, comes with Trump’s determination to improve relations with Moscow, including a possible lifting of Western sanctions on Russia in return for nuclear arms reductions and the possibility of accepting the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea.

Change on Crimea?

Last week in Kyiv, British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said Britain will stand alongside Ukraine in its confrontation with Russia because freedom cannot be “traded.” He announced new British military training for Ukrainian forces battling Russian-backed separatists and said a Royal Navy warship will visit the country soon.

Still, a former senior British intelligence official said he could see the British government accepting Russia’s annexation of Crimea, if pushed by Trump. “We may well have to accept the annexation,” he said. “The tectonic plates have shifted.”

May told the BBC Trump has said he wants “a very strong relationship between the U.K. and the U.S.,” but, she insisted she would stand up to him when it comes to issues on which they disagree.

“It is going to be a difficult balancing act for May,” a senior British official told VOA.

Atlanta Falcons Reach Super Bowl Second Time in Team History

The National Football League’s Atlanta Falcons have reached the Super Bowl championship game for only the second time in team history.

The Falcons won the National Football Conference title Sunday by overpowering the visiting Green Bay Packers, 44-21. That earns them the right to play in Super Bowl LI (51) in two weeks in Houston against the winners of the late Sunday game for the American Conference title between the host New England Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Atlanta dominated from the start, took a 24-0 lead by half-time and was never threatened. Falcons’ quarterback Matt Ryan led the way, completely 27 of 38 passes for 392 yards and four touchdowns.

“It feels good, but we have some unfinished business,” said Ryan, adding, “We’ve got to take care of business in Houston in two weeks.”

Green Bay coach Mike McCarthy gave no excuses, saying the Falcons were outstanding. “Their good performance speaks for itself. They got away from us. It’s really a credit to the Falcons.”

In the Falcons’ only other Super Bowl appearance, they lost in 1999 (in Miami) to the Denver Broncos, winners of last year’s Super Bowl in San Francisco.

This season’s Super Bowl is set for February 5.

США перебувають «на початковому етапі» перенесення свого посольства в Ізраїлі до Єрусалима – Білий дім

США перебувають «на початковому етапі» обговорення планів з перенесення свого посольства в Ізраїлі із Тель-Авіва до Єрусалима. Про це йдеться у заяві Білого дому 22 січня у відповідь на повідомлення ізраїльських ЗМІ, що президент Дональд Трамп готовий оголосити про це.

Повідомляється, що Трамп провів телефонну розмову із прем’єр-міністром Ізраїлю Біньяміном Нетаньягу, і що ці переговори були «дуже добрими».

Нетаньягу, у свою чергу, сказав, що Трамп запросив його відвідати Вашингтон наступного місяця і що він прийняв запрошення. Він назвав розмову з американським президентом «теплою». Також Нетаньягу перед телефонним дзвінком заявляв про плани зустрітися із Трампом найближчим часом, щоб обговорити загрози з боку Ірану.

Мер Єрусалима Нір Баркат 22 січня заявив, що вітає намір адміністрації Трампа про перенесення посольства.

Трамп під час своєї виборчої кампанії обіцяв перенести посольство США до Єрусалима. Керівництво Палестини заявило, що такий крок «не допоможе мирному процесу». Палестинці вважають Східний Єрусалим столицею своєї майбутньої держави, в той час як Ізраїль усе місто називає своєю єдиною й неподільною столицею.

Раніше сьогодні ізраїльська влада в Єрусалимі схвалила будівництво 566 нових будинків єврейських поселенців у східній частині міста. Заступник мера Єрусалима Меїр Турґеман повідомив ізраїльському радіо 22 січня, що рішення було відкладено до завершення каденції 44-го президента США Барака Обами, який критикував нові ізраїльські поселення на окупованих територіях.

Former President Jimmy Carter Urges Support for Trump Administration

Former President Jimmy Carter, who lost his bid for reelection in 1980, currently holds the record for the longest post White House career of any former U.S. president. As VOA’s Kane Farabaugh reports, despite partisan rancor that defined much of the 2016 presidential election, the former president is taking a conciliatory approach to the new Trump administration, seeking a positive relationship with the new occupants of the White House.

Протягом лютого ГПУ завершить допити і експертизи у справі про держзраду Януковича – Луценко

Генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко повідомив, що протягом лютого цього року ГПУ має намір провести остаточні необхідні допити та експертизи, після чого справу про державну зраду екс-президента України Віктора Януковича буде передано до суду, про це він сказав в інтерв’ю телеканалу «1+1».

«Ми плануємо не зволікати зі строками досудового слідства, протягом лютого проведемо остаточні необхідні допити і експертизи. Після цього справу буде передано на розгляд суду, і впевнений, що саме український суд поставить крапку в цьому питанні… Я сподіваюся на сумлінність адвокатів. У лютому ми закінчуємо слідство, коротке ознайомлення і початок судового процесу. При цьому ми все робитимемо не для того, щоб було швидше, а для того щоб було якісно», – сказав Луценко.

У ГПУ вже допитали 32 свідка, які «дають вичерпну картину про те, як Янукович здійснював державну зраду», додав Луценко.

«Також ми допитали двох депутатів Держдуми Росії. Вони свідчать про те, що механізм введення військ Росії на територію України був запущений Кремлем ще в грудні, коли Майдан ще стояв в центрі Києва. Під час візиту Суркова в грудні вже говорилося про ймовірне військове вторгнення», – розповів Луценко.

20 січня Печерський районний суд Києва надав дозвіл на заочне досудове розслідування щодо колишнього президента України Віктора Януковича, якого підозрюють у державній зраді.

Наприкінці листопада 2016 року Янукович як свідок давав свідчення у форматі відео-зв’язку у справі щодо 5 бійців розформованого спецпідрозділу «Беркут». Тоді генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко оголосив текст підозри.

Згодом у ГПУ уточнили, що Віктор Янукович є офіційно підозрюваним у державній зраді від 28 листопада минулого року. Натомість захист Януковича заявляє, що 28 листопада підозра була оголошена з порушенням законодавства.

Віктор Янукович є фігурантом кількох кримінальних справ в Україні, зокрема, щодо перевищення ним повноважень від листопада 2013-го до лютого 2014 року, щодо масових убивств активістів Майдану, а також за фактом захоплення ним державної влади 2010 року. Жодне з цих проваджень не розглядається у судах по суті.

Янукович утік із України в лютому 2014 року після масових розстрілів учасників протестів на майдані Незалежності в Києві. Відтоді він переховується на території Росії.

Самопроголошений голова Криму Аксьонов увійшов до керівного складу партії «Єдина Росія»

Самопроголошений голова анексованого Росією Криму Сергій Аксьонов увійшов до складу вищої ради партії «Єдина Росія». Таке рішення було ухвалене на з’їзді партії 22 січня, про що йдеться на сторінці політсили у Facebook.

Повідомляється, що після того, як переобраний на посаду голови вищої ради «Єдиної Росії» Борис Гризлов зачитав повний список пропонованих для обрання в раду членів, делегати одноголосно проголосували за нього.

Раніше в неділю прем’єр-міністра Росії Дмитра Медведєва переобрали на посаду голови правлячої в Росії партії «Єдина Росія».

Верховна Рада України офіційно оголосила 20 лютого 2014 року початком тимчасової окупації Криму і Севастополя Росією. 7 жовтня 2015 року президент України Петро Порошенко підписав відповідний закон. Міжнародні організації визнали окупацію і анексію Криму незаконними і засудили дії Росії. Країни Заходу запровадили низку економічних санкцій. Росія заперечує окупацію півострова і називає це «відновленням історичної справедливості».


Southern US Braces for More Tornadoes as Death Toll Reaches 16

Severe weather has killed least 16 people in the southern United States, and forecasters warn of more deadly storms to come.

The National Weather Service said Sunday that southern Georgia, northern Florida and the corner of southeastern Alabama could face forceful tornadoes, damaging winds and large hail. Long track tornadoes, which plow on for kilometers, also are a real risk.

Twelve people were killed and more than 20 injured as violent storms and tornadoes rolled through parts of Georgia over the weekend. Another four people were killed in Mississippi by a tornado on Saturday.

Governor Nathan Deal of Georgia declared a state of emergency in seven counties that suffered deaths, injuries and severe damage from the storms. Deal said that state agencies are “making all resources available” to affected counties, and that “our thoughts and prayers are with Georgians suffering from the storm’s impact.”

President Donald Trump spoke with Governor Deal Sunday to express his condolences about those killed by the powerful tornadoes that ripped through the state.


Trump described the tornadoes as vicious and powerful. He made remarks in the East Room of the White House during his second full day in office, adding that he would talk later to Governor Rick Scott of Florida.

Foreign Minister: Germany Must Prepare for Turbulent Times Under Trump

Germany must brace itself for turbulent times under U.S. President Donald Trump, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Sunday, adding that free trade and trans-Atlantic cooperation to fight extremism and terrorism were key for Berlin.

Steinmeier, who in August said Trump was a “Hassprediger” or “hate preacher”, wrote in the mass-circulation Bild newspaper that some members of the new U.S. administration understand the importance of allies like Germany.

“I know, we must prepare ourselves for turbulent times, unpredictability and uncertainty,” Steinmeier said. “But I am convinced that we will find in Washington attentive listeners, who know that even big countries need partners in this world.”

Trump unsettled German leaders with remarks such as that Britain will not be the last country to leave the European Union and with threats to impose high tariffs on imports from China and Mexico.

Their response after he took office on Friday has been mixed.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, who attended the opening of a museum outside Berlin as Trump was being sworn in on Friday, has said she would seek compromises with Trump on issues like trade and military spending and that she would work on preserving the important relationship between Europe and the United States.

Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said on Friday Germany should prepare for a rough ride under the new U.S. president and that Europe would have to craft a new economic policy geared toward China should Trump pursue protectionism.

Turkish President Targets Cleric’s Schools on Africa Visit

Turkey has courted Africa for more than a decade, boosting trade, opening more than two dozen new embassies and Turkish Airlines routes and dispatching aid to conflict-torn Somalia. More recently, the Turkish government lobbied African nations to close or take over local schools linked to Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused by Turkey of masterminding a failed coup attempt last year.


So while Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan travels with a big business delegation to Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar this week, he is also focusing on what he calls a security threat. Turkey accuses international schools inspired by Gulen of providing militant recruits for his movement, which in turn says an increasingly authoritarian government is casting as wide a net as possible for perceived opponents.


“It is only expected that they are trying to fight the battle in Africa with the Gulenists,” said Ahmet Kasim Han, an associate professor of international relations at Kadir Has University in Istanbul.


“There is also the understanding that the existing Gulenist networks in the West are harder to take on because of Turkey’s capability limitations in the West, especially when it comes to influence and imagery problems,” Han said.


Turkey, a NATO member repairing frayed ties with Russia, has a sometimes testy relationship with old allies in the West over Turkey’s human rights record and other matters. The overtures to Africa are partly an effort to build Turkey’s international profile as a partner and counter to global powers on a continent with a bitter history of Western colonialism and Cold War-era conflict.


Turkey’s involvement in Africa feeds into the Turkish ruling party’s “self-perception as the protector of Muslims and Muslim minorities around the world,” said Sener Akturk, associate professor in the international relations department at Koc University in Istanbul.


And winning African support dovetails with Erdogan’s argument that the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council – the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia – “do not represent and do not serve the world” and the U.N. should be reformed, Akturk said.


Shortly before leaving for Tanzania on Sunday, Erdogan said he planned to talk to African leaders about the “intense activities” of the Gulen movement on the continent.


“Sensitivities toward this organization and its intentions are increasing within friendly African countries,” said Erdogan, who ends his trip on Wednesday. “There is no longer the possibility for these bands of murderers to hide, claiming dialogue, service, education and trade.”

On Jan. 9, Erdogan said Gulen’s organization previously had schools in 115 countries, and that Gambia was among six nations that had shut them. Schools in the African countries of Guinea, Somalia, Chad, Senegal, Mauritania, Niger and Gabon have been transferred to Turkish government control, he said.


The schools follow national curricula, serve children through high school and are popular with local elites because of good academic results. They deny any link to the botched military uprising in Turkey in July that led to a purge of alleged loyalists of Gulen, a U.S.-based critic of Erdogan who had expanded his international influence with a message of interfaith harmony.


The schools once had the approval of Erdogan’s government, whose former alliance with Gulen partly derived from joint opposition to the hard-line secular circles that had ruled Turkey. The partnership evolved into an increasingly acrimonious rivalry several years ago.


In Ethiopia, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said this month that schools linked to Gulen will be transferred to Turkish government control. He said he discussed the matter with Erdogan during a visit by the Turkish president.


“I told him that if there is something wrong with the establishment of the schools, then he should give us a way out how to keep the schools running,” the prime minister said. “They agreed on this and they have set up a foundation.”


In Tanzania, 11 schools in the Feza system inspired by Gulen have a total of 3,000 students, just over half of them Muslim.


Turkish diplomats have tried to “convince government officials to give these schools as a gift to Erdogan during his visit,” Feza director Ibrahim Yunus said in an email to The Associated Press. He dismissed the allegation that the schools are a security threat.


Some parents asked the Feza system to start a university, and the Tanzanian government allocated land 60 kilometers (37 miles) north of Dar es Salaam for the institution, according to Yunus.


Turkey’s crackdown on suspected supporters of Gulen has undermined the plan.


“Unfortunately, because of the purge on businesspeople in Turkey, we are having difficulty in finding donors for that project,” Yunus said.

Russia PM Calls Idea US Will Lift Sanctions Soon ‘Illusion’

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev says the west’s sanctions on Russia are likely to remain in place “for a long time” despite expectations Donald Trump’s inauguration as U.S. president will lead to warmer relations between Washington and Moscow.


Medvedev told members of the ruling United Russia party on Sunday that Russian leaders “can’t place our hope on foreign elections” and “It’s time to dispense with the illusion that sanctions against our country will be lifted.”


Trump’s pledge to bring a fresh eye to Russia has produced some excitement in Russia. But senior Russian officials are warning that differences between Moscow and Washington will not disappear overnight.


The U.S. and European Union imposed sanctions on Russia in 2014 over Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and support for rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Trump, Pence Attend National Prayer Service Stressing Reconciliation

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence began their first full day in charge of the U.S. government by attending an interfaith prayer service at Washington National Cathedral on Saturday, where the clergy spoke of compassion and diversity.

The service began with calls to prayer by the cathedral’s canon, the Reverend Rosemarie Duncan; a Jewish cantor, Mikhail Manevich; and Muslim Imam Mohamed Magid.

The cathedral’s dean, the Very Reverend Marshall Hollerith, then read from the Book of Common Prayer: “Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love.”

Leaders of about two dozen religious faiths took part in the service, a U.S. tradition dating back to the country’s first president, George Washington. Trump and Pence were joined by their families, as well.

Washington National Cathedral, a spacious Episcopal house of worship, is a landmark in the capital, standing on one of the highest points in the city, and has hosted prayer services at the beginning of new administrations since before World War II.

“It was a fantastic gathering of all the religions that are part of our lives in America, with beautiful music and beautiful prayers,” Alistair Jessiman told VOA as he left the service afterward.

Jessiman said he attended the service as a patriotic gesture and to support the new president, whom he said he had never seen in person before.

Political campaign

Given the harsh exchanges that marked so much of the U.S. political campaign, about “building a wall [on the Mexican border] … banning Muslims from entering the United States” and other controversial issues, Jessiman said he felt everyone could benefit from some spiritual reflection.

“People getting together [and] spending time thinking about other things than what’s personal for them makes a big difference and will help as the country moves on,” he said.

Starr Karavellas, whose husband is an orthodox priest, said they came to the service to honor the new president, whom she and her husband “love.” She added that all Americans should give Trump and his team “a chance” to show what their programs can accomplish.

Michael Raphael was proud to be part of the service because his company worked on the extensive and difficult campaign to repair $34 million in damage the cathedral suffered after an earthquake in 2011.

The iconic Washington church is the sixth-largest cathedral in the world and the second-largest in the United States. It took 83 years to build, from 1907 to 1990.

As a small-business owner, Raphael said he’s neutral when it comes to politics but was pleased to see so many religious faiths represented during Saturday’s prayers. Trump “needs to hear that,” he said.

While he wishes the president the best of luck in his new job, Raphael added, “It’s very unlikely that anything will affect the way that Mr. Trump views the world in terms of religion. Although it would be interesting to see if he does take away anything from today, with a comment of some sort.”

Hayley Ringenberg, another member of the congregation, told VOA that just being together with leaders of so many different faiths emphasized to her the need to “stop the arguing and fighting. … Simply love each other.”

Joel Pollak said many of the congregants in the cathedral had tears in their eyes during the moving service. He said the hymns and scriptural readings were very appropriate, in particular a selection from the Bible (1 Kings 3:5-12) where Solomon asks God not for riches and long life, but for wisdom.

“I felt in many ways this was the heart of the inauguration,” Pollak said. “It was the nation coming together in humility, praying together and asking God for help.”

Political divisions

Political divisions among Americans are part of life, and perhaps they will be felt more intensely in the coming months, Pollak added, “but hopefully those who were present [at the cathedral] and those who watched throughout the country will remember how joyful it was to be together, because it’s moments like these that will guide us through the difficult times.”

Mythili Bachu, chairperson of the Council of Hindu Temples of North America, told VOA “it’s very important to us” that Hindus were represented at a national prayer breakfast for the first time.

“This was a representation of the United States, and showed that everyone felt they belong to the same country, regardless of their religious beliefs,” Bachu said.

Neither Trump nor Pence spoke during the ceremony, but images beamed from the cathedral suggest they enjoyed taking part.

Ironically, at the same time the cathedral service got underway, hundreds of thousands of Trump’s opponents were gathering near the U.S. Capitol for a huge protest demonstration denouncing the new administration’s policies.

A Look Back at Washington Marches

A look at more than 50 years of marches in Washington, by the numbers:

1995 — Organized and hosted by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, an estimated 850,000 to 1 million* African-American men came together for the Million Man March to rally for unity and revitalization of African-American communities.

2000 — More than 750,000 people gathered on the mall for the Million Mom March, which sought tighter gun control.

2013 — About 650,000 people participated in the March for Life, a rally protesting abortion.

1997 — More than 650,000 people filled the mall for the Promise Keepers march for evangelical Christian men.

2004 — An estimated 500,000 to 800,000 people attended the March for Women’s Lives, which supported women’s rights and reproductive rights.

2004 — An estimated 500,000 to 800,000 people marched on the National Mall rallying for women’s reproductive rights.

1969 — More than 500,000 people marched on Washington to protest U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

1993 — About 300,000 people turned out for the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation.

1981 — About 260,000 people gathered for the Solidarity March, which was held in response to then-President Ronald Reagan’s firing of 12,000 air traffic controllers who had gone on strike.

1963 — Between 200,000 and 300,000 people gathered in Washington to rally in support of civil and economic rights for African-Americans and other disenfranchised groups. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his now-legendary “I Have a Dream” speech.

*Crowd sizes for protests on the National Mall used to be estimated by the National Park Service. But after estimates for the Million Man March proved controversial, the service stopped offering attendance figures.
